GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION REGION J CHAPTER BC-D SURREY I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. 2014 is behind us now. It was a challenging year for some, all I can say is, 2015 is going to be better. In the newsletter you will see the list of the 2015 Team. We look forward to bringing you FUN SAFETY AND KNOWLEDGE throughout the year. January 2015 At the last dinner meeting Kelly came to me and put a coiled necklace around my neck. It was colour matched to our bike, how thoughtful. On this necklace was this thing, not sure what I was thinking but I thought it was a whistle. We all got a good laugh when she told me it was a flash drive with all the information and files of Chapter D. Everything anyone wanted or needed to know was there. V Hildebrand Chapter Director Inside this issue: Celebrations / Upcoming 2 MEC Article / Friday Coffee 3 Rider Education 4 Tech Tidbits / Reindeer Fact 5 Festival of Lights 6 –7 Humour / Reno Rendezvous 8 Historian’s Page 9 Quilt / Deadline for Feb 10 Region J / BC Chapters 11 Insight / Region Report 12-13 Stores / Want Ads 14 Chapter Team Contacts 16 We have been joking the past couple of months I would be Queen V but that title has already been used. Not sure what I may be called, maybe Lady in Waiting we will see, stay tuned for the February newsletter. I have big boots to fill but with the encouragement I have received, the Chapter behind me, I am going to jump in and sink or swim. I prefer the latter. I thought I would be inundated with chores but so far this is a breeze, maybe just the calm before the storm. Sitting at the computer writing this is the most time I have spent so far. I look forward to being your Chapter Director. I am open to any and all comments or concerns. V Hildebrand BC-D Chapter Director “Friends for Fun , Safety & Knowledge” Page 2 UPCOMING EVENTS January Celebrations BIRTHDAYS 13 Mike Dodd 16 Tom Morton 27 Sharon Morton 30 Jo Codling ANNIVERSARIES 17 Wayne & Louse Manuel January 2015 1 New Year’s Day Brunch & Ride BC-A 7 BC-D Dinner Meeting 23-25 Motorcycle Show Tradex February 2015 4 BC-D Dinner Meeting 7 Silent Auction & BBQ BC-A 15 BC-A Breakfast Meeting 17 BC-C Dinner Meeting 27 Cloverdale Races BC-D January 2015 MEC ARTICLE Hi Kelly, Here is the recipe I’ve had “forever” for the salad you asked about this morning. Enjoy! 24 HOUR LETTUCE SALAD 1 large head of lettuce, shredded ½ cup green onions, sliced 1 cup celery, sliced 1 8 oz. can sliced water chestnuts 1package frozen peas, unthawed 2 cups mayonnaise 2 tsp sugar 1 tsp salt ¼ tsp garlic powder ½ cup Romano/Parmesan cheese ¾ lb bacon, fried crisp and broken 2 tomatoes (1 cup) cut in wedges (I often add a couple of sliced hard boiled eggs over the top of the salad) Spread lettuce in bottom of dish. Sprinkle onion, celery and water chestnuts on the lettuce in layers. While still frozen, break peas apart and sprinkle over top. Like frosting, spread mayonnaise across the top. Then sprinkle sugar, salt, garlic and cheese over that. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Before serving, top with bacon and tomatoes. (Parsley and eggs optional). (You can toss the salad before garnishing, if you wish) I think the above is the original recipe and my favorite, probably similar to what you had last night; I have a friend that substitutes or adds other vegies as well (such as sliced radishes, cauliflower, broccoli). Thanks to you again for joining WA D for Festival of Lights! Erv and I are looking forward to the next time!! Hope you had a good drive home today in the sunshine, Phyllis Page 3 BC-D Friday Night Coffee / Ride Gather at 6:30pm at Tim Horton's 166th and Fraser Hwy in Surrey With the winter weather upon us we probably won’t be taking any rides, but come and enjoy a cup of coffee and some camaraderie with your fellow GWRRA members. Page 4 Well here we are January 2015, another new year ahead of us. Looking back at 2014 there were lots of great rides that I went on with our chapter and other chapters. I went to 2 great rallies in 2014, Region J's and Region I's south of the border. I saw lots of friends and made some new ones at the rallies. I had a great time teaching the ARC (Advance Riding) course's and looking forward to teaching them this year again. For those of you that still have your bikes insured and are planning to go for a ride on those nice days that we do get this time of year, please be careful and take extra care while riding. Just remember the people in cars don't expect us to be there riding our bikes. Especially at this time of the year. Well that's about all I have to say for now. Ride safe