Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 165 (2006) 151–156 The MYC oncogene in breast cancer progression: from benign epithelium to invasive carcinoma Cristina Corzoa,b,c,d,*, Josep M. Corominasc,e, Ignacio Tusquetsb,c, Marta Salidoa, Meritxell Belletb,c, Xavier Fabregatb, Sergio Serranoe, Francesc Soléa a Laboratori de Citogenètica i Biologia Molecular, Servei de Patologia, Hospital del Mar, IMAS, URTTS, PRBB, Pg. Maritim 25-29, 08003 Barcelona, Spain b Medical Oncology Department, Hospital del Mar, IMAS, Barcelona, Spain c Breast Cancer Unit, Hospital del Mar, IMAS, Barcelona, Spain d Departament de Biologia Cellular, Fisiologia i Immunologia, Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona, Spain e Pathology Department, Hospital del Mar, IMAS, URTTS, PRBB, Barcelona, Spain Received 2 June 2005; received in revised form 3 August 2005; accepted 9 August 2005 Abstract One hypothesis for breast cancer development suggests that breast carcinogenesis involves a progression of events leading from benign epithelium to hyperplasia (with or without atypia) to carcinoma in situ and then invasive carcinoma. The MYC gene (alias c-Myc) is a transcriptional regulator whose expression is strongly associated with cell proliferation and cell differentiation. The present study is a descriptive analysis of MYC status throughout the hypothesized stages of invasive ductal carcinoma progression. A tissue microarray (TMA) was constructed including representative selected areas (normal cells, hyperplasia, in situ carcinoma, and invasive carcinoma) from each of 15 patients. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with the LSI c-MYC/CEN8/IgH probe was performed. Two cases displayed MYC amplification (13%), showing this amplification only in the invasive carcinoma zones selected. Five cases displayed polysomy of chromosome 8 (33%), detected only in ductal in situ and invasive zones selected. Benign lesions and normal adjacent cells were classified as normal. None of the hyperplasia specimens and normal specimens analyzed showed any alterations in MYC status or any aneusomies of chromosome 8. The presence of MYC amplification only in invasive cells suggests that the finding of MYC amplification could reflect an advanced tumor progression. Ó 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction A multistep hypothesis for breast cancer development suggests that breast carcinogenesis involves a progression of events leading from benign epithelium through to hyperplasia (with or without atypia) to in situ carcinoma and invasive carcinoma [1]. It is known that the finding of in situ carcinoma increases by 20–25 times the risk of developing invasive breast cancer. Although associations are evident between some forms of benign breast disease and the increased risk of malignancy, confirmatory evidence that the benign breast disease lesions are biologically premalignant has not yet been established [2]. * Corresponding author. Tel.: 134-93-2483035; fax: 134-93-2483131. E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Corzo). 0165-4608/06/$ – see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.cancergencyto.2005.08.013 Complex and heterogeneous sets of genetic alterations are involved in the etiology of breast cancer. It is believed that breast cancer has its origin in a single cell that, through a number of different events, becomes malignant. Theory explains tumor development as the result of clonal selection and evolution within a cell population that accumulates a set of genetic aberrations. Additional events lead to the development of different clones with different features [3,4]. Although the sequential steps in gene alteration, with respect to breast tumor progression, are poorly understood, in instances involving the breast these have been proven for invasive breast cancer and for premalignant lesions, such as ductal carcinoma in situ. In contrast, a polyclonal expansion is expected in hyperplastic lesions, in which cells of multiple origin respond to exogenous and endogenous stimuli [5]. The evolution from one pathological lesion to another has been associated with different genetic events, such as the activation of oncogenes and the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. It seems that gene amplification 152 C. Corzo et al. / Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 165 (2006) 151–156 is a late event in tumor progression, being found mainly in tumor cells that have acquired genetic instability and tolerate its presence. Nevertheless, few studies confirm this hypothesis [6]. The c-myc oncoprotein encoded by the MYC gene is a transcriptional regulator whose expression is strongly associated with cell proliferation and cell differentiation [7]. MYC is implicated in most cellular functions, such as replication, growth, metabolism, differentiation, and apoptosis [8]. The incidence of MYC amplification has been studied in several tumors (e.g., bladder, lung, and head and neck tumors) having different percentages of positivity [9]. In breast carcinoma, the incidence of MYC amplification ranges from 1 to 94% in different studies [10–13]. The present study is a descriptive analysis of MYC status throughout the hypothesized stages of invasive ductal carcinoma progression, in order to detect a clonal origin during the evolution of breast cancer. To