Classifieds Real Estate PLAT BOOKS WITH 911 ADDRESSES LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS FOR STEARNS, WRIGHT & MEEKER COUNTIES REG. $40 - NOW $25 + TAX AT COLD SPRING RECORD HIGHWAY 23 WEST COLD SPRING 320-685-8621 ______________________________________________s3tfp For Rent OFFICe FOR ReNT – COld SpRING - Building with 3 offices, 3 conference rooms and a garage; individual offices with shared conference rooms, rent negotiable, reception services can be available. Call paul at 240-9423. _____________________________________________m3tfc FOR ReNT - 3 bedroom townhouse in Santa Rosa Beach, Fl. Available January and February. Close to Sandy Beach. Call 320-6858519. __________________________________________d16-23p FOR ReNT - duplex in Cold Spring, 2 bdrm with garage, washer/dryer hookup, large yard, nice. Available January 1st. Call 253-1992 after 5pm. __________________________________________d23-30c COMPUTER REPAIR LEITHER COMPUTERS LLC Marvin Leither • Richmond, MN 320-281-9373 Repair, cleaning, upgrade, virus removal, wireless home network security and more! SELF-STORAGE RENTAL 24 Hour Access • Reasonable Rates 4 Sizes Available Security Surveillance Cameras 685-8556 East Highway 23 • Cold Spring, MN Office/Retail space for rent in the Schurman building in downtown Cold Spring. Call 320-492-1330. Granite Ledge Townhomes in Cold Spring 3 Bedroom Townhomes $750 per month Heat Included Income limits apply Call Mary or Don at 320-685-8650 John Clark Co-op Senior Housing (55+) 241 Broadway St. West Rockville, MN 1 Bedroom available immediately! 320-251-0165 SENIOR AND/OR HANDI-CAPPED BUILDING: Now accepting applications for a fully accessible apartment at Springhaven in Cold Spring. For more information, contact Cindy at 320-685-9803 or Security Management and Realty at 507-345-1290. Equal Housing Opportunity. Miscellaneous FOUND Several sets of keys in the Rocori parking lot. To claim call dee at 685-4911. 318 1st St. S. • Cold Spring (Located at the corner of Red River Ave & 1st St. S.) Open Every FRIDAY & SATURDAY 10am – 5pm and SUNDAY ~ 10am – 4pm or by chance Transportation BUYING JUNK CARS, trucks and late model repairables. Top dollar paid. Call 866-482-0972. ______________________________________________s9tfc FIND IT Want to plan a private shopping date as a group? Call Lisa to make an appointment 320.241.5065 ! Boomerville Cheap entertainment that’s good for you! IN THE Walk our 75 foot indoor loop while listening to great music (walk & roll). We also have a wide variety of fun games. Only $3 per hour, free coffee & water. Mon. – Fri. 8am – 5pm. We also host special parties. Boomerville is located in Jacobs Prairie between Cold Spring and St. Joseph. classifieds Now accepting applications for pine West 1 & 2 townhomes located in Cold Spring. For more information call Cindy at 320-685-9803 or SMR at 800-450-7723. equal Housing Opportunity. ____________________________________________n20tfc Little Sister’s Antiques (Classified Ad deadline is Thursdays at 4 pm) 320-293-4058 Daycare Help WANTed – Active young family in Cold Spring opening a licensed daycare soon. Welcoming FT/pT children all ages. Call to set up meeting. Kelsy dockendorf 320282-4506. __________________________________________d23-30p Help Wanted Help WANTed – looking for ambitious individual to fill shop position at Schlangen’s Custom Cabinets. Wood working experience a plus but not required. Includes benefit package. please call 320-453-2718 or email resume to [email protected]. __________________________________________d23-30c CITY OF ROCKVILLE FIRE FIGHTER The City of Rockville is currently seeking applications for fire fighters. persons applying must be at least 18 years of age and possess a valid MN Class d driver’s license with the ability to obtain a Class B license within 2 years of employment. Applicants must either work or reside within 10 minutes of the fire hall as set forth by the City of Rockville employment guidelines. Other minimum qualifications are outlined in the job