December 21, 2014 Something Beautiful – 885 (all ) – Ray Brunner Scripture Reading: James 4:7-10 Welcome & Announcements - David Wood Beautiful - 66 (1, 3) Have Thine Own Way, Lord – 197 (1 & 4) Prayer: Barry Kughn At Calvary – 53 (1 & 4) Communion/Contribution: Ed Prada (Children to Little Worship) Because He Lives – 68 (1, 3) “What Shepherds Can Teach Us” – Steve Cordle Come To Jesus - 103 (1, 3) Memory Verse: Psalms 13:6 My Hope is Built On Nothing Less - 438 (1) Closing Prayer: Gary Rasbury __________ _________________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________________ _______ 1:00 PM SERVICE Singing: Ray Brunner Prayer: Jay Meadows “Inaugural Sermons: Prospering God’s Way”: Steve Cordle Lord’s Supper: Ed Prada Closing Prayer: David Wood PRAYER LIST Priscilla Clark – Cancer. Friend of Barbara Milton. Wife of Steve Clark, Ensley minister. Kim Higginbotham – Jimmie Rasbury’s daughter. Blood clots & complications. Olen Moore – Fell and fractured his neck. Denese Pound’s father. John Sehon – Neurosurgery on December 22. Helene Sutliff – Moved to Columbia Cottage, 3776 Crosshaven Dr, Room 19, Birmingham, AL 35226 near the Summit. Ron Williams – Breathing issues-on IV antibiotics at home. Lottie Wilson – Home. Pelvis cracked in three places. Members Jean Alexander Mildred & Sandi Boshell Pauline Burnette Nell Cameron Nell & Terry Canady Fannie N Fuentes Foy Guin Robert Hancock, Rm.5A5123 Marcilene Holt Anthony Johnson Wesley Irvin Kathi Klein Bill & Barry Kughn Barbara Milton Mable Long Kathy Parrish Carolyn Reeser Kevin Reeves Imogene Roberts John Sehon Helene Sutliff Eddie Wiggins Ron Williams Tommie & Lottie Wilson Jean Yerby Family & Katherine Barnard Elaine Blair Gary Bouldin Don Brunner Sarah M Calcatera Terry Claunch Freda Cleland Dana Cooper Bryan Crow Gregory Dean Blake Duncan Flossie Duncan Jane Ford Marian George Jan Hall Ginger Harris Della Hobey Jackie Hunt Johnny Laney Josh Lasseter Nicki McIntyre Lester McNatt Houston Meadows HAPPY BIRTHDAY Thu., 25 – Carolyn Williamson Sun., 28 – Jay Meadows Friends Friends Annette Mills Donald Minor Kent Murphy Olen Moore Cathy Mullican Eva Nell Naramore Rebecca Nelms Tyler Pounds Catherine Rich Richard Schaffer Gail Sutliff Geneva Setliff Billy Shikle D. Smith Jackie Stagner Donny Taylor Dianne Wells Mary F. White Jimmy Willmon Jay Wright Offering 12/14/14 Donation 3,872 Budget -- 6,046 Average -- 6,076 HAPPY ANIVERSARY Dec. 18 – Raymond & Dale Hawkins Attendance 12/14/14 AM Worship - 120 PM Worship – No Service LUNCH There will be NO lunch served here on today, December 21 and next Sunday, December 28. The next lunch will be on January 4, 2015. WEDNESDAY NIGHT There will be no Wednesday night service on December 24, Christmas Eve, and December 31, New Year’s Eve. The next Wednesday night service is January 7, 2015. GUEST MINISTER Steven Cordle is here today with his wife, Debbie and their young adopted daughter, Amelia, who is of African and Middle Eastern descent. Steven has 18 years of full time preaching experience, mainly in Florida, Colorado and in Ontario, Canada. Steven has also served at churches in Indiana, Oklahoma and California. After getting a degree in criminal justice, he went back to school after he was converted. This time he went to school to learn to be a minister. Steven has two books that have been published, plus three other books that have not yet been published. He has also had articles printed in seven different publications. CONTRIBUTIONS FOR KIM H. If you would like to help on the needs of Jimmie Rasbury’s daughter, Kim Higginbotham, you can put items in the big box at the back of the auditorium or you can make a check to Palisades and designate it for Kim H. SYMPATHY Sympathy is expressed to Matthew Glasscock whose brother was killed in a Saturday, December 13 vehicle accident. SERMON NOTES Lessons Learned From the Shepherds Luke 2:7-20 I. The Shepherds Teach Us that Everyone Is Important to God II. God Has Great News For All Who Believe III. How You Respond To God Is Important IV. What You Do With This good News Is Very Important SERMON NOTES INAUGURAL SERMONS: PROSPERING GOD’S WAY Psalms 127 I. We Prosper When We Listen To God. II. We Prosper When We Draw Near To God III. We Prosper When We Make Our Faith and Our Walk In Christ Real FAITH – WHAT REALLY MATTERS By Steven Cordle – July 3, 2009 Like many people I was inundated last week with all the celebrity deaths that suddenly occurred. