Registering For The LTL 200 Deposit course And Other Class(es) PLEASE NOTE: You will receive a letter and email from Jackson College confirming receipt of the Limited Power Of Attorney form. The letter and email will include the Student ID number for you to be able to use for these following instructions. Step 1 Go to to sign up for the LTL 200 Deposit Course and other class(es). Step 2 Then click on e-Service at the top of the page. Step 3 Next click on LOG IN Step 4 Now you will type in the student’s username and password. For the username 7-7-1, which means you will use first seven letters of the student’s last name, then use the first seven letters of the student’s first name, and then use the students middle initial. For the password you will type the student’s first letter of their first name capitalized, first letter of the last name lower cased, then the day of birth, then the last two digits of the year of the student’s birthdate, and then the last four of student ID number. For an example if the student’s name is John Chuck Chips and their DOB is 06/11/1988 and the student ID # is 0123456, the username would be chipsjohnc and my password would be Jc11883456. Step 5 Once you have typed in the username and password click SUBMIT down at the bottom. Step 6 Then you will come to this screen. Next click on the blue Students box. Step 7 Next you will come to a screen like this. Under Registration you will want to click Register for Sections. Step 8 Next you will want to click on Search and Register for Sections. Step 9 This is where you will sign up for the LTL Deposit Course. You will select Lifetime Learning for the Subject and type in 200 for the Course Number. Then under location you will want to choose MDOC from the drop down menu. Then click SUBMIT. Step 10 Next you will want to click on the box to check it. Then click SUBMIT. Step 11 Next you will want to select register from the drop down menu. Then you will want to click SUBMIT. After clicking submit you should see a screen confirming the student is registered in the LTL 200 MDOC Sponsor Deposit Course. You will now need to contact the cashier at Jackson College to complete the $200 payment by calling 517.796.8420. Payment plans are not allowed for the Deposit Course. Once the Deposit Course has been paid, a request to have the inmate moved will be made to the MDOC. Signing Up For Regular College Classes (Registration for Winter courses will be available Mid- January 2015) PLEASE NOTE: The student will be meeting with Jackson College Staff in early January to set up what classes they will want to take. The student will be taking a course placement test and be advised by a mid-January. The inmate will then be contacting their sponsor to let them know what course(s) they will need to register the student for. Step 1 To sign up for classes repeat steps 1-8 above. Again you will want to choose 2015 Winter (Jan.-April) from the drop down menu for the term. Then you will want to choose the class the student wants from the drop down menu under subject. Then under course number you will type in the course number if you know it, if not that’s fine leave it blank. You may register for multiple classes too. Just go down to the next box under subject and choose another course and course number. Then choose MDOC again for the location. Then click submit. Step 2 Next you will want to make sure that you select the class(es)the student wants by checking the box(es) on the left hand side. You will also want to make sure under Available/Capacity it has a positive number otherwise that means the class is full. For example: if the number under Available/Capacity reads 0/14, that means there are zero of 14 seats are available and the class is full. Courses are a first come, first serve, so if the course they want is full they will have to select another course. Once you have selected each of the courses the student will take, then you will select SUBMIT. You will need to make a payment in full over the phone or set up an online payment plan for any classes you register the student for. Step 4 To register for the course(s), under Action you will want to select either Register or Remove. Choose Register to register for the class you selected. Choose Remove if you selected a class by mistake. Next you will want to click SUBMIT. After you have hit submit you should get a confirmation page. Step 5 You can check the student’s schedule by looking under Academic Profile from the Students Menu. You will want to click on My Class Schedule. Step 6 You will want to select 2015 Winter (Jan. – April) in the drop down menu. Then click submit. Step 7 This is what it will look like, once you have registered for a class. You can click LOG OUT when finished.
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