Cyfnodau Preswyl i Artistiaid yn Sain Ffagan Amgueddfa Werin Cymru Pedwar cyfnod preswyl i artistiaid am chwe wythnos yr un, Mawrth/Ebrill 2015 Bwrsariaeth/tâl: £3,000 i bob artist Dyddiad cau: 5pm, dydd Llun 19 Ionawr 2015 Cynhelir cyfweliadau ar ddydd Mercher 11 Chwefror 2015 Gwybodaeth i artistiaid Gwybodaeth gefndirol Sain Ffagan yw un o amgueddfeydd awyr agored gorau Ewrop ac atyniad treftadaeth mwyaf poblogaidd Cymru. Saif yng ngerddi godidog Castell Sain Ffagan, plasty hardd o’r 16eg ganrif a roddwyd i bobl Cymru gan Iarll Plymouth. Ar 20 Gorffennaf 2012, cyhoeddodd Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri ei fod yn rhoi £11.5 miliwn o grant i Sain Ffagan Amgueddfa Werin Cymru. Dyma’r grant mwyaf erioed i’r Gronfa ei rhoi yng Nghymru. Bydd yr arian yn cael ei wario ar broject Creu Hanes, sef project £25.5 miliwn i weddnewid yr amgueddfa hoff. Byddwn yn ymestyn y llinell amser yn Sain Ffagan er mwyn i ymwelwyr allu dilyn straeon am bobl Cymru, o’r brodorion cyntaf hyd heddiw a thu hwnt. Rhaglen y cyfnodau preswyl i artistiaid Mae Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru ac Amgueddfa Cymru wedi cytuno i gydweithio er mwyn cynnal rhaglen o gyfnodau preswyl dros dair blynedd. Y nod yw datblygu arferion gwaith artistiaid a chynnwys cynulleidfaoedd yn y broses greadigol. Bydd y rhaglen hon yn hybu rhagoriaeth ac arloesedd celf yn y byd cyhoeddus; yn rhoi ansawdd wrth wraidd y gwaith a’r nodau, ac yn ymgorffori cynaliadwyedd. Gyfnodau preswyl i artistiaid, Mawrth-Ebrill 2015: Gwahoddiad i wneud cais Mae Sain Ffagan Amgueddfa Werin Cymru, gyda chymorth Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a Chronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri, yn gwahodd ceisiadau am gyfnodau preswyl yn Sain Ffagan i’w cynnal rhwng dechrau mis Mawrth a diwedd mis Ebrill 2015. Mae croeso i artistiaid gweledol a chymhwysol sy’n gweithio yn y DU neu ar draws y byd ymgeisio. Rydym yn awyddus i benodi artistiaid sydd am weithio gyda chasgliadau’r Amgueddfa ac sydd am gynnwys ein tîm mawr o staff yn eu gwaith. Hoffem weld yr artistiaid yn ymateb i Sain Ffagan yn ei chyfanrwydd h.y. nid yn unig y safle, ond y bobl sy’n gweithio yno a’u perthynas â’r Amgueddfa, yr adeiladau a’r casgliadau hefyd. Rydym am i’r artistiaid ystyried sut mae’r Amgueddfa yn newid yn sgil yr ailddatblygiad, yn ogystal â sut mae amgueddfeydd yn gyffredinol yn newid. Gall yr artistiaid weithio ar draws gwahanol adrannau a themâu yn Sain Ffagan, er enghraifft pensaernïaeth gyda’r Uned Adeiladau Hanesyddol a’r tîm curadurol, celf werin gyda’r adrannau curadurol ac addysg; cynaliadwyedd gyda’r Uned Ystadau, thema amser, pobl a lle ar draws nifer o adrannau neu fathau o waith, neu gydweithio â’r staff gan drafod eu profiadau o weithio yn Sain Ffagan. Os hoffech chi ymweld â Sain Ffagan i gael blas ar y safle a thrafod syniadau posibl, bydd aelod o staff yr adran Addysg ar gael ar ddydd Mawrth 6 Ionawr 2015. Ebostiwch [email protected] i drefnu amser, neu i holi unrhyw gwestiynau sydd gennych am y cyfnodau preswyl. Rhaid i’r artistiaid dreulio o leiaf 15 diwrnod yn yr Amgueddfa a rydym hefyd yn disgwyl i bob artist gyflwyno hynt a helynt ei waith/gwaith i staff ac ymwelwyr. Y broses greadigol, sy’n cynnwys ffyrdd newydd neu wahanol o weithio, syniadau blaengar, ymateb creadigol i’r safle a chreu cysylltiadau â’r staff sydd bwysicaf i ni, yn hytrach na’r cynnyrch terfynol. Nid ydym o reidrwydd yn disgwyl arddangos gwaith. Byddem yn annog ac yn cynorthwyo’r artistiaid i rannu eu harferion a’u prosesau gwaith gyda’u cyfoedion a chyda’r cyhoedd ar y we. Stiwdio Mae stiwdio’r artistiaid ar y prif safle, ond ni ddarperir llety. Tâl Telir £3,000 i bob artist am 15 diwrnod o waith (neu gyfwerth) dros gyfnod o 2/3 mis, gyda chymorth Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Mae nawdd ychwanegol ar gael ar gyfer deunyddiau a llety os oes angen, gyda chymorth Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri fel rhan o broject ailddatblygu Sain Ffagan. Sut i ymgeisio E-bostiwch yr wybodaeth ganlynol at [email protected]: • Cynnig (dim mwy na 800 gair) yn disgrifio pa agweddau ar Sain Ffagan Amgueddfa Werin Cymru yr hoffech ganolbwyntio arnynt yn ystod y cyfnod preswyl a sut y bydd eich gwaith ar hyn o bryd yn bwydo mewn i hynny. • CV artist • Enghreifftiau o’ch gwaith, dim mwy nag 8 delwedd (dim mwy na 1600 x 1200 pixels) neu 4 dolen fideo. Y dyddiad cau yw 5pm ar ddydd Llun 19 Ionawr. Cynhelir cyfweliadau ar ddydd Mercher 11 Chwefror. Artist Residencies at St