kulanuALL - Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation

IHC's mission...sustaining and building a progressive Jewish community
through Torah, T'fila, and Tikkun Olam
January, 2015 • Trevet/Shevat
Rabbi Brett Krichiver
Happy New Year! On behalf of the entire IHC family, I hope
that this year is off to a wonderful start for you and your loved
ones. I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you
some highlights of the past month, and the past year, at IHC.
We have been very busy bringing our congregation to life in
so many ways. Our talented staff, led by Lynda Goodman, my
partner and our Executive Director, have worked countless
hours to create classes and programs for every age. I couldn’t
possibly thank them enough for all their hard work and
This past year marked the beginning of several new initiatives
to reach out to ill and homebound congregants. We have
become more responsive, and more engaged with our
older congregants. IHC programs continue at Hooverwood,
Marquette Manor, Morningside and elsewhere around our
city. And we are excited that soon we will be able to involve
many more congregants in the important mitzvah to visiting
those who need to feel our presence most.
Our youngest congregants in the Early Childhood Center are
also creating new bonds of community in important ways.
The ECC just finished a fantastic Hanukkah program. Kudos
to all our wonderful teachers who pulled together a beautiful
program, written by Jeannie Stein and Cantor Roger. The ECC
is stronger than ever, led by our new director Taryn Fartouh
and new assistant director Angela Eubanks.
Our new youth programs, led by Lea Coleman, are also thriving.
From kindergarten through high school, literally hundreds of
our families are now participating in “youth group”—social
and educational programs in a less formal setting. Combined
with our award-winning religious program, artfully led by
Marcia Goldstein, our youth programs are the strongest in
Indiana! We are especially blessed to have several parent
committees for every age—please consider joining one
or more.
Friday night at IHC is truly something to behold. A consultant
we worked with last year remarked that he had never seen
such a dynamic and energetic synagogue. If you haven’t
attended a Friday night recently, we would love to see
you! Services are at 6:15 every week, with great food and
fellowship at Oneg Shabbat.
One other highlight from December was our week of hosting
the Interfaith Hospitality Network. Our fundraising for this
important partnership was very successful (thank you to
those who participated) but the real power of this program
is felt by our dozens of volunteers, coordinated by our social
justice committee. During the week, we hosted overnight
guests who would otherwise be without a home. We offered
them meals, support, and activities for their children. Thank
you to all those who participate, it is such a blessing to share
our home with those in need. Our next week of hosting will
be this summer if you would like to help.
Your presence, as a volunteer, fundraiser, committee member
or committed parent—is the glue that holds our congregation
together. And as we begin 2015, I feel so much gratitude for
the strength of our community and our opportunity to create
something beautiful together. Starting this month I will be
hosting “On Holy Grounds” coffee and conversation at IHC.
I hope you will join me as we discuss our shared vision for
IHC. Our first conversation will be Wednesday, January 14th
at 5:30 pm at IHC, I hope to see you there!
Bar/Bat Mitzvah.................................................................................2
Chants Encounter.............................................................................3
Library Book Club.............................................................................4
Sisterhood YES Fund.......................................................................6
Social Justice......................................................................................8
Youth Group.......................................................................................8
Adult Education................................................................................9
Religious School...............................................................................8
Temple Donations............................................................................9
Yahrzeit............................................................................................. 10
Sunday, 4
NO Religious School – Winter Break
Monday, 5
6:30 pm – Brotherhood Meeting
Wednesday, 7
6:30 pm – Derech Torah
7:00 pm – Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, 8
5:30 pm – Executive Committee
Sunday, 11
9:00 am & 11:15 am – Religious School
9:15 am – Mitzvah Stitchers
9:30 am – Sundays with the Rabbi
11:00 am – Klezmer Rehearsal
11:00 am – Small Chai
2:00 pm – IFTY Board Meeting
Tuesday, 13
12:00 pm – Jewish Book Club
5:30 pm – Religious School Staff
Wednesday, 14
9:15 am – Torah Talk with Rabbi
6:30 pm – Derech Torah
7:00 pm – Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, 15
6:00 pm – IHC Board Meeting
Mazel Tov
Sunday, 18
NO Religious School
Ski Trip/IFTY Lock-In
Monday, 19
Tuesday, 20
6:00 pm – ABC’s Being Jewish
6:00 pm – Beginning Hebrew Reading
Wednesday, 21
9:15 am – Torah Talk with Rabbi
6:30 pm – Derech Torah
7:00 pm – Choir Rehearsal
Saturday, 24
6:00 pm – Havdalah Bingo Night
Sunday, 25
9:00 am & 11:15 am – Religious School
9:15 am – Mitzvah Stitchers
9:30 am – Sundays with the Rabbi
11:00 am – Klezmer Rehearsal
Tuesday, 27
4:00 pm – Journal Club
6:00 pm – ABC’s Being Jewish
6:00 pm – Beginning Hebrew Reading
Wednesday, 28
6:30 pm – Derech Torah
7:00 pm – Choir Rehearsal
We announce with joy the Bar/Bat Mitzvah of…
Shabbat Vayhi - Genesis 47:28-50:26
Friday, January 2
5:30 pm.........................Remembrance Service
6:15 pm....................Classical Shabbat Service
6:15 pm...............Traditional Shabbat Service
Saturday, January 3
8:30 am.............. Shabbat Morning Warm-up
9:00 am.............................................Tanach Study
9:30 am....................................Shabbat Playdate
10:30 am...................................Shabbat Worship
Shabbat Shemot – Exodus 1:1-6:1
Friday, January 9
5:30 pm.........................Remembrance Service
6:15 pm.............Shabbat Chailighted Service
6:15 pm...............Traditional Shabbat Service
Saturday, January 10
8:30 am.............. Shabbat Morning Warm-up
9:00 am.............................................Tanach Study
10:30 am...................................Shabbat Worship
Bat Mitzvah of Sidney Braff
Shabbat Vaera – Exodus 6:2-9:35
Friday, January 16
5:30 pm.........................Remembrance Service
6:15 pm...............Traditional Shabbat Service
6:15 pm.......................Nefesh Shabbat Service
Z’man Kodesh (Sacred time)
program for young children
Saturday, January 17
8:30 am.............. Shabbat Morning Warm-up
9:00 am.............................................Tanach Study
10:30 am...................................Shabbat Worship
Sidney Pearson Braff will be called to the Torah on January
10, 2015. She is the daughter of Lanny and Stacy Braff. Sidney
is a seventh grader at Centerville-Abington Junior High
School. She enjoys competitive gymnastics and playing guitar
and piano. Sidney is also a vegetarian, loves animals, and
occasionally volunteers her time at the Help the Animals Inc.