description. Applications can be obtained by contacting City Hall – (320) 251-5836 – 229 Broadway Street east, Rockville, MN 56369 or on the city web-site at All applications must be received by 12:00 noon on Friday, January 2, 2015. The City of Rockville is an equal opportunity employer. ______________________________________________d23c Hilltop Health Care Center has openings for LPN/RN Fulltime Evenings, Nursing Assistants Registered, Dietary Aide and Activity Assistant, casual hours. Benefits include: Vacation, Sick, Health Insurance, Retirement, Dental. Ongoing Continuing Education, NAR starting wage Eve shift $11.89, Day shift $10.89. Paid training for NAR’s (No experience needed) Supportive staff to help you achieve your career goals. We are four years deficiency free for MDH surveys! Apply at Hilltop Health Care Center 401 Luella St. Watkins, MN 55389 320-764-2300 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE date: November 12, 2014 YOU ARe NOTIFIed THAT: 1. default has occurred in the conditions of that certain Mortgage dated June 29, 2007, executed by JeNNIFeR SCHMIT, a single adult, of 1689 – 33Rd Circle South, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301, as Mortgagor, to Central Minnesota Habitat for Humanity, a Minnesota non-profit organization, of 3335 West St. Germain Street, Suite 108, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301, as Mortgagee, and filed for record on July 9, 2007, as document No. 1232507, in the Office of the County Recorder of Stearns County, Minnesota. 2. The Mortgage has been assigned as follows: n/a 3. The original principal amount secured by the Mortgage was: $80,740.00. 4. No action or proceeding at law is now pending to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, or any part thereof. 5. The holder of the Mortgage has complied with all conditions precedent to acceleration of the debt secured by the Mortgage and foreclosure of the Mortgage, and all notice and other requirements of applicable statutes. 6. At the date of this notice the amount due on the Mortgage, and taxes, if any, paid by the holder of the Mortgage is: $63,501.34. 7. pursuant to the power of sale in the Mortgage, the Mortgage will be foreclosed, on the land described as follows: lot Six (6), Block One (1), The Cove on 33rd Street, Common Interest Community No. 87, Stearns County, Minnesota. Street Address: 1689 – 33rd Circle South St. Cloud, MN 56301 Tax I.d. No.: 82.51500.0305 and will be sold by the County Sheriff of Stearns County, Minnesota, at public auction on Wednesday, January 7, 2015, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. in the lobby of the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office located at 807 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56303. 8. The time allowed by law for redemption of Mortgagor or Mortgagor’s personal representatives or assigns is six (6) months after the date of sale. 9. The date on or before which the Mortgagor must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated un- der Minn. Stat. § 580.30 or the property redeemed under Minn. Stat. § 580.23 is July 7, 2015, at 11:59 p.m. If the foregoing date is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, then the date to vacate is the next business day at 11:59 p.m. 10. THe TIMe AllOWed BY lAW FOR RedeMpTION BY THe MORTGAGOR, THe MORTGAGOR’S peRSONAl RepReSeNTATIVeS OR ASSIGNS MAY Be RedUCed TO FIVe WeeKS IF A JUdICIAl ORdeR IS eNTeRed UNdeR MINN. STAT. § 582.032, deTeRMINING, AMONG OTHeR THINGS THAT THe MORTGAGed pReMISeS ARe IMpROVed WITH A ReSIdeNTIAl dWellING OF leSS THAN FIVe UNITS, ARe NOT pROpeRTY USed IN AGRICUlTURAl pROdUCTION, ANd ARe ABANdONed. THIS IS AN ATTeMpT TO COlleCT A deBT ANd ANY INFORMATION OBTAINed WIll Be USed FOR THAT pURpOSe. Mortgagee or Assignee Mortgage: By /s/ Robert J. Walter Robert J. Walter (#0114248) Attorneys for Mortgagee or Assignee of Mortgagee: GRAY, plANT, MOOTY, MOOTY & BeNNeTT, p.A. 1010 West St. Germain Suite 500 St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 