Bi-weekly Publication February 6, 2015 Vol. 30 Issue 3 Trinity Lutheran Church One Church...Two Campuses Mission Campus: 5601 West 62nd Street / Mission, KS 66202 Shawnee Campus: 21320 Midland Dr/Shawnee, KS 66218 The Messenger Ash Wednesday February 18 Mission Campus | Noon and 7 pm Shawnee Campus | 7 pm Imposition of Ashes at all services Return to the Lord Your God with All Your Heart - With Jesus, we set our face toward Jerusalem. We make our pilgrimage with Him by the way of repentance, and thus return to the dying and rising of Holy Baptism. Each day He summons you to return to Him with all your heart because He is "gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love" (Joel 2:13). During the Lenten season, we set aside times to pray to our Father in heaven; give to the needy from a heart of love; and fast for the sake of repentance (Matthew 6:3-4, 6, 17-18). “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” For nearly a thousand years, these words have been spoken to young and old alike as the sign of the cross is traced on their foreheads with ashes—the Imposition of Ashes, as it has come to be known. Mid-Week Worship in Lent Wednesdays Beginning February 18 Mission Campus | Noon and 7pm Shawnee Campus | 7pm This year for the five Wednesday Lenten services following Ash Wednesday we will be using dialog sermons titled “Interviews with Passion People.” A “reporter” will interview Simon of Cyrene, Joseph of Arimathea, Mary Magdalene, the Roman Centurion, and James the Just to get their perspectives on the Passion of Jesus Christ. Join us as we look at these familiar events from a fresh perspective each week! We will be in need of some “actors” to play the parts of the characters listed above. A script will be provided as well as simple costuming. We will need people both for the noon services at the Mission campus as well as the evening services at both campuses. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Mark at mark@tlcms or at 913-231-9726. Lenten Bach Cantata Series Saturday evenings at 5:00 pm | Mission Campus March 14 BWV 22 - Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe (Jesus took under Him the twelve) March 28 (Palm/Passion Sunday) BWV 12 - Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen (Weeping, wailing, fretting, fearing) Apr. 4 (Holy Saturday) BWV 4 - Christ lag in Todesbanden (Christ lay in the Bonds of Death) Early Communion Class We at Trinity encourage early communion for our youth and families. We help our students and families prepare for this with an Early Communion Experience. Please join us on Saturday, March 28, from 9:00 am until noon at the Mission Campus. It is for any students currently in the 5th - 8th grade. To make it work, at least one parent must come along. The experience is much more than a class or lecture. Come learn to live into this! To register for this event, please email Rhonda Synovec ([email protected]) and say, “I’m in!” Monteverdi Vespers of 1610 Spire Chamber Ensemble Spire Baroque Orchestra With this sacred choral masterpiece, Monteverdi forged a dramatic and vivid new musical style, blending the revolutionary baroque practice with the musical styles of the Renaissance to set the Psalms, Litany and Magnificat of the evening Vespers service. This inspirational piece of Classical music will be offered under beautiful candlelight. Saturday, March 21 at 7:30pm Visitation Catholic Church 5141 Main St. Kansas City, MO Sunday, March 22 at 5:00pm Grace Episcopal Cathedral 701 SW 8th Ave Topeka, KS 66603 Come Hungry: Wednesday Lenten Meals (Shawnee) The Shawnee Campus will host Wednesday night meals through Lent (beginning Feb. 18). These will be a chance to get to know one another, share a few stories, and notice the work of God in our lives. The meals start at 5:30 pm and will go until 6:30 pm. Lenten worship begins at 7 pm. Come hungry for Community! Come hungry for Jesus! Come hungry for some good food, too. x Lenten Devotionals 2015 Lent is a season of changing our hearts and lives, receiving Jesus anew, and putting Jesus’ teachings into practice. It is a season where we intend to focus. To aid in the spirit of the season, there will be several devotionals available for prayer and study made available outside the sanctuary at each campus before Lent begins (Feb. 18). There will be a variety of booklets for adults. Youth will receive a youth edition at youth group. Finally, there will be a really neat devotional for children and families called Look Around Jerusalem. This