Animal Shelter.
Shabbat Bo – Exodus 10:1-13:16
Friday, January 23
5:30 pm.........................Remembrance Service
6:15 pm.............................Erev Shabbat Service
Shabbat Beshallach/Shirah –
Exodus 10: 1-13 :16
Friday, January 30
5:30 pm.........................Remembrance Service
6:15 pm.............................Erev Shabbat Service
Saturday, January 31, at 10:30 am
Shabbat Shirah is the name given to the Shabbat when the
“Song of the Sea” (Exodus 15) is read from Torah. This year,
Shabbat Shirah takes place on January 30-31. To celebrate that
occasion, IHC’s Congregational Choir, along with the choir of
Trinity Episcopal Church, will present
Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms.
Michael Messina will conduct both
choirs and an ensemble of organ, harp and percussion.
Mark your calendar and plan to be with us for this special
service and presentation.
Saturday, January 24
8:30 am.............. Shabbat Morning Warm-up
9:00 am.................................Tanach Study (212)
10:30 am...................................Shabbat Worship
Saturday, January 31
8:30 am.............. Shabbat Morning Warm-up
9:00 am.............................................Tanach Study
10:30 am...................................Shabbat Worship
Shabbat Shirah:
Chichester Psalms featuring
the choirs of IHC and
Trinity Episcopal Church
www . ihcindy . org
Oops, we accidently omitted some of you from our listing of donors to the Annual Campaign at the High Holidays.
Sorry! Thank you to:
• Judie & Thomas Doehrman
• Joel Frankel
• Hollie & Dean Gossett
• Susan & Jack Moss
If we missed anyone else, please let us know.
by Cantor Janice Roger
As a student of music history, I have long believed that classical music
can trace its origins to the support given composers by the Church.
The most notable proof of this theory is J.S. Bach, who spent most
of his life serving as a music director and organist at two Lutheran churches in Leipzig,
Germany. While classical composers became less dependent on sacred commissions
for their livelihood, some churches continued the tradition of commissioning music
and visual artwork. One of these, the Cathedral of Chichester in Sussex, England,
enabled Jewish composer Leonard Bernstein to compose an enduring setting of
psalms: the Chichester Psalms.
Reverend Walter Hussey, Dean of the Cathedral of Chichester, wrote to Bernstein
in December of 1963, inviting him to compose a work for the Cathedral’s 1965
music festival. His letter suggested that Psalm 2 would be a suitable text for such a
composition. Bernstein accepted the commission and composed a suite of psalms for
choir and orchestra—featuring a boy soprano.
The psalm texts which Bernstein chose are Psalms 100, 23 and 131. In addition, there
are verses from Psalms 108, 2, and 133. The juxtaposition of verses from Psalm 2
into the second movement, which includes the entire text of Psalm 23, is a creative
interpretation of the character of King David—long believed to be the author of many
of the psalm texts. The verses from Psalm 2 read:
Why do the nations conspire,
and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against the Lord and his anointed, saying,
‘Let us burst their bonds asunder,
and cast their cords from us.’
This is the warrior David as contrasted with the poet who created the image of God as
a shepherd (Psalm 23).
Bernstein’s choice of texts also reflects his own angst and sorrow in the wake of the
assassination of President John Kennedy and the murder of his friend, composer
Marc Blitzstein. While Chichester Psalms is a very tonal composition, its moments of
dissonance reflect the conflict and strife of the world of the 60s—a situation which
still exists today. However, Chichester Psalms ends with the harmonious setting of
the words, “behold how good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together.” The
melody of this section is based on the opening dissonances of the work but is a musical
depiction of the composer’s hope for brotherhood and peace.
Bay Street Horns on Fire is a funky jazz
ensemble that performs new, exciting
arrangements of familiar jazz, classical,
Dixie, and rock tunes. The group
features Glen Johnson (Trumpet), Shawn
Goodman (Clarinet), Bob Burns (Saxes),
John Morse (Trombone), Bill Schmidt
(Tuba), and Michael Totty (Drums). This
ensemble, in various forms, has toured
the United States and Korea presenting
workshops, received first prize at the
2003 New York Quintet Competition,
has received several grants from various
arts councils, and has been endorsed by
This exciting ensemble will be featured
on our Second Sunday Concert, Sunday,
February 8 at 2:00 pm. Come hear the
band, bring your friends, too.
Second Sunday Concerts are made
possible through the generosity of IHC’s
Brotherhood and Sisterhood and the
Cantor Janice L. Roger Music Fund. All
programs are free and open to the public.
Our congregational family is invited to celebrate Shabbat Shirah on Saturday, January
31 at 10:30 am. IHC’s Congregational Choir will join with the choir of Trinity Episcopal
Church to perform Bernstein’s work at Shabbat Morning services.
www . ihcindy . org
As we enter 2015, Temple Library and the Religious School also start our annual reading
incentive program. This is the 22nd year we have offered an exceptional opportunity for
Religious School students to improve their reading as well as literacy skills, in addition to
gaining Jewish knowledge. Families will be receiving information about the 2015 event
early this month but there is one way in which everyone can participate. As you go through
your daily routines at home, keep an eye out for Temple Library books that may have gone
unnoticed. Children’s books have yellow or red labels on the spine. Return them to the
Library as soon as possible. The more families return books, the more books are available
for their children and others to borrow. Normally there are several hundred books that get
checked out during the course of the next three months. We want our children to borrow
and read them, and we also are most grateful when the books are returned. If you have any
questions, just let us know.
