T RINITY L UTHERAN C HURCH F INDLAY , OH 935 W B IGELOW A VE T RINITY T IDINGS WWW . TRINITYFINDLAY . ORG J ANUARY 2015 C ANCELLATION I NFORMATION In case of bad winter weather, check here on our web page and our Facebook page for cancellation information as well as WFIN. Our cancellation policy is as follows: Level Three Snow Emergency -All church activities at Trinity are canceled, office closed Level Two Snow Emergency - All church activities at Trinity are canceled, office may close Level One Snow Emergency - Check CCB text message/email, web page and Facebook. High probability of cancellation. (please be aware of changes with closings and cancellations as conditions change) A LTAR F LOWERS & C ITY M ISSION Altar Flower and City Mission sign-ups for 2015 The sign-up for altar flowers and to donate to the Findlay City Mission are up on the bulletin board beside the finance office. H OLIDAY O FFICE H OURS With the holiday season, the church offices will be closed December 27th & 29th and closing at 12:00pm on December 31st. If you have an emergency, please contact Pastor Tom on his cell phone – 567.208.6342. I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : A NNOUNCEMENTS 1-6 C HURCH C OUNCIL F INANCIAL 6-7 C ONGREGATIONAL 8-14 M EETING AND BUDGET PT’ S H EADLINES 15-17 Youth events 18 W ORSHIP ASSISTANTS 19 January calendar 20 January Birthdays & Anniversaries 21 J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 2 4 TH S UNDAY B REAKFAST The next breakfast will be on February 22nd from 8:50am to 10:00am in the Trinity Community Life Center. Please come enjoy a great breakfast at no cost to you. Reservations are not required. Everyone is invited!!!! 2015 G IVING E NVELOPES Giving envelopes for 2015 are now available for pick-up. If you previously had an envelope with a number above 225 you will notice that your number has changed. If you give your offering electronically through the Simply Giving program you will not have an envelope packet, you have been assigned a new four digit number. You may direct any questions to Elaine Walter, Financial Secretary at [email protected] or 419-423-6876. R ECYCLING D EPOT The next Recycling Depot will be on January 31st from 9:00am to 12:00pm in the lower parking lot. TLC P RESCHOOL T HANK Y OU We send out a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who attended and helped with our Breakfast with Santa on December 6th. Many hands were needed in preparation for this very successful event. Nicole Gosche, Ann Miller, Kyra Oaks, Denise Whiteleather, the Berean Sunday School class, the TLC Preschool teachers and our great Santa created the holiday mood. Food donations were such a blessing also. Over 80 people with 35 excited children enjoyed this morning. The free will offering will be used to purchase gifts for children at Hope House. Thank you for supporting our TLC Preschool & Childcare Ministry Team. J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 3 T RINITY W OMEN OF THE ELCA H OPE C IRCLE T UESDAY , J ANUARY 20 TH 9:15 AM—L IBRARY P RAYER & D EVOTION : S HIRLEY M C K INNISS B IBLE S TUDY : J UDY B ELL A UGSBURG C IRCLE W EDNESDAY , J ANUARY 21 ST 9:15 AM—L IBRARY P RAYER & D EVOTION : N ANCY O SBORN B IBLE S TUDY : B ETTY B ROWN Thank you to everyone for the generous offering of $815 from the ThankOffering Services. The offering will be sent, in total, to the churchwide women of the ELCA. S IBERIAN S OLSTICE “T HANK Y OU ” Greetings, The “Siberian Solstice” band would like to thank your church for its support of our recent concert performance. We appreciated the opportunity to present our show in telling the story of “The Angel’s Gift”. We hope our message of Christmas joy was celebrated by all and will continue to live into the coming year. Thank-you again! Dave Coonrod Thank you From the Lyberg’s Thank you very much for your cards and kind gifts this past Christmas. It continues to be a joy to serve our Lord with you and know of your support and love. May God bless us all in the coming New Year as we continue to follow Jesus on the journey of faith. Pastor Tom & Carla J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 4 they J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 5 , results, etc. J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 6 T HANK Y OUS Thank You to all of the Choirs and Bands that have performed for Trinity Lutheran Church this past year. We are very blessed to have those talents here at Trinity and we are so very happy that you share those many talents with your Trinity Family. Gayann Homsher, Music Director To everyone at Trinity for helping with the Youth Shop-N-Wrap. We adopted one family this year. They had a great Christmas because of your help, either through giving at the Siberian Solstice dinner, the special offering in December, purchasing handmade candy or helping out the day the youth did their