is the devotional we send home with our preschool families as well. If you’re the digital reader type, there are three excellent devotionals available through, which is also an app on any kind of digital device. I recommend three of their reading plans: The 40-Day Gospel Reading Challenge, Lent for Everyone, or Devotions for Lent (Mosaic). First, there is nothing better for us spiritually than an immersion in the Gospels. Second, the last two recommendations have very good devotional readings next to the Scriptures. May God bless your Lenten journey! May we continue to be changed by grace, for grace. Ben Vineyard Minister of Disciple Formation “The Gathering” in Lent The Gathering has been a blessed experience for me and I’m happy to hear how others have been blessed by our times for dinner, prayer, and Scripture -- exploring life with Jesus so we can practice eternal living in the present. Lent will present a new rhythm for The Gathering. All Wednesdays in Lent will be times of coming together to be with one another and with Jesus. Of course, we’ve done this as Lutherans for generations upon generations. This means we won’t have something else called “The Gathering” during Lent. We’ll focus on coming together for Lenten worship services, Lenten mentoring, and (at Shawnee) Lenten meals. “The Gathering” as we’ve known it so far will resume in spring time, after Lent. --- Ben Vineyard Discernment Conversation (Exploring God’s Will): Discernment, exploring God's will, is an interesting topic. Many people have asked about it. The trouble is, few feel confident in knowing HOW to discern (or listen to) the leading of God's Spirit. Let's explore it together. We'll explore the topic through Scripture and a helpful book by Henri Nouwen titled DISCERNMENT. If you're interested, fill out the form at this link, DM9N4ouJb3. Or, email Ben Vineyard at [email protected]. Next, Ben will coordinate a time for all interested to come together. We will aim to start in the beginning of March. Bible Study in Lent If you’re curious about Trinity’s various Bible studies, I invite you to check out Trinity’s website ( and click on “groups.” To find the Bible studies, select “Adult Ministries” from the “Any Department” category on that page. This will show you what all the current studies are studying, when they meet, and how to get in contact with their leaders. The Youth Easter Breakfast! Our youth will be serving Easter Breakfast at both campuses again this year. This little event (not really so little) is a fundraiser that enables us to do some of our retreat experiences that really help our youth grow in their walk with Jesus. The breakfast time will go from 9:30 am until 11:00 am. More details will come later for this event! We sure appreciate everyone’s involvement with this (either in service or in coming to enjoy a meal). Easter Egg Hunt (Shawnee) Come one, come all! Our tradition of hunting for Easter Eggs continues on Easter Sunday, launching around 10:00 am - be sure to be there. This is a fun little pastime that intends to weave play and Christian spirituality together (as they should be). Family Experiential Easter Egg Hunt (Mission) Families journey through the Easter Story as they journey through the educational hallway of Trinity’s Mission campus. This is a neat tradition and a visual / hands on experience as families travel along though a re-telling of Jesus’ last week. Call Extended to Pastor Phil Cook On Sunday, January 25 the congregation voted to extend a Call to Pastor Phil Cook of Flower Mound, Texas to be Trinity's associate pastor. You are encouraged to share with Pastor Cook your thoughts and prayers as he discerns God's will for his ministry. Pastor Cook may be contacted via email at [email protected] or by mail at 1808 Castle Court, Flower Mound, TX, 75028. x Heart to Heart Pancake Breakfast February 15th Shawnee Campus: Between Worship Services, Lower Level Mission Campus: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm, Fellowship Hall The Preschool will be singing at the 11:00 am service at the Shawnee Campus on February 22, 2015. You are invited to come and enjoy a pancake breakfast! All proceeds benefit Trinity's Heart to Heart fund which helps those in need. VBS 2015 SAVE THE DATES SHAWNEE – JUNE 22 – 26 MISSION – JULY 13 – 17 Registration opens in April. Guatemala Mission Interest Form (July 4-12, 2015) Are you interested in Trinity's summer mission to Panajachel, Guatemala (July 4-12, 2015)? Fill out the form at the link below to