What's New
Winter is a great time for adults to read as well. There are some wonderfully diverse books
for you to enjoy. Here are brief descriptions of three examples.
The Heist, by Daniel Silva, is his latest novel in the spy thrillers featuring Gabriel Allon, an art
restorer and Israeli Mossad agent whose adventures are straight out of today’s headline
news. In this tale, art smugglers, art dealers, art collectors, and the plight of refugees from
Syria, provide a high degree of excitement and mystery as Gabriel tries to locate a missing
work of art.
The Messiah and the Jews: Three Thousand Years of Tradition, Beliefs and Hope, was written by
Rabbi Elaine Rose Glickman, with a foreword by Rabbi Neil Gillman and a preface by the late
Rabbi Judith Z. Abrams. Rabbi Glickman explores traditional and modern concepts of the
Messiah, when the Messiah will come, the Messiah’s appearance and what the world will
be like before and after the Messiah arrives. She explains that “messiah” is derived from the
Hebrew word meaning “to anoint,” but not everyone who is anointed can be considered
a messiah. Rabbi Glickman draws on folklore, the Torah and Talmud, mysticism as well as
more contemporary rabbinic thought in tracing Jewish beliefs about the Messiah and the
messianic era.
An Officer and a Spy, by Robert Harris, is the 2014 winner of the Walter Scott Prize awarded
to a work of historical fiction that enhances our knowledge of the past and has present
relevance. Told from the perspective of Georges Picquart, a colonel who had been assigned
to the intelligence section of the French army in 1894, this is a well-researched fictionalized
chronicle of The Dreyfus Affair. Harris’ careful attention to detail and his writing style easily
engage the reader in understanding the various personalities involved and the depth of
the anti-semitism that existed in France during the period following France’s defeat in
the 1870 Franco-Prussian War. Although the treason accusation against Albert Dreyfus
eventually was acknowledged as an error, the innocence of Dreyfus was still described as
a “theory” by a French army officer in 1994. The reverberations from this historic event still
are with us more than one hundred years later.
Always feel free to visit your Temple Library whenever the building is open. Need more
information? Contact Evelyn Pockrass, Librarian, 255-6647, x 217, [email protected].
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
by Susan Sherman
Looking Ahead
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
by Charles Belfoure
Meetings at 12 noon at IHC in Room
206. Read the book. Bring your lunch.
Join the group for a lively discussion.
Contact Evelyn Pockrass, Librarian,
for details at 255-6647, x217;
[email protected].
Creating a community begins with one
simple idea. A student in Brandon Roger’s
Second Grade Class shared a project he
does with his family—giving gift bags
to homeless and underprivileged in our
community. The class was discovering the
meaning of g’milut chasadim—personal
acts of loving kindness, and decided to
help. Three of the students have family who
are part of Mitzvah Stitchers—a group that
meets weekly and creates items to donate
to our community. Working together,
handmade hats and scarves, food, books,
puzzles, personal hygiene items, and more
were packed in personally created gift
bags. Three generations came together to
help fix the world and our community.
The IHC Mitzvah Stitchers stitch, kvetch and
make beautiful things to help others. For
more information, contact Cantor Janice
Roger at [email protected] or Nicole
Keller at [email protected].
Saturday, January 24 at 6:00 pm
Bring the whole family, enjoy chili, sandwiches
& drinks after Havdalah and the “get your bingo
game on” and win some prizes! Just $25 per
family. Please RSVP by January 15, online at
ihcindy.org or send or drop off your check to
IHC. This is the last of the Come Together Parties.
www . ihcindy . org
Amy Isaacs, IHC Sisterhood President; [email protected]
To join together in Sisterhood and, guided by the
principles of Reform Judaism, to strengthen our
congregation, our community and ourselves.
Happy Birthday to our Sisterhood
members celebrating January birthdays!
Sarah Skwire...........................................................1/4
It is a new year and Sisterhood is looking forward to a very event-filled 2015! I hope
you have all received your 2015 Sisterhood dues statement; if you have not, please let
me know and I will make sure to get one to you. Sisterhood’s largest fund raiser is our
dues collection. Your contribution enables Sisterhood to give in so many ways. This past
year we were able to give to the IHC youth, young adults, religious school, and early
childhood. We also provided funds to help with the Shabbat Instrumentalist and the
Second Sunday Concerts. Our community giving includes Popsie's Pantry, Gleaners,
Greenbriar Elementary School, the Julian Center, Dayspring, mothers circle and the
pillowcase project. We also provide award winning programming throughout the year!
As you can see your dues go a long way, but there is so much more we can do, so please
join us and be a part of this wonderful Sisterhood. If you are busy and pulled in many
directions and paying your dues is all you have time for now, that is okay. But if you want
to get more involved please let us know what your interests are and where you want to
begin. We want your support however you can give it!
Barbara Herman....................................................1/5
Paula Magee...........................................................1/6
Valerie Goldblatt...................................................1/7
Lea Coleman...........................................................1/7
Leah Traugott...................................................... 1/16
Carolyn Hiser....................................................... 1/16
Peggy Apter......................................................... 1/16
Esther Fishman................................................... 1/17
Betsy Forgash...................................................... 1/17
Gia Berns............................................................... 1/18
Nicole Keller........................................................ 1/20
Barbara Stenacker............................................. 1/21
Sara Bernstein..................................................... 1/21
Sylvia Foster......................................................... 1/22
Laura Carafiol...................................................... 1/22
Weekdays 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Cathy Kravitz....................................................... 1/24
Friday Evenings 5:15 - 6:00 pm
Shirley Backer..................................................... 1/27
Sunday 9:00 am - 1:15 pm (when religious school is in session)
Beth Lande........................................................... 1/27
Caren Chopp....................................................... 1/27
Rachel Basey........................................................ 1/27
The IHC Sisterhood Cookbooks
are here, purchase yours today!
The Temple Sisterhood of the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation invites our members
& our community to its third annual Women's Seder.
