Page 1 January 11, 2015 CHURCH OF ST. MARY 20 Harrison Ave., East Islip, NY 11730 Tel: 631-581-4266 Website: Fax: 631-581-0112 Rectory Reception Desk Hours 9am to 7:30pm ~ Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm ~ Saturday Closed on Sunday Parish Ministries Office of Social Ministry 581-7070 Sr. Camille Solis, DW, Director 9:30am to 4:30pm (Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri) 1pm to 4:30pm (Thursday) Office of Music & Liturgy Barbara Grace, Director 581-4266 ext. 107 Pastoral Staff Rev. Donald E. Babinski, Pastor Rev. Michael P. Flynn, Associate Pastor Rev. Jaime Calderon-Hernandez, Associate Pastor Rev. Robert W. Ketcham in Residence Rev. Hugh D. Cannon, Associate Pastor Emeritus Deacon Stephen Behar Sr. Patricia Tippen, IHM, Pastoral Associate Mass Schedule Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday: 7:30am & 9:00am Saturday: 8:30am Office of Family Faith, Catechesis & Enrichment 9am to Noon & 1pm to 4pm (Mon-Thurs) Religious Education Linda Crowley, Director (Grades1-8) 581-3304 ext. 122 Baptismal Ministry MaryAnn Giannettino, Director 581-3304 ext. 120 Family Life & Youth Ministry Theresa Roach, Director 581-3304 ext. 124 St. Mary School: 581-3423 8am to 2:30pm Biagio M. Arpino, Principal Rectory Joseph Isoldi, Business Manager 581-4266 ext. 102 Business Office: 8am to 4pm (Mon-Fri) Ann Galioto, Bookkeeper 581-4266 ext. 104 Sunday Masses: Saturday: 5pm in the auditorium Sunday: 7:30am, 11:00am, and 5pm in the church 9:15am, 10:45am, and 12:15 in the auditorium Parish & Pastor’s Secretary/Bulletin Editor: 9am to 5pm Teresa Van Buren 581-4266 ext. 105 Eve of Holyday: Holyday: Facility Maintenance Management & Janitorial Services LBS—Loyal Building Services, Inc. 581-4266 ext. 135 7:30pm in the church Masses as announced New Parishioners: New families are welcome to register at the Rectory Reception Desk during office hours. Anointing of the Sick: 1st Saturday monthly — 8:30am Mass. Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month at the 11am Mass (10:45am in the summer) and the 12:15pm Mass. Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month at a 1:30pm ceremony in the church. No Baptisms during Lent. Parents should call the Faith Enrichment Office at 581-3304 ext. 120, preferably before the baby’s birth, to schedule an interview, class and celebration date. Confessions: Wednesday (8:00am—8:45am), and Saturday (4:00pm—4:45pm). Marriages: Engaged couples should call the Rectory and arrange for a Nuptial Interview with Deacon Steve at least one year in advance of the marriage date. Birthright: 631-277-3888 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 11, 2015 Page 2 January 11, 2015 ADORATION HOLY HOUR & BENEDICTION Please join us on Monday, January 19 to pray for priests in the Church at 12 noon. All are welcome. MONDAY JANUARY 12 7:30 a.m. Marilyn Elliott 9:00 a.m. Anthony Louis Valentino & Frank Cosgrove The ANOINTING OF THE SICK will be celebrated on Saturday, February 7 at the 8:30am Mass in the church. All are most welcome. Please pray with us. TUESDAY JANUARY 13 ~ St. Hilary 7:30 a.m. John Mierzejewski 9:00 a.m. Leonid Fedirkon WEDNESDAY JANUARY 14 7:30 a.m. Louise Crisci 9:00 a.m. Frank Paules THURSDAY JANUARY 15 7:30 a.m. The Thommes Family Living & Deceased 9:00 a.m. Louis Pryor If you have a relative or friend that you would like to add to our Military Prayer List for six months, please call Teresa Van Buren at 5814266, x105. FRIDAY JANUARY 16 7:30 a.m. Kyle W. Good 9:00 a.m. Kathleen Ferguson Davis SATURDAY JANUARY 17 8:30 a.m. Eileen Zurla 5:00 p.m. Deceased Members of The Del Genio Family Scott Zachwieja Michael Brdey Fr. Michael SUNDAY JANUARY 18 7:30 a.m. Vito Lonero 9:15 a.m. Juanita Goodwin 10:45 a.m. All Parishioners 11:00 a.m. Paul Spagnoletti Fr. Hugh Fr. Don Fr. Rob Fr. Michael 12:15 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Fr. Michael Fr. Jaime Brian Foley Vincent Vitelli THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Confessions: Wed., Jan. 14 at 8am—8:45am Fr. Michael Confessions: Sat., Jan. 17 at 4pm—4:45pm Fr. Don SCRIPTURE Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Please pray for the safety of the members of St. Mary Parish who serve in the Military. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Hebrews 1:1-6; Mark 1:14-20 Hebrews 2:5-12; Mark 1:21-28 Hebrews 2:14-18; Mark 1:29-39 Hebrews 3:7-14; Mark 1:40-45 Hebrews 4:1-5, 11; Mark 2:1-12 Hebrews 4:12-16; Mark 2:13-17 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19 Psalm 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 John 1:35-42 Let us remember in our prayer . . . Keith & Teague Liming Alex & Sean Lyon, USMC Lt. Commander Lloyd Reinhold US Navy Lance Corporal Andrew Schaedtler USMC Lt. Colonel Albert E. Smith, US Air Force PFC Eric Thomesen US Army Lt. Samuel Warren All Military Chaplains Prayer for the success of the St. Mary Parish Renovation Campaign Gracious God, building your Kingdom on earth is your will and our privilege. Keep us mindful of the needs and mission of our Parish of St. Mary that has served you and your people faithfully for over a century. Empowered by your Holy Spirit, be with us now as we embark upon a new capital campaign to improve our parish buildings and grounds that are used for the good of your Kingdom. Open our hearts and minds to be generous in our giving, knowing that whatever we give will be of great sacrifice. May Mary, the mother of your Son and our patroness, watch over us so that our efforts may accomplish the goals you have set before us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Page 3 January 11, 2015 Dear Friends, “Jesus . . . was baptized in the Jordan by John. On coming out of the water he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon him. And a voice came from the heavens, ‘You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.’” These words are taken from Mark’s gospel for today’s Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. This reference to the Father speaking about Jesus His Son is only found one other time in the gospels — at the Transfiguration. It is also the gospel I use when I baptize children at a ceremony. At that time, I emphasize to the parents, godparents, family and friends present that the same Spirit will come upon their child or children in the Sacrament of Baptism. Likewise, I tell them those words of the Father about Jesus are also being echoed today as this child or these children are being baptized. God says, “This is my beloved son, my beloved daughter with whom I am well pleased.” The key thing is for that favor to remain with the child or children. How? God’s favor will remain with them by the reception of the other sacraments, by prayer and reading of the bible, by attendance at Sunday Mass, and by good works. If you were to look at a map of the Middle East, you would notice that the River Jordan connects two bodies of water — the Sea of Galilee to the north and the Dead Sea to the south. There is a huge difference between the quality of water in both seas. The Sea of Galilee is rich in sea life; whereas there is practically no life in the Dead Sea, thus the reason for its name. The reason why the Dead Sea lacks sea life is because the water is extremely salty. The water from the Sea of Galilee flows down the River Jordan and is deposited in the Dead Sea. Because the water in the Dead Sea has nowhere to flow, the deposit of salt continues to build up in the Dead Sea, preventing marine life to exist in it. There is a lesson to be learned here. At baptism, God’s grace begins in us. That grace is meant to keep increasing, to keep flowing within us. When we fail to keep God’s favor by not doing the things I indicated earlier, God’s grace stops flowing, and we become spiritually stagnant. It’s why sometimes people are referred to as being “spiritually