Current Newsletter

The Anchor
The Monthly Newsleer of St. Andrew’s U.M.C.
17510 Monitor Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70817
Mark Your Calendar
New Year’s Day
Church Office Closed
UMYF Epiphany Bonfire
St. Andrew’s Book Club
Intercessory Prayer
UMW General Mee)ng
Cub Scout Event
Disciple 3 Bible Study
Informa)onal Mee)ng
Men’s Overnight Retreat
Disciple 3 Bible Study Begins
Disciple Bible Study 2015
Remember Who You Are The Prophets & The Letters of Paul
St. Andrew’s will offer a DAYTIME Disciple Bible Study in 2015 facilitated by King
Robinson and David Ford. The study will be
“Remember Who You Are - The Prophets
and The Letters of Paul,” which is the third
study in the long-term Disciple series.
The course is offered in two sessions. Session 1 covers the
Prophets and Session 2 covers the Letters of Paul. When you register and purchase the study manual, you are registering for both
sessions. The hard copy of the study manual is $40; there is an
e-book available through Amazon (Kindles only) for $19.99.
Scholarships are available.
Session 1 will begin January 21st and end May 20th. There will
be a summer break, then Session 2 will resume August 5th and
run until November 18th. There is an optional short orientation
meeting January 14th to pick up materials and review the format
of the course.
Meetings will be held every Wednesday from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in
Rooms 3 & 4 of the Administration Building.
This is a very special course led by dynamic, knowledgeable facilitators. Sing up in the Narthex, call Karen in the church office
or email Marcy Brennan at [email protected].
Message from Pastor Juliet
Looking Back to Look Ahead
January is always such a time of
promise. There’s something about
beginning again, isn’t there? It is a
less dramatic version of moving to
a new location; it’s an opportunity
to reinvent oneself.
Let’s Hit the Books!
The St. Andrew’s Book Club meets
on the first Tuesday of each month
at 6:30 p.m. at City Café.
January’s book
selec)on is The
Alchemist, by Paulo
But reinvented to what?
My anxious self would love to be reinvented into an
accomplished dancer with perfectly fluid movements and perfectly muscular legs to match. Or
perhaps I would become a singer with the voice that
would rival any winner of American Idol. Or maybe
I’ll become an artist with actual artistic ability. And
while I’m at it, I would also throw in both the love
for and the ability needed for cooking!
Sadly, the opportunity for such reinventions and transformations left
long ago, if they were ever available to me at all.
Stop by and join the interes)ng
and enlightening )me on Tuesday,
January 6th!
My less anxious self has a more realistic view of both my potential
and my calling. Despite my love for all of the above, I know that God
called me to So if transforming myself into an accomplished
ballet dancer is out of the question, what kind of reinvention can I embrace?
Our founding father, John Wesley, called it “moving on toward Christian perfection.” Said another way, it is being molded into the mind of
Christ Jesus our Lord.
But how?
We need look no further than Jesus to provide a plan of action. His
time was spent studying God’s word, away in prayer, cultivating
friendships, worshiping in church, helping others, and confronting the
things that tempted him from God.
I won’t be transformed into the dancing-singing-artistic-cooking genius I would love to be. But with an open spirit, honest self-reflection,
and devotion to the Spiritual disciplines of prayer, study, fellowship,
worship, and service...I might just take one step closer to being the
servant of God my soul longs to become.
See you in church~
Pastor Juliet
Many are the plans in the mind
of a man, but it is the purpose of
the Lord that will stand.
Proverbs 19:21
We are in the final leg of having the storage sheds completed.
Hopefully, if the weather cooperates they will be finished be‐
fore the end of 2014. They are quite beautiful and should last
us a good long time. The Preschool and Camp are VERY ap‐
preciative of the space they will have to store their materials
and the convenience of being able to strategically place items
adjacent to all the exits.
This completes the list of projects slated for Back to the Vision
with the exception of the picnic pavilion. With the many items
we had to complete (and not knowing if there were any sur‐
prises that awaited us), it was always assumed that the pavil‐
ion would be the last item and the size would be determined
by the amount of funds remaining. That’s where we are at the
current time.
However, it occurred to me this morning (December 21) dur‐
ing Pastor Juliet’s sermon that we often times want to turn
over our gifts and requests to God, but still remain in control,
instead of turning them over completely to what He has in
store for us. This could be one of those times. Stay tuned to
learn what wonderful things may come our way if we seek to
hear God and trust that He will do what is needed.
