KAPPA Free Ecrin Training (3 days)

Free KAPPA software training in Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur, 10 – 12 March 2015
KAPPA is pleased to offer you three free training days on KAPPA software including a preview
of the most recent features.
These sessions will benefit existing KAPPA users and those interested in understanding the
use of dynamic data to monitor reservoir performance and increase production.
KAPPA Server to Saphir NL & Topaze NL, and Amethyste - Integrated Reservoir
Engineering Workflow
Tuesday 10th March 2015
Rubis - Reservoir Simulation (from basic to complex cases).
Wednesday 11th March 2015
Emeraude – Data acquisition and analysis of production logging surveys
Thursday 12th March 2015
Schedule: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Language: English
To register for one or several sessions, or for more information, please send an email to
[email protected].
Kindly note that course seats are limited.
You will need to bring your own laptop for the hands-on examples.