252-4414 of (publish Nov. 18-dec. 23, 2014) _________________________________ NOTICE OF SALE pleASe TAKe NOTICe that the pontoon and motor owned by debtors Michael & lisa a/k/a linda elzufon, of 17269 80th place, Maple Grove, MN 55311, located at Channel Marine & Sports, Inc., 101 4th St SW, Richmond, Minnesota, on January 13, 2015, at 1 o’clock p.m., the Sheriff for Stearns County will sell to the highest cash bidder property described as: Harris FloteBot Model Tri-Toon (Reg No. MN 3009 JV) and 2003 Yamaha Motor, Model F225TXRB, Hp 225. As of the date of sale, the amount due Channel Marine & Sports, Inc., for repair and storage fees shall be $1,408.18, exclusive of Sheriff’s fees and the expenses of advertising said sale. To the best knowledge of Channel Marine & Sports, Inc., the owner of the property is Michael & lisa a/k/a linda elzufon. THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: WIlleNBRING, dAHl, WOCKeN & ZIMMeRMANN, pllC Kelly A. Warren (#387850) (vab) 318 Main Street, pO Box 417 Cold Spring, MN 56320-0417 Telephone (320) 685-3678 File No. 20879-004 (publish december 16-30, 2014) __________________________________ STEARNS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, December 2, 2014 Call to Order 5:00 pM Meeting called to order by Mark J. Bromenschenkel, Chair, on december 2, 2014 at County Board Room, County Administration Center, St. Cloud, MN. Roll Call district 1 deWayne Mareck: present, district 2 Mark Bromenschenkel: present, district 3 Jeff Mergen: present, district 4 leigh lenzmeier: present, district 5 Steve Notch: present, County Administrator George Rindelaub: present, County Auditor - Treasurer Randy Schreifels: present, Minutes Administrator Roxanne Gerads: present. B. Consent Agenda 1. Approve minutes of Tuesday, November 18, 2014 2. Approve 2014 Homestead Abatements: Amy Schiffler, (R40.25640.0004), Albany City, where homestead was omitted from parcel, from Robbie Roelike, (R15.08388.0000, R15.08383.0000), lake George Township, where actively farming homestead omitted from parcel. 3. Authorize renewed and updated prosecution contracts with Holdingford, eden Valley and Albany, and enter a new prosecution contract with the city of Melrose for the period January 1, 2015 through december 31, 2016. 4. Approve and Authorize Board Chair to Sign payroll and Benefit Administration Services Agreement Between Stearns County and Stearns-Benton employment Training Council for period January 1, 2015 through december 31, 2016 5. Approve Budget Adjustment from Sheriff's Office to purchase Hand Held Fingerprint Scanner for Field Officers with Sheriff's Contingency Fund Monies 6. Approve 2014 Stearns County/City of St. Cloud emergency Operations plan 7. Approve planning Commission Action on Conditional Use permit Applications for Joseph desJardins, St. Cloud, MN and props, llC for Trent Atkinson, Freeport, MN As follows: 1.) On consideration of a request for a conditional use permit Tuesday, December 23, 2014 Page 17, Cold Spring Record for a Major Shoreland Alteration submitted by Joseph desJardins, of St. Cloud, MN, according to the requirements of Sections 10.2.14 and 10.2.14 I. (2) (c) of Stearns County land Use and Zoning Ordinance #439, to cut and fill for the construction of a new residential walkout dwelling and the construction of walls to retain said fill. The property under consideration is located at 27568 Seleste Ct., Cold Spring, MN on .65 acres of Section 29, Collegeville Township (T124N, R30W). ACTION TAKeN: Upon the request of the applicant, the planning commission voted to table this item until further notice. 