Enjoy the Convenience of
Electronic Giving
St. Andrew’s wants to remind you that we
offer electronic giving as a way to automate
your regular offering.
Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds from your checking or savings account to the church’s bank account.
Credit & Debit Card Giving lets you make
offerings automatically on a pre-determined
schedule (either recurring or one-time) using
a credit or debit card.
Online Giving lets you go to at any time to set
up an automatic donation plan, change your
donation plan, make a one-time donation or
view your online donation history.
As you contemplate future contributions,
please consider electronic giving. Either go
online or contact Marcy Brennan at the
church office (752-2903 or [email protected]) and she will be
happy to set you up.
What a wonderful blessing it will
be to welcome every child and
family to be a part of the commu-
Special Needs
nity of faith! There are many
great opportunities to serve by
giving your time and talents! If
you are interested in helping us
launch this new ministry or want
to learn more contact [email protected]
Change to Make a Change
A ten (10) person team from
St. Andrew’s will be traveling
to Magdalena, Guatemala
May 25th -June 6th.
Contributions for Change to Make a
Change can now be donated any time
during the month. Envelopes are available
in the backs of the Sanctuary chairs. They
can be placed in the Offering plate during
the Worship services.
The charity/recipient will be announced each month. The
Mission team will try to have information on the designated
recipient available in the Narthex/Welcome area.
If you know of a local organization that you would like to be
considered for Change to Make a Change, you can email Tony
Pittman at [email protected] and he will present it to the
committee for discussion.
Change to Make a Change for January:
Cancer Services
We encourage any young adults,
whether members of St. Andrew’s or
not, to join our team. We also ask
for your prayers and support both
before and during our trip. We will
be hosting multiple fund raising opportunities over the next few months
and encourage you to give as you
feel led.
Our current fundraiser is going on
now every Sunday. We have a tree
set up with ornaments decorated by
each team member. Feel free to take
one to put on your tree to remember
to pray for our team. Donations are
accepted. Thank you for all of your
The mission of Cancer Services is to improve life for those living
with cancer. They are an independent nonprofit agency
established in 1959 currently providing services to East Baton
Rouge Parish and nine surrounding parishes. Funding comes
from the United Way, private donations, special fund raising
events, grants, and bequests. Cancer Services serves between
4500 and 5000 people a year. Monetary donations are essential
to operate and help them provide a variety of services to their
clients, such as, financial assistance, nutritional supplements,
medical equipment, summer camp and other outings for
children and support groups. They need numerous volunteers
to assist in their operation and volunteers are encouraged to
select an area of service that interests them. Anyone interested
in additional information or in volunteering should call (225)9272273 or email [email protected].
HOPE Ministries
Always keep HOPE Ministries in mind when buying food. St. Andrew’s
has always been a faithful provider to this ministry. A large bin is located in the Admin/Office building and a place in the back of the Narthex
are available for Food Bank donations.
HOPE Ministries can always use the following:
• Peanut Butter and Jelly
● Canned Meats/Vegetables
• Rice & Red/ Kidney Beans
● Mac n’ Cheese
• Flour & Sugar
● Diapers
• Cereal & Grits
● Paper products
• Juice
● Recycled plastic grocery bags
If you would like to volunteer to work or take food to HOPE Ministries
(occasionally or frequently), please contact Celia Musick at 756-8964
or Ray Davis at 753-5100.
Many thanks to the
Cooper and the
Neill families for
hosting our annual
progressive dinner.
Lots of fun was had
by all!
Youth on a mission….
Woo Hoo!
Doug Gulley, Harold Choate, Heath Moser and
Jack Spriggs helped out our own Gary Ragan with
some much needed yard up-keep this month!
Parents, mark your calendar!
Youth parent meeting on January 25 at
4:00 p.m. in the
friendship building.
We will be discussing
summer trips and
fundraising ideas!
Thanks to all of the youth
that have brought items for
the shepherd’s market. We
have well over 100 ready to
go! We will continue this
mission into 2015, so keep
them coming!
Epiphany Bonfire
January 4th
We will hold our annual
Epiphany bonfire on Sunday,
January 4th from 5-7 p.m. We
will have snack supper and s
’mores! Hope to see everyone
Sunday Activities
Children’s Bell Practice meets occasionally throughout the
school year from
4:15-4:45 p.m.
Check the weekly
announcements for
Our Christmas play
was a huge success!
Thank you to all who
made it possible.
UM Kids (4th-6th
grade)- will meet the
first Sunday of every month. We will
return tour regular
time on January 4th,
5:00-6:30 p.m.
of Love
UMKids are collecting
socks for Hope Ministries
through February 1st
(Preferably crew or tube
socks all sizes).