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson, all died during the week, then on Sunday we learned of the passing of TV pitchman Billie Mays. When a well-known person dies we hear all about his or her accomplishment in life, their hit records, movies, the money and other possessions they accumulated. After death, we also hear about the abusive and bizarre behavior as well as generous acts that celebrities performed in life, as well as how good or bad a business man and money manager they were. Now let’s consider the bottom line of all the accomplishments of people like Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett or Michael Jackson: none of them matter. The opinions of friends, colleagues, fans and reporters don’t matter, how they died their position in life and catchy nicknames, none of these matter. All that matters now is where they stand with God. Many times in this life we get hung up on matters such as celebrity status, exalted titles, making as much money as we can and acquiring as many material possessions as we can. The fact is, God will not be impressed with our money, clothes, houses, cars or anything like that. All God is concerned about is whether or not we have obeyed His Son. Jesus said, “If you do not believe that I am He (the Messiah or Savior), you shall die in your sins”. There are a lot of people who claim Christianity as their religion, but how many really have obeyed Christ? When we close our eyes in death it is too late to obey Christ. The time to do it is now. I don’t know what Frank Sinatra’s standing with God is and even if I did, it’s too late to do anything about it now. But, for those reading this essay, it’s not too late. What is your status with God? If there is any question, say something so we can help you settle the most important question you will ever have to answer. We recently entered the summer season, a time when we observe life in nature by looking at plants and trees in full bloom, plus animal life around us. What better way to make the arrival of a season and time of the year that commemorates life than to be born again and raised to a new life and beginning with God? Or, if you have at one time obeyed the gospel and have not been faithful this is a great time to renew our relationship with God. Will you do that? DOERS VERSUS HEARERS William B. Kughn Jesus climaxes the sermon on the mount, showing how many paid their allegiance to Him with a degree of honor, saying, “Lord, Lord.” Jesus was well aware of their deceptive and dishonest actions confessing him to be their Lord but failing to obey Him. He dealt with their pretentious actions with a direct and pertinent question, "Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46) The supreme importance of salvation requires doing the Lord’s will as set forth in the impressive parable of the two builders. The Wise Builder: "Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock" (Mat.7:24). He erects his house in a valley containing the bed of a watercourse. During the dry season this bed is dry or nearly so, with the result that there is no harm to either house. However, everything depended on the foundation! Therefore, the wise builder removed the gravel and dug deeply to the foundation rock, upon which he built his house. So far so good, but the day of testing arrived: The terrific storm is ushered in by the sudden winds, the dry bed begins to fill with water, becoming a torrent, deep swift and furious flood, threatening the very supports of the wall. While the Gale pommels and beats against the house, “it fell not” (Mat. 7:25). According to the teachings of Jesus the wise man listened, put the Lord’s words into practice, and delivered from the destructive force of the storm. By the grace of God the wise man did this. The Foolish Builder: "And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand”: (Mat. 7:26) The foolish builder builds his house upon the sand, thinking any kind of a foundation is entirely unnecessary. He seems to think that bright and sunny days will never cease. This represents the man who is urged to follow his own sinful will. He is sure to hear Christ's words, but does not place his trust in them. Therefore, he completely fails to obey the Savior's commands. The day of testing arrived. The fierce deluge undermined its walls, carrying away the very sand on which it was erected. The ruin of this house was complete. In reality, it describes the eternal destruction of the man who hears the words of Christ, refuses to obey them, rejecting the grace of God. God bless! • • • Thanks for Visiting Us Today! Gracias Por Visitarnos Hoy! Please fill out a red card so we will have a record of your visit. Paper copies of the songs are available on the info table for those who have difficulty reading the screen. Please pick up a gift at the visitors’ table after the service. Coming Up ……… NO lunch today 1:00 PM Worship service Tuesday Ladies Class – January 6, 2014 NO English Classes Schedule Sunday Worship 10:30 AM 1:00 PM Bible Studies Sunday School 9:30 AM Wednesday 7:00 PM Elders David Copeland Jay Meadows David Wood [email protected] Deacons Raymond Hawkins Alton Long Don Lovell Ed Prada Gary Rasbury Ron Williams MINISTRIES Interim Minister – Gary Bradley Jr.: [email protected] Associate Minister – Ray Brunner: [email protected] Hispanic - Elsa Prada: [email protected] The mission of the Palisades Church of Christ is to EVANGELIZE the lost, to exalt Christ through WORSHIP and MINISTRY, and to equip saints through DISCIPLESHIP and FELLOWSHIP
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