Fagans National History Museum Four six-week residencies March/April 2015 Bursary/Fee: £3,000 per residency Deadline for applications – Monday 19th January 2015 at 5pm Interviews – Wednesday 11th February 2015 Information for artists Background St Fagans is one of Europe's leading open-air museums and Wales's most popular heritage attraction. It stands in the grounds of the magnificent St Fagans Castle, a late 16th-century manor house donated to the people of Wales by the Earl of Plymouth. On 20 July 2012 the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) announced its awarding of £11.5 million to St Fagans National History Museum. This is the largest grant ever awarded by the HLF in Wales. The money will go towards Making History, an exciting £25.5 million project to transform this muchloved museum. We will be extending the St Fagans timeline of the stories told, so that visitors can follow the stories of the people of Wales from the very first human inhabitants to the present day and beyond. The Artist in Residence Programme The Arts Council of Wales and Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales have agreed to partner and implement a programme of residencies over a period of three years with the aim to develop artists’ practice and engage audiences and communities in the creative process. This programme will promote excellence and innovation within art in the public realm, and place quality at the core of its delivery and outcomes, as well as embody sustainability. Residencies, March-April 2015: Invitation to Apply St Fagans National History Museum, supported by the Arts Council of Wales and the Heritage Lottery Fund, invite applications for residencies based at St Fagans to be undertaken between March and April 2015. The residencies are open to visual and applied artists working in the UK or internationally. We are looking for practitioners who wish to work with the museum’s collections and are interested in engaging with our large team of staff. We would like the artists to respond to St Fagans as a whole – its physical site, but also the people that work there and their relationship to the museum, the buildings and the collections - and to examine how the museum is changing in the light of its redevelopment as well as the changing nature of museums as a whole. The successful artists could work across different departments and themes at St Fagans, for example: architecture with the Historic Buildings Unit and curatorial team; folk art with the curatorial and learning departments; sustainability with the Estates Unit; time, people and place as a theme across a number of departments, or work with the staff in general about their experiences of working at St Fagans. If you would like to visit St Fagans to get a better understanding of the site and to discuss possible ideas, a member of the learning department will be available on Tuesday January 6th 2015. Please email [email protected] to make an appointment, or with any questions you may have about the residencies. The artists must spend at least fifteen days at the Museum and we also expect each artist to present his/her work in progress to staff and visitors. The creative process, which includes: different and new ways of working, innovative ideas, creative responses to the site and engagement with staff, is more important to us than a finished final product. An exhibition of work is not necessarily expected. We would encourage and support the artists to share their practice and process of working both with their peers and with the public through an online presence. Studio The residency studio is on the main site, but accommodation is not provided. Payment Artists will be paid £3,000 for fifteen days’ work (or equivalent) over a two/three month period, supported by the Arts Council of Wales. There is separate funding available for materials and accommodation if needed, supported by the HLF as part of the redevelopment of St Fagans. How to Apply Please email the following to [email protected] A proposal (no more than 800 words) detailing what aspects of St Fagans National History Museum you would like to focus on as part of the residency and how it will be informed by your current practice. • An artist CV • Examples of your work which should include no more than eight images (no larger than 1600 x 1200 pixels) or four video links. Deadline for applications is Monday 19th January at 5pm Interviews will be held on Wednesday 11th February
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