our knowledge, the present study is the first that compares MYC status in different histopathological regions identified in the same patients, starting from benign epithelium and preinvasive lesions and following through to invasive cancer. This particular study was made possible using tissue microarray (TMA) technology to obtain representative areas of each sample. TMA technology makes it possible to analyze a high number of different specimens in a single assay, therefore decreasing the variability of results among specimens treated in different assays. In our study, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in TMA paraffin block was used to evaluate MYC status throughout the multiple steps of breast cancer progression, using a homogeneous series of invasive ductal carcinomas and excluding lobular carcinomas or other histologies. 2. Materials and methods Twenty cases were selected from a cohort of patients who underwent therapeutic surgery for a first incidence of breast cancer. This group of patients presented four different areas upon histopathological examination: normal cell pathology, hyperplasia without atypia, in situ carcinoma, and invasive carcinoma. The clinical and pathological data of this cohort are summarized in Table 1. The collection of biological specimens was obtained from the tissue bank at the Hospital del Mar (IMAS, Barcelona, Spain). Approval was obtained by the ethical committees at the Hospital del Mar. Tissue bank informed consent was provided, according to the Declaration of Helsinki. Samples were fixed with a 4% buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin. Sections of the paraffin-embedded tissue (4–6 mm thick) were mounted in silanized slides and either stained with hematoxylin–eosin (H&E) or tested using immunohistochemical methods for hormonal receptors, TP53, and ERBB2 and using FISH for ERBB2. The H&E-stained sections from tumor samples included in paraffin blocks were used to identify the different zones Table 1 Baseline clinical and pathological characteristics of 15 cases of invasive ductal carcinoma Characteristic Stage I II IIIa Histological grade I II IIIa Hormone receptor status ER1, PR1 ER1, PR2 ER2, PR1 ER2, PR2 TP53 1 2 ERBB2 31 (FISH1) 21 Negative (01, 11) No. % 7 6 2 47 40 13 6 8 1 40 53 7 8 4 1 2 53 27 7 13 3 12 20 80 3 0 12 20 0 80 Abbreviations: ER, estrogen receptor; PR, progesterone receptor. Median age: 59.8 years (range 43–79). of tumoral cells (proliferative lesions, in situ carcinoma, and infiltrating carcinoma) and also normal cells, taken from areas around the tumors. We were then able to construct a TMA as described by Kononen et al. [14] using a commercially available TMA system (Beecher Instruments, Sun Prairie, WI). We obtained a TMA with 160 spots (1 mm in diameter, each); the array included two spots of each lesion from every patient. Six tissue controls were included to assess the standard values of FISH. Consecutive sections from the TMA were obtained for H&E staining and for FISH analysis. An expert pathologist performed a histological check to confirm that TMA array contained the spots with proliferative lesions, in situ carcinoma and infiltrating carcinoma and also normal cells from each patient selected (Fig. 1). To perform FISH, the LSI c-MYC/CEN8/IgH probe (Vysis, Downers Grove, IL) was used: the MYC-specific locus probe was labeled in orange, centromere 8 in aqua, and IgH in green. The IgH probe is used to detect translocations in hematological malignancies; in this case, the IgH probe was not evaluated. Deparaffinized TMA tissue sections were treated with 0.2 mol/L hydrochloric acid and then with sodium thiocyanate to eliminate salt precipitates. Pretreated slides were incubated in a proteinase K solution for 10 minutes at 37 C to digest the proteins of cytoplasmic membrane. Then the slides were postfixed in buffered formalin. Pretreated tissue sections and probes were denatured at 78 C for 5 minutes and hybridized overnight at 37 C in a Hybrite chamber (Vysis). Three washes for 10 minutes each were performed at 45 C in a formamide 50% solution, and two washes at the same temperature in 2 saline C. Corzo et al. / Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 165 (2006) 151–156 Invasive carcinoma cells In situ carcinoma Hyperplasia Normal 153 Controls Fig. 1. Scheme of the spots included in the tissue microarray that contained all lesions for each of the 15 patients selected. sodium citrate solution for 5 minutes each. Tissue sections were counterstained with 10 mL of 40 ,6-diamidino-2phenylindole (DAPI) (Vysis). Results were analyzed in a fluorescent microscope (Olympus BX51), using Cytovision software (Applied Imaging, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK). Tissue sections were scanned at low magnification (100) with DAPI excitation to localize those areas in which the histopathological characteristics had been established through examination of the serially sectioned H&E-stained stained array sections. Eight spots from tissue controls were scored, to establish a cutoff to accurately define true amplifications and aneusomies. These controls were from normal nonbreast tissues. Standards were set so that cells with three signals of MYC, with respect to two signals of centromere 8, in O10% of the nuclei were considered to be a gain. Fewer than two signals in