2.) To consider a request for a conditional use permit submitted by props llC, Freeport MN for Trent Atkinson, Freeport MN, to operate a limited rural business in the Agricultural 40 (A-40) zoning district, according to Sections 4.8, 6.36, and 9.3.5N of Stearns County land Use and Zoning Ordinance #439. The property under consideration is lot 3 Block 1 of Rolling lake Acres, lying westerly of County Road 11 and southwesterly of Rolling lake in Section 22, Millwood Township (126/32). The property address is 40325 County Road 11, Freeport MN. ACTION TAKeN: The planning commission unanimously recommended approval with one condition. The planning Commission adopted eight Findings-of-Fact. 8. Approve and authorize the Board Chair to sign on behalf of the county a renewal Agreement with pope/douglas County to Hold Mobile Household Hazardous Collections for period January 1, 2015 through december 31, 2017 9. Approve Out of Class pay for Amber Bird When performing Work Assignments for Approximately Two Months from Application Specialist – Grade 15 to Office Service Supervisor – Grade 19 Consent Vote RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: deWayne Mareck, district 1 SECONDER: Steve Notch, district 5 Recess Regular Meeting Recess Regular County Board Meeting to Conduct Human Services Board Meeting Human Services Board Consent Items 1. Approve and authorize the Board Chair to sign a contract with Central Minnesota Mental Health Center for the period January 1, 2015 through december 31, 2015, for the provision of clinical consultation and supervision services, including attendance at Child placement Screening Team meetings, and for the provision of mental health evaluation services consistent with the pATH grant, with payments for said services at a rate of $125 per hour. (Rate unchanged) 2. Approve and authorize the Board Chair to sign a contract extension with Central Minnesota Mental Health Center for Crisis Response service effective January 1, 2015 through March 31, 2015 with total expenditure not to exceed $9,250.00 at the following rates: Week days on-call crisis response Monday through Friday 4:30 pm 8:00 am the following date at $65/day. Weekend and designated holiday on-call crisis response at $90/day. On-site intervention services at $175/each. Mileage to be reimbursed at IRS approved rate. Administration Costs at 5% of monthly billing. 3. Approve and authorize the Board Chair to sign a SHIp contract with Wright County Human Services, effective december 1, 2014 through October 31, 2015, to act as fiscal agent for the purchase of consultation services for the development of a Regional Active Transportation plan, in an amount not to exceed $20,000. 4. Approve and authorize the Board Chair to sign a Cooperative Agreement among Stearns County Human Services, the Offices of the Stearns County Attorney and the Stearns County Sheriff, and the Minnesota department of Human Services for services associated with the administration of the Child Support enforcement program for the period January 1, 2015 through december 31, 2015 at the following rates: For County Sheriff: $50.00 per service plus mileage at the rates established by the County fee schedule. For County Attorney - Attorney Services: $62,981.25 quarterly, for a total not to exceed $251,925.00; and approve a Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate billing and reimbursement processes among Stearns County Human Services, the Office of the Stearns County Attorney, and the Office of the Stearns County Auditor. 5. Approve and authorize the Board Chair to sign a Cooperative Agreement with the Office of Stearns County Attorney for legal services for purposes of Fraud prosecution for the period January 1, 2015 through december 31, 2015 at the following rates: $76.00 per hour for attorney services; $44.00 per hour for case coordinator services; $40.00 per hour for paralegal services; and $32.50 per hour for secretarial services 6. Approve and authorize the Board Chair to sign a contract with 180 degrees, Inc. for the period January 1, 2015 through december 31, 2015 for two services: a. evening learning Center at the rate of $115.00 per client per day plus $40.00 per hour for transportation service and IRS published mileage rates (rate unchanged); b. employment Boot Camp at the rate of $115.00 per client per day plus $40.00 per hour for transportation service and IRS published mileage rates (new service); 7. Approve and authorize the