The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga The Herald To know Jesus Christ and to make Him known. Sunday 25th Jan 2015 This Sunday: The Year Ahead Readings: Prov 16:1-9, John 14:15-17 Theme for 1st February: The Apostles Creed - What we Believe Readings: Mic 6:6-8, John 1:1-9 Tim Writes For a while Nicky and I thought we would be home alone from 2015 with Tim heading off to Nelson to start a Bachelor of Theology at Bishopdale Theological College. However, instead we have been very happy to agree with her family’s consent, to extend our arrangement of caring for Grace. Our home will be Grace’s home for the next few years. The picnic out at Nelson Creek went very well with good weather, great company, warm water and yummy food. FAREWELL FROM THE KEIGHLEY’S Our time on the Coast quickly draws to an end and it will be with some sadness that we leave this beautiful and unique part of New Zealand. Over the year we have had some special and memorable experiences and these will forever remain with us. It has however been the people - you - who have made this time a true blessing for us. You have embraced us and encouraged us in our journey as a family and you have supported me in the opportunities I have had here to grow in my calling. Cobden will hold a place in our hearts with the memories we have. Thank you for the blessing you have each been to us, and may God continue to bless you and the parish. Joe, Susan, Samuel and Reuben . MOBILE MISSION MAINTENANCE I had the pleasure of showing the Coordinator of Mobile Mission Maintenance around the Cobden church in preparation for the refit starting on the 23rd of March. We discussed a number of issues and I felt my excitement beginning to rise. It is likely we will have anywhere from two to four couples coming to help us out. We will need to provide morning and afternoon teas, and lunches. They will likely be using the Ark as their lunchroom but with flexibility for our regular users. I have scheduled a site meeting with the plumbers and electrician in mid March to coordinate their roles and an interior designer should be back to us soon with colour options. When we have finalised that the chairs will be ordered. Lawn Mowing Roster Jan. 31st Stephen Brittenden CRÈCHE & SUNDAY SCHOOL HELPERS If there are people who would be prepared to help sometimes with Sunday School or crèche this year could you meet with Pauline at the Ark for 5 minutes after Church today or ring her on 768 7741. tables, wash up afterwards and so on. We also need a few helpers on Friday to help set up the hall. If you think you could help in anyway then please let Rebecca and Aldon or Rachel and Evan know. Many thanks. COBDEN REFIT FUNDRAISING We have had a number of indications from people saying they are going to buy chairs etc. already and one anonymous donation of $2000 towards the project as a whole. If others would like to contribute towards the project you can do so in anyway you like and please note cash donations are tax deductible. VICTORIA ASKIN HELP NEEDED FOR WEDDING Rebecca and Aldon will be getting married on the 21st of Feb at Holy Trinity Church and we’re looking for a few helpers to give a hand with a number of things. It will be a pot luck reception dinner for around 80-100 but we need around 4-6 people to manage the kitchen on the night from around 5pm. To warm up the food, set it out on the Victoria our new curate/deacon assistant will be arriving on Monday 26th and moving into Ruby Jones old place in Chapel St. She will have Alice Noble for a neighbour! As a single person I am aware that she doesn’t have a family locally to fall back on and am keen for her to get to know and connect with folk in the parish as quickly as possible. To that end it would be great if folk could invite her around for a few meals and afternoon teas etc. She also comes with little furniture and we may be looking for a few items like couches to fill the flat. What's On This Week! Mon 26th Tues 27th Wed 28th Sat 31st Sun 1st All Day All Day 9:00am 7:00am 10:00am 2:00pm 10:30am 9:00am 10:30am 6:00pm Vicar and Deacon Assistant’s day off Victoria arrives today. Staff Meeting at Cobden Church Menz 4x4 Group Dixon House Communion AAW meeting at Cobden church Music Practice at Cobden Church Runanga Church Service Cobden Church Service Joe’s Induction at Renwick Vicar: Ven. Tim Mora, 186 Main South Rd, Greymouth 7805 Phone & Fax: 768 9605 Mobile: 027 204 8560 Email: [email protected] Assistant Priest: Rev. Joseph Keighley, 5 Baillie Pl., Cobden, Greymouth 7802 Phone & Fax: 768 7028 Mobile: 020 456 3000 Email: [email protected] Parish Postal Address: 40 Richmond St., Cobden, Greymouth 7802 Vicar’s Warden: Wayne Lorimer 768 6172 Email: [email protected] People’s Warden: Hugh Barrow Email: [email protected] Blackball Contact Person: Trevor Johnston 732 3820 Runanga Contact Person: Barry Smithson 762 7826 Website & Newsletter:
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