O50% of the nuclei were considered to indicate a loss. A ratio between MYC signals and centromere signals was established, and amplification was considered when this ratio was >2. These results are consistent with previously reported results [15]. We considered polysomy of chromosome 8, when >3 signals of centromere 8 per cell were observed. When possible, 100 nuclei were scored for each spot; however, in spots corresponding to benign cells, the number of cells available was sometimes smaller than for in situ or invasive lesions. digestion of some tissues, and weak hybridization. An important technical problem when analyzing a TMA is that smaller samples are sometimes lost from the slides during the technical procedure. It is important to consider that the pretreatment procedure needed for each sample can vary, but in a TMA it is not possible to perform different digestion for each tissue. This is the reason that some samples displayed a weak hybridization. We found two cases with MYC amplification (13%), with the amplification seen only in the invasive zones; the in situ carcinoma, hyperplasia, and normal cells from these two patients did not display MYC amplification and these cells were classified as normal. One case displayed three copies of the MYC gene, with respect to two centromeres, in 14% of cells; this was classified as a gain, but not as an amplification. This gain was found only in invasive and in situ cells. Five cases displayed polysomy of chromosome 8 (33%), detected only in ductal in situ and invasive zones; the hyperplastic and normal cells did not show any alteration. All cases were classified as normal in terms of evaluation of benign lesions and normal adjacent cells. To describe the relation of MYC status with histology grade, we observed that amplified cases displayed a grade II in the in situ component and also in invasive cells. Polysomic cases displayed different histology grades. Table 2 summarizes the FISH results from the present study, and Table 3 summarizes the correlation between FISH results and histological data. 3. Results Twenty cases were included in the TMA, but only 15 cases were available for FISH analysis of MYC status, due to the loss of 5 samples during the manipulation of TMA or due to unsuccessful hybridization. Reasons for unsuccessful analyses included tissue damage, incorrect 4. Discussion MYC is an oncogene with a central role in tumor progression, and several studies have attempted to clarify its role in carcinogenesis [16–18]. Previous reports have C. Corzo et al. / Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 165 (2006) 151–156 154 Table 2 Results found after FISH analysis with a c-MYC probe from specimens of the four different areas included in the tissue microarray Case no. Normal cells Hyperplasia In situ carcinoma Invasive carcinoma 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9–15 Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Polysomic Polysomic Polysomic Polysomic Polysomic Gain Normal Amplified Amplified Polysomic Polysomic Polysomic Polysomic Polysomic Gain Normal analyzed MYC status in breast cancer patients; most of them studied this oncogene in invasive carcinoma, but none included normal cells, benign lesions, and preinvasive carcinomas from the same patient. Although our series of patients was small, to our knowledge the present study is the first that has evaluated different areas of the same breast tumor specimen (normal cells, hyperplasia without atypia, in situ carcinoma, and invasive carcinoma) using TMA technology, in order to describe the oncogenetic involvement of MYC in breast cancer progression. In our series, MYC amplification was present in 2 cases out of 15 (13%). Within the group of amplified cases, only invasive cells displayed MYC amplification. The other areas studied from the same tumor (normal cells, hyperplasia without atypia, and in situ carcinoma) were classified as normal. This finding may indicate that MYC amplification is present only in those cells that have acquired a malignant phenotype. Several studies have found similar percentages of amplification, including those conducted by Rummukainen et al. [19] and Robanus-Maandag et al. [20]. The latter study compared MYC status between invasive and in situ components, and their results showed amplification in invasive cells only, whereas in situ components were always normal [20]. These results are in agreement with our own findings and suggest that MYC amplification may be associated with the progression from in situ carcinoma to the invasive stage of ductal carcinoma of the breast. Aulmann et al. [21] studied MYC amplification in in situ carcinoma of the breast; they found that ~20% of their cases showed amplification of the MYC oncogene, mostly in poorly and intermediately differentiated tumors. They concluded that the MYC oncogene plays a role in the pathogenesis of a subset of in situ ductal carcinomas having an unfavorable tumor biology. Furthermore, it is likely that invasive recurrences of these intraductal cancers may lead to MYC amplification, resulting in tumors with a poor prognosis. This study may seem to be contradictory to our own results, but not if we consider that the MYC amplification found by Aulmann et al. [21] in the in situ carcinoma was present only in the more aggressive cases. In a recently published