a monthly publication of Fellowship Baptist Church Volume 10, Issue 12 December 2014 What’s brewing in this IN SUNDAY SCHOOL By Mark Bundren Hebrews 4:12-13 provides us with one of the clearest descriptions in the Bible about the Word of God. When we began studying Hebrews in Sunday School, I could not wait to get verses 12 and 13 of Hebrews 4. I have been quoting these verses for years as a Christian, but never really took the time to figure out what they meant, until our Sunday School class dove into this mysterious book. Four main points are seen from this text. The Bible was written, under the inspiration of God, by approximately 40 different authors, over the course of 1,500 years. Parts of the Bible were written in tents, deserts, cities, palaces and dungeons. Some parts of it were written in times of imminent danger and others in seasons of ecstatic joy. Among its writers were judges, kings, priests, prophets, patriarchs, prime ministers, herdsmen, scribes, soldiers, physicians, and fishermen. First, we see that God’s Word is living and active. The words we read in our Bible are not the inspired words of men, arising from their own spiritual insight. If this were true, we might have a great book of wisdom, a book we could read for encouragement. However, the words in our Bible are inspired by God, and breathed out by God. The words we read in our Bible were on the heart of God, and spoken by the mouth of God, to the writers of the Bible. Because God’s word is living and active, the Bible can be used for teaching, rebuking, correcting, training, ISSUE and equipping the saints of the church, for every good work (II Tim. 3:16-17). When we come to God in faith, fully opening our hearts and minds to ALL the teachings of the Bible (not just the ones we agree with), the Word can come alive in us, because it is sent by God himself, for that specific purpose. God “lives and acts” in us through his “living and active Word.” Thomas Watson hit the nail on the head when he said, “By reading other books the heart may be warmed….but by reading the Bible, the heart is transformed.” (See I Peter 1:23-25, II Timothy 3:16-17, and II Peter 1:19-21). Secondly, God’s Word is life imparting. The Bible does not merely relate interesting facts and beliefs from religious tradition over thousands of years. The Bible’s overarching theme, from Genesis to Revelation, is to show God’s redemptive work in history for the salvation of sinful people. That means me and you. I personally cannot think of a more beautiful, more meaningful theme for a book that redemption. Like we sing in the age-old hymn, “Since I have been redeemed, I will glory in my Savior’s Name.” When the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, Paul emphasized that the purpose of the Bible is “to make you wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ” (II Tim. 3:15). When God saves us, new life is imparted to us. The old is gone. God makes (Continued on page 2) Movie Night page 2 Birthdays and Anniversaries page 2 Choir Notes page 3 Women’s Christmas Party page 3 Modern Manger page 3 Mark Your Calendar page 4 The mission of Fellowship Baptist Church is loving God and others through committed service and prayer, sharing His Good News and nurturing followers of Jesus Christ. Page 2 Glad Tidings Birthdays SUNDAY SCHOOL (Continued from page 1) everything new (II Cor. 5:17). Much like the voice and spoken word of The Lord Jesus when He raised Lazarus from the dead, God’s Word imparts life and power to those who are spiritually dead (unbelievers), or to those who are alive in Christ (believers). According to Ravi Zacharias, a Bible is likened to a box of spiritual dynamite, with power to overcome every stronghold of sin and human opposition in a world of darkness. Thirdly, God’s Word is penetrating. When the Holy Spirit chooses a weapon to go to war, he chooses God’s Word, the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). Not just any sword, but a double-edged sword. As the sword, God’s Word is fit to save, and fit to judge. The blade of God’s Word can give live, and it can also render condemnation unto death. This is inspiring and frightening at the same time. The Word penetrates against all opposition so as to grip the “whole man,” and not just one aspect of his person. The Word penetrates within, and its presence makes clear our thoughts and attitudes. This is also inspiring and frightening. When we read God’s Word, it comes into us and discerns, assessing our attitude toward the Holy One who sent it. When God’s Word is accompanied by the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit, it does more: it convicts us of our rebellion against God and subdues us; it leads us as humble sheep to the Good Shepherd. What a beautiful picture. For me, it would be an absolute blessing to be 100 percent completely subdued by God’s Word. Fourth, God’s Word is all sufficient. In Hebrews 4:13, God’s Word is compared to God’s eyes. It uncovers every heart, act, intention, thought and desire, and brings them before the penetrating gaze of the living God. Nothing is able to escape the revealing, energetic Word of God. It alone is sufficient. In God’s Word, we find sufficient comfort when we are going through trials. In God’s Word, we find sufficient strength to overcome temptation and defeat the devil. In God’s Word, we see an all-sufficient God MOVIE NIGHT By Sandra McGill Mark your calendars for Sunday night, Dec. 28, 2014. The movie is called, "Mom's Night Out." We will have hot dogs, chips and dip, popcorn and sodas. Come out and bring a friend. We will start the food at 5:30 p.m. and the movie will start promptly at 6:00 p.m. This will who sent His all-sufficient Son (Jesus) to sufficiently and completely atone for our sin. When Jesus prayed for our holiness to this all-sufficient God, he prayed, “Sanctify them in the truth. Your Word is truth” (John 17:17). Jesus knew where truth lied, and that this truth was sufficient enough to point us to a holy God. Not only is God’s Word sufficient to save us, through faith in Christ, God’s Word also teaches us that God will keep us unto the end (Philippians 1:6). One commentator added, “Any work that relies on God’s Word may be sure to have His blessing, to achieve His purpose, and to bring Him glory even as it brings power for salvation.” God has given us many wonderful blessings. More than we count. At least for me, His Word is one of the biggest blessings we have as Christians. Where would we be without it? Where else could we go for truth? There is no use searching elsewhere, because Jesus gave us the words of eternal life (John 6:68). 