Bi-weekly Publication January 8, 2015 Vol. 30 Issue 1 One Church...Two Campuses Mission Campus: 5601 West 62nd Street / Mission, KS 66202 Shawnee Campus: 21320 Midland Dr/Shawnee, KS 66218 The Messenger Dear Trinity Community: I would like to take a few minutes to share several meaningful ways we as a congregation will be celebrating our 75th Anniversary during 2015! First, why celebrate a church anniversary? Here are some thoughts from Pastor Mark: Good question! To me the answer is “active remembering.” There are dozens of times in the Bible where God’s people are called to “remember.” Frequently they are called to remember God’s faithfulness and goodness and mercy. But this remembering is never a static thing. It’s not “Remember!” and then the people say “That’s great!” and that’s the end of the story. No, the remembering has a purpose, an action, a forward momentum. “Remember” so that you will be strengthened and encouraged as you move forward in living out what it means to be a child of God and the people of God! SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Charter Date: 75th Birthday Celebration January 24-25, 2015 All Services at Mission and Shawnee Campuses Special 75th Anniversary Sermon Birthday Cake and Cup Cakes served after services Historical timeline displays and a wonderful video filled with Trinity photos from the past 75 years Letter continues on page two. A Community Following Jesus Video Remembrances Throughout 2015, we will have occasional videos shown during worship services created by Michael Schmidt who was here in the fall interviewing Trinity members. These promise to be very meaningful messages of inspiration from members both young and old. Mission Projects Also throughout 2015, we will be partnering with several missions organizations to share the Gospel with our community. One way we can “actively remember” our 75th Anniversary is by making a difference in the lives of others locally, nationally, and internationally. Stay tuned for more information! 75th Anniversary Book We are indebted to Lana Hansen and Tom Perry who have been working for over a year to put together a fabulous book about the history of Trinity including a catalog and walking tour of the art, sacred furnishings, and articles from Trinity members, plus more. Stay tuned for more information! Trinity Art Show We are very excited to once again offer the Trinity Art Show during Holy Week March 29-April 5, 2015. This is in honor of Pastor Roland Boehnke for his many years of service to Trinity and his commitment to Christian Art. Artist from all over the country will be displaying Christian artwork at the Mission Campus. 75th Anniversary Festival Celebration The culmination of our 75th Anniversary will take place on the weekend of April 11-12, 2015. Festival Worship and Hymn Festival Saturday, April 11 Mission Campus | 3pm The Trinity Choir and Brass Brand New Hymn Commissions for the 75th Anniversary Special reception for the entire family after the service Sunday, April 12 Festival worship Special music at all services Display of commissioned art work Additionally, we have identified numerous previous pastors, vicars, worker priests, DCEs, youth directors, music directors, business managers, secretaries, custodians, presidents of congregation, pre-school personnel, and others who we will extend a special invitation to attend the 75th Anniversary events of April 11-12. There will be more events in the second half of 2015 – making this a yearlong celebration! Stay tuned… Our 75th Anniversary provides us with a wonderful opportunity. Let’s “actively remember” as we love God and love others. May this anniversary milestone spur us forward in Christ’s name! Blessings, Ben A. Spalding Chair, 75th Anniversery Planning Committee 2 Update from the Executive Committee Thanks to everyone who was able to attend the Congregational Meeting on Sunday, January 4th. Two motions passed at the meeting: 1. The congregation voted in favor of extending a Call to Pastor Luke Timm to serve as Associate Pastor. A huge thank you to the Call Committee, including: Chris Pace (Chair) Myrna Dubois Pete Froelich Patti Hare Karen Jaime Mischele Maxwell Sean McNeely Dana Pasley Pastor Mark We are so appreciative of your efforts, and all those who assisted with hospitality and other matters to support Pastor visits and the Call process. Thank you!! Call documents have been sent to Pastor Luke Timm. His contact information is published below, so you can extend greetings and supportive prayers. 