Mark your calendar and invite your daughter, sister, mother and friends 13 & over
for Sisterhood's Women's Seder. Break free from the ordinary Seder with a women's
point of view on Monday, March 16, 2015 at 6:15 pm at IHC. Look for details and more
information in next month’s Kalanu.
Elaine White......................................................... 1/28
Ellen Cooler.......................................................... 1/29
Karen Glowacki.................................................. 1/30
If you are a Temple Sisterhood member celebrating
a birthday this month, and we have missed you,
let us know. Contact Joanne Lenke at 571-1093 or
[email protected]
Julian Center Day of Pampering.....2/8
Women’s Seder.................................. 3/16
Hamantashen Baking....................... TBA
Sisterhood Shabbat.......................... TBA
www . ihcindy . org
Special YES Fund
Honor of Marcella Sablosky being awarded the Lifetime
Leadership Award by the Interfaith Hospitality Network /Family
Joanne & Roger Lenke
Honor of Jennifer Vigran being named an Indianapolis Business
Journal (IBJ) Woman of Influence
Joanne & Roger Lenke
Honor of Corinne Levy’s IFTY Presidency
Bonnie & David Foster
Memory of Mildred Dansker
Joanne & Roger Lenke; Beth & Jerry Lande; Bonnie & David
Foster; Dodie Stein (Chai YES Donation)
Memory of Judith Coleman
The Temple Sisterhood Board; Beth & Jerry Lande; Bonnie &
David Foster
YES Fund
Honor of Jennifer Vigran being named an IBJ Woman
of Influence
Sonja Kantor & Henry Efroymson
Honor of Rosanne Ammirati and Kevin Krulewitch’s
grandson’s birth
Sonja Kantor & Henry Efroymson
Memory of Judith Coleman
Sonja Kantor & Henry Efroymson; Anita Dansker; Amy &
Dwayne Isaacs
Memory of Mildred Dansker
Sonja Kantor & Henry Efroymson; Amy & Dwayne Isaacs
Memory of Alan Turow
Amy & Dwayne Isaacs; Bonnie & David Foster
Memory of The Foster Family’s beloved Rex
Sonja Kantor & Henry Efroymson
Joel Lisker, Brotherhood President; [email protected]
Brotherhood wants to wish the entire IHC congregation a happy and healthy New Year.
May 2015 be a year filed with joy, health and prosperity. While this year we will say
goodbye to IHC’s iconic Director of Life Long Learning Marcia Goldstein, there is plenty
to look forward to. A new associate rabbi will join IHC later this year. IHC will offer many
great programs for young and old to experience.
Come to our next Brotherhood meeting, so you can help plan future events.
Brotherhood meetings are typically held the first Monday of each month. The next
Brotherhood meeting takes place on Monday, January 5. The following month’s
meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 2. Brotherhood is currently meeting at
MCL Cafeteria at 116th and Keystone Avenue. People meet for dinner at 6:30 pm and
meetings start at 7:00 pm. Contact Joel Lisker, [email protected] if you have any
questions. For the latest information regarding Brotherhood events visit our Facebook
page at https://www.facebook.com/IHCBrotherhood. You do not need to be member
of Facebook to view our page.
All members of the Brotherhood are encouraged to attend meetings. All non-members
are strongly encouraged to join Brotherhood and then attend our meetings. If your
schedule does not permit you to attend Brotherhood meetings, please share your
ideas with a Brotherhood member.
Brotherhood supports many of IHC’s activities. Your support can help us do even more.
We need your input so that Brotherhood can provide meaningful programs for you and
remain a vital arm of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation. For more information about
the next Brotherhood meeting or joining Brotherhood, email Joel Lisker at jlisker4@
gmail.com or alternatively, contact any Brotherhood officer or the Temple office.
Brotherhood thanks its cooks who
performed double duty this year. On
Sunday, December 14, IHC’s Brotherhood
prepared and served latkes for the
religious school students. But when it
comes to latkes, once is not enough.
Brotherhood prepared and served
latkes at IHC’s Hanukkah celebration on
December 20. Brotherhood also thanks
its volunteers who manned the bar at
IHC’s “Got Talent” on December 6.
But Brotherhood does more than make
latkes and serve drinks. Brotherhood
will host its annual Super Bowl party
on Sunday, February 1. We will prepare
a gourmet lunch at IHC’s annual Purim
Carnival. In September, Brotherhood
will have its Annual Fall BBQ (free to
all current Brotherhood members).
Brotherhood also provides ushers during
High Holiday Services. Do not forget that
Brotherhood constructs and then takes
apart the sukkah at IHC.
www . ihcindy . org
Marilyn Smith, Social Justice Chairman ([email protected])
Social justice and social action are interwoven through IHC Sisterhood’s history and
The Greenbriar Project came about from seeing an unfilled need and nurturing
relationships – two fundamentals of Sisterhood. The project began with a request for
volunteers to tutor at Greenbriar Elementary School. Lisa Deremiah and Karen Schiffer,
Sisterhood’s co-chairs for social justice, started organizing volunteers and quickly
moved to gathering clothing donations for the school’s clinic; organizing volunteers
for the office; and collecting elementary school books. As Bennie Silver got involved,
she learned from the principal that there were more than 90 students who did not have
adequate food for meals when they were not at school. The Project then expanded
to provide food bags for students to take home with them over Thanksgiving, Winter
break, and Spring break. Sisterhood is collecting food throughout the year to provide
bags for students and members intend to expand the frequency of distribution.
In addition to the Greenbriar Project, Sisterhood has been supporting the Julian Center
with an annual day of pampering for the residents. Every February, Sisterhood creates a
spa at the Julian Center where residents can get nails, makeup & hair styling comb-outs
from Aveda Institute students and teacher. With about 50 women receiving services,
Sisterhood provides snacks, a “boutique” and childcare services and entertainment for
children 3+ years old.
Sisterhood has sponsored Chili Cook-Offs and an annual Pancake Breakfast (with
Brotherhood). Proceeds from these events go to hunger and social justice projects
in the community. Their Collector’s Closet Sale funds go to support hunger relief
agencies including Gleaners.
