Finding Business Information Getting started Before you start searching for information for your assignments and projects you are advised to look at Skills Plus on the University Library online. Here you will find a series of tutorials and helpguides to help you to understand how to plan your search, carry out an effective search, evaluate the information you have found, reference your sources and also help you with study skills. You will need your computer username and password to access most of our electronic databases via NORA, for further password information see If you have any difficulty accessing any of our resources please email [email protected] or ask for assistance in the Library. You can also access electronic information sources off-campus by using the Simplyweb facility. Library Catalogue The Library Catalogue lists the Library’s books, eBooks, journals, eJournals, DVDs and theses. It is the best place to start when searching for books from your reading lists or for books to read around your subject. Undergraduates (starting from the 2nd semester of their 2nd year) and postgraduate students can obtain material from other libraries by using the electronic Inter Library Loan forms available via MyNorthumbria. Further information is available at You can search the British Library Catalogue and other university library catalogues by looking under Browse Resources by Subject on NORA. For more on using the Library Catalogue go to (Look in the Searching tools section) or click on the Help link for Library Catalogue Search Tips. NORA NORA is the Library’s gateway to quality information for your studies. NORA allows you to quickly search for subject information from a huge range of information sources. Individual databases can also be accessed and searched. As part of your research you will need to read articles from academic and professional journals. After you have searched NORA you can tick the options under Refine your search to refine your results to Items with full text online. If you wish you can also restrict your results to Limit articles from scholarly publications, including peer-review to ensure academic quality resources. NORA is available at: You can find help with how to use NORA effectively at: (See Searching tools section) or alternatively click on the NORA help link. There are several key databases which you may choose to search in addition to NORA. Some will provide full text others will provide abstracts (description of the articles) and references where you can locate the articles in other databases or by making an Inter Library Loan request (if you are eligible, see If you have difficulty finding the information you need please email [email protected] or ask for assistance at the Library. December 2014 This leaflet is available in other formats on request. The following resources are only a selection. More comprehensive lists are available on NORA under Browse Resources by Subject. The subjects on NORA most relevant to Newcastle Business School (NBS) are: Business & Management, Accountancy & Finance, Company Information, Economics, Marketing and Tourism. Further information on all resources can be found in the information icons on NORA. For further information about passwords click on the link via the Library homepage. If you have any difficulty accessing any of the resources contact [email protected]. Business and management databases EBSCO Business Source Premier This resource provides full text access to journals, many of which are peer-reviewed. The subjects covered are: business, management, economics, accounting, marketing, knowledge management, law, and psychology. Emerald Contains many high quality management journals, all published in the UK. These are an excellent resource for all Business students and contain both research papers and case studies. Newspaper articles Newspaper articles are also useful for up-to-date information about various business areas. The following databases contain full text newspaper articles. For a full list of news related databases, please see the News Services & Newspapers subject list in NORA. Nexis UK Contains news articles for worldwide companies, industries and products. Covers major worldwide newspapers including the Financial Times, trade press and business journals. Website of the Financial Times newspaper and also provides access to business news. Stock and financial data is available in the Market area of the website. The Financial Times print newspaper is also available, search by the journal title using the Library Catalogue. You can register with FT.Com as Northumbria University Library has Premium access—to find out more use the guide Registering with static/5007/llspdf/skills/registerwithft.pdf For more information about newspapers and news services including Nexis UK and go to Skills Plus Look in the I Need Help With... section and select Searching for Information. Company information The following resources are useful for the financial analysis of a company: its products, its competitors and information regarding its directors. For the full list of company related resources, please see the Company Information subject list on NORA. There is also a guide called Finding Company Information on Skills Plus. Look in the I Need Help With... section and select Searching for Information. FAME Financial Analysis Made Easy (FAME) contains annual returns for all UK registered companies and up to 10 years of reports for the top 100,000. Peer groups of companies can be compared using graphs and tables. OSIRIS Similar to FAME but this database provides financial information on around 55,000 listed and major unlisted/delisted companies worldwide. The information includes standardised and "as reported" financials, SEC filings, detailed earnings estimates including recommendations, ownership, stock data, news and ratings. Nexis UK Select the Companies tab and you can search by keywords or type in the company name. Your results will give you a range of information about the profile of the company, financial analysis, annual reports and director details. December 2014 This leaflet is available in other formats on request. Market research reports The following databases are useful even if you are not studying marketing as they contain useful data about companies, industries and countries. The full list of marketing related resources is available on NORA. MINTEL One of the most detailed market research resources available, providing in-depth analysis of UK products and markets. Key companies in each market are analysed and compared. Passport (Euromonitor) Provides access to reports and statistics on industries, consumers, companies and countries worldwide on this comprehensive database. This includes detailed analysis of international markets for consumer products. WARC (World Advertising Research Centre) Full text articles and abstracts from advertising journals around the world, as well as brand information, case studies, news and best practice guides. Indexes to journal articles and conference proceedings If you are writing a dissertation or thesis, you may wish to use extra databases to locate a broader range of information. You will not be able to access the full text from these databases, however, you can check the Library Catalogue to see whether the journal title is available elsewhere or apply for an Inter Library Loan (if you are eligible, see WEB OF SCIENCE (previously Web of Knowledge) This database is very useful for research, as it indexes articles from conference proceedings and from many thousands of journal titles across all subjects although it does have a predominant focus in the social sciences and management areas. ZETOC ZETOC indexes the table of contents of the most important international research journal titles and conference proceedings in all subjects. Dissertations and theses Dissertations/Projects Exemplar Dissertations and Projects are available in the relevant NBS eLearning Portal (Blackboard) modules. EThOS (Electronic Theses Online System)* A digital collection of UK Doctoral Theses. A Single point of access, where researchers the world over can access a digital collection of UK Doctoral Theses. Individual user registration required. Access the Guide to Ethos to learn more: Index to Theses* A database to search for PhD, MPhil and some MA and MSc theses published in the UK. You can type single words or phases or you can use the boolean operators AND, OR, or AND NOT . Phrases should be enclosed in “quotes” *Both these databases and more are available in the Theses & Dissertations subject collection on NORA. Keeping up-to-date For methods of keeping up-to-date with new journal articles, new Internet resources, forthcoming conferences, etc. see the Research skills area in the I Would Like Help With A Specific Topic menu option on Skills Plus. December 2014 This leaflet is available in other formats on request. Skills Plus Northumbria Skills Plus is a collection of training materials and helpguides that you can use to help you develop your Library, IT and study skills. You can choose the format or style of help that you want. Help is included on how to find information for your assignments, how to write assignments, how to reference and more. December 2014 This leaflet is available in other formats on request.
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