If you are looking for ways to
share your gifts of time or talent ,our Children’s Ministries
offer many exciting opportunities!
Please Contact Kathy Craft
Cell: (225) 975-2217
The Daddy-Daughter Dance willbeheldon
Friday, February 6th at 7:00 pm inourFriendship
Starting in third grade children may
become acolytes. For more information
or if you are interested in your child becoming an acolyte contact:
Liz and Katie Skiles 751-1354
[email protected]
Kathy Craft 975-2217
[email protected]
Happy Birthday,
January Birthdays!
Debbie Bonner
Steven Gilliam
Rhonda Armantrout
Marvin Clifton
Aline Viar
Brady Faul
Dylan Leggett
Janine Borne
Tucker Faul
Terry Wisner
Fernando Baralt
Hans Mayers
Mildred George
Blake Scouten
Kara Scouten
Kellie Momenzadeh
Celia Musick
Kenny Lusk
Margaret Raub
Priya Jacob
Ryan Craft
Mackensie Smith
Jennifer Pierson
Doug Smith
Allison Mills
Heather Peloquin-McKey
Anitra Boiteaux
Jane Luecke
Sandi Cox
Scott Calkins
Barbara Smith
Jason Melancon
Jennifer Melancon
Kelly James
Jan Hale
Grant Masey
Ellyn Couvillion
Seth Durham
Jim McKisson
Nick Saunders
Carolyn Pittman
Aubrey Singleton
Will Robbins
Brooke DeLaSalle
We are looking for
St. Andrew’s members who would be
interested in visiting
church members who are hospitalized, on
occasion, as well as those members who
are shut-ins or homebound. You would be
contacted on an “as needed” basis. Please
consider volunteering for this most worthwhile ministry.
If interested contact Celia Musick at
756-8964 or [email protected].
The following gifts have been received
in memory of someone special:
In memory of Michael Walters
Given by Bob & Jan Wilson
In memory of Pat Cooper
Given by Evelyn Magee
In honor of Rick & Daphne Crawford
Given by Evelyn Magee
St. Andrew’s accepts memorial or honorarium gi<s at any )me and in any
amount. This is a wonderful way to remember or honor someone who has been
a special influence in your life.
January 2015 Greeters
Jan 4.
Jan. 11
Jan. 18
Jan. 25
Gwen Bourgeois
Laura Menard
Dot Morris
Gerry Menard
Jane Luecke
Arlene Brewton
Keitt Hane
Dylan Leggett
Ray Davis
Susan Lefever
Phil Moser
Bob Scouten
Jeanie Howell
Margaret Wisner
David Howell
Terry Wisner
Please see Marcy Brennan in the Finance
Office should you have any ques)ons.
Greeters needed. No previous experience required. Must be able to
open doors, smile, and invite people
inside. Will work around your
schedule. Usually only greet once a
month for 10-15 minutes prior to
the service of your choice. It is the
easiest and most fun job at church.
Please call Laura Menard at 7528781 or email Laura at
[email protected] if you would
like to volunteer.
Overnight Men's Retreat
January 23-24, 2015
Feliciana Retreat Center
United Methodist Women News
Happy New Year, ladies!
Please help us start the year off right and join us for our January
General Meeting: Tuesday, January 13th at 6:30 p.m. at the
church. Our program is our annual "Call to Prayer and Self Denial". Joy Circle is our hostess and we will also have a short, but
important business meeting to approve our 2015 slate of officers
and budget.
Men - It is not too late to sign
up!!! In just a few weeks the Men's
Retreat will be upon us. This
event will be held at the Feliciana Center in Norwood, La It will be overnight
Friday 01/23/15 and we will return
Saturday afternoon 01/24/15 . It will
be a guaranteed good time with Fun,
Fellowship, Study, Worship, and of
course FOOD! Please contact Mark
Musick ([email protected]) to reserve your spot/ask questions or via
the sign up sheet on the table in the
Hand and Heart Circle: Thursday, January 8th, 9:30 a.m.
at the church.
Day's End Circle: Tuesday, January 27th, 7:00 p.m.
at the home of Libby Roper.
Joy Circle: No January meeting
Just a reminder, UMW Sunday is February 8th! Volunteers to
participate in the three services are still needed.
