January 4th 2015

The Community of the
Holy Name of Jesus
January 4, 2015
The Epiphany of the Lord
11000 W 133rd Avenue
Cedar Lake, IN 46303
[email protected]
They set out and there ahead of them,
went the star that they had seen at its
rising, until it stopped over the place
Matthew 2, 9
where the child was.
Holy Name Parish
Cedar Lake, Indiana
Liturgical Schedule
Saturday, January 3
7:00 AM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
At Friary
John Jordan
Sunday, January 4
The Epiphany of the Lord
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Arthur & Josephine Michaels
Joe Mata
The People of Holy Name Parish
Monday, January 5
7:00 AM
At Friary ~ Beloved Deceased
Tuesday, January 6
7:00 AM
At Friary ~ Beloved Deceased
Wednesday, January 7
7:00 AM
At Friary ~ Beloved Deceased
January 4, 2015
The Epiphany
Gospel Reflection
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Epiphany of the Lord
Is 60:1–6; Ps 72:1–2, 7–8, 10–11, 12–13
Eph 3:2–3a, 5–6; Mt 2:1–12
The feast of the Epiphany reminds us that Christ
came to save all people. The magi represent those
who come to know God through nature. The Second
Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on Divine
Revelation (Dei Verbum) teaches that God was first
made known “in created realities”. The magi read the
sky and are led to find the light of the world. Herod’s
advisors turn to the Scriptures and learn that the
Messiah is to be born “in Bethlehem of Judea” (Mt
2:5). But Herod’s response is not “to do him homage”
like the magi; he seeks to destroy the child. While
Herod is “greatly troubled” by the birth of the child,
the magi are “overjoyed”. Our response to God’s revelation is key to our salvation.
Thursday, January 8
7:00 AM
At Friary ~ Beloved Deceased
Friday, January 9
7:00 AM
At Friary ~ Beloved Deceased
Saturday, January 10
7:00 AM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
At Friary
Anna Mager
Adam Csikos
Sunday, January 11
Baptism of the Lord
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Chester & Harriet Cabaj
Javier Garibay
The People of Holy Name Parish
Today’s text from Isaiah is often interpreted through
the lens of the story of the magi. Writing five centuries before Christ’s birth, our prophet, Third Isaiah,
envisions a time when Zion, God’s mountain, will be
a place where the nations of the world will encounter
the Lord. “Your light has come,” he says to his people, “the glory of the Lord shines upon you”. Writing
some years after the exile, our prophet has a strong
sense of universalism: God desires to save all people. We are called to walk in God’s light.
Paul writes to the Ephesians of God’s mystery, which
“was made known to me by revelation”. This is a new
message, “not made known to human beings in other
generations” but now made known “by the Spirit”. In
Christ this mystery has been revealed: “the Gentiles
are coheirs … in the promise of Christ Jesus”. Christ
came for all. It is up to us to accept or reject him.
For reflection: What is my attitude toward those who
seek God in places other than the church? How can I
better carry Christ’s light to the world in this new calendar year?
To view our Bulletin and Newsletter on line check
out our website at www.holynamecedarlake.com
Become a fan on Facebook.
Events for the Month
January 2015
10 ~
11 ~
12 ~
13 ~
14 ~
15 ~
16 ~
9 AM AA (CR2)
Prayer Shawls in Church
Youth Group Ice Skating
10 AM RCIA (CR1)
Prayer Shawls in Church
4 PM Dia de los Reyes (CB)
7 PM RCIA at St. John
SJE Gym Rental
8 PM AA (CB)
8 PM Alanon (CR2)
5 PM St. Clare Kitchen (CB)
6:30~8 PM Grief Support (Living Room)
SJE Gym Rental
7 PM Confirmation Class
7 PM Parish Life Meeting (CR1)
8:30 AM Morning Prayer (C)
5-7 PM Parish Office open
7 PM Hispanic Prayer Group (CR1)
9:15 AM Adult Faith Sharing (FFO)
10 AM AA (CB)
6 PM St. Vincent dePaul Meeting (CR1)
6:30 PM Music Ministry
Newsletter Deadline
SJE Gym Rental
9 AM AA (CR2)
Bakeless Bake Sale at all Masses
Bakeless Bake Sale at all Masses
10 AM RCIA (CR1)
10:15 AM Generations of Faith (Gym)
6:30-8:30 Youth Group Open Mic in Gym
6:15 PM Generations of Faith (Gym)
6:30 PM Pastoral Council Meeting (CR1)
7 PM RCIA at St. John
8 PM AA (CB)
8 PM Alanon (CR2)
5 PM St. Clare Kitchen (CB)
8:30 AM Morning Prayer (C)
5-7 PM Parish Office open
6:30-8 PM Youth Group (Gym)
9:15 AM Adult Faith Sharing (FFO)
10 AM AA (CB)
6:30 PM Finance Committee Meeting (CR1)
Basement Rental
Location for Events:
Parish Center
Church Basement
Faith Formation Office ~ Parish Center
Living Room
Dining Room
New addition upstairs conference room
New addition downstairs conference room
Faith Formation
Planning to Marry?