dead.” God wants us to keep growing in His grace and favor. But that will only happen if we receive the sacraments, pray, read the scriptures, attend Mass and perform good deeds. At baptisms I often use the image of bread and wine. If you go to a restaurant and you are served stale bread, do you eat it? No, you send it back for fresh bread. Likewise, if you order a bottle of wine and you taste that it is bitter, do you continue to drink it? The answer again is “no;” you send it back for a new bottle which hopefully will be better. The fact is we don’t like stale or bitter things. The same should be true of us spiritually. God doesn’t want us to be stale and bitter followers. He wants followers who are spiritually alive and enthusiastic about His message and love. As we begin this new year, perhaps, we should ask ourselves if God can honestly say of us what He said of Jesus in today’s gospel — “You are my beloved son with whom I am well pleased; you are my beloved daughter with whom I am well pleased.” God bless you and keep you in His grace this New Year! Fr. Don Page 4 January 11, 2015 ST MARY CHILDREN’S CHOIR Next Rehearsal: Tuesday, January 13 6pm-7pm ~ Auditorium We will be leading song at the 10:45am Mass on January 25 in the Auditorium. Lynne Cook @ [email protected] “A GATHERING OF MEN & WOMEN IN OUR WISDOM YEARS...GOLD IN OUR MEMORIES” Monday, January 12 ~ 9:45am—11am Sacred Heart Hall Presenter: Dot Horstmann SENIOR CONNECTION Tuesday, January 13 ~ 1pm—3pm Sacred heart Hall Cancelled in the event of snow or heavy rain. If in doubt, call 581-4266, x128 ROSARY SOCIETY Wednesday, January 14 ~ 9:30am Joseph Room Commission of Buildings & Grounds Thursday, January 15 ~ 7:30pm Joseph Room FINANCE COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, January 20 ~ 7:15pm Rectory MEN’S MINISTRY Tuesday, January 20 ~ 7:30pm Sacred Heart Hall Become a Dynamic Catholic Discussion: The Ten Commandments SHAWL MINISTRY Thursday, January 22 ~ 1pm—3pm Joseph Room CHRISTIAN COFFEE HOUSE Saturday, January 24 ~ 7pm Sacred Heart Hall Details on page 9. “A Gathering of Men & Women in our Wisdom Years … Gold in our Memories” with Dot Horstmann. This will be a monthly event ~ For January we will wonder together: Where have we buried our talents? Interested in exploring? Join us on Monday, January 12 in Sacred Heart Hall from 9:45am—11am. Bring a friend, a neighbor, a relative! ALL ARE WELCOME! 100TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS! Lenten Evening of Prayer & Song with Fr. Charles Mangano and Laurie Friday, February 27, 2015 at 7pm in Auditorium Admission is a free will offering. 100th Anniversary Brunch Sunday, March 1 at 11am in Sacred Heart Hall. Adults-$16 per person & Children-$8 per person Tickets: Contact Lois Mills Lannigan at [email protected] or 631-650-5033. Please note tickets are limited. Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade follows at 2pm. 100th Anniversary Principal’s Gala Join us for a night to celebrate 100 years of Catholic Education honoring Fred & GinaMarie Bianculli and Joseph & Maureen Szabo Saturday, March 14, 2015 ~ 7:00pm—11:00pm An evening of elegance on the beautiful waters of the Great South Bay at Chateau La Mer, 845 South Wellwood Avenue, Lindenhurst. Highlights: Cocktail Reception, Top Shelf Open Bar, Five course Sit-Down Dinner, Dancing & After Dinner Cordial Bar and 100th Anniversary History Book & Commemorative Tribute Journal St. Mary School Red Carpet Photography Chinese Auction, Grand Prize & 50/50 Raffle Ticket prices: $85/adult; $150/per couple; $70/Faculty & Staff; $750/Table of Ten and $900/Table of Twelve Underwriting opportunities and Journal Advertisement available. For further information, please e-mail [email protected]. Night of Irish Song with Andy Cooney Friday, March 27 at 7pm in Auditorium Tickets-$25 per person~Contact Megan Reitzel at [email protected] or 581-3423 x149. Page 5 January 11, 