Board Chair and Vice Chair to sign resolution 14-70 authorizing execution of a grant agreement with the Minnesota department of Human Services to act as fiscal agent for regional immunization registry services under the name and style of Central Minnesota Immunization Connection for children enrolled in Medical Assistance (MA) or MinnesotaCare programs for the period January 1, 2015 through december 31, 2015, for $8,492.00. Authorize the Board Chair to sign said grant agreement. Consent Vote RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: deWayne Mareck, dist. 1 SECONDER: Mark Bromenschenkel, dist. 2 Close Human Services Board Reconvene Regular Meeting Reconvene Regular County Board Meeting Administration presentation by George Rindelaub, County Administrator, re: consideration of: 1. Adopt Resolution 14- 71 approving the Stearns County property Assessed Cleaning energy program (pACe) Joint powers Agreement. presenter: external -- peter M. Klein, St. paul port Authority Vice president of Finance; George Meyers, Cozy Corners Campground Owner RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: deWayne Mareck, district 1 SECONDER: Jeff Mergen, district 3 Public Works presentation by Jodi Teich, County engineer, re: consideration of: 1. Adopt Resolution 14-72 supporting the City of paynesville's local Road Improvement program Funding Application for the reconstruction of lake Avenue and Washburne Avenue between Trunk Highway 23 and downtown paynesville. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jeff Mergen, district 3 SECONDER: Steve Notch, district 5 2. Adopt resolution 14-73 supporting/sponsoring Avon Township's application for local Road Improvement program funding for the resurfacing of Norway Road in Avon Township. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jeff Mergen, district 3 SECONDER: Steve Notch, district 5 Environmental Services presentation by Chelle Benson, environmental Services director, re: consideration of: 1. Receive land Use division Update presenter: Angie Berg, land Use division Supervisor; RESULT: INFORMATIONALNO VOTE 2. Approve as recommended by the environmental Services department a one (1) lot plat entitled “Breth Acres” submitted by Scott pollock, Bowlus MN according to Stearns County Subdivision Ordinance No. 230. The property is zoned partially Residential 5 (R-5) and partially Transitional 20 (T-20). The 20.01 Acre plat is located in part of the SW1/4 of the Se1/4, Section 6 of Brockway Township (126/29), lying northerly of County Road 17 subject to eight conditions which have all been met. presenter: Angie Berg, land Use division Supervisor; RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: leigh lenzmeier, district 4 SECONDER: Jeff Mergen, district 3 3. Approve as recommended by the environmental Services department a two (2) lot (one residential lot and one outlot) plat entitled “lakeside Acres” submitted by Carol J. Klein Revocable Trust, Kimball MN according to Stearns County Subdivision Ordinance No. 230. The property is zoned Residential 10 (R-10) . The 11.24 Acre plat is located in part of Government lot 1, Section 6 of Fairhaven Township (122/28), lying westerly of State Highway 15 subject to ten conditions. presenter: Angie Berg, land Use division Supervisor; RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: leigh lenzmeier, district 4 SECONDER: Jeff Mergen, district 3 Auditor-Treasurer presentation by Randy Schreifels, Public Notices continued on page 18 Page 18 Public Notices continued from page 17 Auditor-Treasurer, re: consideration of: 1. Adopt Resolution 14 - 74 awarding sale of $5,285,000 General Obligation Capital Improvement Crossover Refunding Bonds. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: DeWayne Mareck, District 1 SECONDER: Leigh Lenzmeier, District 4 2. Demonstration of County’s New Online Budget Information Tool “OpenGov” Presenter: Internal -- Jim Stegura, Financial Manager RESULT: INFORMATIONALNO VOTE Issues by Commissioners 1. Authorize Randy Schreifels to approve/deny re-purchase of a taxforfeited property located in the City of Sauk Centre RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Leigh Lenzmeier, DisSECONDER: DeWayne trict 4 Mareck, District 1 2015 Truth in Budgeting Public Hearing Present at Truth in Budgeting Public Hearing: Mark Sizer, Human Services Administrator, Dona Pederson, Human Services Finance Division Director, Terry Ferdinandt, Veterans Service Officer, Pete Rueter, Building Facilities Director, Bill Davison, Purchasing Director, Jodi Teich, County Engineer, Kristen Beste, Interim Emergency Management Director, Marcus Miller, Chief Attorney of Civil Division, Jim Stegura, Financial Officer, Jeff Johnson, County Assessor, Diane Grundhoefer, County Recorder, Peter Theismann, Parks Director, George McClure, Informational Services Director, Janelle Kendall, County Attorney, Jennifer Thorsten, Human Resources Director, Steve Hammes, Assistant to Administrator, Chelle Benson, Environmental Services Director and 5 members from the public. Allan Dobis, appeared before the board regarding his concerns on the increase in his property taxes on his agriculture property. Fred Zeis, appeared before the board regarding his concern on the increase in his property taxes on his agriculture property. Presenter: George Rindelaub, County Administrator; Randy Schreifels, Auditor-Treasurer; Close public hearing After hearing no other testimony, Chair Bromenschenkel states action will be taken at the December 16, 2014 meeting on the County budget/levy and the public hearing was closed. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Leigh Lenzmeier, District 4 SECONDER: Steve Notch, District 5 Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 6:57 p.m. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Leigh Lenzmeier, District 4 SECONDER: Steve Notch, District 5 Cold Spring Record of the decedent’s estate in an unsupervised administration. Any objections to the petition must be raised at the hearing or filed with the Court prior to the hearing. If the petition is proper and no objections are filed or raised, the personal representatives will be appointed with the full power to administer the decedent’s estate, including the power to collect all assets; to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes, and expenses; to sell real and personal property; and to do all necessary acts for the decedent’s estate. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent’s estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. BY THE COURT Dated: December 10, 2014 Vicki Landwehr Judge of District Court STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF STEARNS SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT Court File No.: 73-PR-14-9695 NOTICE OF AND ORDER FOR HEARING ON PETITION FOR FORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND APPOINTMENT OF CO-PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Decedent. __________________________________ 2 9 2 lb. 2599 $399 5 2/$ 1 17 $ 99 3 6 Pepsi Products 24 Packs 12 3/$ Pepsi Products 6 Pk./24 oz. 7 2/$ Aquafina Water 24 Pk. 1 6 9 8 7 2 3 7 8 2 4 5 3 9 1 6 3 9 6 2 1 7 5 4 8 2 3 7 8 6 9 1 5 4 6 5 4 1 3 2 8 9 7 8 1 9 7 4 5 3 6 2 1 6 3 9 8 4 2 7 5 4 2 8 5 7 1 6 3 9 9 7 5 3 2 6 4 8 1 3 10 $ 89 1 99¢ 2/$ 4 $219 4 $ 98 6 oz. Select Varieties 5 5 7 2/$ Kemps Milk Assorted Gallons 6 5 3/$ lb. 6 1 79¢ 99¢ $ 99 ea. ea. $ 29 4/$ 7 49¢ 2/$ 3 2/$3 2/$ 3/$ 2/$ $ 99 $ 19 Stove Top Stuffing Nabisco Snack Crackers or Toasted Chips $ 69 $ 99 4 Excludes tobacco products & lottery tickets lb. Decedent. __________________________________ 2 5 10/$ In Re: Estate of JAMES B. BAUER, It is Ordered and Notice is given that on January 16, 2015, at 8:45 a.m., a hearing will be held in this Court at 725 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota, on a petition for the adjudication of intestacy and determination of decedent’s heirs, and for the appointment of Kenneth Bauer and Karen Gohman, whose addresses are 1109 8th Street South, Waite Park, MN 56387 and 24694 21st