St Anthony’s Parish Picton Bargo – Balmoral – Buxton – Couridjah – Douglas Park – Lakesland – Menangle – Picton – Pheasants Nest – Tahmoor – Thirlmere – Wilton – Yanderra ————————————————————— Parish Priest : Father John Ho 20 Stratford Road, Tahmoor NSW 2573. THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH —YEAR B Parish Bulletin ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: The shepherds went in haste, and found Mary and Joseph and the Infant lying in a manager. FIRST READING: Genesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3 A reading from the book of Genesis Your own son shall be your heir. RESPONSORIAL PSALM: The Lord remembers his covenant for ever. SECOND READING Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 A reading from the letter to the Hebrews The faith of Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac. Sunday 28 December 2014 WEEKEND MASS TIMES: St Anthony’s Church - Tahmoor Saturday Vigil - 6.00 pm Sunday - 7.30am & 9.30am WEEKDAY MASS TIMES: Tuesday5.30 pm—Tahmoor Wednesday- 8.00 am—Tahmoor Thursday9.00 am—Tahmoor Mary, the Holy Mother of God New Years Day Friday9.30 am—Picton GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! In the past God spoke to our fathers through the prophets; now he speaks to us through his Son. Alleluia! Reconciliation (Confession) Saturday 5.15– 5.45 pm Tahmoor and before Sunday masses GOSPEL: Luke 2:22-40 The child grew to maturity, and he was filled with wisdom. Adoration: Tuesday 1st Tuesday COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Our God has appeared on the earth, and lived among us. St Patrick’s Church—Menangle 6.00 pm Mass on the First Sunday of the month. NEXT WEEKS READINGS: THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD-YEAR B Is 60:1-6; Eph 3:2-3, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 Second Saturday of the Month Arabic Mass—4.00 pm Tahmoor 4.30pm—5.15pm 9.00am-9.45am Douglas Park—Sunday 9.00am Mass SCRIPTURE QUESTIONS 1. Do you recognize Jesus in your daily life, like Simeon did? 2. What do you think family life was like for Jesus, Mary & Joseph? 3. How is Jesus present in your family? 4. How can we share with others the presence of Jesus in our family? OFFICE HOURS Tuesday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 3.00p.m. Parish Phone 4683 2230 Fr John’s Mobile 0408 671920 Parish Fax: 4683 2248 Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: STEWARDSHIP CORNER In our daily lives, we manage our family and work responsibilities. But to become occupied with these important matters to the exclusion of the need of others outside our home or work, is a mistake we could carry into eternity. VISION STATEMENT: As Members of St Anthony’s Parish, we share the responsibility of building up the spiritual and material welfare of our community by promoting God’s values of love, justice and peace and extending this message of goodwill beyond our immediate boundaries. MORNING TEA 7.30 am next week: 9.30 am next week: OUR PARISH WELCOMES : rishioners. L & L Farrell D & R James & Carmel All our visitors and new pa- DIARY DATES: Thursday 1 January 2015, New Years Day, mass 9.00 am at Tahmoor PRAY WITH THE POPE IN JANUARY We pray that those from diverse religious traditions and all people of good will may work together for peace. We also pray that in this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal. Amen PRAY FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Lord grant them eternal peace & joy and to their families and friends strength and comfort RECENTLY DECEASED: Jeanette Hanley, Vera O’Mara ANNIVERSARY: Pat Foldes, Mona & Jack Waters, Robert Oakes, MEMORIAL: Maria Tran thi Men, Maria Nguyen thi Tho, Joseph Nguyen van Bo. PRAY FOR THE SICK: Ian Macnamara, Stephanie Macnamara, Barba Asplet, Fr David Catteral, Alma Reynolds, Barry Smith, Jim Matthews, Elizabeth Linsell, GREETERS: THIS WEEK Vigil: T Monro-King A & A Ferrara J Coughlan NEXT WEEK G Mason M McGrath S Porter A Cox A & D Ingrey READERS: THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK Vigil: S De Zilva C McSweeney J Maher E Wright Z Olegario B Nolan G Hanger P Coughlan O Upton P Wyatt 7.30 am 9.30 am 7.30 am 9.30 am THIS WEEK 7.30 am 9.30 am “The family is important, and it is necessary for the survival of humanity.” Pope Francis SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME 2015: Information on the parish sacramental programmes for 2015 are available from the racks in the foyer of the Church. Eligibility, all candidates should provide a copy of their Baptismal certificate. Reconciliation, child should be at least in Year 2 or above. First Holy Communion/Eucharist, child should be at least in Year 3 or above and have attended a Reconciliation programme. Confirmation, child should be at least in Year 6 or above. WAIT ON THE LORD We sometimes put off thinking about vocation, or what God wants, instead putting our energy into other areas. God is calling; we need to prioritise our response. Pray, talk with others, find out what God wants. Please contact Fr Richard Healey, Vocations Director, on 0401 621 591, [email protected]. FAMILY QUOTES EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER Vigil: FOLLOW POPE FRANCIS: NEXT WEEK A Buckley Sr Kevin G Dobson M Chaumont G Mason A Ferrara L Amato A Cordingley A Vannan TBA A Cox S Cichocki J Coughlan K Devine A Schutt N Maxfield CLEANERS WEEK COMMENCE: 28.12.14 WEEK COMMENCE: 4.1.15 C Morris & B Kiss FLOWERS THIS WEEK 27.12.14 SACRISTY WEEK COMMENCE: 28.12.14 C Batten CHILDREN’S LITURGY: This Week— M Azzi NEXT WEEK 3.1.15 WEEK COMMENCE 4.1.15 M Gilbert School Holidays The family is where we learn to live with others despite our differences and to belong to one another. Pope Francis Children in a family are like flowers in a bouquet: there's always one determined to face in an opposite direction from the way the arranger desires. -- Marcelene Cox Where can a person be better than in the bosom of their family. -- Marmontel Gretry Religion I have disposed of all my property to my family. There is one thing more I wish I could give to them, and that is the Christian religion. If they had that and I had not given them one cent, they would be rich. If they have not that, and I had given them the world, they would be poor. -- Patrick Henry Home is the wallpaper above the bed, the family dinner table, the church bells in the morning, the bruised shins of the playground, the small fears that come with dusk, the streets and squares and monuments and shops that constitute one's first universe. -- Henry Anatole Grunwald FRANCIS – JESUS IS LOVE INCARNATE At Christmas time, like a burst of brilliant light, there rings out the proclamation of the Apostle: “God's grace has been revealed, and it has made salvation possible for the whole human race” (Tit 2:11). The grace which was revealed in our world is Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary, true man and true God. He has entered our history; he has shared our journey. He came to free us from darkness and to grant us light. In him was revealed the grace, the mercy, and the tender love of the Father: Jesus is Love incarnate. He is not simply a teacher of wisdom, he is not an ideal for which we strive while knowing that we are hopelessly distant from it. He is the meaning of life and history, who has pitched his tent in our midst. The shepherds were the first to see this “tent”, to receive the news of Jesus’ birth. They were the first because they were among the last, the outcast. And they were the first because they were awake, keeping watch in the night, guarding their flocks. The pilgrim is bound by duty to keep watch and the shepherds did just that. Together with them, let us pause before the Child, let us pause in silence. Together with them, let us thank the Lord for having given Jesus to us, and with them let us raise from the depths of our hearts the praises of his fidelity: We bless you, Lord God most high, who lowered yourself for our sake. You are immense, and you made yourself small; you are rich and you made yourself poor; you are allpowerful and you made yourself vulnerable. the past and the hopes of the future? Whatever about this, the family story of Sarah, Abraham and Isaac foreshadows the even more extraordinary family story to be found in today’s gospel. Luke depicts Mary and Joseph as observant Jews bringing their child to the Jerusalem Temple in accordance with the ritual requirements of the Law, even if the Law actually applied only to the woman who had given birth and not to the man. Two prophetic figures, Simeon and Anna, recognise God’s saving and redemptive purpose at work in the presence of this child who is presented in the Temple. Luke insists