shopping. THANK YOU!!!!! C OUNCIL C ORNER Happy New Year! As the hectic Advent and Christmas season draws to a close, many of us naturally turn our attention to our goals for 2015. The same is true at Trinity. You have heard Pastor Tom and outgoing council president Dan Graves mention many times the importance of reflecting on your stewardship commitment to the church, both financially and with your gifts of time and talent. These things are unquestionably important. Another way we are challenged to foster Trinity's growth is through the continued involvement of our congregation's youth. In 2014, we were pleased to welcome Phil Dickey as our new Family Life and Youth Coordinator and if you have spoken with him over the past several weeks, you know he has some great ideas and plans to engage and involve our young people. What he needs from us is support. Just as a gardener doesn't simply plant seeds and sit idly by waiting for them to grow on their own, we all have a role to play in cultivating the next generation of future leaders in the church. For parents, this means encouraging (even occasionally cajoling) your sons and daughters to participate in these events and activities, making sure they have transportation, volunteering to assist when needed, and so on. For the rest of us, it means supporting fundraisers, attending events organized by and involving the youth, and interacting with them each and every week. They are a valued part of our church family, and we all play a part in recognizing their importance to Trinity's present and future. The congregation has repeatedly said, loud and clear, that having a staff member dedicated to the development of our youth is important -- and you have committed to providing the financial means that make it possible. Now, we are all challenged to ensure that investment doesn't go to waste by 'stepping up to the plate' once again. As the Bible tells us, we will reap what we sow. Together let's resolve to do all we can to support and encourage Phil and our youth so that they may fully realize all that God has planned for them and for Trinity. J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 7 N OVEMBER C HURCH C OUNCIL M INUTES S UMMARY Trinity Lutheran Church Council Meeting November 20, 2014 Meeting Summary New Council Member Search: Discussion was held regarding new Council members for 2015. Trinity 125 and Beyond: Trinity started on November 9, 1890. Council was presented with plans for the Trinity 125 Celebration year (2015). A 125 Celebration Team has been organized consisting of Denise Whiteleather, Janelle Busdeker, Judy Bell, Angela Crist, Dave Crosser, Becky Noack and Ann Miller. An amount has been added to the proposed 2015 Church Budget for the anniversary activities. Based on Matthew 28:16-20, the goals of the anniversary celebration are to celebrate our 125 year legacy of ministry at Trinity Lutheran Church by all, to expand our outreach ministries across all ministry teams, to engage both members and nonmembers in ministry activities and events, to create the foundation for expanded outreach ministries for the next 125 years, and to collaborate with other teams and the congregation for a large activity or event. A Legacy Team will be established to research the history of Trinity. Council was presented with information regarding available financial resources from Thrivent Financial. 2015 Proposed Budget Approval: Discussion was held. A motion was made to accept the proposed 2015 Budget to present to the Congregation. The motion was seconded. Motion passed. Congregational Meeting Date: A motion was made to hold the Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, December 14, 2014, instead of the date stipulated in the Church Constitution. The motion was seconded. Motion passed. The meeting is scheduled for 9:15 am between services. Evangelism Team/New Sign: The Evangelism Team is going to organize fund raising for a new exterior Church sign. Pastor’s Report: The installation of a donated large screen TV in the Church lobby will probably be completed by year end. Staff evaluations with the HR Team were being completed. A new gold processional cross for use in the Worship Center was donated by the Gallant family in memory of Louise, and will match the large candelabras given in memory of her husband. TLC Preschool and Daycare: The year-to-date surplus is $20,309.60. FLYC (Family Life and Youth): Council was asked for support in obtaining commitment from youth parents and the congregation with help for the youth activities. TLC Financial Position January—November 2014 Budget $447,230 2014 Actual Giving $419,572 Actual Expenses $435,735 J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 8 C ONGREGATION M EETING A DOPTED BUDGET & 2015 E LECTED C OUNCIL MEMBERS TLC 2015 Budget Explanation (changes from last handout are in italics) Church Council