Sisterhood aims to incorporate a social action aspect to every organized event – they
collected diapers for Popsie’s Pantry at their annual luncheon and food donations
at the Sisters in the Sukkah. Their motto is to never arrive empty-handed and this
extends into their commitment to tikkun olam.
In the coldest part of the year, please
consider a donation to help house and
feed families and children through
IHC's involvement in the Interfaith
Hospitality Network (IHN). It's not
too late to send back your Hanukkah
Appeal letter with your contribution!
You don’t need to be a member of Sisterhood to participate with the Greenbriar Project
and the Julian Center pampering day. Contact Amy Isaacs at amyisaacs2260@gmail.
com or 431-0692 if you want to get involved.
Lea Coleman, Youth Director; [email protected]
January Dates for YOUth Group
January 11................................................. Small Chais – JCC Play Day
January 11...............................................................IFTY Board Meeting
January 18.............................................................. IFTY Ski Trip/Lock In
January 30-February 1........Study Kallah for Juniors and Seniors
January 31/Rishonim................................................................Gleaners
price and when to meet at IHC. As usual we will be taking a bus
down and back and as any kid will tell you, that’s the best part.
The last weekend of January, our Juniors and Seniors will be
traveling to Cincinnati to HUC for Study Kallah. This is a great
opportunity for these kids as it offers great leadership skills and
lots of learning.
Happy New Year to everyone! 2015 is starting out with a bang
for the YOUth. I am so excited to begin the year with Small
Chais playing hard in the Temple. The JCC Play Day is loads of
fun and ran by the JCC staff. Last year we had kids sweating and
laughing. The smiles were so contagious. Let’s do it again!!!
IFTY is busy planning our Spring Regional event that we are
hosting March 26-29, 2015. If you are in 8th grade or up, let me
know if you would like to join our planning committee. Since
we are hosting, 8th graders will be invited to join us for the
weekend. This is already starting to take shape and I would hate
for anyone to miss out. Contact me at [email protected] to let
me know if your child is interested and I will hook them up with
a committee member.
It seems that IFTY is traveling a lot this month. We have our
Annual Ski Trip to Perfect North ending with a lock in here at
IHC. This is open to our 7th graders through 12th graders and
I hope you will all join us. More information will follow as to
www . ihcindy . org
Late Winter Classes
Adult Late Winter Classes Begin January 20
For more information or to register contact Barbara Chapman, [email protected], 255-6647 x219.
The ABC’s of Being Jewish (Basic Judaism class)
Tuesdays, January 20-February 24, 6:00 pm (6 sessions)
What does it mean to be part of a synagogue and larger Jewish community? What is Jewish food and culture? Through
classroom conversation and guest speakers we will investigate practical day-to-day questions and discuss the beauty,
depth and complexity of Jewish living. Fee: $30
Sundays with the Rabbi
Sundays, January 11 & 25, 9:30 am (2 sessions)
Sunday morning isn’t just for children! Participate in a three-week adult program led by Rabbi Krichiver. Stimulating
discussion enhanced by a bagel and lox breakfast. Free-will donations to cover the cost of food are appreciated.
Marcia Goldstein, RJE, Director of Lifelong Learning ([email protected])
Religious School & Derech Torah
Sunday, January 4
• No Religious School or
Sunday Derech Torah Classes—
Winter Break
Sunday, January 11
• Religious School & Sunday Derech
Torah Classes
• Reading Incentive Kick-off
• Sundays with the Rabbi at 9:30am
• Small Chai Game Day
Sunday, January 18
• No Religious School or Sunday
Derech Torah Classes—MLK
Sunday, January 25
• Religious School & Sunday Derech
Torah Classes
• FLEX Grade 2*, Sundays with the
Rabbi at 9:30am
*Child care provided for younger siblings age 1+
with prior reservations.
Derech Torah Classes
Twenty three kindergarteners celebrated their Consecration Sunday
and were blessed by a special tallit decorated with their handprints.
• Wednesdays, January 7, 14, 21 & 28
• Sundays, January 11 & 25 and
February 1
www . ihcindy . org
• Rachel Lencheck and Brian Basey married on November 1. Rachel is the daughter of Chuck and Lori Lencheck.
• Emma Jade Levin, great-granddaughter of Audrey Larman, who was born on October 14.
Shirley Careskey, the wife of Robert Careskey, passed away on October 28.
Joan Fisher, the aunt of Gary (Patty) Goodman, who passed away on October 28.
Judith Coleman, the mother of Justin (Lea) Coleman and grandmother of Rachael Coleman, passed away on November 1.
Mildred Dansker, the mother of Anita Dansker, grandmother of Deborah Arkush-Huet (Bertrand), and Susan (Andrew) Appel who passed
away on November 2.
Julie Orhn Flinchum, the sister of Richard (Sari) Ohrn, passed away on November 4.
Dr. E Alan Turow, the father of Larry (Carly) Turow, passed away on November 13.
David Coraz, father of Tobi (John Dick) Weinstein, passed away on November 14.
Michael Glazer, the husband of Felice “Fee” Glazer, father of Michelle (Patrick) Glazer McMurray, and grandfather of Caleb Fliegel,
passed away on November 20.
Sandra Wilson, the sister of Candace (Robert) Vogel, and the aunt of Narayan and Priya Trivedi, who passed away on November 22.