and have fun! Doug Hildebrand, Chapter Educator BC-D Rider Educator, Doug visiting with Santa Photo by Barry McMillan January 2015 Page 5 TECH TID-BITS Some of you have put your bike away for the winter and hooked up the battery tender. Now you go out and check the tender to see if the light is green. As you contemplate starting her up you notice the keys are missing and start looking around. The light bulb goes on and you remember you put them in the right pocket and it is shut. OMG now what. Here is the easy solution to your problem, or at any time you lock the keys in the right pocket. The only tool needed is a 5mm Allen Key. Ok lets get started. Take the thin long fairing edge trim off the Goldwing carefully. Start at the bottom and work your way up. If you have baker wings they have to come off first. Pull from the inside out towards the right. Next use the Allen key to remove the panel. Pull the panel out and put your finger under the exposed part of the cable. This is attached to the lock and there may be a green holder/wire there. Put a slight upward pull on the cable and the lid will pop open. Put everything back in place and go have a drink as you have just dodged the bullet. Till next time, when I will have something else. Doug Wilkins, BC-D Technical Coordinator REINDEER FACT According to the Canadian Fish and Wildlife, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer of each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter. Female reindeer, however, retain their antlers until after they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to every historical rendition depicting Santa’s reindeer, every single one of them from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be female. We really should have known this because only women would be able to drag a fat man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night - and not get lost. Submitted by: Doug Wilkins Page 6 FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS IN MONTESANO, WA Every year GWRRA Chapter WA-D participates in Montesano’s Festival of Lights. On Saturday December 13, 2014 Chapter BC-D had 13 members who drove down to visit with our friends in WA-D and to watch the parade. The day starts at the local elementary school where WA-D has a silent auction set up and motorcyclists interested can bring their bikes to decorate and enter in to a contest before the parade. By the time Barry and I arrived the two bikes pictured at the right were already decorated, but there was still lots of time to bid on the Silent Auction items and pick up some grab bags. Then it was off to find a spot along the parade route and wait for the parade to begin. It was a fairly nice evening, with no rain, but a tad bit cold. The theme to the parade was ‘The 12th Man”, so lots of blue and green lights and Seahawks logo were spotted throughout the parade. After the parade WA-D invites people back to the Elementary school for a potluck supper. Thanks to V and Doug who picked up the platters of food for us to add to the potluck meal. All the food was delicious and there was also lots of yummy desserts too. After everyone was done eating they called for the final bidding on the Silent Auction items and I think most of us BCD people came away with something that we bid on. On Sunday morning before the ride home, we all met up with Erv and Phyllis and Greg and Kerry for breakfast at a 50’s diner. It was lots of fun visiting with our WA-D friends and we are looking forward to seeing them at their Duck Hunt in June! Even though we were in vehicles and not on motorcycles, several of us decided to take a more scenic drive home and went up Highway 3 to Highway 104 and took the Kingston Edmonds ferry before heading north on I-5. It was a nice drive and a great way to spend a weekend! Submitted by: Eileen McMillan photos by Eileen too January 2015 Page 7 FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS continued 3-D CYCLES LTD Labour $80.00 per hour for GWRRA Member Tel: (604) 859-4732 (604) 850-6635 Toll Free: 1- (866) 859-4732 2121 Clearbrook Road Abbotsford BC V2T 4H6 Page 8 HUMOUR NAG NAG NAG An attorney arrived home late, after a very tough day trying to get a stay of execution. His last minute plea for clemency to the governor had failed and he was feeling worn out and depressed. As soon as he walked through the door at home, his wife started on him about, 'What time of night to be getting home is this? Where have you been? Dinner is cold and I'm not reheating it'. And on and on and on. Too shattered to play his usual role in this familiar ritual, he poured himself a shot of whiskey and headed off for a long hot soak in the bathtub, pursued by the predictable sarcastic remarks as he dragged himself up the stairs. While he was in the bath, the phone rang. The wife answered and was told that her husband's client, James Wright, had been granted a stay of execution after all. Wright would not be hanged tonight. Finally realizing what a terrible day he must have had, she decided to go upstairs and give him the good news. As she opened the bathroom door, she was greeted by the sight of her husband, bent over naked, drying his legs and feet. 