12 . 1 Emma Wells 12 . 3 Clea Russell 12 . 5 Libby Rotramel 12 . 8 Austin Adams 12 . 10 Jody Sanders 12 . 11 Tonia Logeman 12 . 12 Ashley Jackson 12 . 17 Faith Haney Matthew Bellamy 12 . 18 Carol Bryant Jacob McGill 12 . 19 Judy George Kelin Field 12 . 20 Lucy Kreuter 12 . 22 Kim Johnston 12 . 31 Judy Miller Ken Wiggs Anniversaries be a great opportunity to invite people who normally may not come to church. 12 . 6 Bob & Betty Jones 12 . 14 John & Marcia Wells 12 . 17 Drew & Kara Lawrence 12 . 20 John & Brenda Kreuter Volume 10, Issue 12 Page 3 CHOIR NOTES By Judy Miller The month of December holds a very special place to all believes as we celebrate the coming of the Messiah. Nothing in this world holds as much importance as this event. Our Savior – the Savior of all mankind came among us – Emmanuel. The Choir invites you to join in worship on Sunday, December 21, 2014, during the morning worship service, as we share together Noel, Celebrating the Birthday of a King. This musical presentation will tell of Christ’s birth and also remind us of the reason he came to walk among me – to bring salvation to all in a perfect way. Thank you to everyone who attended my World Race mission trip presentation and for the support my church family has shown to me. It is a blessing to be part of such a great group of believers who love each other just as Christ loves the church. Please continue to lift me up in prayer and I begin this exciting new journey. Some of our children will be joining the Sanctuary Choir, singing the song of the angels, Glory in the Highest, and telling of that first night, The First Noel. Thanks, Bryan It is our desire that we will worship together in praise and adoration of the New Born King. bration Send Off Cele ogmorton for Bryan Thr , 2015, on January 3 CFLC 2-4pm in the MODERN MANGER All the ladies of Fellowship Baptist Church are invited to the But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, (Galatians 4:4 ESV) Women’s Christmas Party If you’ve grown up in a Christian setting, you’ve probably heard the Christmas story a gazillion times. So let’s rewind 2000 years again to Jesus’ birth: Annual Saturday, December 13, 2014 6:00 p.m. At the Home of Joanne & Wendell Cantrell Please bring a dish for the potluck, a Bible for Belize, and a $10-15 gift for the gift change. If you need a ride, please contact the church office by 10:00 a.m. Friday morning. Directions to the Cantrell's home: 1420 Dutchman Lake Road. Turn on to Holley Lane (at the water tower). Turn right onto Dutchman Lake Road. Go .7 miles. Joanne’s home is on the right side just past Tulip Lane. It has a two story, two-car barn shaped garage next to it. We would expect a well connected royal family… God chose peasant parents – a bluecollar carpenter with his teenage virgin fiancé. We would choose an influential city- possibly Rome or Jerusalem… God chose the little town of Bethlehem, where the sheep very likely outnumbered the people. We would reserve space in a comfortable palace… God chose a stone manger in a cold stable hewn out of the rocky hills. We would invite the religious and social elite… God chose the social outcast and religious outsider shepherds. The Apostle Paul writes, “when the fulness of time came, God sent forth his Son…” The peo- ple, the place, and the time were all on purpose. Apparently, when God sent His Son to launch His rescue mission for this world, He wasn’t utilizing the same strategic thinking that we normally would. Could this still be the case for today? Have we missed out on opportunities to be a part of God moving because we think a group of people or place would never be where God wanted to move? Do you think God still wants to move in these circles of the poor and non-influential? As you make sure to go around certain parts of town because of crime or poverty, do you think God wants to move there? These can be places and people that we tend to ignore because of one reason or another, yet God decided to send His Son into their midst to redeem us. Ask God to help you see Him at work this Christmas season. fellowship. NONPROFIT ORG. FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH 890 SENIOR AVENUE VIENNA, IL 62995-1540 U.S. POSTAGE PAID VIENNA, IL Return Service Requested WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Sundays Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Evening Service 6:00 p.m. or Fellowship Groups 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays Prayer Meeting Youth Group TeamKid 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Mark Your Calendar 12 . 3 12 . 14 12 . 4 12 . 17 Young at Heart Outing—TBA Caroling Party—5:30 pm 12 . 5 12 . 21 Advent Service—7pm Christmas Cantata—10:30am 12 . 7 12 . 24-26 Lord’s Supper Service—6pm Office Closed for Christmas 12 . 10 12 . 28 Church Council Meeting—6pm Quarterly Business Meeting—7pm 12 . 13 Women’s Christmas Party—6pm Giving Tree Service—6pm Movie Night—5:30pm
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