met on Dec 11 and amended the budget. Two items were changed. The section regarding medical costs was removed from the budget. Although at some time cost sharing may be warranted, after discussions with the Synod and realizing that this may be contradictory to letters of call, this was removed. The other change was a reduction in the Stewardship budget, which is noted below. Note that the revenue is based on an increase of 3.48% over a 2014 year end estimate. The estimate in the attached is based on nine months of actual plus a forecasted three months. We now have actual for eleven months. Using this, revenue looks to be $4,000 higher than the estimate shown in the attached, which would put the needed increase to be only 2.5%. _____________________________________________________________________________ Below is an explanation of note-worthy line items that will hopefully answer most budget questions: The far-right column compares the 2015 budget to the 2014 budget. Sometimes this is a good comparison; sometimes it makes more sense to compare the 2015 budget to the 2014 Total Estimate. Total C&B - Non-Designated: This is as noted - non-designated. Revenue for flowers, City Mission, etc is in the C&B Designated Expense line. There is another revenue source on the last page, which is Building Fund Receipts. Trinity needs to have a 3.48% increase over the 2014 estimated giving to have a balanced budget. Buildings & Grounds: 2014 was an extraordinary year for this category. We had numerous unanticipated repairs (plumbing, flooding in the elevator shaft, for examples), so we don't anticipate as high of costs compared to 2014. Some of these categories therefore are less than the 2014 year end estimate, but more than the 2014 budget to stay conservative. Another item to note is 5108 Custodial Services. In 2014 we dropped a custodian from our staff and switched to a custodial service. So for the most part the increase in this line item is offset by a decrease in 5602 Support Staff on the second page. 5405 Office Equipment Maint.: This expense decreased significantly. Kyra negotiated a significant decrease in the copier lease and a savings of $30,000 over the next five years. Family Life & Youth: With Phil on-board, we anticipate an increase in spending (and more fun activities) in these categories. Note that the increase compared to the 2014 budget is not substantial. We had hoped to do similar activities in 2014 but didn't do as much as we had hoped. A line item that didn't have a spend in 2014 is 5358 Youth Gathering. Our youth will be attending the ELCA youth convention this summer in Detroit. Payroll Expenses: The staff's salaries were increased per Synod guidelines. The exception is that the FLYC Coordinator did not get an increase since he was only employed for four months. Comparing his 2015 budget line item to 2014 is deceptive, because $30,000 was budgeted but he was hired in at $32,000. A significant change under Payroll Expenses is with the medical plan. With the sky-rocketing medical costs, those that have medical insurance will now have to pay 10% of the plan (line item 5600-6.12 for Pastor). Another option to save on medical insurance is to drop to a lower plan, but deductibles in those plans are very high. This was a recommendation by the Finance and HR Teams and adopted by council to maintain the higher medical plan. Note though that this essentially acts as a pay reduction to Pastor, Phil (line 5601) and Nicole (Childcare director on page 3, line item 5813). Discussions are still occurring with Council and the Synod, so this is subject to change. J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 9 C ONGREGATION M EETING A DOPTED BUDGET ( CONTINUES ) & 2015 E LECTED C OUNCIL MEMBERS Total Stewardship: Stewardship Drive (line 5505) was reduced from the last revision due to no celebratory lunch planned. Total 125th Anniversary Events: This is a new line item (towards the top of page 2) to cover outreach events and a celebratory lunch to celebrate Trinity's 125th anniversary. Building Fund Payments: Last year the interest rate for the building loan decreased, but we continued to pay the same payments so that we'd reduce the principal and pay the loan offer earlier. Although we feel it is a good idea to continue this practice, we do not feel that this extra payment needs to be part of the budget since it is not a necessary expense. Thus the reduction when compared to last year. Having said that, we feel that the extra payments is a good financial strategy and have directed the Finance Committee that as to continue paying as long as we have ample funds in Trinity's accounts. Total Operating surplus/(deficit): With the 3.48% increase in giving, this line item shows that the budget is essentially balanced. Here's a few items to point out under TLC Preschool & Childcare. Income: 2014 is an outstanding year for the Childcare. Thanks to the hard work of a task force and Nicole and others, it showed a surplus of $20,000. We anticipate 2015 to be a strong year, but not quite as strong as 2014. 