'They're not hanging Wright tonight,' she said. He whirled around and screamed, 'FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WOMAN, DON'T YOU EVER STOP?!' Submitted by: Shirley Williams JUNE 18-20, 2015 Are you registered yet? Join in the fun! For more information visit: #108 20220 113B Ave Maple Ridge, BC FOR ALL YOUR MOTORCYCLE NEEDS Tel: 604-467-2344 Toll Free: 1-888-400-2344 Fax: 604-467-3193 email: [email protected] Page 9 January 2015 HISTORIAN’S PAGE Introduction of new historian. Hello BC-D members. I’ll introduce myself. Arnie Tucker, new historian for BCD. I’ve been around here as a charter member and I’m currently the 6th senior “D” (paid up active) member (according to the GWRRA area report) . The other five are: Wayne Manuel, Dale Crump, R Lamb, Dave Truesdell and Garth Gilbert. Before “D” came into being, I was a BC-A member. I’ve been a GWRRA member since February 1989. Back in those early days it wasn’t common for a spouse (note: corider) to be a member also. One also had to own a Goldwing. Another thing that I’m some what proud of is that I’m a bit of a packrat and have saved a lot of memorabilia. I’ll be gathering stories, pictures, and articles to share over the next while. As you read this, I’ll be in sunny Hawaii, staying warm. The Below article is from the December 2009 Rider Ed Article. Winter Riding Some people pack up the bike as soon as the November monsoons approach, others, like me, keep the bike ready just in case there is a small break in the weather. Winter riding can be very satisfying. To be honest with you, I would choose a sunny ride in temperatures just above freezing rather than an intensely hot summer day. I just don’t like swimming in a helmet. Besides, our steeds have so much comfort with heated seats, heated grips, foot and leg heat from the engine and a big windshield to protect us from the wind I’m not saying it can’t be uncomfortable; you just have to know when to ride and when to dream of riding. If you are thinking of riding, here are a few tips to make the day more enjoyable Make sure your windshield is clean before starting out. You can use a rain resistant lotion to rub on the plastic, but check the product first to make sure it won’t damage it Your battery needs to be in good shape. The colder weather will test it’s competency Check your tire pressures regularly, the difference in temperatures will affect the pressure readings. Check weather forecasts often so you don’t get caught. Check road conditions so you won’t encounter snow (last time I checked, they didn’t sell chains for bikes) Your riding apparel should protect you without causing too much restrictions, shoulder checks can be hampered by a bulky neck wrap Electric Vest and gloves can help, but be careful. You may not notice your toes are getting cold or a spot on your neck was exposed for the last hour. Winter driving can be a beautiful ride if you are ready for it. Oh, and one more thing. Cars may think you are not on the road anymore, after all the ‘riding season’ is over. Keep an extra eye out for them; it may not be the slippery roads or wet leaves that take you down. Enjoy the cold! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year... Dan & Virginia Chapter BC-D Educators Page 10 Rally T-shirt Quilt Now that Kelly is no longer Chapter Director, she has more time to work on the quilt, and is still looking for old GWRRA or Rally t-shirts. Her idea is to raffle it off at an upcoming Gold Run. We all probably have a few of these shirts we not longer wear, so why not donate them to Kelly for the cause! REMINDER: February Newsletter Deadline is: Saturday January 24, 2015 Remember this is YOUR Newsletter... Please submit your articles, jokes, photos and/or stories of recent rides, and any want ads by the deadline to Eileen McMillan at: [email protected] Thank you for helping keep our newsletter so enjoyable! January 2015 Page 11 Region J Staff POSITION Region J Directors Assistant Region J Director Region J Treasurer Region J Educator Assistant Region J Educator Assistant Region J Educator Region J MEC Region J Trainers