Parishes of St Joseph, Cockermouth and Our Lady & St Charles, Keswick Presbytery: Crown Street, Cockermouth CA13 0EJ Tel: 01900 822121 Mobile: 07808 061016 Email: [email protected] Website: St Joseph’s Parish Hall Bookings: Carole Thompson Tel: 01900 268853 St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School: 01900 829859 Website: St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School News This Week: Charles Proctor our RE governor visited school for the day and joined an RE lesson in every class and joined our children for lunch. This experience will give him a more informed view on RE and the Catholicity of our school. Maggie Cowles and her team from NICSU visited school with their puppet assembly. The theme was ‘forgiveness’ which tied in beautifully with the work class 3 are currently doing. On Friday year 6 will visit Cockermouth School for a ‘Dramatic Enquiry’ workshop run by Keswick Theater by the Lake. Sounds intriguing. Section 48 RE Inspection: we are due to have our RE inspection from the diocese this term. Included in the criteria for inspection is ‘community links’. We would welcome you comments on our school parish links. These can be in the form of a letter addressed to either the school or if you’d prefer directly to the inspection team. The inspectors are looking for confirmation that school and parish work together eg school masses in church, visits by Fr Tom, news in church bulletin, participation in carol service, stall at Christmas Fayre plus any of your own thoughts. We hope some of you will find the time to do this. Mountain View Childcare: for those with young children I’d like to take the opportunity to bring our on site nursery and wrap-around care service to your attention. A small group of governors set up MVC in 2009, taking over business from an outside provider. The majority of children who attend St Joseph’s School, previously attended Mountain View Childcare. We provide nursery education for children over two and wrap around care with Breakfast Club and After School Club for preschool and primary aged children. If you would like to know more please telephone St Joseph’s 01900 829859 and ask to be put through to Mountain View Childcare. Clare Child or Susan Hully will be happy to help. FOR YOUNG ADULTS His Grace, Cardinal Vincent Nichols has asked if the youth ministers would consider gathering a small number of young adults together to visit the special exposition of the Shroud of Turin at the same time that Pope Francis is visiting in June this year. The Shroud is exposed every 5 or 10 years. The trip would be 19th – 22nd June and would cost £650 (estimated) . Given this cost, I would only propose mentioning it to young adults with some regular income. Again, it is a one off event that has just been forwarded to us and to which we are responding. I intend to travel with the group if we get interest from the Diocese and would coordinate the details for anyone coming forward. This will be a small group, but a once in a lifetime opportunity for those who may be able. The National Team are trying to negotiate a price reduction through sponsorship. Again, please reply to this email if you would like more information. I have the current itinerary which includes a visit to the parish of Blessed Ciara Luce and to the relics of St John Bosco in this special anniversary year. Yours sincerely, Ruth Corless Bulletin Notices (deadline Thursday) - Please send to Barbara Cunliffe Email: [email protected] Tel: 01900 822664 PLEASE KEEP NOTICES BRIEF. St Joseph’s Church, Cockermouth Linked with Our Lady of the Lakes and St Charles, Keswick Parish Priest: Fr Tom Singleton LANCASTER R OMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE TRUSTEES - C HARITY N O. 234331 Parish Bulletin 15 February 2015 6th Sunday in ordinary time (B) Parish Mass Book p. 63 A leper came to Jesus and pleaded on his knees: ‘If you want to’ he said ‘you can cure me.’ Feeling sorry for him, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him. ‘Of course I want to!’ he said. ‘Be cured!’ And the leprosy left him at once and he was cured . (Mark 1:40-42) 6.45 pm People of the two parishes 11.00 am Private Intention Sat Sun Feb 14 VIGIL Feb 15 6TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Mon Tues Wed Thur Feb 16 Feb 17 Feb 18 Feb 19 Fri Feb 20 Friday after Ash Wednesday 9.30 am Liturgy of the Word Sat Sun Feb 21 VIGIL Feb 22 FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT 6.45 pm Special Intention (McGough) 11.00 am People of the two parishes Week 6 of Ordinary Time Week 6 of Ordinary Time ASH WEDNESDAY Thursday after Ash Wednesday 9.30 am 9.30 am 7.00 pm 9.30 am Liturgy of the Word Peter Matthews Private Intention Margaret & Michael Jordan Rosary 9.10am on weekdays Children’s Liturgy at Mass on the second Sunday of the month. Parish Pastoral Group First Tuesday of the month at 6.45pm in the presbytery. New members always welcome. Just come along. Requests for visits can be made to Michael Mapleton on 826423 or Shirley Forker on 268079 Scripture Group (Sunday Readings): Next meeting: Wednesday 25 February at 7.30pm in the presbytery. All welcome. Children’s Liturgy We hope to organise two extra Children's Liturgy meetings one on the 22nd February which will be the first Sunday of Lent and one on the 29th March, Palm Sunday, as well as our regular one on the 8th March. LENT LUNCHES Christ Church 11.30 - 1.15pm Every Friday from 20 February to Good Friday, 3 April, inclusive Home Made Soup Bread and Cheese Coffee and Tea Minimum Donation £3 Proceeds to Christian Aid The Parish Council AGM will be held on Sunday 22 February after the 11am mass. There are vacancies for the posts of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary plus members of the council. If you wish to serve on the Parish Council for the coming year please complete the nomination form on the church notice board. Enquirers' group (RCIA) Fortnightly on Thursdays at 7.30pm in the presbytery PLEASE PRAY FOR : Our sick and housebound: Errol Nixon, Margerie Hornsby, Peter Swinburn, Bernard Simmons, Jo Simmons, Bernard Coker, Colin Coates, Michael Cain, Paula Silk, Harry Armstrong, Ted Lord, Angela Ryan, Lisa Maria Rainford, John Clifford, Betty Rushworth. Also for Hilary Whelan who died recently And for those whose anniversaries are at this time. May they rest in peace. Offertory Collection Last Sunday: £436.55 Augustinian Missions: £792.00 Mass Attendance: Vigil: 44 11.00am: 123 Ministers Next Weekend (Please arrange replacement if necessary) Readers: Vigil S Bober, B Cunliffe 11am K Gollogly, P Brown Eucharistic Ministers: CHURCHES TOGETHER IN COCKERMOUTH Sat 21 Feb 10 am-12 noon Fair Trade coffee morning and chocolate cake competition in Brigham Methodist Church. More information from Margaret Robinson 01900825240 or Sharon Woollard email [email protected] Vigil 11am W Finn, S Armstrong, J Rainford B McMullen, E Walsh, G Hale Why does the General Election matter? What are the key questions? How can I get involved? There will be an election forum meeting at Christ Church Cockermouth on Monday 2nd March at 7.30pm. Please contact Gillian Hackney for more information on 01900 823445 or [email protected]. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on 18th February – a day of fasting and abstinence. Mass in Keswick at 9.30am and in Cockermouth at 7.00pm Lent Fast Day this year is Friday 27th Feb. FUNDRAISING FOR “HANDS ON” PROJECTS Home Produce Stall after Masses this weekend First Holy Communion If there are any children who will be 8 years of age or above at the start of June, we will be celebrating our First Holy Communion on June 7th at the 11.00am Mass. Any names please to me (Fr Tom) as soon as you can. CRAFT GROUP The next meeting will be held on 8th March; we will be making Mother's Day cards and decorating crosses for Easter. For details please phone Mary 01900 85551 SCRIPTURE GROUP No meeting on Ash Wednesday. Next meeting Wednesday 25 February at 7.30pm in the presbytery. All welcome. FLAME2 3 places have become available on our trip to London – March 6th-8th. This is for a national event welcoming 8,000 + young people to Wembley Arena where they will hear from Cardinal Tagel from the Philippines and many more inspiring speakers. The cost of the trip is £165 and the places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. A full itinerary is available on request.
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