that Mary and Joseph have fulfilled the demands of the Law before they return to their home in Nazareth. Growing up in Nazareth in the care of Mary and Joseph, the child Jesus grows to maturity, is filled with wisdom, and God's favour is with him. Luke’s little summary statement introduces us to the wonderful world of a grace-filled family home. It invites us to ponder the wisdom that both Mary and Joseph had to share with their child. They taught him to pray and told him the stories of his people. They filled him with wonder at the goodness of God and of God’s creation. They mediated the grace and favour of God and This Christmas tide let us share the joy of the Gospel: God watched him grow and gain the strength he needed loves us, he so loves us that he gave us his Son to be our for life. They allowed him the freedom he needed to brother, to be light in our darkness. To us the Lord repeats: develop his own personality and to find his own Spirit “Do not be afraid!” (Lk 2:10). As the angels said to the shep-filled way in the world. Finally, they had to let him go herds: “Do not be afraid!”. And I also repeat to all of you: Do so that he might follow a path that was beyond their not be afraid! Our Father is patient, he loves us, he gives us imagining when they brought him to the Temple in Jesus to guide us on the way which leads to the promised land. Jesus is the light who brightens the darkness. He is mer- fulfilment of the Law. In other words, they did what so many parents would want to do for their children. cy: our Father always forgives us. He is our peace. Amen. Reflection on the Gospel-Feast of the Holy Family Year B (Luke 2:22-40) Sr Veronica Law son rsm. The time between Christmas and New Year is often family time, a good time to think about what family means. We try to connect with and enjoy the company of those with whom we have family ties, especially those who are alone or struggling in some way. Many parents value the extra time they are able to spend with their children over this period. The first two readings for today narrate and reflect on the family story of Abraham and Sarah, of God's promise to give them a child, and of the fulfilment of that promise in the most unlikely of circumstances. The wonder of God's ways and the need to trust in God are at the heart of their story. At the same time, there is humour reflected in Abraham's choice of name for their son: 'Isaac' means 'he laughed'. Does Abraham detect God's humour in providing a son for an elderly couple? Does he laugh for sheer joy at the birth of the child who will hold the traditions of Wishing all the parishioners a very happy & healthy New Year LAST WEEKEND: 1st COLLECTION 2nd COLLECTION CODE: Very Good Good Hangin’ in HELP When patronizing our sponsors, please thank them for supporting our Parish Bakery Blinds & Awnings Williams Blinds Funerals THIEN DINH HOT BREAD * Verticals * Security Doors * Roller Blinds * Awnings * Venetians * Roller Shutters * Roman Blinds * Panel Glides * Plantation Shutters U14/Picton Business Park Tel:(02) 4677 2777 15 Henry Street Fax: (02) 4677 2919 Picton NSW 2571 Shop 4 Argyle St, Picton 2571 Tel: 4677 2800 Open 7 Days Funerals Take Away Australian Family Owned and Operated 24 Hours - 7 days Pre – arranged funeral plans All Areas PICTON - 4677 1644 365-367 Argyle St CAMDEN - 4655 6433 67 Broughton St Catholic High-School Local Member Tutoring The Hon. Jai Rowell MP Member for Wollondilly Office : Shop 1- 117 Remembrance Dr Tahmoor Phone : (02) 4683 2622 Mail : PO Box 1005 Tahmoor 2573 Email : [email protected] Auto Mechanic Auto Mechanic Mechanical Repairs 4683 2529 Tyres & Batteries 4683 2529 4681 0760 Cnr Bargo River Rd & Rememberance Dr Tahmoor NSW 2573 In2Cricket Juniors Senior Boys Girls Rego during August 403 HUME HIGHWAY (B.P.) PICTON NSW 2571 PHONE: 4677 2555 FAX: 4677 1755 EMAIL: [email protected] AUTOMOTIVE– PETROL—L.P.G. DIESEL—TYRES BEQUEATHING Play Cricket Carpentry & Home Maintenance DIAGNOSTICS SERVICING & REPAIRS REGO & L.P.G. SAFETY CHECKS Contact: Kevin Dries 0417 448 561 Andrew Murphy 0418 612 054 Jane Eva 0419 296 508 BEQUEATHING Would you like to remember the parish in your will? Property, money, artwork, plants… there are many ways you can be remembered. Please contact the parish office for further info. Phone: 4683 2230
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