District Webmaster Region J Stores Region J Ambassador NAME Con & Pat Williams Patrick Frampton Shirley Williams Larry Harland Harold Arthurs Alex Middleton Tracy Boyda E-MAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PHONE 604-951-9441 604-943-2527 604-599-8769 403-328-0233 604-351-5295 403-274-4223 403-279-0383 Bill Haggerty Pat Williams Peter MacGregor [email protected] [email protected] 250-493-0153 604-951-9441 604-460-2017 [email protected] 403-346-0756 National Asst Rider Educator Milt Sorensen On the web at: BC Chapters Contacts BC-A Vancouver Chapter Directors: Keiller & Tracy Gowans 604-987-0521 [email protected] BC-G Kamloops Chapter Directors: Kirk & Kathy Elliott 250-374-2583 [email protected] BC-C Chilliwack Chapter Directors: Glen & Angela Meyer 604-858-9963 [email protected] BC-P Prince George Chapter Directors: Jack & Ethelda McEwen 250-441-3315 [email protected] BC-D Surrey Chapter Directors: V Hildebrand 604-557-0622 [email protected] 1st Wed. @ Ricky’s Rest. @ 152nd & Fraser Highway, Surrey, Meeting @ 7:00 PM. Coffee Friday @ Tim Horton's 166 & Fraser Hwy @ 6:30 PM BC-V Victoria Chapter Directors: Tom & Marilyn Woodrow 250-642-3844 [email protected] CB CHANNEL 33 FOR ALL OF GWRRA Head Office Phoenix Arizona Toll Free 1-800-843-9460 Page 12 GWRRA INSIGHT Colors and Membership Enhancement By Mike Hottinger, CO-L Assistant Membership Enhancement Recently, I went on a “Color Ride” with a bunch of GWRRA friends and on the way back home I started thinking. Yep, that’s right, I was thinking. I never ride solo and on Sunday, without my lovely Rhonda, there was plenty of time to contemplate things that just came to mind. I began to compare the clusters of Aspen trees to the GWRRA Chapters and the brilliant colors in these clusters to that of Chapter Members. You might be wondering, “Where is he going with this?” Well let’s see where my mind wanders. In general terms, people refer to visiting the mountains this time of the year as “going to see the colors.” When you spend a moment looking at the mountainside you notice how many shades there are mixed together. This is like our membership, varied levels of participation, skills and levels. Without these shades it is not as beautiful or attractive to the people looking. Think of it as this is how we appear to prospective, new, inactive or even active members. Every Chapter has Members at different stages of participation or skills. In these stages we find people of different shades of OOOO’s and AAAHHH’s. What attracts people to membership? It is being around people that make them feel comfortable and welcome; a warm fuzzy is what l like to call it. We need these new Members to ensure the strength and endurance of our Chapters. Once a Member, we need to enhance each other and make our colors bright. We need our bright golden yellows, the brilliant oranges and changing greens, as it takes the entire spectrum to grow and enhance others. Use your bursts of brilliant color to make each day special for someone and then they will be driven to come back for more, maybe even a little anxious for the next opportunity to be together and share their colors. Now that we are all being brilliant, are we working as a family to help the others look brilliant too? Let me refer back to the clusters of trees I mentioned in the beginning. Did you know the Aspen tree shares a root system with the others around them? You can say that each cluster is a family. The clusters are all different sizes with different intensities of different colors within them. It is our responsibility to enhance our family and Chapter, prospective Members and community. But it is essential that it goes so much further We need to be there for the other Chapters, also. By supporting the other Chapters we help their colors explode and then you and your own Chapter will cultivate new shades as well. I personally feel this in my life. I look forward to going everywhere we can and meeting others as we grow and mature in GWRRA and feel a little down when we are unable to make it to things we would like to attend. There are always certain people that can be relied on to be present at gatherings, rides, and fundraisers. With the efforts of these people, new friendships are made and new shades of colors added. A healthy group of Chapters makes for a healthy District and a group of healthy Districts make a healthy Region and so on. To close, I would like to say, “Thank you to Page 13 January 2015 GWRRA INSIGHT continued... all the different people Rhonda and I have met through our time with GWRRA. Everyone is their own tree, with a unique color that has enhanced Rhonda and