5800 TLC Childcare Payroll: Just to reiterate what was mentioned above, the salary increase followed synod guidelines. TLC Childcare Reserve/Capital Fund: It was determined that the best use of the Childcare's surplus was to a) have a reserve fund of $10,000 to be used for months when revenue doesn't meet expenses. The remainder will go to a Capital Fund. This will be used for items like playground equipment, a new van, etc. If in the future the Childcare continues to be blessed with surplus, we will figure out the proper maximum amount for the Capital Fund and perhaps develop methods for giving some back to the church or to a worthy cause. J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 10 J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 11 J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 12 J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 13 Thanks to all who attended our congregational and who participated in the discussions and the voting. The results were as follows: The 2015 budget as presented was approved by majority vote. Ivy Nehls was nominated from the floor and accepted to run for Council, giving us seven nominees, six to be eligible for a first term and Chris Oaks eligible to serve a second term. The voting was quite close and resulted in several recounts for accuracy. The results were as follows: Elected To Council Ivy Nehls Darla Johannsen Joyce Fruth Andrea Broerman Matt Kochheiser Jeff Jenson Chris Oaks was not re-elected for a second term. We thank Chris for his service and leadership on Council these past two years. The new council will meet in January for office and ministry assignments for 2015. Andrea Broerman I am married to Jason Broerman and have three children, Lindsey (17), Drew (14) and Luke (11). I have been a member of Trinity for 11 years. I have been involved with the Sunday School rotation, past praise band vocal, Vision Team member, Evangelism Team member, usher and VBS song leader. I enjoy attending my children’s activities such as sporting events, and choir concerts. I really enjoy watching sporting events with family and friends. My favorites are all Cleveland sports and Ohio State! My greatest joys are my husband and children. I grew up in Holmes County, graduated from West Holmes High School, and then graduated from BGSU with a Computer Science Degree. I am an IT Supervisor at Marathon. I have many favorite Bible verses that have been dear to me over the years. Proverbs 3:5-6 is one! “5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. I am looking forward to serving my Trinity family and assisting with the work that God has in store for us! Joyce (Robinette) Fruth I am married to George Fruth and have two children Tiffany and Eric. I was not baptized at Trinity, but I attended the pre-school Sunday School and have been at Trinity ever since. I have helped in the Children’s Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, lead the Berean Sunday School adult class and belong to the Special Blend choir group. I love to golf and paint with water color. J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 14 2015 Elected Council Members Information Continues Jeff Jenson I teach Organic Chemistry at the University of Findlay and have been a member of Trinity for 3 years. My wife’s name is Amy and I have two children Betsy and Charlie. The activities I do at Trinity are mostly on Sunday mornings with being an Assistant Minister and/or lector. I enjoy current events, sports and Elkdom. Darla Johannsen I have been a member of Trinity for 26 years. I have been involved in Stephen Ministry, Sunday School, Tuesday night Bible Study, Church Council, various committees/teams, Silver Sneakers, Charlie’s Angels, Special Blend and lector. I like to spend time with my nephews and niece, read, walk with friends and volunteer at the Christian Clearing House. Ivy Nehls I have been a member of Trinity for 1 year and am a lifetime Lutheran. I have been involved in Senior Choir and Trinity Bells. I am a retired nurse and I have two children Stefanie who lives in Bluffton and Melanie who lives in Colorado. Matt Kochheiser I moved to Findlay in 1982, as I was entering 5th grade at Liberty Benton, so I guess I’ve been at Trinity for 30+ years. I went through confirmation at Trinity. I am single, so my family consists of my father (Tom), mother (Barb), sister (Mary Kay), and half-brother (Mark) who lives with his family in Akron, OH. After graduating from Liberty Benton, I attended the University of Cincinnati and received a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. I came back to Findlay and started working at Triumph Thermal Systems. I have worked as a