2015 “A vision of Church as envisioned by the Second Vatican Council, the Gospel message proclaimed by the Lord, Jesus Christ, the solemn obligation to hear the cry of all those in need.” With these as our FOUNDATIONAL STONES, the ST. MARY’S MISSION STATEMENT is: “CENTERED IN THE WORD OF GOD AND THE GIFT OF JESUS IN OUR MIDST, THE MISSION OF ST. MARY’S PARISH FAMILY IS TO BE A WELCOMING COMMUNITY WHICH PROCLAIMS THROUGH WORD AND ACTION THE DIGNITY OF EVERY PERSON”. . .and we take our mission seriously! Please let us know how we can help you. First Time Alexander Krause and Tiffany Barraco Patrick Brogan and Rosanne Kavanagh Second Time Patrick Oberlies and Amy Schuessler Third Time Sean Carroll and Heather Sutorius If you wish to list a name in the “Prayers for the Sick” section of the bulletin for the month of JANUARY, please use the form below and return it to the Rectory (Attn: Teresa Van Buren) or place it in the weekly collection basket. Prayers for the Sick Date: ________________________ Name: ________________________ Requested by: ________________________ SPIRITUAL CARE ~ If you yourself or someone you know is confined to home and wishes to have a visit by a lay companion or to receive the sacraments from a priest, please call the Rectory Receptionist at 581-4266, x100. Phone # ________________________ Names will be listed in the bulletin for one month. A family member may call the Rectory Office (581-4266 x100) to place or remove a name on our monthly Prayers for the Sick. Thank you. “Centering Yourself in Prayer” Take some time from your busy day and spend some quiet, quality time with God! Our next gathering is Monday, February 9 10am in the Rectory Chapel for approximately 30 minutes. Have your own inner, meditative time with God. For more information, call Sister Patty at 581-4266, x134 or visit CIRCLE OF SCRIPTURE We meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30am in the Joseph Room for 30 minutes. We gather to break open and share in a prayerful setting the Scriptures of the day. Take some time to bask in the light of God’s love each day. Please pray for the child who will be baptized and for their family: Evelyn Lorraine Breen Nicholas Joseph D’Attoma William James Madden Marleigh Joseph Phillips Rose Abruzzo Bob Ahearn Joseph Balletta Sherry Brightman Michael Caliendo Caren Callimano John Cascio Mary Rose Creamer Pat Croteau Maria Josephine Dahan Christopher Dahl Sonny D’Ambrosio Dominic De Yorgi Theresa Drake Cindy Ginty Noreen Gress Angela Hamm Theresa Harvey Thomas Smith Henley Theresa Henry Aidan Thomas Joyce Art Krenicky Debra Lane Susan Lauto Doris Lindauer Grail McGinley William Mc Sweeney Tom Magoulas Harry Munster Paige Julia Nelson Kay Peterson Virginia Restifo Diane Romeo Joanne Scala Peter Sloboda Ruth & Larry Stephen Schaedtler Robert Tirado Dan Traietta Paul D. Vigliotta Leo Vollbracht Brian & Sabrina Ward Mary Will Jane Wilt Canyon Zito Wroblewski Let us pray for the deceased of our parish. . . George Burkas, Thomas Ruddy, Margaret Snock, Edward Tierney, Patricia Rehr, Daniel Reuther, Thomas O’Keefe, Joan (Paulsen) Colantuoni, Donald Maine Barletta, Isolde Hollenstein, Warren Flynn (Fr. Michael’s brother) Page 6 January 11, 2015 Dear All of You, The scripture tells us the story of Jesus’ baptism. He was immersed in the Jordan River by his cousin, John. I often wonder why Jesus felt the need to be baptized; after all he is the Messiah, the son of God. Possibly Jesus knew that this is what he needed to begin his public life. In the past few years, I have met with parents of infants who have decided not to baptize their baby. When asked why, they often say that it is more important for them to be spiritual than to be a member of a parish. There are some moms and dads who have their child baptized, but drop out of “church” until the child’s First Holy Communion. What can we do to help our children and grandchildren feel the spirituality