Appreciation of Rabbi Brett Krichiver
Honor of Dr. Michelle Malament and Kyle
Mortensen’s Wedding
Jane & Irwin Malament
Honor of Barry and Jackie Wormser’s Wedding
Carol & Peter Wormser
Memory of Sidney Shane; Memory
of Frances Ressler
Roberta Tavel Shane
Memory of Dorothy Benjamin
Danny Benjamin and the Benjamin family
Memory of Joan Fisher
Diana & Jerry Goodman; Jai Goodman
Appreciation of Cantor Roger
Anita Dansker
Memory of Shirley Careskey
The Careskey Family
Memory of Joan Fisher
Diana & Jerry, and Jai Goodman
Memory of Mike Glazer
Felice Glazer
Honor of Marcella Slabosky’s IHN Lifetime
Leadership Award
Anita Dansker
Memory of Mildred Dansker
Phyllis & Al Russell
Honor of Sara Borek & Kayleigh Borek
Rosemary Borek
Honor of Celia Rossen
Celia Rossen
Honor of Robert Netzorg
Linda & Ronald Netzorg
Memory of Shirley Careskey
Eve Perlstein; Elaine Klineman
& Ernie Lorch
Honor of Jen Vigran’s Recognition
as a Woman of Influence
Patti Dorson
Memory of Mildred Dansker
Pam & Steve Rappaport
Honor of Cantor Roger’s Speedy Recovery
Jan Jacobs
Memory of David Falender; Memory
of Abe Brodsky
Phyllis & Stanley Herman
Memory of Edith Seidenstein
Jeffrey Seidenstein
Memory of Edward Kaplan
Marsha Millikan
Honor of Fran & Roger Hurwitz’s
special anniversary
Jack & Susan Moss
Memory of Mildred Dansker
Patti Dorson; Sara & Russell Kouts;
Marcella & Alex Slabosky;
Lynda & Evan Goodman
Memory of Iosif Malyovanny
Yevgeniya & Mikhail Malyovanny
Memory of Judith Coleman
Barbi Stenacker; Lynda & Evan Goodman
Memory of Don Hester
Felicia Hester
Memory of Larry Turow’s father
Emily & Brian Kahn
Memory of Edith Seidenstein
Jeffrey Seidenstein
Memory of Mary Lee Warren Mayer
Gerald Mayer
Honor of Robert Netzorg’s 100th birthday
Linda & Ronald Netzorg
Memory of Louis R. Sereinsky
Roger Knoblock
Memory of Sarah Sachs; Memory
of Sol Blickman
Toby Blickman
Memory of Harry Gorshel
Thelma Feldman
Memory of Joan Ossip
Joseph Koehler
Memory of Dick Perk
Philip Larman
Memory of Joan Ossip
Sue Downes
www . ihcindy . org
1/1/1972................ Myron Harris
1/1/1980................ Bessie Kopelov
1/1/1944................ Gertrude Krauthamer
1/1/2012................ Joseph Lauricella
1/1/2001................ Julie Levine
1/1/1997................ Anna Louise Platt
1/1/1999................ Leonard Roth
1/1/2008................ Louise Sirkus
1/1/2003................ Ruth Wise
1/2/1979................ Gustav Bildstein
1/2/1989................ Diane F. Cook
1/2/1996................ Robert Fischer
1/2/2006................ Ernie Oppman
1/3/2000................ Shirley Brodsky
1/3/2004................ Isabelle Burman
1/3/1966................ Louis Greenberg
1/3/1993................ Helen Harris
1/3/1980................ Nanette Maidenberg
1/3/1978................ Harry Osipowitz
1/3/1990................ Rose Schneider
1/3/1939................ Milton Simon
1/3/2002................ Selma Simon
1/3/2002................ Nathan Stein
1/3/2011................ Bobbi Rohdi Wimberly
1/4/1952................ Harry Burack
1/4/1994................ Seymour Kaplan
1/4/1969................ Louis Schmuckler
1/4/2013................ Lou Shlensky
1/4/1968................ Louis R. Weiss
1/5/1974................ Ida Fishman
1/5/1968................ Werner Flatow
1/5/1945................ Max Gold
1/5/2009................ Milton E. Hellman
1/5/2001................ Paul Hene
1/5/2011................ Robert W. Hornstein
1/5/1988................ Kathryn Alfs Jackson
1/5/1976................ J Frank Knight
1/5/1963................ Morris Leve
1/5/1999................ Bruce Nelson
1/5/1963................ Abe Newman
1/5/2002................ Robert Ian Reiter
1/5/2009................ Ninfa Winkler
1/6/1997................ Herman Chalfie
1/6/1981................ Maurice Cooper
1/6/1985................ Milton Fettner
1/6/2007................ Miriam Goldstein
1/6/1990................ Mack Henry
1/6/1978................ Isabelle Katz
1/6/1993................ Stanley R. Nickbarg
1/6/2012................ Rodney Pattison
1/6/1977................ Irene Romer
1/7/2012................ Judith Arenson
1/7/1985................ Allan Chorin
1/7/1990................ Blanche Cohen
1/7/1992................ Gertrude Cohen Drexler
1/7/2014................ Lola Dubinsky
1/7/2007................ Molly Mirkin
1/7/1999................ Diane Organ
1/7/2010................ Sara Reuben
1/7/1999................ Sarah Salle
1/7/1954................ David Shaw
1/7/2001................ Marilyn Spitzberg
1/8/1994................ Oscar Alpert
1/8/1956................ Samuel L. Cohen
1/8/1992................ Mollye Salman Dorfman
1/8/1965................ Hymen D. Drevno
1/8/2004................ Shirley Gurvis
1/8/1985................ Leon Levi
1/8/1980................ Morris Lichtman
1/8/1985................ Samuel Ribman
Th e se we re m e m b e r… J A N U A RY 2014
1/8/2005................ Patsy Schwartz
1/9/2003................ Barbara Abrams
1/9/2010................ Ruby Berridge
1/9/1988................ Julia Bodner
1/9/2008................ Jim Fleck
1/9/1965................ Sam Gold
1/9/2013................ Fritz Goldbach
1/9/1986................ Louis Harris
1/9/2001................ Eva Heffron
1/9/1991................ Stanley Henry
1/9/2011................ Ron Stevenson
1/9/2010................ Linda Wolf Winstead