Quality Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Manager of Manufacturing Engineering, and am currently a Project Engineer. I am very involved in athletics and have helped coach younger kids in Little League baseball and Upwards basketball and currently help coach the Varsity Golf and Baseball teams at Liberty Benton. I started helping Phil Koenig in teaching the high school Sunday School class a few years back and continue to do so today. When not coaching or participating in any sporting event, there is a good chance that I’m traveling to see one somewhere. J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 15 P T’ S H EADLINES New Year’s Resolutions For Disciples 41-42 That day about three thousand took him at his word, were baptized and were signed up. They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers. 43-45 Everyone around was in awe—all those wonders and signs done through the apostles! And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common. They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person's need was met. 46-47 They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joy- ful, as they praised God. People in general liked what they saw. Every day their number grew as God added those who were saved. - Acts 2:42-47 Four years ago for my Pastor’s Page, I wrote the following: Ever wonder who began the tradition of New Year’s resolutions? Blame it on the ancient Babylonians. It seems that 4,000 years ago, the Babylonians celebrated their new year on spring equinox when the first crops were planted. The festival was a time to look back on the past year and to learn from it but more importantly, to look to the future and the changes needed for a better year. In fact, the Babylonians believed that what you did on the first day of the year would influence the rest of the year. We have continued that tradition of New Year’s resolutions in this country but most people don’t hold to the belief that what you do on January 1st will affect and alter what will unfold in the coming year. Losing weight, stop smoking, reduce stress, and spend more time with family are common resolutions – resolutions that falter or really don’t amount to much change in the long run, even if we know they are good for us. …So what about you and Trinity Lutheran Church…? … I would like to offer you seven New Year’s resolutions on how we as Trinity Lutheran Church can begin to celebrate faith, celebrate God’s presence in our lives as his people, drawing on Acts 2:42-47, the days after the Church was born on Pentecost. 1. Pray daily. (Acts 2:42) 2. Be joyful. (Acts 2:46) 3. Get to know each other. (Acts 2:42, 46) 4. Worship weekly (Acts 2:42, 46, 47) 5. Give regularly and generously. (Acts 2:44,45) 6. Care for one another. (Acts 2:42, 44) 7. Invite others to experience God at Trinity (Acts 2:43, 47) Good resolutions that have born good fruit over the years. The growth God has blessed us with in that time has been wonderful and we have been blessed in all these areas. I now regularly hear from people who are praying for me and for Trinity; there is a joyful spirit around our congregational life – in ministry teams, our Family Festivals, and in new staff; people are taking the time to talk to each other; there are more new faces in worship; giving is at a point where we can talk growth, not cuts; there are signs of our care for each other; and people are regularly inviting friends to come see Jesus here. Which is not to say, as in our Vision Statement and Philippians 3, that we have become perfect: most of us only worship 2-3 Sundays a month instead of the goal of weekly; most of us give only when we attend rather than intentionally and/or electronically; and we still are working on growing deeper in knowing each other through small groups. But we have come a very long way in a short time. J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 16 P T’ S H EADLINES ( CONTINUES ) So what now? I would say that as we start 2015, there is a “pause” going on at Trinity, a certain waiting anticipation of something that is coming but not quite clear enough for us all to grasp it. I see God hovering over Trinity, much like it is described in the creation in Genesis – the breath of God hovered over the waters to give birth to dry land, to the new earth that was coming into being. Trinity 125 and Beyond is a new year’s resolution for us all, to be grateful for our past. We will see how that past unfolded in fun ways like Throwback Thursday on facebook, creative conversations with some of our lifelong members, and return visits from former pastors. And there will be a great party in November, a homecoming to celebrate God’s goodness. But even more important, this is a time for a new year’s resolution to grab hold of the future that God is setting before us. What the next five, ten, one hundred, and hundred and twenty five