Avenue, St. Augusta, MN 56301, as personal representatives Call 597-2385 to order! $ 99 4.5-9.1 oz. Select Varieties (Publish December 23 & 30, 2014) __________________________________ EVERY WEDNESDAY SENIOR CITIZEN DAYS 5% DISCOUNT ON ALL NON-SALE ITEMS FREE COFFEE & COOKIES! Meat & Cheese Trays Fruit Baskets • Roast Beef lb. lb. William J. Schroeder (MN #9772x) Schroeder Law Office 26 N. Sixth Ave., Suite 280 St. Cloud, Minnesota 56303 Telephone: (320) 252-7766 Facsimile: (320) 252-9678 Open New Year’s Eve 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Open New Year’s Day 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $ 99 $ General Mills Cereal Dated: December 17, 2014 Janine Gully Court Administrator, Deputy lb. 2 Filed December 17, 2014 Stearns County District Court Janine G., Deputy BY THE COURT Dated: December 17, 2014 Frederick L. Grunke Judge of District Court $ 39 $ 99 16 oz. Fiber One, 12 oz. Golden Grahams, 12 oz. Honey Kix, 12 oz. Corn Kix, 8.9 oz. Cheerios, 12 oz. Corn Chex, 12 oz. Rice Chex, 14 oz. Wheat Chex, 10.7 oz. Sponger Bob tors having claims against the decedent’s estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Order your New Year’s $ 39 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF STEARNS NOTICE OF AND ORDER FOR HEARING ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION OF INTESTACY, DETERMINATION OF HEIRS, FORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Publish December 23 & 30, 2014) __________________________________ OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE 7 a.m.– 4 p.m. CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY Merry Christmas from all of us at Plantenberg’s! (Publish December 23, 2014) _________________________________ SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT Court File No.: 73-PR-14-9726 It is Ordered and Notice is given that on January 9, 2015, at 8:45 a.m., a hearing will be held in this Court at Stearns County Courthouse, 725 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56303, for the formal probate of an instrument purporting to be the decedent’s Will dated, December 17, 2012, and for the appointment of Mark T. Notch, whose address is 6794 205th St., St. Augusta, Minnesota 55353, and Jack R. Schabel, whose address is 15751 35th Ave., South Haven, Minnesota 55382, as Co-Personal Representatives of the estate of the decedent in an unsupervised administration. Any objections to the Petition must be raised at the hearing or filed with the Court prior to the hearing. If the petition is proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the CoPersonal Representatives will be appointed with the full power to administer the estate, including the power to collect all assets; pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses; sell real and personal property; and do all necessary acts for the estate. Notice is also given that, subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801, all credi- REICHERT WENNER, P.A. John R. Koch MN #57228 616 Roosevelt Road, Suite 100 PO Box 1556 St. Cloud, MN 56302 Telephone: 320-252-7600 Facsimile: 320-252-2678 In Re: Estate of Richard O. Schabel, Dated: December 10, 2014 Timothy Roberts Court Administrator Tuesday, December 23, 2014 THANKS WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! 6-8 oz. Select Varieties 1 Our Family Shredded Cheese $ 78 6 56 oz. Select Varieties 3 Blue Bunny Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt $ 79 28-45 oz. Select Varieties 5 Marie Callender’s Fruit or Cream Pies $ 29 1 $ 39 2/$ 4 2/$ Prices effective through Monday, December 29, 2014 Thanks for Shopping Plantenberg’s e of “Hom Award n o i p Cham ng Meats Winni sages” & S au 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mon. - Sat. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun. STORE HOURS: Richmond • 597-2385 We reserve the right to limit quantities. Not responsible for printer or typographical errors. WE ACCEPT MAJOR CREDIT CARDS • ATM AVAILABLE
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