TOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE GENERIC BY-LAWS ON MUNICIPAL HEALTH SERVICES TERMS OF REFERENCE APPOINTMENT OF A SERVICE PROVIDER TO ASSIST WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF GENERIC BY-LAWS FOR THE MUNICIPAL HEALTH SERVICES BID: SALGA/173/2014 CLOSING DATE: 16/01/2015 TIME : 11H00 PROPOSALS CAN BE DEPOSTED IN THE TENDER BOX AT RECEPTION AT SALGA NATIONAL OFFICE MENLYN CORPORATE PARK, BLOCK B C/O GARSFONTEIN AND COROBAY AVENUE WATERKLOOF GLEN 012 369 8000 Page 1 of 8 TOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE GENERIC BY-LAWS ON MUNICIPAL HEALTH SERVICES 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to SALGA Community Development Directorate SALGA’s Community Development Directorate is comprised of two sub-programmes, i.e. Human Development and Community Development. The overall purpose of the directorate is to facilitate the transformation of local government, by assisting municipalities to: Mainstream transversal issues such as HIV/AIDS, gender, youth, disability, older persons and children; Facilitate human development through, social cohesion, sports, recreation, arts and culture, heritage, health (environmental and primary) and poverty eradication; Protect their communities through the protection of human and social capital by providing advice and support to disaster risk management and public safety initiatives at local government SALGA seeks to provide guidance, assist and advise municipalities with understanding the mandate of local government on the provision of the services and their legal obligation. As the association we continue to advocate and lobby for policy review and increase in the funding allocation for the service. 1.2 Municipal Health Services Municipal Health Services can be seen as a sub-set of the bigger basket of environmental health services. The WHO describes environmental health as comprising those aspects of human health, including quality of life, that are determined by physical, chemical, biological, social, and psychosocial factors in the environment. It also refers to the theory and practice of assessing, correcting, controlling, and preventing those factors in the environment that can potentially adversely affect the health of present and future generations. 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT South Africa still has a high burden of preventable diseases which can be mitigated through improvements in the environment. Investigation of outbreaks of disease, monitoring of the environment and health promotion have in the main been provided by environmental health practitioners, most of whom are employed by local government. With the long period of uncertainty around the responsibility for the delivery of primary health care (PHC) services at a local level and the delay in role clarification around municipal health services, municipalities have tended to invest less in health services in general and this has led to diminished growth and prominence of environmental health services at a local level. According to the Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998, municipal health services are a function of metro and district municipalities. This function has historically been executed by local municipalities and provinces, with minimal services outside the cities and main towns. Capacity has to be created and strengthened at a district municipality level for the efficient delivery of these services to all communities. District municipalities are already struggling with delivery of the services that have been delegated to their level by the provincial and national spheres of government and therefore will need support in taking over municipal health services. The responsibility for delivering Municipal Health Services, as defined in the National Health Act, 2003, was given to metropolitan and district municipalities with effect from 1st July 2004. This followed the Page 2 of 8 TOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE GENERIC BY-LAWS ON MUNICIPAL HEALTH SERVICES Minister of Provincial and Local Government’s proclamation revoking the status quo provision which allowed local authorities to continue providing those services that they delivered prior to the enactment of the Municipal Structures Act, 1998. The Minister also made provision for district municipalities to delegate the MHS responsibilities to local municipalities. It is apparent that MHS is a critical function that requires funding, dedicated capacity, generic by-laws and coordination. This is particularly relevant in a world where toxic dumping, the porous nature of global borders allowing for cross border exchange of exotic foods etc. Urgent and informed action needs to be taken by all relevant stakeholders. Informed by the 2013 audit outcome, 2013 Summit resolutions and provincial inputs, SALGA developed the Local Government position. This position highlights the challenges that are faced by Municipalities, suggestions by the members and progress that’s far on interventions by SALGA. Amongst the challenges faced by Municipalities is the lack of Generic by-laws for the service. SALGA was tasked with the development of generic by-laws to assist Municipalities that don’t have such by-laws and also to assist those that have but are outdated. 3. DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSIGNMENT The objectives of the assignment are to support the directorate and Municipalities in developing generic Municipal Health Service bylaws The expected outcome will be draft generic by-laws. The by-laws must be presented in a word document to the Community Development Directorate and a power point presentation of the by-laws must be prepared which will be used in different platforms to obtain inputs and enhance the document. 4. SCOPE OF WORK In order to achieve the above objectives, the service provider will be required to undertake the following tasks: 4.1 Literature review and analysis To analyse and review the following documents and reports; Policy and legislation pertaining Municipal Health Services, Municipal Health by-laws of different Municipalities at least 3 Metros and 3 Districts The expected outcome of the literature review is to get an indication of what are the legislative and policy imperatives applicable and to pick up on commonalities and trends which may assist in the development of the generic by-laws. The required output of this task will be a report with the Reference (Source) list of all the documents (i.e. policies, frameworks, Municipal by-laws and additional documentation pertaining to Municipal Health services for reference by the directorate). The list should also be included in the final generic by-laws document. 4.2 Development of the generic by-laws Page 3 of 8 TOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE GENERIC BY-LAWS ON MUNICIPAL HEALTH SERVICES The service provider will be responsible for developing the generic by-laws and should prepare a power-point presentation which will be used in soliciting inputs into the document The required outputs of this task will be (a) a power-point presentation outlining key findings, lessons and recommendations and (b) Generic by-laws. 5. PROJECT MANAGEMENT 5.1 Inception meeting The service provider will be required to attend an inception meeting at the start of the project in Pretoria with representatives of the SALGA community development directorate. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure clarity on the terms of reference. The inception meeting will also allow the consultants and SALGA staff to discuss time frames, methodology, reporting requirements, etc. The required output of this task will be notes of the meeting capturing the main discussion points and agreements at the meeting. 6. TIMEFRAME The timeframe for this assignment will be 30 days including briefing, preparation and reporting period. The draft document should be submitted no later than 28 February 2015 in terms of the deliverables below. The said draft should also be presented at the MHSM forum meeting organized by SALGA during the first quarter of the 2015/16 financial year, to solicit inputs leading to the finalization of the document. 7. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AND DELIVERABLES 7.1 Summary of Tasks The above scope of work can be summarized into the following tasks with estimated timelines: Tasks/Activities 1. Attend the Inception meeting Timeframes ½ day at SALGA offices in PTA 20 working days 2. Conduct literature review & compile draft generic by- laws document 3. Submit the draft documents to SALGA Community Development 1 day Directorate 4. Present the draft document at the MHSM Forum meeting to solicit 2 days inputs towards the finalization of the document 5. Finalisation of the document As per the timeframes on the deliverables 7.2 Deliverables Progress on the current assignment will be monitored, measured and remunerated according the delivery of the following products: Page 4 of 8 TOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE GENERIC BY-LAWS ON MUNICIPAL HEALTH SERVICES Deliverables 1. Notes on inception meeting (2-3 pages max.) 2. Draft generic by-laws & Power Point presentation 3. Presentation of the by-laws at the MHSM forum meeting to solicit inputs into the document 4. Final generic by-laws Timeframes 5 days after the inception meeting To be presented to SALGA Community Development Directorate by no later than the 28th of February 2015 In the first quarter of the 2015/16 financial year 5 days after receiving comments Copies of all products related to this assignment should be submitted in electronic format (Microsoft Word) via email to the SALGA contact person (see contact details below). 