years will be shaped by our actions, our witness, and our faith through God’s blessing. So how each of you shape your lives around faith in Jesus and connect that to our shared life as a congregation will make all the difference in what happens in the next chapter of Trinity Lutheran Church. So what might your new year’s resolutions look like as part of Trinity 125 and Beyond? I think it continues to look like the challenge I have been lifting up over the past year: Bring your Bible to worship every Sunday and read it during the week. Attend worship every week, with the challenge to attend one more Sunday a month than you did the month before until you hit every week. Become part of a ministry here at Trinity – give your time to a ministry team, a musical group, a fellowship group (like Dartball). Don’t know what your choices are – be at worship October 27, meet ministry leaders and sign up. Be generous in your financial giving. Commit to percentage giving of your income, aiming for 10% - use an estimate of giving card to help. Go electronic and shift to Simply Giving – your giving to God is no longer tied to your attendance. Can’t grow in giving? You are valued more than cash – so give your time, give your love, give your service to others. 2015 is a crossroads in our congregational life, a moving from where we have been to where God desires us to be. As we have paused, let’s now take that deep breath and begin walking again. All of us in leadership here encourage you to come to the crossroads and move ahead in faith and in daily life. Take of the challenge of moving into a greater connection in our ministries, with each other, and with Jesus. Stretch yourself, seek God in prayer, and see where the Spirit will lead us into God’s great beyond. Pastor Tom J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 17 F AMILY F ESTIVAL —W INTER B EACH W ORSHIP WITH P ANTASIA January 25, 10:30AM (No 8:00AM service) Lunch To Follow On January 25 we will be holding our second Family of Faith Festival Sunday with our own Tim Mattis and the Findlay High School steel drum band Pantasia leading our songs. In the midst of a cold winter, you are invited to put on your loudest beach shirt, get out some sunglasses, and bring a friend to the warmth of worship with a Caribbean sound. Sunday School will still meet but then all will gather in the Community Life Center (CLC) for worship and a dinner to follow. We will be asking people to bring a dessert to share. It’s a day to celebrate God’s goodness at the start of a new year and to gather together as God’s people. For many years now, Pantasia and director Tim Mattis have garnered an impressive reputation as an educational and entertaining instrumental music ensemble. They are always in high demand, averaging over 40 performances a year. The band has expanded to 35 pans covering 14 voices, a new drum set, and African drums. In recent years, they have come to Trinity to lead an annual winter worship service to bring a little sunshine and laughter to our worship. Come join us for worship in your favourite party shirt and stay for music and lunch! Learn more about Pantasia at http://www.pantasia.org. This is Tim’s last year as director of Pantasia, so come on out to say thank you, participate in some exciting worship and plan on some fun in the winter sun. W ELCOME OUR NEWEST MEMBERS ! We are pleased to welcome several new members to Trinity here at the close of the year. Please be sure to to introduce yourself to them and give them a warm Trinity welcome. Jeff Jenson Dan and Jackie Fawcett (Transfer from Peace Lutheran Church, Bowling Green) Nathan and Kailee Weiker (Transfer from Zion Lutheran Church, Sandusky) Eric and Amy Prigge (Transfer from St. Stephen Lutheran, Hamler) (Transfer from St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, Cridersville) J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 18 Y OUTH H APPENINGS HAPPY NEW YEAR TLC YOUTH! This will be a fantastic 2015 year with many great happenings! There will be great opportunities for all of our youth. Starting January 1st through the whole month, youth will be collecting canned goods. Our goal is to collect 300 canned goods, and deliver them to Lutheran Social services on Super Bowl Sunday.You can help our students and bring canned goods to the church or on Sunday mornings. Cross Training - will be meeting January 4th and 18th from 4-6pm. All junior high students are encouraged to attend, and bring a friend. These are great opportunities for fellowship, faith building, service projects, and much more. Senior High – Small group will meet at Trinity January 4th at the church 6:00-7:30pm. We will be talking about upcoming happenings, Bible study, games, and other great happenings. January 18th 6:00-7:30pm, join us at the church for board game night! We will also work on the youth group logo. ELCA Detroit Youth