1/9/2005................ Nathan Zoll
1/10/2011.............. Constance Kouts Fenwick
1/10/1984.............. Samuel Fichman
1/10/1916.............. Dora Goldsmith
1/10/2009.............. Stanley Herman
1/10/1983.............. Nettie Lappin
1/10/1993.............. Osias Pauker
1/10/1994.............. Faye Pikelny
1/10/2003.............. Sally Rubenstein
1/10/1922.............. Stanley Sanders
1/10/1995.............. Minniemae Shane
1/10/1964.............. Julius Shmookler
1/11/2010.............. Zac Cohen
1/11/1992.............. Kenneth L. Glasser
1/11/1996.............. Alvin Grossman
1/11/1994.............. Henry Heimansohn
1/11/2006.............. Israel Kogan
1/11/1985.............. Frances G. Lazar
1/11/1979.............. Alfred London
1/11/2011.............. Zelda Melemed
1/11/2002.............. Charlotte Sider
1/11/1991.............. Eugene Weiss
1/11/2004.............. Harvey Wilkoff
1/11/2000.............. Gladys Winter
1/11/1984.............. Albert Wishne
1/12/1998.............. Shirley Baron
1/12/2014.............. Donald F. Bradtke
1/12/2013.............. William Byrd
1/12/1932.............. Agatha Selig Dessau
1/12/2013.............. Susan Erickson
1/12/1922.............. Adelheid Feibelman
1/12/1991.............. William Jacobson
1/12/2002.............. Ann Levine
1/12/1990.............. Isadore Litwack
1/12/1997.............. Ira Markwood
1/12/1982.............. Nathan Marmelstein
1/12/2012.............. Ida Miller
1/12/1972.............. Selma Paul
1/12/1997.............. Daniel Shander
1/12/1965.............. Jennie Wolf
1/13/2001.............. Julius Cohen
1/13/2006.............. Miriam Fineberg
1/13/2001.............. Hilda Fishbein
1/13/1926.............. Etta Frankel
1/13/1958.............. Rebecca Greenburg
1/13/1993.............. Howard Lazar
1/13/1996.............. Marcie Linder
1/13/2010.............. Gerald Rediger
1/13/1979.............. Irwin M. Rivlin
1/13/2000.............. Bernard Silver
1/13/2000.............. Herbie Valinetz
1/14/1988.............. Tony Auerhann
1/14/2007.............. Betty Brook
1/14/1965.............. Lolla Cohen
1/14/2000.............. Irene Goldin
1/14/1974.............. Irene Goldsmith
1/14/2011.............. Louis Gutin
1/14/1972.............. Ruby Hendleman
1/14/1988.............. Elaine Kaplan Lichtenfeld
1/14/1982.............. Mary Segal Mishelow
1/14/2011.............. Rabbi Jack Stern
1/14/2003.............. Betty Patsy Stewart
1/14/2007.............. Shirlee Yale
1/15/1980.............. Herman Abrams
1/15/1985.............. Steve Becker
1/15/1987.............. Leon Berger
1/15/2002.............. Richard Brindle
1/15/1951.............. Rose Feuerlicht
1/15/1979.............. Morris Fisher
1/15/1931.............. Joseph Kroot
1/15/1980.............. Naomi Levenstein
1/15/2013.............. Jean Morris
1/15/1987.............. Phillip Rappaport
1/15/1981.............. Burton Shapiro
1/15/1990.............. Walter Stern
1/16/1997.............. Rose Bobinsky
1/16/2009.............. Mildred Peltz Crash
1/16/1977.............. Leonard P. Frankel
1/16/1963.............. Grace Friedland
1/16/1986.............. Jerry Herman
1/16/1995.............. Alfred Heumann
1/16/1980.............. Sidney Jacobs
1/16/2012.............. Miriam Klasky
1/16/1986.............. Martin Leitz
1/16/1987.............. Sylvia Lyon
1/16/1964.............. William P. Meyers
1/16/1997.............. Leo Michaels
1/16/1969.............. Rhea Schroeder
1/16/1991.............. Florrie Sussman
1/17/1996.............. Levi Atlas
1/17/2013.............. Stephen Bailie
1/17/1983.............. Jessie Finkel
1/17/2012.............. Margaret Harry
1/17/2004.............. Bessie Kaufman
1/17/1969.............. Oscar Margolis
1/17/1989.............. Gilbert Harold Salle
1/17/1996.............. Faye Skolnik
1/17/1954.............. Lillian Steinberg
1/17/1964.............. Milton Zwirn
1/18/1996.............. Levi Atlas
1/18/1995.............. Virginia Doehrman
1/18/1986.............. Samuel Kroot
1/18/1975.............. Harry Linder
1/18/1997.............. Pearl Lucas
1/18/2005.............. Bertha Newmark
1/18/1960.............. Eva Peale
1/18/2012.............. Margie Silver
1/18/1913.............. Leah Bross Traugott
1/19/1982.............. Sandra Feldman
1/19/1985.............. Rose Cohen
1/19/1975.............. Hannah Goedelmann
1/19/1980.............. Ruth G. Morris
1/19/1948.............. Anna Reich
1/19/1993.............. Max Samuels
1/19/2000.............. Samuel R. Smith
1/20/1994.............. Katherine Cohen
1/20/2009............ Norman I. Cohen
1/20/1970.............. Victor N Eichler
1/20/2008.............. Bernard Glazer
1/20/1977.............. Syd Greenberg
1/20/1990.............. Ida Herman
1/20/1953.............. Alex Levenstein
1/20/2012.............. Leonid Vysotsky
1/20/1989.............. Geraldine G. Smith
1/20/1991.............. Nate Winski
1/21/2009.............. Bernard Cohen
1/21/1986.............. Harold Cohen
1/21/1978.............. Jeanette Doman
1/21/1994.............. Jack Leffel
1/21/1997.............. Anne Rosenblum
1/21/1960.............. Sadie Rothbaum
1/21/1990.............. Iris Waxman
1/21/2011.............. Marcia Wolf
1/22/1991.............. Irving Arkin
1/22/1960.............. Anna Binzer
1/22/2004.............. Charles F. Efroymson, Jr.