11:00 Service
Usher Schedule
The UM Men
have volunteered to help
Care in several
ways. They
have offered to
help St. Andrew’s families or individuals who need minor household repairs. The men also have offered to
transport items when needed (several
have pickup trucks). In addition, they
are willing to provide a church member
a ride to a doctor or a church event if
needed. Please phone Harold Choate
362-8811, Ken Musick 335-1237 or Karen in the church office 752-2903.
First Sunday
Johnny Masey
Rick Crawford
Second Sunday
Ron Brewton
Gayle Carnahan
Third Sunday
Willie Lefever
David Durham
Ken Burns
Will Katzman
Fourth Sunday
Robert & Susan Hart
Bob Scouten
***Please contact the church office if
you’d like to usher at the service of your
choice: [email protected]
Welcome to the
St. Andrew’s Family!
Abigail Scarton,
pictured with her parents,
Jim & Paula,
and her sisters,
Kelsey & Katherine
Carol Vaughn
Laura Taylor
Joined 11/16/14
Joined 12/14/14
2014 Las Posadas
Las Posadas was held on
December 14th, and was
a special time of reliving
the Biblical journey of
Mary and Joseph as they
searched for shelter in
Bethlehem before the
birth of Jesus.
Baptized 12/14/14
Thank you to everyone for the
outpouring of support. The flowers,
cards and phone calls were very
much appreciated by us both.
Bob and Julie Kay
Thank you for helping our families
at Woodlawn Middle School. We
are extremely grateful for all that
you do. Every year, St. Andrew’s
Sunday school classes work very
hard to give back and we are so
thankful to be one of the schools
to receive the holiday blessings!
Merry Christmas!
Woodlawn Middle
Thank you for your generous
contribu)on to Pat’s Coats for Kids.
Thanks to you and the support of
our community many children are
warmer this winter.
Pat Shingleton
St. Andrew’s
Service Times
8:30 a.m.
Contemporary Worship
9:45 a.m.
Tradi;onal Worship
Sunday School - All Ages
11:00 a.m.
Tradi;onal Worship
Rev. Juliet Spencer, D.Min
[email protected]
Libby Shackelford
[email protected]
Veronica Gulley, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Kathy Cra<
Karen Agnew
[email protected]
Merilyn Artman
[email protected]
Marcy Brennan
[email protected]
Donna LeggeD
[email protected]
Irina Cunev
Eric Alexander
Janine Borne
[email protected]
Heidi Towns
[email protected]
*Member of St. Andrew’s
Pray for our service members and country’s leaders as they
listen to God’s guidance in making wise decisions.
Coast Guard – *Jeffrey Stacy
Marines - *Mason Crawford, Holden Smith,
Brandon Stibb, Sgt. Samuel Sirman
Navy - *Alex Day, Capt. William M. Liston, *Lt. Ben Roper
National Guard – Jerry Narretta, Jr., Michael Miller
Air Force - William Garrett, *Perry VanZandt,
Mark Robinson, Heath Roberts
Army - PFC John Knight, Philip High, Andrew Drash
Prayers for peace in our country.
*Youth of St. Andrew’s
Bishop Bill Hutchinson
Open Air Ministry-the homeless *Bob Kay
HOPE Ministries
Rhetta Kilpatrick
*Thelma Abshire
Connor Kunjappy
*Joy Ayer
*Mary Lou Liston
Hank Beadle
*Jonathan Mayers
Edward Blasi
*John McKisson
Sue Blum
Pat Oliphant
Carol Bourne
*Arthur Otts
Bailey Byrd
*Evelyn Plaisance
Bubba Calamia
*Susan Ragan
Delaine Dendy
Paula Reynolds
Carolynn Ensminger
*Barbara Sellers
Aiden James Fonté
*Dr. Juliet Spencer
David Gross
Alton Smith
Mary Anne Hickman
Bert Hathaway - mother of *Pam Horton
Rosemary Peterson - aunt of *Kathy Craft
Eva Evans - wife of *Dave Evans
Toni Gulley & Ashley Ward - mother & sister of *Doug Gulley
David Koinm - brother of *Mollie Choate
Brenda Scriminger - niece of *Jackie Roshto
Lee Skiles - father of *Joe Skiles
Sharon Hanson - sister of *Ken Musick
Matthew Smith - grandson of *Marcus and Anna Lee Smith
Betty Shepherd - mother of *Laura Menard
Patricia Ruehle - mother of *Richard Miller
Hazel Price - mother of *Sarah Thibodeaux
Those struggling with depression, anxiety and addiction.
Those with troubled marriages/relationships.
Esther Gitobu, our Covenant Missionary,
and her family in Cambodia.
Participants in the upcoming 2015 Guatemala Mission Trip