study, Blancato et al. [22] reported a high level of MYC amplification (70%). This experience included only high-grade invasive breast cancers; we believe that this is probably the reason for the discrepancy. Table 4 summarizes MYC analyses reported by different authors. Chromosome 8 polysomy is a frequent alteration in breast tumors, although the prognostic value of this aberration is still uncertain [23–25]. In our series, polysomy of chromosome 8, present in 33% of the cases analyzed, was found in both in situ carcinoma and invasive cells from the same patients. Benign proliferative lesions and normal cells, taken from the tumor margins, did not present MYC amplification or chromosome 8 aneusomies. In our study, the finding of polysomy 8 in carcinomas only (i.e., in situ and invasive cells) suggests that this is an aberration, solely present in true tumors, but not present in premalignant lesions. These results are consistent with previously reported data [23–29]. Bofin et al. [28] studied the polysomy of chromosome 8 and found that 53% of the breast tumor cases analyzed displayed polysomy of this chromosome; out of these cases, 89% were classified as intermediate or high-grade invasive carcinomas. Tagawa et al. [29] and Fehm et al. [27] in their series published similar results. Visscher et al. [12] studied MYC amplification and chromosome 8 aneusomies in Table 4 Review of MYC amplification in previous reports References Table 3 Histological data for the amplified and polysomic cases Case no. FISH Grade ER PR TP53 ERBB2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Amplified Amplified Polysomic Polysomic Polysomic Polysomic Polysomic Gain 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 The most representative pathological events are included in this table, but any statistical conclusion may be assessed. No. of Invasive cases cells, % Schraml et al., 1999 [9] 68 Visscher et al., 1997 [12] 33 Rummukainen et al., 261 2001 [13] Selim et al., 2002 [15] 48 Rummukainen et al., 177 2001 [19] Robanus-Maandag et al., 188 2003 [20] Aulmann et al., 2002 [21] 96 Blancato et al., 2004 [22] 46 a b c 23 91a 14.6 In situ cells, % Benign lesions, % 17 Not studied 100b 0 Not studied Not studied Not studied Not studied 0 14 Not studied Not studied 9.6 0 Not studied Not studied 20 Not studied 70 Not studied Not studiedc Includes both low-level and high-level amplification. A single case. Used as control. C. Corzo et al. / Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 165 (2006) 151–156 a series of 23 invasive breast carcinomas, 1 low-grade in situ ductal carcinoma, 7 benign lesions, and 2 phyllodes tumors. They found that neither the benign lesions nor the in situ carcinoma or phyllodes tumors showed MYC amplification or chromosome 8 polysomy. Nevertheless, 90% of the carcinomas showed some of these alterations. These percentages of alterations (polysomy and amplification) were higher than the percentages we found, but this fact may be due to the different cutoff levels used and to the smaller series in our study. It is also necessary to consider that we studied a cohort of patients that presented different histological regions within their tumoral lesions. This group of patients may not necessarily bear the same genetic alterations that other tumors in which histologically different lesions are not detected. In conclusion, to our knowledge the present study is the first that compares MYC status in different lesions from the same patient, in order to study breast cancer progression; nevertheless, the number of patients analyzed is too low to establish a conclusion. The results found in the present study reveal MYC amplification as an unusual event in ductal breast carcinoma; the results could also suggest that MYC amplification appears in the final stages of breast cancer development. None of the hyperplasia specimens and normal specimens analyzed showed any alterations in MYC status or any aneusomies of chromosome 8. The presence of MYC amplification only in invasive cells may indicate that the finding of MYC amplification could reflect an advanced tumor progression and it could be a method used in cytology to differentiate between preinvasive lesions and true invasive lesions in some difficult cases. The detection of MYC status by FISH in patients with breast cancer could have prognostic value, due to its implication in the advanced stages of tumor development. Acknowledgments We want to thank Beatriz Bellosillo for the review of the manuscript. This work was supported by grant no. FIS 02/ 0002 from the ‘‘Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo,’’ by grant no. SAF-2001–4947 from the ‘‘Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a,’’ and by grants from Redes de Centros de Genética, no. C03/07, and Redes de Cáncer, no. C03/10, from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III from the ‘‘Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo,’’ Spain. References [1] Lakhani SR. The transition from hyperplasia to invasive carcinoma of the breast. J Pathol 1999;187:272–8. [2] Walker RA. Are all ductal proliferations of the breast premalignant? J Pathol 2001;195:401–3. [3] Worsham MJ, Pals G, Raju U, Wolman SR. Establishing a molecular continuum in breast cancer: DNA microarrays and benign disease. 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