1/22/2005.............. David Hurwitz
1/22/1981.............. Harold Leopold
1/22/2008.............. Frieda Liebowicz
1/22/1997.............. Catherine Parker
1/22/1982.............. Kelley Lynne Pearson
1/22/1988.............. Doris Richman
1/22/1993.............. Dione Tisius
1/23/1996.............. Freda Hess Burstyn
1/23/1991.............. Nancy K. Chalfie
1/23/1995.............. Abe Friedman
1/23/2010.............. Bradley Goble
1/23/1967.............. Bertha Grobin
1/23/1991.............. Sylvia Y. Kaplan
1/23/1996.............. Helen Logan
1/23/1959.............. Mike Mustin
1/23/1974.............. Frieda Paul
1/23/1952.............. Morris Redish
1/23/2000.............. Marvin Rubin
1/23/2014.............. Robert Sering
1/23/1996.............. Joyce Shaw
1/23/1969.............. Tully Stonehill
1/23/1985.............. Irma Louise Wattam
1/24/1992.............. Birdie Abrams
1/24/1950.............. Mortimer C. Furscott
1/24/1964.............. John Greenfield
1/24/2008.............. Julian Kiser
1/24/1941.............. Harry Lasky
1/24/1979.............. Liebert I. Mossler
1/24/2006.............. Isabel Patric
1/24/2000.............. Kisel Peysekhman
1/24/2007.............. Virgil Pitzer
1/24/1951.............. Lena Pretzfelder
1/25/1999.............. Anna Belle Arkin
1/25/1983.............. Bertha Glazer
1/25/1969.............. Sadie Budd Glickman
1/25/1990.............. Harry Jaffe
1/25/2002.............. Ethel Lencheck
1/25/2000.............. Dale Pryweller
1/25/1916.............. Leopold Selig
1/25/1943.............. Jenny Stern
1/25/1991.............. Sophie Wohlfeld
1/26/1996.............. Jeremy Bank
1/26/1969.............. Isador Cohen
1/26/1989.............. David Holzman
1/26/2011.............. Mae Jacobson
1/26/2003.............. Susan Polonsky Klein
1/26/2007.............. William Klein
1/26/2001.............. Abraham Lipman
1/26/1956.............. Rose Schneider
1/27/1954.............. Sarah Baerncopf
1/27/1988.............. Douglas Brown
1/27/2013.............. Yetta Feldman
1/27/2011.............. Melvin Kosnoff
1/27/1994.............. Tina Giniger Lambert
1/27/2008.............. Evelyn Levine
1/27/1985.............. Rachel Litt
1/27/1977.............. Genya Medalie
1/27/2000.............. Esther Pianin
1/28//2012............ Pauline Bartfield
1/28/2014.............. Dorothy Doman Benjamin
1/28/2008.............. Ezra David
1/28/1974.............. Julius Falk
(continued on next page)
www . ihcindy . org
YAHRZEIT (cont.)
1/28/1991.............. Sanford Goldshine
1/28/2011.............. Mae Jacobson
1/28/1997.............. Sidney Lenke
1/28/1997.............. Bernard Sands
1/29/1994.............. Allegra Baruch
1/29/1944.............. David Eskenazi
1/29/1993.............. Bonnie Gerstell
1/29/1944.............. Samuel Hahn
1/29/1992.............. Morris Nahmias
1/29/2008.............. Lester Pfeffer
1/29/1990.............. Mary L. Pliskin
1/29/2004.............. Harold Rappaport
1/29/1967.............. David Rosenthal
1/29/1995.............. Helen Shady
1/29/2008.............. Jeanne Shaffer
1/29/2008.............. Bea Soifer
1/29/1996.............. Maya Zemtsov
1/30/1997.............. Sally Cannon
1/30/2006.............. Carolyn H. Cohen
1/30/1991.............. Mary Ann Freudenthal
1/30/1988.............. Stanley R. Jacobs
1/30/1991.............. Stanley J. Larman
1/30/2010.............. Phil Marder
1/30/1972.............. Joseph Nemirovsky
1/30/1995.............. Paul Piazza
1/30/1979.............. Gertrude Podaloff
1/30/2010.............. John Simmons
1/30/2007.............. Martha Speyer
1/30/1994.............. Morris Talesnick
1/31/1983.............. Florence Field
107 N. Pennsylvania St.
1/31/1977.............. Elvira Oppman
1/31/1978.............. Ruth Rockmore
1/31/1970.............. Edward Sobel
1/31/2002.............. Carolyn Steinberg
1/31/1993.............. Rachael Hope Valentine
1/31/1984.............. Clarine Webster
1/31/2004.............. Alice Yalowitz
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Rabbi’s Study...............................317.255.5612
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Website................................. www.ihcindy.org
Indianapolis Hebrew Con­gre­ga­tion
6501 N. Meridian Street
India­na­polis, IN 46260
Dial an extension or access a staff directory
at any time.
Brett Krichiver, Senior Rabbi
Janice Roger, Cantor
Lynda Goodman, Executive Director
Marcia Goldstein, RJE, Director
of Lifelong Learning
Taryn Fartouh, Director of Early
Childhood Center
Evelyn Pockrass, Librarian
Lea Coleman, Youth Director
Greg Kroot, IHC Board President
Amy Isaacs, Sisterhood President
Joel Lisker, Brotherhood President
Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation Kulanu
is published monthly by Indianapolis
Hebrew Con­gre­ga­tion at 6501 N. Meridian
Street, India­na­polis, IN 46260.
The Indiana Jewish Historical Society recently released its 40th publication featuring
articles by three members of our IHC community. The articles are: Aaron-Ruben-Nelson
Mortuary, History of the Jewish Funeral Home in Indianapolis by Max Nelson and The
Singing Camp: The Musical Tradition of Myron S. Goldman Union Camp Institute authored
by Cantor Janice Roger and Brandon Roger. Max Nelson describes the origins and
traditions of Indianapolis’ Jewish funeral home. Cantor Roger and Brandon Roger
researched the history of GUCI, its musical roots, and conducted interviews with many
of its song leaders, staff, campers, clergy, and leadership. The IHC community has been
integral to GUCI since the camp’s inception; its tradition of singing and music has
inspired hundreds of our IHC youth.
To purchase a copy of Indiana Jewish History publication #40, which costs $12.50,
visit the Indiana Jewish Historical Society website, www.ijhs.org.
Deadline for the March issue of the Kulanu is January 25, 2015. Email Shirley Martin at [email protected].