receive more details or email [email protected]. By sending this interest form, you're not committing to the trip; you're just letting me know you'd like to know more about it. Check the eNews for a great photo slideshow and some basics about the mission from John and Jenny Peimann. --- Ben Vineyard 50+ Chili Luncheon x The 50+ Group will be having their annual Chili Luncheon on Wednesday, February 11, at approximately 11:30 am following their normal Bible study at 10:15 am (Mission Campus). Bible Study will be in the lounge with lunch following in the fellowship hall. All members who are of the “golden” age are invited to attend this fun and delicious event. Reservations are requested by February 4. Sign up at the Mission Welcome Center. Contact Iva Schlatter, 913-530-9264, or Barb Littell, 913-897-2292 with any questions. There is no cost for the lunch, but a freewill offering will be taken. Come and enjoy delicious chili, cornbread and desserts! Trinity Family Garage Sale Shawnee Campus April 19: Drop off and sort - after 1 pm April 20-23: Sort and Price - Times TBA April 24: Sale 8 - 5 April 25: Sale 8- Noon April 25: Clean up starting at Noon Watch the Messenger and Trinity’s eNews for more information on how and when to volunteer. Fellow Members of Trinity, Congratulations as you begin to celebrate 75 years of God's blessings. It has been my privilege to be here for a little over half of those years, both as your Pastor, and as a satisfied member. As I look back over those years I see nothing but God's hands extended in blessings. He has been very merciful and gracious in every way. And as I look to the future, I see the promise of even better things to come. I consider it a privilege to have been a part of this amazing history. Your Servant in Christ, Roland Boehnke x The Lutheran World Relief Coffee and Tea Sale will be held between worship services on Sunday, February 8. Be sure to stop by the table to select from our wide variety of flavors. Selected varieties are also available for purchase in the gift shop between sale dates. x The large purple and white mite box will be available on the coffee table to deposit your loose change. One of the mission projects being supported by your donation is Support for Lutheran Public Radio. Learn more about this mission project from the poster behind the mite box. Thank you for your support! FellowShipmates The young adult ministry FellowShipmates will be meeting on Thursday, February 19, for Bible study at 7:00 pm in the Adult Lounge at the Mission campus. Please join us for a time of fellowship and discussion as we continue to study the book of John. Also, on Friday, February 20, the FellowShipmates will be having a Game Night at 7:00 pm! Alexandra's House Event at Trinity A Financial Peace University class will be hosted at Trinity's Shawnee Campus beginning March 26 at 6:30 pm. There will be a preview session on March 19. For more information, email Rex Garrelts at [email protected]. Childcare is available if reserved by March 19. Please contact Rhonda Synovec ([email protected]) to reserve a spot for your child. Cost for childcare is $40 for the 9 week class session. Faith Inspirations “...what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 We want to hear about your Faith Inspirations Story at Sunday, February 15, at 2:00 pm Parish Hall Come and see where all the little blankets are going! Patti Lewis from Alexandra's House is coming to Trinity, Mission Campus, to talk about Alexandra's House Perinatal Hospice, the recipient of all the beautiful blankets that members of Trinity have knitted, sewn, and crocheted. Trinity has a special connection to Alexandra's House through the instrumental work of the late Dr. E.W.J. Pearce, the Founding Medical Director of Alexandra's House and longtime member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Patti Lewis will share the history and mission of Alexandra's House. Her presentation will include a short video and, hopefully, time to ask questions about Alexandra's House and ministry. Come early to get a good seat and enjoy some coffee and dessert and learn about this local, community based resource for families. Refreshments will be provided by Trinity’s Lutherans for Life chapter as a special "thank you" for your interest and support of this special ministry. All are welcome to stay for a brief meeting of Johnson County Lutherans for Life that will follow the event. For more information, email: [email protected]. Also, look for our social media