Bi-weekly Publication December 19, 2014 Vol. 29 Issue 22 One Church...Two Campuses Mission Campus: 5601 West 62nd Street / Mission, KS 66202 Shawnee Campus: 21320 Midland Dr/Shawnee, KS 66218 The Messenger “Glory to God in the Highest” Mission Campus: 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Worship with Children, Youth, and Families 6:00 pm Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols Festival Brass and Trinity Choir This annual Lessons and Carols celebration on Christmas Eve is designed for people who are looking for a traditional service. Music is provided by the Trinity Choir and Festival Brass with Christmas carols and hymns sung by the congregation. 9:30 pm Christmas Eve Choral Prelude by Candlelight with Communion Trinity Chamber Artists This traditional late evening service on Christmas Eve begins with a 30-minute prelude of choral music featuring the Vivaldi Gloria. The Trinity Chamber Artists offer special music with additional congregational hymns and carols. Shawnee Campus: 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm Christmas Eve Worship with families, children, and special music Relentless in knowing Christ...Fearless in making Him known. 2 Call Process Update The third pastoral candidate, Pastor Luke Timm, is visiting Trinity on December 19-21. The Executive Committee has scheduled a special congregational assembly for Sunday, January 4 at 1:00 pm at the Shawnee campus. The purpose of the meeting is to receive and discuss the recommendation of the Call Committee and extend a Call for Associate Pastor. In addition, a presentation will be given on the Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) program and the congregation will be asked to formally approve Ben Vineyard’s entrance into the program. Babysitting will be available. Important Schedule Changes! Please note that the church office will close at noon on Christmas Eve and will remain closed between Christmas and New Years. The office will reopen on Monday, January 5. Please also note that the Saturday evening service on December 27 has been canceled. You are encouraged to join us for worship on Christmas Eve and on Sunday, December 28. If there are any pastoral emergencies during this time, please contact Deacon Tom Perry, 913-787-6077. The Gathering Please consider joining us for The Gathering in January. We will come together over a meal of pizza and transition in to a time of informal worship, singing, and prayer. This is a special opportunity to get to know fellow disciples at Trinity as well as to take a moment to rest and worship together in the presence of our Lord. All ages are welcome and encouraged to attend! Mission Campus: Wednesday, January 7, 6:00 - 7:15 pm Shawnee Campus: Wednesday, January 21, 6:00 - 7:15 pm You are invited to bring a side dish or dessert to share. Trinity Cook Book x Whenever two or more of you are gathered in His Name....there is Food. Here at Trinity we have been gathering in HIS name and eating together for the last 75 years. To commemorate Trinity's 75th anniversary and our Lutheran love of gathering and eating, we are putting together an historical cook book of recipes from the past and from the present. Bring your favorite recipe and put it into the recipe box at the Mission Campus Welcome Center NO LATER THAN JANUARY 31, 2015. You may also submit your recipe to Debbie Mason at [email protected]. If you are tech savvy, submit it to Debbie Mason via the Trinity Cloud. Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Executive Committee minutes from the December 1 meeting are now available under the resources tab at You may also pick up a copy in the foyer at both campuses. 3 Guatemala Project and Mission Trip Presentation Sunday, December 21 9:45 am, Mission Campus Trinity members John and Jenny Peimann will be making a presentation on Sunday, December 21, at 9:45 am in the Mission Campus Fellowship Hall, regarding their work in Guatemala and a mission trip proposal. For the last 5+ years, John and Jenny have been involved in a number of mission projects in the Panajachel region of Guatemala. They recently returned from a 25-day trip to Panajachel, during which they assisted with an assortment of projects targeted to improving the living conditions of indigenous Guatemalans. Those projects included the replacement of roofs on houses, pouring concrete floors in those houses, installation of more efficient and properly ventilated wood cook stoves, installation of drinking water filtration systems, and