Gathering - Students attending will have a mandatory meeting to discuss the youth gathering in Detroit. Parents are also encouraged to attend this meeting from 12-1pm January 18th in the Jr. High room. Please bring a lunch. PARENT MEETING – Parents, as we look to the 2015 season there will be a parent meeting January 25th, 12-1pm in the junior high room. There will be many things to discuss, and activities that parents are encouraged to help out with. Please e-mail Phil if you can make this event: [email protected]. Super Bowl Sub Fundraiser – Help our students go to the 2015 Youth gathering in Detroit! Our students will be making sub sandwiches, with chips and drinks for only $10! Order forms will be in the bulletins throughout January and can be turned into the church office.You can pick up your subs February 1st after services. TLC Youth Recognition - Our students would like to thank everyone that attended the youth’s soup and sandwich fundraiser. It was well attended, and everyone had a great time. Also a big thanks to all of the students and adult leaders who helped make this event happen. If you would like to know more about our youth program happenings, you can go to our Facebook page, youth webpage, or see the youth bulletin board. J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 19 S ATURDAY & S UNDAY W ORSHIP A SSISTANTS 5:00PM Date Assisting Minister Lector 3rd Mary Williams 10th 17th Mark Mueller Mark Mueller 24th 31st 8:00AM Date Greeters Ushers Acolytes Assisting Minister Lector Communion 4th Bill & Beth Wenner DeWayne & Peggy Wendt Cameron Might Brooke Slezak Bill Wenner Peggy Wendt Denis Osborn Peggy Wendt 11th 18th Doug, Stephanie, DeWayne & Peggy Charli & Blade Wendt Wendt Denis & Nancy Osborn Jack Slezak Beth Wenner DeWayne & Peggy Noah Aschemeier Wendt Sophia Aschemeier 25th Jeff Jenson Jeff Jenson Doug McKinniss Angelia Graves (Family Festival—No 8:00am service) 10:30 AM Date Greeters Ushers Acolytes Assisting Minister Lector Communion 4th Rod & Margo Eastbt Vicki & Eli Russell John Edgell Steve Wilch Drew Broerman Roen Chenevey Tim Mattis Sally Siferd Sally Siferd Steve Seibert Jan Grubb 11th The Bauer Family Steve & Dee Groman Rich & Linda Knowlton Luke Broerman 18th Karen Wallace Lily Ferguson The Makrancy Family Alli Ernst Ali Bishop 25th Jay & Karen Simko The Spiess Family Brock Makrancy John Edgell Jay Simko Lindsay Boulboulle Marilyn Koenig Vicki Russell Jay Simko J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 20 J ANUARY ’ S C ALENDAR D ETAILS ( ALL AT WWW . TRINITYFINDLAY . ORG EVENT TITLES ARE ABBREVIATED ) For full details on all events please click on Calendar at www.trinityfindlay.org J ANUARY 2015 P AGE 21 J ANUARY B IRTHDAYS 1st Gayann Homsher Dan Campling 21st Becca Farling Sarah White 2nd Rhonda Lasiter Bailey Prater Eric Smith 23rd Nathan DeCooman 24th Carol Gainsley William Hogrefe Marianne Schmick Evan McMonigal Kaitlyn Wolfarth Audrey Johnson 25th Stefan Kolan Colleen Pauff Vanessa Tennant 26th Belinda Ernst Thomas Urban Tyler Hissong 31st Grace Gregory 3rd Ronald Daniels Kathy Dotts Rob French 4th Cadence Shively Benjamin Stultz Charlie Thompson 5th Dick Long 6th Carla Lyberg Allyson Wolfarth 7th Steven Wilch 8th Michelle Beck Janelle Busdeker Deborah Smith 9th Jim Stelter Raleigh Hendricks 10th Rex Hale Olivia Kempher 12th Charlie Ernst 14th Helen Fisher 16th Bill Cody Thomas Siferd 17th Terrah Beck Lindsey Broerman 18th Avery Ulrey Brad Planz 19th Lauren Bailey Dennis Ciesinski Bruce Hissong 20th Charli Wendt Nicholas Cooper Rhonda Shaffer J ANUARY A NNIVERSARIES 1st Mark & Wendy Shively 8th Ben & Christy Bauer 16th Bob & Sharon Essinger 18th Terry & Linda Yunker 21st Stephen & Cheryl Seibert 29th Chris & Carol Groman Note Regarding Birthdays and Anniversaries: All birthdays and anniversaries are based on our current information that has been entered into our computer records. If you birthday or anniversary is missing, please let Kyra and the church office know so your information can be updated. Contact Information Weekly Worship Services Saturday at 5 PM—Casual Worship with Communion Rev. Thomas Lyberg, Senior Pastor Home phone: 422-4387 Email: [email protected] Sunday School—9:15 AM Sunday at 10:30am—Celebration Service Holy Communion is on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month and festival Sundays. Philip Dickey Family Life & Youth Coordinator Cell: 956-890-1458 Email: [email protected] Church Office Kyra Oaks, Administrative Secretary Phone: 419-422-2641 Email: [email protected] TLC Preschool & Daycare Hours: Daily 6 AM to 6 PM Nicole Gosche, Director Ages: 18 months through grade 5 Phone: 420-9894 Email: [email protected] WE’ RE Sunday at 8:00am—Traditional Service ON THE WEB W W W . T R I N I TY F I N D L AY . OR G Sunday Coffee Fellowship is at 10:15 AM in Luther Hall.
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