that comes with being Catholic? How can we explain the grace and strength one receives from a sacrament? Can we describe the loving support one receives from being a part of community? My guess is that the best way to share our Catholic faith is by gently allowing these young parents to take the time to decide for themselves. (That means absolutely no berating). Be sincere when you speak about you faith. Live everyday life as an example. One of our volunteers recently spoke of his school-aged grandchild who has not received Baptism. He said that he and is wife never asked questions about having the child baptized, they just prayed. To their surprise, their grandchild was registered in Catholic school and she led the prayer before the Thanksgiving meal. The grandparents were delighted. “Dear God, help us to be patient, true to our faith and invitational to all. Amen.” In Wisdom’s love, Sr. Camille Solis, DW RESPECT LIFE ~ Long Island Coalition for Life (631-243): Face the Truth— Sunday, January 18 at 1:30pm—3pm in front of Nassau University Medical Center, 2201 Hempstead Turnpike, East Meadow. A silent, peaceful, public witness for life and call for reversal of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision of 1973. Signs provided at site. (Rain or Shine.) All Welcome ~ Visibility matters. Are you or someone you know having family or interpersonal problems due to drinking alcohol and/or using other drugs? CATHOLIC CHARITIES/ Talbot House, a Chemical Dependence Crisis Center, in Bohemia provides withdrawal & stabilization services on a voluntary basis to males and females over the age of 18 who are seeking to stop and/or withdraw from alcohol and/or other drug use. The medical and clinical staff at Talbot House will assess the kind of care the person needs to begin their journey in recovery. For more info, please call 631589-4144. Talbot House staff is available 24/7. Each call is confidential. Talbot House is a NO fee for service program. ST MARY FOOD PANTRY NEEDS JELLY PEANUT BUTTER KETCHUP MUSTARD MAYONNAISE RAMEN NOODLES TOOTHPASTE FACIAL TISSUES TOILET PAPER PAPER TOWELS (single rolls) The meetings for Catholic Gays/Lesbians, Parents and their Families are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm. For further information, please call Al and Rita Mazza at 631-650-7016. Page 7 January 11, 2015 Sacrificial Giving Thank you for sharing your Treasure Offering 12/28 $20,285 Last Week’s Offering $17,113 Biweekly Offering EFT $ 2,447 “MEMORIAL GARDEN” Our landscaping plan surrounding this garden is a work in progress. We have received many compliments thus far and a renewed interest in the purchase of bricks. Our volunteers have made such a difference. Check them out on Facebook (Church of St. Mary)! St. Mary Memorial Garden Dedication Brick Honor your loved one or family with a brick ($200) which will be placed in the Memorial Garden adjacent to SHH. You can help make this garden a place of peace & prayer. Your Inscription—Maximum of 30 Characters. Forms available at the Rectory Reception Desk. “Msgr. Peter A. Chiara Sacred Heart Hall” Most major renovations have been completed. There is still work to be done. Plans are being developed for a new landscape design, signage and some additional interior and exterior work. Volunteers have painted the exterior stucco on the eastern side; the western side will be addressed in the spring. If you are interested in donating to the continuing renovation of Sacred Heart Hall in honor of Fr. Pete, please call the Rectory at 581-4266, x100. You may also mail your donation to the Church of St. Mary, 20 Harrison Ave., East Islip, NY 11730 ~ Attention “Fr. Pete Fund.” Also indicate in the memo section of the check: “Fr. Pete Fund” as these funds are in a restricted account and can only be used for the sole purpose of the renovation project. Thank you for your support. When planning your Will, bequests and memorials, prayerfully