2. The congregation voted in favor of Ben Vineyard's entry into the Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) program. When Ben begins Seminary studies this Spring, he will be a Vicar at Trinity. In total, this is a 4-year program, leading to Ben's role as Associate Pastor, leading Discipleship ministry at Trinity. Our prayers go to Ben, Jenny, Jesse and Jude as Ben begins his online Seminary studies. Have a blessed day, and thanks to all Staff and volunteers who serve so faithfully as part of Trinity ministries. Our next Congregational Meeting is Sunday, January 25th, Mission Campus. This is our regularly scheduled meeting to update the congregation on finances and mid-year (fiscal year) Staff updates as needed. Your Executive Committee Contact Information for Pastor Luke Timm The congregation voted to extend a Call to Pastor Luke Timm of Waukee, IA to be Trinity's associate pastor. You are encouraged to share with Pastor Timm your thoughts and prayers as he discerns God's will for his ministry. Pastor Timm may be contacted via email at [email protected] or by mail at 600 SE Carefree Lane, Waukee, IA 50263. 3 To The Members of The Trinity Lutheran Foundation: Anyone who has made a contribution to, or who has remembered the Foundation in their will, or in an insurance policy, is invited to attend the annual meeting of the Foundation Board. The annual meeting will be held on January 20, 2015 at Trinity Lutheran Church (Mission Campus) at 7:00 pm. This meeting will be held in the downstairs lounge. The annual meeting will provide a financial report and conduct the election of new directors. Please mark the date on your calendar and we hope that you are able to attend. In Christ, David Boehnke Secretary of the Foundation Board of Directors Help is needed to take down the Christmas decorations at the Mission Campus. Please join us on January 16th starting at 4:00 pm and we will work until we are done. So come and help at any time. Your help is appreciated! Any questions contact Julie Mohling at 913-541-2059 or [email protected]. New Member Class A new member class will be starting soon. Completing a new member class is part of the process of becoming a member of Trinity. The 4-session class will begin toward the end of January and continue into February. Pastor Mark is available to teach the class on Tuesday or Thursday evenings. Please let Pastor Mark know if you are planning to attend and which night works best for you (or both if no preference). The class will run from 7:00—8:15pm. You may call him at 913-231-9726 or email him at [email protected]. Nearly 100 million Americans are expected to tune in to watch the Super Bowl. Many of them will be hosting or attending parties with abundant food, friendship and fellowship. At the same time, nearly 1 billion people will be hungry. Please join us in remembering the hungry this Super Bowl—and bring soup or any food items for MLM. Donations will be collected until Super Bowl Sunday, February 1! A Lutheran World Relief coffee and tea sale will be held at the Mission Campus between services on Sunday, January 11. Selected varieties are also available for purchase in the gift shop between sale dates. The large purple and white mite box will be available on the coffee table to deposit your loose change. One of the mission projects being supported by your donations is Building Homes and Hope in Haiti. Learn more about this mission project from the poster behind the mite box. Thank you for your support! Need some other suggestions? -Canned meat/tuna -Peanut butter -Jelly in plastic containers -Cereal (hot and cold) 4 Trinity Cook Book Faith Inspirations x Whenever two or more of you are gathered in His Name....there is Food. Here at Trinity we have been gathering in HIS name and eating together for the last 75 years. To commemorate Trinity's 75th anniversary and our Lutheran love of gathering and eating, we are putting together an historical cook book of recipes from the past and from the present. Bring your favorite recipe and put it into the recipe box at the Mission Campus Welcome Center NO LATER THAN JANUARY 31, 2015. You may also submit your recipe to Debbie Mason at [email protected]. If you are tech savvy, submit it to Debbie Mason via the Trinity Cloud. “If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25 We want to hear about your Faith Inspirations Story at Opportunity to Support LWML Missions We are pleased to announce the opening of “The Basement Church Ladies” booth (location S5) at Nellie & Nico’s Antique Mall, 6495 Quivira, Shawnee, KS. All proceeds go to LWML Missions. Wednesday Women’s Bible Study Come visit our booth Monday - Saturday 10 am to 6 pm (Thursday 10 am to 7 pm), and Sunday 12 pm to 5 pm. Give yourself plenty of time to browse--the antique mall is huge (many vendors), and there is so much to see! Better yet, bring a friend! The Wednesday Women's Bible class will be starting a new Beth Moore study called Children of the Day which explores 1 & 2 Thessalonians. We will meet at the Shawnee Campus beginning January 14 from 9:15-11:15. This will be a 10-week session. Please feel free to direct questions to Julie von der Linden at 913-6311856 or e-mail her at [email protected]. Everyone welcome! We are currently collecting donations of spring items for the booth (Valentines Day, Easter, and Mother’s Day). Contact Nancy Meyer at 913-722-1869 if you can help. Trinity Lutheran Church is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on 1/19/2015. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit *Please be aware that hosting this event at Trinity does not indicate endorsement of the screening procedures offered, and you are encouraged to consult your personal physician. You may also wish to contact Trinity’s parish nurse, Dana Snyder. 5 Thanks so very much to Pastor Mark for his visit to the hospital after my surgery and to all the Trinity family for the prayers and phone calls. The flower arrangement really did brighten my spirits when I returned home from the hospital. Thanks, Marilyn Nirschl Thank you to all of our members who donated money for the beautiful poinsettias that decorated our sanctuaries for worship this Christmas. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. New Christmas Decorations at Shawnee If you worshiped at Shawnee this Christmas Eve, you may have noticed the second Christmas tree and several additional wreaths. The second tree truly balances the altar and the other decorations enhance the beauty of the worship space. These items were funded by the memorial account. Thanks also to Dianna Mayfield who coordinated the purchase and installation of these decorations. Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers is looking to fill the position of Bridges Client Coordinator. The Bridges Program is Advice & Aid’s parenting support group which meets Thursday evenings. This position is part-time (15 hours per week).This person is responsible for the overall client experience within the Bridges Program and works directly with the Bridges Program Manager. Candidate must agree with Advice & Aid’s statement of faith and be at least 21 years old. Send resume and cover letter to Kay Angle at [email protected]. 6 Deaths Helen Dehning Winifred “Freddie” Johnson Member Prayers-Shawnee Pat Alft Lee Bonn Ron Flentgen Robert Hemenway Bill Kuehn John Kuhn Dana Pasley Gary Robinson Jean Schanefelt Jerry Shreve Member Prayers-Mission Amy Adams Kenda Arendt Bob Barker Bob Becker Bill Birchfield Tim Bredow Norma Brock Marvin Brockschmidt Peni Colville Hilda Finkemeier Dennis Grady Jack Haden Larry Hare Ona Jean Harvey Lee Hovel Dale Kesl Doug Lewallen Martha Macher Charlene Millsap Marilyn Nirschl Gary Owens Nancy Parks Jenny Peimann Betty Peppers Carol Schwartz Ralph Schwartz Mary Ellen Stephenson Jeanne Stevenson Jane Tinnin Ralph Tinnin Retirement Facility/Homebound Rita Bartlett, Good Samaritan Barbara Brown, Delmar Gardens Maxine Bruner, Aberdeen Village Ted Dahl, at home Bob Ebel, Bickford Place Allene Gantz, Benton House Paul Gilbert, Overland Park Place Lois Haubein, Overland Park Place Phyllis Henderson, Aberdeen Village Lois Klausen, Delmar Gardens Jean Klemp, McCrites Plaza Lucy Krieger, Brookdale-College Square Ruth Kroenke, at home Bertha Lefebvre, at home Jerry Lewis, Sunrise Mildred Liemen, at home Dave Lindquist, at home Bob Mann, at home Florence Meyer, Park Meadows Art Nelson, Park Meadows Helen Wendlandt, at home Sylvia Wendt, Bartels Lutheran George Zschoche, at home 7 Mission Campus 5601 West 62nd Street, Mission, Kansas The Messenger Published by Trinity Lutheran Church; 5601 West 62nd Street, Mission, KS 66202; 913-432-5441 Saturday 5:30 p.m. Communion Service Email Messenger Articles to: [email protected] Sunday Mornings 8:30 a.m. Family-focused Worship with Communion 9:45 a.m. Praise Service with Communion 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Family-focused Worship with Communion Messenger articles are needed by 5:00 pm on Tuesday during the week of publication. (Messengers are printed on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month.) Trinity Staff: Mark Schulz, Senior Pastor: [email protected] Ron Flentgen, Vacancy Associate Pastor: [email protected] Benjamin Vineyard, Minister of Disciple Formation: [email protected] Rhonda Synovec, Director of Family Life Ministry: [email protected] Rhonda Nesselrode, Preschool Director: [email protected] Ben Spalding, Director of Music: [email protected] Anna Myeong, Organist: [email protected] Larry Conrad, Administrator: [email protected] Gretchen Hollman, Office Supervisor: [email protected] Shawnee Campus 21320 Midland Drive, Shawnee, Kansas 66218 Sunday Mornings 8:30 a.m. Family-focused Worship with Communion 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Family-focused Worship with Communion Pastoral Emergency Contacts: Pastor Mark Schulz - 913-231-9726 Pastor Ron Flentgen - 913-748-6670 Professionally Staffed Nursery for ages 6 months to 3 years is available during all worship services and the Sunday School hour. Learn more about us. Visit our web site: 8
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