me in their own special and unique way. This provides us with a broader exposure to the GWRRA world enhancing our membership for the years to come. Share your brilliant colors today.” Share the passion and hug someone! Anita & JR Alkire, GWRRA Deputy Directors Article taken from: wsletter0814.pdf REGION J REPORT I hope everyone has had a terrific Christmas Season! Pat and I were super fortunate to have our family around us on the holiday! There was even Safety Chrome under the tree. I know this is supposed to be our quiet time as it has gotten a little deep for riding the Wing. BUT we have a lot of exciting things to look forward to this year. The Goldwing is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2015. Honda Canada is making a big push on the Goldwing line and will be having a Goldwing specific booth at All the Motorcycle shows in Canada. I’m pleased to say that we GWRRA members in Canada have entered into an agreement with Honda Canada where GWRRA is giving a Trial membership to all purchasers of the Goldwing in 2015. For us, it means we will get to meet a lot of new friends, and the Goldwing customers get to meet a lot of really NICE people! We are also ready to party at the Region J rally in Cranbrook BC. Details and registration are on the Region Website. You can print the registration and mail or you can register on line. HOPE WE MEET YOU THERE! Have a safe and FUN time this winter. Con and Pat Williams Region J Directors Page 14 WANT ADS STORES STORES CORNER Michelle Artlett (778) 828-7938 Description Chapter Long Sleeve Shirts - White or Blue Chapter T Shirts Chapter Golf Shirts - White or Blue Windshield Cover - Silkscreen (1200) FOR SALE Dayton Ladies Riding Boots. Price $ $ $ $ 40.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 Windshield Cover - Embroidery GWRRA 10" Patch Black/Gold GWRRA 4" Patch Black/Gold GWRRA Bolo Tie BC-D Rocker Great NW Region J Rocker BC-D 4" Patch - Blue $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 45.00 15.00 5.00 15.00 20.00 15.00 7.00 BC-D 4" Patch - White BC-D Pennant BC-D Pins BC-D Hanger Bars BC-D Cool Ties Canada Flag (Antenna or pole type) $ 7.00 $ 15.00 $ 3.00 $ 3.00 $ 10.00 $ 12.00 US/Canada Map $ 12.00 United We Stand Pin CPR Pocket Mask Eagle Vest Chain Tire Repair Plugs (5 pack) $ 5.00 $ 22.00 $ 11.00 $ 2.50 Prices subject to change without notice. Bought these for motorcycle riding, but I didn't like them. Only tried them for fit and never used them. They are brand new old stock boots from Dayton Shoe Co. here in Vancouver. Brand new boots at Dayton's would be high $300 to low $400 now. $175.00 OBO. Contact Rainie Frampton @ [email protected] Want ads will run for 3 editions of the newsletter. Please contact the newsletter editor if you wish an extension or if your item is sold at: [email protected] Or phone Eileen, 778-574-3579 Want Ads are free for GWRRA members. There is a $5.00 charge for non-members. January 2015 Page 15 2015 Chapter BC-D Team Position Chapter Director Name Phone # Email address V Hildebrand 604-557-0622 [email protected] Assistant Chapter Director Doug Conley 605-589-0552 [email protected] Chapter Educator Chapter Treasurer Doug Hildebrand Barry McMillan 604-613-9114 [email protected] 778-574-3579 [email protected] Chapter Secretary Shirley Williams 604-599-8769 [email protected] MEC Kelly Conley 604-557-0622 [email protected] 50/50 Dave & Dorothy Elliott 778-554-5999 [email protected] Stores Ride Coordinator Michelle & Gord Artlett Harold Arthurs 604-862-2563 [email protected] 604-351-5295 [email protected] Technical Coordinator Doug Wilkins 604-943-4081 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Eileen McMillan 778-574-3579 [email protected] Chapter Historians Arnie & Janet Tucker 604-462-0822 [email protected] Webmaster Bill Haggerty On the web at: [email protected] REGION J RALLY Cranbrook BC August 1,2,& 3, 2015 Host Hotel: The Heritage Inn 803 Cranbrook Street Cranbrook, BC Host Campsite: Cranbrook Mount Baker RV Park 1501 S 1st Street Cranbrook, BC Activities include, Poker Run on Sunday, ARC on Friday & Saturday, Education seminars, on Saturday. Medic First Aid course on Saturday. There will be a catered buffet at our Banquet on Saturday, with a live band entertainment. There will be a Drill Team performance on Saturday afternoon with 2 Drill Teams. A Self Directed Migration Ride is planned to go from our Rally to the Region I rally. There will be an entry contest with winner take all in Lewiston Id. The draw will be at the Region I Rally banquet. Registration forms are available on the GWRRA Region J website.
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