consider including our parish community of St. Mary. St. Mary Parish Renovation Campaign “Improving Our Parish — Housing Our Ministries” Over $985,000 Pledged — Help us reach our goal! CAMPAIGN EFFORTS CONTINUE. . . Father Don and the Campaign Committee would like to thank all parishioners who have responded. We appreciate your generous support. The campaign will not end until all members of our parish family have had an opportunity to be part of the campaign’s success. We need everyone to participate if we are to make our goal. Please make your pledge or one-time donation by returning the all-in-one pledge envelope that was mailed to your home, or pick up an extra one at Mass. No down payment is necessary. Please review the suggested gift plans and continue the success of our campaign by making your gift today! As you consider your pledge . . . Please remember • No Down Payment is Necessary. Your gift is matched by the Diocese at a rate of fifty cents on every dollar. • Pledge payments are in addition to your weekly offertory. Payment reminders will be mailed in accordance with the selected payment plan. • All contributions are tax deductible. • Make checks payable to: St. Mary Capital Campaign • • All Pledges & One-Time Donations, no matter what the amount, are welcome and appreciated! Page 8 January 11, 2015 FIRST EUCHARIST PARENTS’ MEETING ~ If your child is preparing to receive First Holy Communion in 2015, please plan to attend the meeting on Monday, January 12 at 7pm in the Auditorium. Information regarding First Reconciliation as well as First Communion will be shared. Banners will be distributed. One parent/adult should attend. Children do not attend this meeting. SUBSTITUTE CATECHISTS NEEDED! If you can help by becoming a substitute catechist for your child’s class or any other class, please call Linda Crowley at 581-3304, x122. It is amazingly helpful to have people willing to step in when a catechist cannot teach. Please pray about helping us in this way. CLASS CANCELLATIONS ~ Notices were distributed in December reminding all families that in the event we need to cancel classes, there are several places the information will be posted: On our parish website — • Our parish Facebook page WALK Radio 97.5; WBAB 106.1, WBLI 102.3, and Channel 12 News • • We will also leave messages on our voicemail. Individual phone calls to families will not be made. Prayer on the Feast of The Baptism of the Lord “From the waters you rose and Heaven bent down to note the moment. Your being there blessed the waters with your perfect presence, You who had no need to wash away life’s stains, as you gave the waters their life-giving task of giving us new birth into your kingdom. Thank you Lord, for the channels of grace You open to us here on Earth. Amen.” Page 9 January 11, 2015 “CHRISTIAN COFFEE HOUSE” ~ Join us on Saturday, January 24 in Sacred Heart Hall as we proudly present “BETHLEHEM ROAD,” featuring our own Barbara Grace. Doors open at 7pm. Admission is $5. Make your reservation today . . . 631-581-4266, x107. By popular demand, St. Mary Parish 3rd annual CHINESE AUCTION is coming! If you missed the last one, this is your chance! The event will be held in the auditorium on Friday, February 6, 2015 and will benefit the renewal of our parish facilities. We need prize items! Families, groups & organizations are encouraged to donate gift cards (buy with SCRIP & benefit St. Mary twice!), ready-made gift baskets, house wares, toys, etc. Re-gifting is encouraged. Please, NEW ITEMS ONLY. Please drop off prizes at the Rectory by Friday, January 16, 2015. For more information, please call Barbara Grace at 581-4266, x107. “GRAND MARSHALL BALL” Saturday, February 21, 2015 7pm—12 Midnight Irish Coffee Pub Tickets are $110 per person. For more information, please call John Davis at 516-315-8349. Please see today’s insert in the bulletin. Sign-up with United Metro Energy and we will