The Diocese requires that
couples planning to marry
begin their preparation with
the church at least six months in advance. Couples must contact Father Ed to begin 232-2713.
All-Day Marriage Preparation sessions will be offered January 25 and March 22, 2015. Couples
may contact Jody and Dan Bohney to register for
one all-day session: [email protected] 219696-4030.
A New Year sometimes calls for
a new routine!
Join us on Thursday mornings in the
faith formation office at 9:15 AM for
coffee and conversation. All adults in
the parish are welcome.
We would like to begin a new book or
DVD series with the new year. Come and offer your
The Sacrament
of Marriage
Marriage is a great honor and
an immense challenge. To fulfill
this marvelous calling we need Christ’s help; we
need his Spirit’s power. How can we support those
who are married as a parish? As individuals?
Join us for the January
Generations of Faith
session as we break open the sacrament of marriage. All in the parish are welcome whether you are
newly married, not so newly married, no longer
married or not married at all!
Sunday, January 11 at 10:15 AM
Monday, January 12 at 6 PM.
We meet in the gym. Join us for a meal, prayer, an
introduction of the topic and then age breakouts to
have a more in depth discussion.
“A happy marriage is the union of two
good forgivers.”
-Robert Quillen
Parish Life
Those who need
our prayers…
Phil Allan
Florence Armstrong
Bob & Lida Barney
Darlene Beechin
Mary Bixenman
Bill Bradtke
Marcia Cepko
Josephine Chmielewski
Robert Clark
Mary Lou Deno
Bob Eberle
Tom & Linda Foreman
Ann Gadomski
Gail Gold
Marie Govert
Joey Guerrero
Rosemarie Haberlin
Mickey Hasse
Karen Hathaway
Mary Hays
Dave Hilt
Rosalie Hoffman
Amalia Hutchins
Richard Johnson
Bruce Kitchell
Jeff Kubiak
Monica & Fred Kujawa
Ron & Lynn Kuran
Dale Laking
James Larson
Debbie Longfellow
Tom Manning
Jo Manes
Lois Martinez
Joy Marzynski
Mary Jane & Jim Molnar
Dan & Dodie Nolan
Jeff Obarski
Joe O’Dea
Robert O’Donnell
Stacey Previs
Ray Radzinski
Cecelia Rahaw
Bob Reeves
Michael & Carol Rowe
Lucille Shroka
Barb Stuart
Judy Tokarz
Gerry Thiel
Marge Willy
Pat & Rich Wisniewski
Matthew Yakubik
Cathy Zajac
Unidos in Christ/
United in Christ
El dia de Reyes
Three Kings Day
Sunday, January 4,
2015 at 4 PM
Church Basement
This feast marks
the culmination of
the twelve days of
Christmas. All are
invited to join us
and celebrate the
Feast of the Three
Calling all volunteers, young and old! Plans are
under way for a wonderful evening of celebrating our Parish’s many blessings. The Parish Life
Committee is sponsoring a “Volunteer Appreciation Night.” It will be held on Saturday, January
24, 2015, after 5:00 PM Mass at the Great Oaks
Banquet Hall (13109 Wicker Avenue). Anyone
involved in ministry (including all activities such
as picnic, giving tree, etc.) at Holy Name is welcomed to attend. The Parish will provide dinner
and dancing. Also, your special beverages will
be available for purchase. With many new faces
involved, the evening will provide us with opportunity to get acquainted, enjoy each others company, and build a strong sense of community
here at Holy Name Parish. If you are planning
to attend, you MUST complete this form and
return RSVP form by mail or collection basket.
You may also email the Parish
at [email protected] or email [email protected].
Questions, call Roberta Allan at 374-7836.
Reservation Form
Please return this to Holy Name by
We would like to begin featuring in our newsletter the
women and men we pray for
every week, who are in active military duty.
If you would like your family
member featured, please
send us their photo and a
paragraph about them.
Photos and bios can be
emailed to [email protected] or dropped in
the collection basket.
Monday, January 19, 2015.
We will attend
the Volunteer Appreciation Night
Saturday, Jan. 24th.
_____________Number attending
Donations for Christmas Decorations were received in the name of:
Deceased Members of Berenc &
Ann Browski
Battista Family
Ray Krupa Sr.
