Contains Permethrin 3%, Es-bioallethrin 0,4%, Pyriproxifen 0,3%, Piperonyl butoxide 2% A long-acting spray with instant flea and tick kill for complete coverage in dogs. Available in 100ml or 200ml pump-spray bottles and 1L refill bottles. ULTRUM® Duration (home) Contains Permethrin1,48%, Es-bioallethrin 0,12%, Pyriproxifen 0,04% Guard against future infestations by treating the environment (on pet's bedding, in carpets and on furniture). Available in 350ml aerosol spray cans. ULTRUM® Original Shampoo (dogs & cats) Contains Natural pyrethrum 0,11%, Piperonyl butoxide 1,1%, Lanolin 2% A luxury flea shampoo safe for even the youngest puppies and kittens. Available in 250ml bottle and 5L refill. ULTRUM® Plus Shampoo (dogs only) Contains Permethrin 1%, Es-bioallethrin 0,1%, Piperonyl butoxide 1,1%, Evening Primrose Oil 2% 1 ULTRUM® Flea & Tick Powder (dogs & cats) Contains Propoxur 1,5% Pleasantly perfumed powder for use on pet’s coat or bedding. Available in 100g shaker. 3 ULTRUM® Line-Up® (dogs only) Contains Permethrin 65% m/v, Pyriproxifen 8% m/v A spot-on insecticidal solution for the treatment and prevention of flea and tick infestations in dogs. Available in 4 sizes (less than 10kg, 10-20kg, 20-40kg and greater than 40kg) with two treatments per box. ® ULTRUM Products are available from your veterinarian. For 100% certainty that fleas and ticks will steer clear of dogs, power® treat with ULTRUM Ultimate long acting spray. This “emergency” treatment kills 100% of fleas within 24 hours and has over three months killing activity against flea eggs and larvae. ULTRUM® Line-Up®, a spot on treatment for dogs, kills adult fleas on contact and continues to kill for up to 4 weeks. It inhibits development of flea eggs and larvae for 5 months after application. A luxury flea shampoo for dogs over 6 weeks of age. Available in 250ml bottle and 5L refill. 2 Shampoo your pet regularly using either ULTRUM® Original (safe for even the youngest puppies and kittens) or ULTRUM® Plus for dogs, which contains Evening Primrose Oil and conditioners to provide all-over cleanliness while fighting fleas. ULTRUM® Flea & Tick Powder for dogs (and cats and birds!) is effective in treating pet's coat or bedding. 5 4 Guard against future infestations by ® using ULTRUM Duration aerosol spray on pet's bedding, in carpets and on furniture. This provides 100% certainty in clearing a flea infestation. Kyron Laboratories (Pty) Ltd Co. Reg. No. 1990/004442/07 G3281 L7504 G2770 G1758 G3473 G3390 Act 36/1947 FLEA & TICK RANGE 29 Barney Road • Benrose 2094 PO Box 27329 • Benrose 2011 • South Africa Tel 011 618 1544 • Fax 011 618 4402 [email protected] • Kyron’s ULTRUM® Range offers a complete line of treatment. Chances are that nearly every dog will, at some point in its life, suffer from a flea infestation. Protect your pet and your home by killing existing fleas, discouraging new fleas, neutralising flea eggs, weakening larvae and pupae and treating the environment. Total Flea & Tick Control ULTRUM® Ultimate (dogs only) 5 Steps to Flea Fighting ® ULTRUM Kyron Laboratories KYRON’S ULTRUM® RANGE Only ULTRUM® offers a complete line of treatment for protecting your pet from fleas and ticks. The ULTRUM® Range has been created to provide everything necessary for a total fleafighting campaign. effect, spray ULTRUM® Ultimate onto the coat and massage down to ensure it reaches the skin. Priming the pump-spray bottle for first-time use Pull the red lever tightly towards the bottle to break the initial seal. Pull the lever repeatedly (between 4 and 6 times) until the liquid is sucked in the spray tube.The spray is now primed for use. FACTS ABOUT DOGS AND FLEAS , The number of fleas around usually decreases in winter. These days most houses are well-heated and insulated so fleas have an ideal climate in which to survive all year. , As the flea bites it injects saliva into the skin. Some dogs develop a hypersensitivity to this flea saliva and become very itchy. This causes the dog to scratch. , Only one or two fleas would be enough to cause severe irritation. , Adult fleas have a short life. After a week or two on a dog they simply die — but are continuously being replaced by a fresh supply from the dog’s environment. , Once on a dog, the female flea starts to lay eggs as soon as she has had a blood meal (normally within an hour after biting the dog). She can lay as many as 2,000 eggs in her two-week lifespan. A WELL-EXECUTED PLAN You can hunt down and kill the 5% of fleas on your dog with the correct treatment, but if you don’t have a supportive plan to further prevent infestations, it won’t be long before a new army of hatched fleas will be attacking your dog all over again. This explains why flea treatments appear not to have worked — you’ve treated your dog and gotten rid of the fleas, so you relax and its not long before your dog starts scratching again. ICEBERGS AND ARMIES The fleas you see on your dog are just the tip of the iceberg (5% of total). The huge majority of any flea population is around your dog, in the form of eggs, larvae and pupae. They’re on your dog’s bedding, in carpets, on furniture and in cracks and crevices in the floor. Don’t wait until the flea infestation has arrived. Prevention is the best strategy. Provide ongoing protection for your dog so that any fleas which do jump on it are rapidly killed and any eggs or larvae don’t grow into adult fleas. Treat all dogs in your household regularly, summer and winter; treat your environment and then just relax. Adult Fleas WHAT MAKES ULTRUM ULTIMATE LONG-ACTING SPRAY DIFFERENT? ULTRUM® Ultimate contains four powerful ingredients which give it instant kill power (watch those fleas drop off), sustained action (keeps on killing fleas for more than five weeks, when used in conjunction with an environmental treatment like ® ULTRUM Duration) and long-lasting action via a special ingredient known as Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), which has over 3 months killing activity against flea eggs and larvae. For optimal 5% Pupae ® 10% 35% Larvae 50% Eggs The flea army pyramid “ Effective flea treatment depends on treating both the dog and the environment. ” WHY TREAT THE ENVIRONMENT? Fleas can produce hundreds of thousands of eggs. Some of these eggs will be laid in out-of-the-way places in your carpets, furniture, kennels, bedding and cracks/crevices. Some might even survive the treatment given to your dog. It is therefore equally important to control adult fleas, larvae and eggs in the environment. Treating the environment with lemon-scented ULTRUM® Duration aerosol surface spray ensures that adult fleas don’t get a chance to jump onto your dog and lay further eggs which perpetuates the cycle. WHAT IS THE BENEFIT OF USING ® ULTRUM FLEA & TICK POWDER? Some people prefer to use an insecticidal powder. Pleasantly perfumed ULTRUM® Flea & Tick Powder is safe for use on dogs, cats and birds and provides flea and tick protection while leaving your pet smelling good too. It should be sprinkled liberally onto fur/feathers and worked in well. For added protection, sprinkle onto pet’s bedding and into your vacuum cleaner bag.
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