8. REQUIRED EXPERTISE AND COMPETENCIES The service provider shall be a recognised expert in the field of Municipal Health Services. It is required for the service provider to have prior and demonstrated experience working on similar projects. He / She should have proven ability to produce high quality analysis and reports under deadlines. Knowledge of the human rights sector would be an added advantage. In addition, prospective service providers will be expected to have the following expertise and competencies: 9. B Degree in Environmental Health and or a legal background in local government legislation. At least 5 years’ experience as a development practitioner, in the development sector with a special focus on the health sector Understanding of Local Government’s Legislative mandate and experience working in a political environment Demonstrated research skills and a track record of high-quality research outputs. (examples of previous work and projects ) Demonstrated experience in designing and documenting processes Experience in facilitating multi-stakeholder strategic processes Excellent research, writing and analytical skills Ability to work to tight timeframes REPORTING AND ASSIGNMENT ENQUIRIES All enquiries related to the objectives and scope of this assignment should be directed to: Winnie Manganye Tel : (012) 369 8182 Mobile : 082 908 2884 Mandu Mallane Tel : (012) 369 – 8121 Mobile : 083 629 6277 Page 5 of 8 TOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE GENERIC BY-LAWS ON MUNICIPAL HEALTH SERVICES E-mail : [email protected] 10. E-mail : [email protected] CLOSING DATE The closing date for the submission of proposals is 16 January 2015. 11. EVALUATION The following evaluation method will be used: After the closing date of the bid invitation, an appointed evaluation committee of staff officials of SALGA and possibly other external parties will evaluate the proposals of the bidders. The committee will individually evaluate each of the bid proposals received against the appointed criteria as provided for in Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act of 2005 (As amended to BBBEE). All proposals submitted will be evaluated on three categories: (i) Functionality (technical content) (ii) Price (iii) Compliance with the PPPFA goals Bids are evaluated in accordance with the preferential procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA), using the 80/20 split. Firstly, the assessment of functionality must be done in terms of the evaluation criteria and the minimum threshold value of 60 points. A bid will be disqualified if it fails to meet the minimum threshold value for functionality as per the bid invitation. Thereafter, only the qualifying bids are evaluated in terms of the 80/20 preference points systems, 80 points will be used for price only and the 20 points are used for B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution. The Point’s breakdown is as indicated below. For functionality, the following criteria will be applicable and the maximum value of each criterion is indicated as below: CRITERIA FOR FUNCTIONALITY WEIGHT Understanding of the Terms of Reference 20 Approach and Methodology 20 Page 6 of 8 TOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE GENERIC BY-LAWS ON MUNICIPAL HEALTH SERVICES CRITERIA FOR FUNCTIONALITY WEIGHT Previous and current experience 20 Qualifications & Expertise (knowledge & skills) 20 Quality of proposal 20 Total for functionality 100 Bidders who score 60 (average) points and above will be considered in phase 2 of the evaluation. Phase 2 Price will be converted to 80 using the formula prescribed in the 80/20 points system. The remaining 20 points will be allocated in terms of Regulation 5 (2) and 6 (2) of the Preferential Procurement Regulations. Preference points must be awarded to a bidder for attaining the BBBEE status level of contribution in accordance with the table below: B-BBEE Status Level of Contributor Number of points (80/20 system) 20 18 16 12 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Non-compliant contributor Summary of the evaluation process: CRITERIA 12. WEIGHT Price 80 B-BBEE status level of contribution 20 TOTAL 100 GENERAL CONDITIONS: Page 7 of 8 TOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE GENERIC BY-LAWS ON MUNICIPAL HEALTH SERVICES The following should be noted by the interested parties: Intellectual property and ownership of all materials and products developed in the execution of the contract will be vested in SALGA Materials and products may not be made available to any unauthorised person or institution or sold for profit without prior written consent from SALGA On completion or termination of the agreement, all materials and products must be handed over to SALGA No information concerning the tender or award of the tender may be made available by the bidder to other parties without prior consultation and written approval from SALGA Payment will be made subject to satisfactory achievement of the delivery milestones. 13. REQUIREMENTS The following sets of requirements are compulsory for the proposals to be accepted: The proposals, All SCM Documents (Provided) 14. ENQUIRIES For Supply Chain enquiries, please contact Mr. Vincent Madisha/Mrs. Pamela Hans at (012) 369 8000 Page 8 of 8
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