M/M W. Radzinski
Betty Krupa
M/M F. Martin
Debra Cowgur
M/M J. Ray
Rosemarie Cane
M/M M. Molitor
John J. Jordan
William S. Muirhead
M/M J. Mckeique
George R. Adams
John Mardos
M/M J. Bentley
George E. Nolan
Mary A. Kovach
M/M A Radzinski
Margaret Nolan
Thomas R. Kovach
Deceased Nieces & Nephews
Wm. A. Adams
Donald E. Bates
Joan Torrence
Johanna Adams
Jeannine Eckert
Bob Torrence
Eileen & Dick Lautenschlager
Souls in Purgatory
Bill Magnant
Julia & Walter Jackura
Harold Lappie
Frank Podkul
Gerald & Aby Vale
Anabelle Lappie
Jennifer Wieser
Elizabeth Lautenschlager
John Lappie
Joe & Helen Bubeling
Tina & Faustina Pulcini
Bud Huber
Frances & Bernard McCants
Dominic Christofanelli
Joyce Huber
Aaron & Frances Keehn
Loren Fleck
Alice Huber
McCants Family
Louis Panozzo
Frank Paterek
Douglas Ferry
Lois Panozzo
Irene Paterek
Woodrow Pratt
William Fleck
Bernice Zbikowski
Wanda Pratt
Viola Fleck
Carolyn Kozminske
Waco Pratt
David Cribari
Thomas Kozminske
Wayne Pratt
Clarence O’Connor
Milton Kerley
Morry Lund, Jr.
Margaret O’Connor
Clarence Kozminske
Phyllis Lund
Joseph O’Connor
Jim Rickenbrode
Ed & Clara Bapple
Angie Cribari
Andy & Elizabeth Duran
Ed & Veva O. Bapple
Michael Mccormick
Edward Duran
Morry & Alma Lund
John J. Jordan
Mae Lesniak
M/M Alfred Keilman
Josephine Bilge
Stanley Lesniak
M/M Albert Rutkowske
Carmella Ryan
Josephine & Arthur Michaels
Willie Keilman
William McCoy
Chester & Harriet Cabaj
Greene Family
Steven Roberi
Lowry Family
Fasnacht Families
Deceased Members of Holy
Continued on next page...
Donations for Christmas Decorations were
received in the name of:
Nick Saberniak
Leonard Kuffel
Eileen Kuffel
Lenny Kuffel
James Duran
Kathy Kennedy
Cara, Juan, Alicia, Andre
& Miguel
Alice & Robert Wilk
Pat & Allan Kramer
Joe Gadomski
Len & Louise Bilinski
Doug Bilinski
Joe Mantel
Denise Mantel
Ralph & Lucille Einhorn
Edwin Wietecha
The Flaherty Family
The Linz Family
The Los Family
The Rybicki Family
Hometown Animal Hospital
This bulletin is brought to us weekly, free of charge
thanks to our sponsors. Please view this complete ad
on the back of the bulletin and be sure to patronize
our advertisers and let them know you saw their ad in
the bulletin.
Due to early holiday publishing deadlines the
collections for December 14 thru January
4th, 2015 will appear in January 11th and
18th bulletins.
Youth Council News
January 3rd (10 to 11:30 PM) - Ice Skating at
Midwest Ice Arena (10600 White Oak) FREE admission. Skate rental $4.00
January 11th (6:30 to 8 PM)
Open Mic in the Gym
January 14th (6:30 to 8 PM) Open Gym
January 28th (6:30 to 8 PM) Open Gym
*Service Project assisting with snow removal, if
Ecumenical Prayer
January 20, 2015 7 PM
Holy Name Parish
Join us for an evening of prayer and fellowship.
Refreshments in the basement
following the service.
All in the community
are welcome!
Holy Name Parish
January 4, 2015
Holy Name Parish Staff
Holy Name Mission Statement
Holy Name Parish is a thriving Roman Catholic community
that strives to create a welcoming atmosphere for many
people from diverse cultures and various backgrounds.
Using our time, talent and treasures, we are committed to
responsible stewardship and financial accountability.
We nourish our Catholic faith through our weekly sharing in
the Eucharist; strengthened through intergenerational faith
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we dedicate ourselves to
the service of those most in need, by being Disciples of
Christ in the world.
Reaffirmed November 13, 2012
2014 Pastoral Council Members
Kim Boswell
Gretchen Gerstenkorn
Tomas Jaimes
Ed King
Pete Kozlowski
Meg Lanham
Brian Long
Shirley Manning
Tom McAdams
Linda Slankard
Ryan Steinberg
John Tritschler
Rose Mary Vicari
Father Ed Tlucek, ofm
[email protected]
Deacon Ed Kozub
[email protected]
Deacon Tom Kubik
[email protected]
Deacon John Bacon
[email protected]
Mercedes Austgen
Pastoral Associate
[email protected]
Mary Joan Dickson
Youth Minister
[email protected]
Mary Kselman
Office Manager
[email protected]
Cindy Varenkamp
Music Ministry
[email protected]
Wanda Burdan
Office Staff
[email protected]