donate $50 to St. Mary in your name. Page 10 January 11, 2015 The Good News at St. Mary . . . CHRISTMAS DECORATING 2014 A special “THANK YOU” to the two dozen people that helped decorate our Church and Auditorium for our Christmas Celebration. Father Don directed the group in the placement of the poinsettias, wreaths and garland. Each item was displayed in a precise and loving manner. We hope you enjoy and spread the “Good News!” A Happy and Peaceful New Year to all! St. Joseph Renewal Center (1725 Brentwood Road, Brentwood—Bldg. #4) 631-273-1187, x123. “A Spiritual Gathering for Women” on January 13 at 10am—Noon. Offering $15. Presenters: Tina Cafaro and Joan Vessio. Christian believers and their pastors from numerous denominations along with many pro-life leaders will gather for the 21st Annual National Memorial for the Pre-Born and Their Mothers & Fathers on Thursday, January 22 at DAR Constitution Hall, 1776 D St., NW, Washington, D.C. from 8:30— 10:30am. This will be the premier prayer event marking the tragic commemoration of Roe vs. Wade. We will gather in repentance and grief, but also in hope filled, joyful determination and unity to bring an end to abortion once and for all. There will be a Mass at 7:30am. Doors open at 7am. Admission is free, no tickets are required, and large groups are welcome. Let’s fill Constitution Hall with thousands of believers to show the nation that pro-life people are not going away, no matter how long the battle. The prayers and message of this service will certainly convey that and you won’t want to miss out on the inspiration. For more info, visit National Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? You can help heal your marriage. Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. This program has helped thousands of couples worldwide experiencing ALL TYPES of marital difficulties. For confidential information about the Retrouvaille program, or to register for the upcoming weekend on Friday, February 6—8, 2015 at the Immaculate Conception Seminary in Huntington. Please call 1-800-470-2230 and you will be connected directly and confidentially to a couple from Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille who can help. IRISH COFFEE PUB RESTAURANT COUNTRY VILLAGE PHARMACY 50% Off All Greeting Cards Confidence - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow... Jack Truncale, VP Catering & Entertainment 131 Carleton Ave., East Islip 5 OFF $ Any Retail Purchase 277-0007 242 East Main St., East Islip 631-581-9589 37 W. Main Street • East Islip, NY 11730 Jesus A to Z Licensed & Insured Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Roofing • Siding • Windows Doors • Decks • Carpentry Handyman Services No Job Too Small FREE ESTIMATES Deal Direct with Working Owner (631) 581-9055 (631) 581-7878 East Islip Physical Therapy Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA Orthopedic Neurological • Rehab Matthew Mangione, P.T. 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SHEA ELECTRIC TOLL FREE: Providing Quality Electricians Commercial • Residential • Industrial 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 24 Hour Emergency Service • Licensed and Insured 631-277-6346 Customer Satisfaction is our number one priority Parishioner For More Information Visit ALL Types of Therapy | ALL Insurance Accepted 35 Psychotherapists on Staff | Available 7 Days a Week Medication Available | Anti-Stress Massage Stuff-A-Bagel “It’s a Better On a Bagel” Servicing The Community for 20 Years Newly Remodeled Under New Ownership Saint Margaret Sunday Missal Bring this Ad and Receive $200 OFF a Dozen Bagels n rsonarl Companio e P r u e through 2030 Yo Pray • 22 Varieties of Bagels • 12 Varieties of Cream Cheese • Hot & Cold Catering Available • We serve Breakfast & Lunch • Delivery Available 24 East Main Street 277-1835 East Islip Fax (631) 661-3681 Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • $39.95 Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner Diamond & Stone Setting Jewelry & Watch Repair Custom Redesigning All Major Credit Cards Accepted 581-1443/4 166 E. Main St. St. Mary’s Graduate 007008 St Mary Church (B) with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] Call Frank Capanzano 800.524.0263 WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? Russ Knoth Exterior Designs Siding - Windows - Roofing Decks - Gutters - Flooring Painting - Sheetrock - Interiors 631-581-2291 Parishioner 581-9741 “The Complete and Unique Look for All” We Specialize in Barbering 183 East Main St., East Islip For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 Overton Funeral Home, Inc. 172 Main Street, Islip 581-5085 Eric S. Buehler, Manager Family Owned and Operated Since 1923 279 Orinoco Drive Brightwaters 665-5550 665-3774 FABER BROS AUTO REPAIR COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE ESTABLISHED 1957 Karp’s Wines & Liquors Imported & Domestic 214 E. Main St. You owe it to yourself to try to save money on your insurance Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. (631) 581-4776 174 W. Main St., East Islip For further information, please call the Parish Office. Ackerly Insurance Agency SANDLES Kids Love Us... FUNERAL HOME 581-8100 Member Of St. Mary’s Serving The Parish With Dignity & Reverence 98 Carleton Avenue, Islip Terrace Gary A. Rosenfeld, DDS 228 East Main Street East Islip, NY 11730 (631) 581-8600 Margaret Zadnik-O’Connell, DDS Nicole Cuoccio, DMD Shane Hoelz, DDS ...Parents Trust Us! 439 Main Street, Islip 581-1150 581-9242 Captain Bill’s Elder Law • Wills • Trusts • Estates Medicaid Planning • Real Estate THE GREAT SOUTH BAY SEAFOOD CO. Water Front Dining • Catering 122 Ocean Avenue, Bay Shore 665-6262 Fax 665-6293 Hilary H. Hollborn & Sons, Inc. Plumbing - Heating - Electric GORMLEY & GORMLEY, PLLC Attorneys & Counselors At Law 130 W. Main Street (next to St. Mary’s) 277-1800 Parishioners Licensed & Insured “4” Generations of Experience 102-5 Carleton Ave. 581-2624 Islip Terrace Hilary H. Hollborn & Sons, Inc. KOHLER GENERATORS Sales & Installation Licensed & Insured 581-2624 Islip Terrace Vitagliano Orthodontics A long standing member of the neighborhood & Catholic community and a supporter of education for our children We Strive for Excellence and miles of smiles! Drs. Joseph & Pasquale Vitagliano Massapequa: (516) 798-6786 West Islip: (631) 661-3025 New Patient Special Offer for Parishioners 665-3300 7 Belford Ave. Bay Shore FUEL OIL...HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING “Dependable Service Since 1932” Sister Locations EAST ISLIP Family Owned and Operated 62 Carleton Avenue WANTAGH 603 Wantagh Avenue (516) 731-5550 (631) 581-2828 EAST MEADOW 2515 N Jerusalem Rd. (516) 826-1010 Family Owned and Operated Proud Members of St. Mary's R.C. Church for over 50 Years DR. MICHAEL CASSANO TAX & ACCOUNTING SERVICES Taylor Rental Center WILLIAM G. BAST, D.M.D. Party Tents, Tables, Chairs Board Certified Podiatrist Joseph A Schiano CPA PC By ABPOPPM 277-1700 369 E Main St., E. Islip INDIVIDUAL (631) Personal Service BUSINESS 277-2174 Recession Friendly Fees WWW.JASCPAPC.COM Garden and Construction Tools 84 Fifth Avenue, Bay Shore 631-665-2055 Diplomate American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Practice Limited to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 194 Middle Road, Sayville 567-3777 EMERALD ISLE PAVING, INC. EAST ISLIP 200 East Main Street 631•581•5600 631-224-4969 Seamus Flannery Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured WEST ISLIP (Across from Good Samaritan Hospital) 1225 Montauk Highway 631•661•5644 007008 St Mary Church (A) BETHPAGE 20 Hicksville Road 516•731•5600 33 Wall Street • East Islip 581-1869 Off Carleton Ave. Everything From Deck To Roof For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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