erection of an outdoor toilet. These projects were accomplished through a working partnership with Joe and Cindy Betsill (U.S. citizens who have retired to mission work in Guatemala) and their Guatemalan partners in mission, Carlos Locon and Patricia Buch. On this trip the Peimanns delivered approximately 80 pairs of used shoes and 25 sweaters to poor families in the village of Chuchipaca. The Peimanns also extended support of a monthly food delivery to 20 very poor families in Chuchipaca. The food staples help them stretch their food budgets, providing much needed supplemental nutrition. John and Jenny continue to feel led to provide assistance to the poor people of Guatemala, and they would like to invite members of Trinity to join them in providing assistance as part of a mission trip during the summer of 2015. They propose, with support from their Guatemalan mission partners, to identify a family in Panajachel which is in dire need of better housing. The mission group would either replace an existing home in poor condition or build a new home for a family currently living in undesirable living conditions, that is, with other family members or friends. The ideal mission group would include 4 to 8 adults (in addition to the Peimanns), who would spend a week assisting with the building project and sharing God’s love with the family and with other members of the community. Dear Trinity Members, Once again your generosity has been overwhelming. You provided over 1,000 gifts to the MLM Christmas Store this year to help bring joy to those less fortunate. Thank you so very, very, much. Ruth Circle Opportunity to Support LWML Missions We are pleased to announce the opening of “The Basement Church Ladies” booth (location S5) at Nellie & Nico’s Antique Mall, 6495 Quivira, Shawnee, KS. All proceeds go to LWML Missions. Come visit our booth Monday - Saturday 10 am to 6 pm (Thursday 10 am to 7 pm), and Sunday 12 pm to 5 pm. Give yourself plenty of time to browse--the antique mall is huge (many vendors), and there is so much to see! Better yet, bring a friend! We are currently collecting donations of spring items for the booth (Valentines Day, Easter, and Mother‘s Day). Contact Nancy Meyer at 913-722-1869 if you can help. Happy Holidays! 4 TRINITY FAMILY GARAGE SALE (aka the smaller but still pretty great GAGS) Mark your calendar and save your garage sale items for 2 upcoming Trinity Garage Sales in 2015. (Please note we will not be accepting electronics or large appliances.) We will be hosting a 2-day event at both the Shawnee and Mission campuses in 2015. - April 24-25th at the Shawnee Campus - July 31-August 1st at the Mission Campus Proceeds from both sales will benefit local organizations that support children and families. Each of these events will be significantly scaled down from the Great American Garage Sale. Stay tuned for more information in January 2015. Interested in helping? Contact Pastor Mark. Me, a Pastor or Deaconess? Have you ever considered becoming a pastor or deaconess? If so, Rev. Michael Redeker from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis would like to meet with you at Bethany Lutheran Church on January 21 between 5:00 - 8:00 pm. Rev. Redeker is interested in meeting with prospective students of all ages -- elementary school age through adults. Appointments are individual, informal, and family/ friends are welcome to come with you. Appointments are not necessary but encouraged. If you are interested in scheduling a specific time, please contact Rev. Redeker at 314.505.7225 or [email protected]. Usher groups, a time-honored service organization, are in need of more members at the Mission campus. All of the Sunday services (8:30, 9:45 and 11am) could use more team members. The usher teams for each service are divided into two groups, A and B. Each group is assigned in a pattern of two weeks “on” and two weeks “off” throughout the year. Both men and women can be valued members of an usher team. If interested, please see or call Randy Fassold (Head Usher), 913-764-5543. The Audio Visual team at the Mission campus is in need of volunteers to assist with running the equipment for services. Training will be provided. If you are interested, please contact: Doug Wilkinson, [email protected] or Hank Hanusch, [email protected]. Childcare Workers Needed We are looking for qualified Childcare workers for our Mission campus. Candidates must be 16 years of age or older. Must be available for Sunday mornings, some evenings and special events. This is a paid position. If interested please contact Rhonda Synovec at [email protected]. 