presence on Google Plus or Facebook (Johnson County Lutherans for Life). Trinity's 75th Anniversary Mission Projects February 7, 8, and 19 Throughout 2015, we will be partnering with several missions organizations to share the Gospel with our community. One way we can “actively remember” our 75th Anniversary is by making a difference in the lives of others locally, nationally, and internationally. Our first project is with Lutheran Urban Mission Agency, LUMA. A number of choices are listed below. You can sign up at the display tables in the foyers at Mission and Shawnee. You will also find sign-up links in the Thursday eNews. February 7 (Saturday) – Serving and Tour at the LUMA Offices (3007 Mercier, KCMO) Plan on office work and light cleaning 9:30 - 11:30 am. Participants may lunch together after at a local restaurant (optional). February 8 (Sunday) – Food Pantry Work and Bi-Lingual Worship We will bring non-perishable food items and attend bi-lingual worship. After worship, we will sort and stack items in the food pantry at Jesus el Buen Pastor Lutheran Church, 3007 Mercier, KCMO. Service starts at 11:00 am. Participants will finish by 1:00 pm and may lunch together afterwards at a local restaurant (optional). February 19 (Thursday) – LUMA Newsletter Assembly Come help assemble the newsletter for mailing. All supplies and lunch provided at 3007 Mercier, KCMO. Arrive at 9:30 am and leave by 2:00 pm, or as your schedule allows. Thanks for your participation, 75th Anniversary Planning Committee Update from the Spire Chamber Ensemble - Strategic Alliance Dear Trinity Community: I wanted to take a moment to send an update on the progress of the Spire Chamber Ensemble’s activities in the first half of this fiscal year. We offered two concerts this season that were very successful and inspirational for the Kansas City community. Bach: Complete Lutheran Motets This series was offered in October and during these concerts we conducted an audience demographic survey and the response was overwhelming! At the bottom of the survey we asked one specific question: “How have you been inspired during this concert?” Here are just a few of the numerous comments we received. Additionally, most of the comments were from non-Trinity members. "Voices used as instruments of prayer and praise." "To hear in word and music of God’s love for us and dedication to us is supreme comfort." "Beautiful tribute to God." "Beautiful music can change your thinking." "Receiving your gifts of music and allowing their message of hope and redemption keeps us on an even keel. Thank you so much." "Bach’s music combined with good Lutheran words about Christ fills my heart with joy to know all sins are fled away." Handel’s Messiah at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts On December 23 we offered Handel’s compelling and inspirational oratorio Messiah at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts to an audience of 1,527 people (the capacity of the hall is 1600). We were joined by the Trinity Choir and local area high school choirs. During the performance, I paused several times to let the profound scriptural texts of Messiah simply rest on people – I could audibly hear crying and see on people’s faces how much this Gospel message was touching them. We have received hundreds of comments via email and Facebook thanking us for this beautiful offering. Additionally, I had numerous new visitors approach me after the 6:00 pm and 9:30 pm Christmas Eve Services at the Mission Campus who had attended Messiah and decided to join us for worship. Here are photos of the performance: Here are a just few of the comments I received: “St Paul would be content with the joy filling Helzberg Hall expressing his Corinthian promise.” “One of the most inspirational moments of my life.” The Spire Chamber Ensemble has been operating slightly under budgeted expenses and we currently have a surplus of funds. On behalf of the Spire Board of Directors, volunteers, and musicians I would like to express a deep thank you to Trinity Lutheran Church for your continued support of this strategic alliance. Blessings, Ben A. Spalding Founder/Artistic Director Spire Chamber Ensemble Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary! February 11 - Bill Kuehn, Kristy Lamus, Lindy Lindhorst, Addison Stewart February 12 – Grace Culp, Paul Pearce, Jason Pennewell February 13 - Pam Johnson, Arabella McNeely, Kayla Smith, Adam Stroker February 14 - Joshua Gantz February 15 - Susan Boehnke, Pam Holmes, Sarah