6 The 50+ Group enjoyed a Christmas Luncheon on Wednesday, December 10. There was much to celebrate, including Cecil Waage’s 90th birthday and Ray Buckley’s 100th birthday. Dear Trinity Family: We want to thank you as you keep us informed of situations requiring pastoral care in our congregation. We are here as "your servants for Jesus' sake." (2 Cor. 4:5) We encourage you to let us know if you or a family member are to be hospitalized, confined to the home for an extended period of time, or for other pastoral care needs as they arise. It is part of my responsibility to be the coordinator of the Care Ministry at Trinity, so feel free to call me directly, Pastor Mark, Tom Perry, or the church office. Phone numbers are provided in The Messenger and Trinity eNews. A blessed Advent and Christmas Season to all of you. Pastor Ron Volunteer Opportunity Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers, Inc. is in need of volunteers and will be offering a Volunteer Informational Meeting on Monday, January 19, 2015 (7:00 pm to 9:00 pm). The meeting will be held at 11644 West 75th Street, Shawnee, KS. For more information on volunteering in this ministry or to RSVP, please contact Mary Newcomer at 913-962-0200 or email [email protected]. 7 Stewardship Corner Two Sundays Left for 2014 Deductible Gifts Each holiday season, the church anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through the donations of every individual and family in the congregation that we are able to carry on our work now and throughout the year. As we move toward the end of the year, we know that December typically represents 18% of the annual contribution giving. In December, we also find that the last two Sundays represent nearly 50% of total December giving. Please don’t wait until the last minute to make your end of year gifts. In the course of year-end tax planning, you may find yourself considering special one-time donations. There is a growing trend among donors to make contributions to their favorite organizations online during the final week of the year. As you contemplate year-end gifts, please keep the church in mind. We welcome your donations through the giving page on the church website Two Important End-of-Year Giving Dates to Qualify for 2014 Tax Deductions Gifts must be received or postmarked by December 31 to qualify for 2014 tax deductions. This means that December 28 is your last Sunday in the year to contribute. Rather than procrastinating and waiting until the last minute, please consider giving your year-end gift earlier in December. As a reminder, the church office will be closed December 25 thru January 2. For electronic givers, be sure to initiate the gift on or before December 29. If you wait until December 30 or 31, depending on the bank processing and reporting, these gifts may not qualify for 2014 tax deductions. We are thankful for your generosity and faithful support of the ministries of Trinity Lutheran Church. Blessings, Larry Conrad, CCA Administrator 8 Faith Inspirations “For I (Jesus) have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you. “ John 13:15 We want to hear about your Faith Inspirations Story at: 9 Deaths Shirley Birchfield, 11/20/14 Clarence Johnson, 12/3/14, brother-in-law of Howard Nellis Robert Hemenway Bill Kuehn Dana Pasley Gary Robinson Jean Schanefelt Jerry Shreve Member Prayers-Mission Amy Adams Kenda Arendt Bob Barker Bob Becker Bill Birchfield Tim Bredow Norma Brock Peni Colville Helen Dehning Dennis Grady Jack Haden Larry Hare Ona Jean Harvey Gwenda Hawk Lee Hovel Dale Kesl Doug Lewallen Florence Meyer Marilyn Nirschl Gary Owens Nancy Parks Jenny Peimann Betty Peppers Carol Schwartz Ralph Schwartz Mary Ellen Stephenson Jeanne Stevenson Jane Tinnin Ralph Tinnin Retirement Facility/Homebound Rita Bartlett, Good Samaritan Barbara Brown, Delmar Gardens Maxine Bruner, Aberdeen Village Ted Dahl, at home Bob Ebel, Bickford Place Allene Gantz, Benton House Paul Gilbert, Overland Park Place Lois Haubein, Overland Park Place Phyllis Henderson, Aberdeen Village Lois Klausen, Delmar Gardens Jean Klemp, McCrites Plaza Lucy Krieger, Brookdale-College Square Ruth Kroenke, at home Bertha Lefebvre, at home Jerry Lewis, Sunrise Mildred Liemen, at home Dave Lindquist, at home Bob Mann, at home Art Nelson, Park Meadows Helen Wendlandt, at home Sylvia Wendt, Bartels Lutheran George Zschoche, at home Member Prayers-Shawnee Pat Alft Lee Bonn Ron Flentgen 10 Happy Birthday! December 24 - Audrey Humes, Dave Lindquist December 25 – Valerie Bosworth December 26 - Kerry Barker, Brent Merfen, Marilyn Nirschl, Rich Wondersek December 27 - Erin Ford, Gary Humbarger, Jean Thomas, Carol Waage December 28 - Christina Bialek, Larry Schnackenberg, Graham Shenefield December 29 - Gus Davis, Keld Davis, Roper DeGarmo, Eric Hallstrom, Eric Jeppesen, Amy Schultze December 30 - Joyce Vogel December 31 - Sydney Jackson, Bethany Snyder January 1– Debbie Dearth, Greg Gaskins, Kyle Hancock, Eric Hansen, Nancy Viets, Joanne Weber January 2 - Elizabeth Hartje, Gene Limback January 3 - Amelia Oberly, Ryker Stevens, Jenny Vineyard January 4 - Dennis Ninneman, Rebecca Schnakenberg January 5 - Donna Humiston, Pat Olinger, Nancy Smith January 6 - Joy Humbarger, Bill Millsap, Janet Stern January 7 - Angie Dearth, Katie Kies January 8 - Mary Kay Kelm, Lisa Lafon, Pat Roney, Marianne Sloop January 9 - Anna Brown, Marijane Klein, Brenda Lewallen, P.J. Mingos January 10 - Linda Guerry, Wesley Hargis January 11 - Pam Dalbom, Ashley Gaskins January 12 - Rachel Hall, Maria Mingos, Trey Rassette January 13 - Rebecca Burfeind, Ted Dahl, Grant Strohm, Renna Wright January 14 - Tara Cole, Angela Gipson, Taylor Mingos, Peter Rittmann January 15 - Curtis Kraus January 16 - Keith Polson, Tammy Truax January 17 - Levi Finkemeier, Judy McSweyn, Linda Olson, Rik Scarborough, Elaine Stroker, Ruth Sutton, Kiki Vetter January 18 - Evelyn Lauber January 19 - Diana Alexander, Jane Butler, Peni Colville, Iva Schlatter, Mark Viets January 20 - Maxine Bruner, Kris Miner Happy Anniversary! Chris & Suzanne Cox, December 24th (20th) Don & Sandy McArthur, December 27th (44th) Kim & Nancy Zier, December 27th (34th) Chris & Mayumi Wagner, December 28th (33rd) Wesley & Dawn Hargis, December 29th (13th) Don & Virginia Beal, December 31st (54th) Jeff & Lisa Delaney, January 2nd (15th) Mark & Connie Quick, January 4th (34th) Ben & Stephanie Spalding, January 5th (7th) Joe & Jane Deleon, January 6th (23rd) Tony & Mary Beth Latas, January 6th (25th) Erik & Sara Miner, January 6th (13th) Steven & Maria Mingos, January 7th (36th) Gregg & Carlene Smith, January 8th (54th) John & Jacklyn Mowder, January 9th (19th) Ryan & Katie Taylor, January 9th (15th) Doug & Melissa Ryan, January 12th (13th) Anniversaries / Birthdays are listed from December 24th to January 20th Don’t see your anniversary / birthday listed? Please contact the church office. Thank you. My thanks to all at Trinity who took time to wish me well and sent greetings on the occasion of my 100th birthday. A special “thank you” to my wonderful friends, the 50+ class. The special cake and meal was appreciated so much. I’m looking forward to January when the class meets to begin another year. Sincerely, Ray Buckley MEMORY VERSE For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 11 Mission Campus 5601 West 62nd Street, Mission, Kansas The Messenger Published by Trinity Lutheran Church; 5601 West 62nd Street, Mission, KS 66202; 913-432-5441 Saturday 5:30 p.m. Communion Service Email Messenger Articles to: [email protected] Sunday Mornings 8:30 a.m. Family-focused Worship with Communion 9:45 a.m. Praise Service with Communion 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Family-focused Worship with Communion Messenger articles are needed by 5:00 pm on Tuesday during the week of publication. (Messengers are printed on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month.) Trinity Staff: Mark Schulz, Senior Pastor: [email protected] Ron Flentgen, Vacancy Associate Pastor: [email protected] Benjamin Vineyard, Minister of Disciple Formation: [email protected] Rhonda Synovec, Director of Family Life Ministry: [email protected] Rhonda Nesselrode, Preschool Director: [email protected] Ben Spalding, Director of Music: [email protected] Anna Myeong, Organist: [email protected] Larry Conrad, Administrator: [email protected] Gretchen Hollman, Office Supervisor: [email protected] Shawnee Campus 21320 Midland Drive, Shawnee, Kansas 66218 Sunday Mornings 8:30 a.m. Family-focused Worship with Communion 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Family-focused Worship with Communion Pastoral Emergency Contacts: Pastor Mark Schulz - 913-231-9726 Pastor Ron Flentgen - 913-748-6670 Professionally Staffed Nursery for ages 6 months to 3 years is available during all worship services and the Sunday School hour. Learn more about us. Visit our web site: 12
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