Loos, Gage Prothe February 16 - Linda Dodson, Shirley-Ann Hanusch, Noah Kemper, Alice Pintar, Marlo Schulz February 17 - Andrew Fruehling, Diane Lauber, Sheryl Schlatter February 18 - Pat Bockelman, Brian Chansky, Colton Jenkins, Sylvia Metiva, Jolynne Moore, Megan Press, Charles Schlatter, Sam Williams February 19– Anne Bradley, Denise Jarrett February 20 - Nathanael Adams, Jann Fowler, Mark Webster, Ken Wells, Rob Williams February 21 - Gary Akers, Kevin Kufeldt, Brandon Pittenger, Kristen Schnackenberg, Colton Small February 22 - Wilma Brockschmidt, Helga McLean, Robert P Reese February 23 - Shirley Allenbrand, Kaitlyn Delamore, Conrad Fassold, Ruth Hanusch, Mark Thorson February 24 - Brennen Auerbach, Jordan Auerbach, Emily Beerman, Joscelyn Rice, Rose Seifferlein Marty & Dee Quick, February 12th (38th) Rich & Laurie Wondersek, February 12th (16th) Kurtis & Joan Wilson, February 14th (14th) Leo & Jean Schlesselman, February 14th (6th) Kerry & Sonia Lee Barker, February 15th (12th) Joshua & Becky Peters, February 16th (7th) Dave & Debbie Dearth, February 18th (43rd) Gene & Darlene Limback, February 20th (50th) Wayne & Nancy Meyer, February 21st (34th) Seth & Breanne Olson, February 24th (8th) Anniversaries / Birthdays are listed from February 11th to February 24th Don’t see your anniversary / birthday listed? Please contact the church office. Thank you. MEMORY VERSE I lift my eyes to the hills where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121: 1-2 Members in Hospital Bill Birchfield Marvin Brockschmidt Member Prayers-Mission Amy Adams Kenda Arendt Bob Barker Bob Becker Bob Behrens Tim Bredow Norma Brock Peni Colville Bert Corpeny Hilda Finkemeier Scott Fruehling Dennis Grady Jack Haden Connie Hansen Larry Hare Ona Jean Harvey Lee Hovel Dale Kesl Doug Lewallen Martha Macher Charlene Millsap Marilyn Nirschl Carol Ohlde Gary Owens Nancy Parks Jenny Peimann Betty Peppers Carol Schwartz Ralph Schwartz Mary Ellen Stephenson Jeanne Stevenson Louise Tilghman Jane Tinnin Ralph Tinnin Member Prayers-Shawnee Pat Alft Lee Bonn Julie Clobes Ron Flentgen Robert Hemenway Bill Kuehn John Kuhn Dana Pasley Josh Pasley Gary Robinson Jean Schanefelt Jerry Shreve Retirement Facility/Homebound Rita Bartlett, Good Samaritan Barbara Brown, Delmar Gardens Maxine Bruner, Aberdeen Village Ted Dahl, at home Bob Ebel, Bickford Place Allene Gantz, Benton House Paul Gilbert, Overland Park Place Lois Haubein, Overland Park Place Phyllis Henderson, Aberdeen Village Lois Klausen, Delmar Gardens Jean Klemp, McCrites Plaza Lucy Krieger, Brookdale-College Square Ruth Kroenke, at home Bertha Lefebvre, at home Jerry Lewis, Sunrise Mildred Liemen, at home Dave Lindquist, at home Bob Mann, at home Florence Meyer, Park Meadows Hilde Miller, Sweet Life Art Nelson, Park Meadows Helen Wendlandt, at home Sylvia Wendt, Bartels Lutheran George Zschoche, at home The Messenger Published by Trinity Lutheran Church; 5601 West 62nd Street, Mission, KS 66202; 913-432-5441 Email Messenger Articles to: [email protected] Messenger articles are needed by 5:00 pm on Tuesday during the week of publication. (Messengers are printed on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month.) Trinity Staff: Mark Schulz, Senior Pastor: [email protected] Ron Flentgen, Vacancy Associate Pastor: [email protected] Benjamin Vineyard, Minister of Disciple Formation: [email protected] Rhonda Synovec, Director of Family Life Ministry: [email protected] Rhonda Nesselrode, Preschool Director: [email protected] Ben Spalding, Director of Music: [email protected] Anna Myeong, Organist: [email protected] Larry Conrad, Administrator: [email protected] Gretchen Hollman, Office Supervisor: [email protected] Pastoral Emergency Contacts: Pastor Mark Schulz - 913-231-9726 Pastor Ron Flentgen - 913-748-6670 Learn more about us. Visit our web site: Mission Campus 5601 West 62nd Street, Mission, Kansas Saturday 5:30 p.m. Communion Service Sunday Mornings 8:30 a.m. Family-focused Worship with Communion 9:45 a.m. Praise Service with Communion 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Family-focused Worship with Communion Shawnee Campus 21320 Midland Drive, Shawnee, Kansas 66218 Sunday Mornings 8:30 a.m. Family-focused Worship with Communion 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Family-focused Worship with Communion Professionally Staffed Nursery for ages 6 months to 3 years is available during all worship services and the Sunday School hour.
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