THE WORD Parishes of Holy Spirit & St Gerard/St Anne Under the care of the Pallottines 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 31 January/1 February 2015 Parish Priest: Fr. Shibu Joseph sac Email: [email protected] Mobile: 0457 319 975 HOLY SPIRIT PARISH PARISH OF ST GERARD AND ST ANNE 120 Oban Road, Ringwood North 3134 Phone: 9876 3077 or 9876 3717 Fax: 9879 0642 Email: [email protected] Website: Parish Office Hours 9am-4pm. Closed Mondays. SECRETARIES Ruth Frangeskakis Tuesday & Wednesday [email protected] Jenny Philp Thursday & Friday [email protected] PASTORAL WORKER Tina Toomey Tuesday & Thursday [email protected] RCIC COORDINATOR Michelle Sherriff Thursday morning [email protected] PARISH HOSTESSES Mary Yeo and Kerry O’Leary SCHOOL PRINCIPAL—Holy Spirit Peter Camilleri—9876 1103 FETE COMMITTEE Dale Sebire (Chairperson) [email protected] St Gerard’s: McCulloch Street, Warrandyte 3113 St Anne’s: 54 Knees Road, Park Orchards 3114 Phone: 9876 1509 Fax: 9876 6179 Email: [email protected] Website: Parish Office Hours 9am-3pm. Closed Mondays. MASS TIMES AT HOLY SPIRIT Sunday Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday 9.00 am & 10:30am Mass, Church 9.00 am Communion Service, Chapel 8:30am Mass, Chapel 9.00 am Mass, Chapel 9:30am Mass 6.00 pm Vigil, Church Reconciliation Saturdays 9.00 am or by appointment SECRETARIES Jill England Kerry McGowan Tuesday & Wednesday Thursday & Friday SCHOOL PRINCIPAL—St. Anne’s Michael Edmonds—9876 1533 MASS TIMES AT ST GERARD’s & ST ANNE’s Sunday Tuesday 10.30am Mass, St Anne’s 8.15am Exposition, 8.30am Rosary, St Gerard’s 9.00 am Mass, St Gerard’s Thursday 9.00 am Mass, St Anne’s 2nd Sunday of the month, 5.00pm, St. Gerard’s (excl January) BAPTISMS by appointment only and are held most Sundays at 12 noon or 12.45 pm and 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays of the month at Holy Spirit and 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month at St Anne’s Attending an Information Meeting and Welcoming Ceremony at a weekend mass of choice are required prior to the Baptism. NEXT BAPTISM MEETING: Holy Spirit 7.30 pm, Tuesday 10th February 2015 St Anne’s 7.30 pm, Monday 23rd February 2015 To make a booking, please call the relevant office WEDDINGS by appointment: 3 months notice required IN THE PEACE OF CHRIST- RECENTLY DECEASED: John Burns (Nola Ryan’s brother-in-law) ANNIVERSARIES OF DEATH: maria Koh, John Tay, Drew Howlett, Joe Sultana, Christine O’Hanlon, Peter Sammut, Natasha, Rob, Goergia & Alexis Davey, Tanja & Dim Tsimiklis PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING SICK: Maisie Hibberson, Pauline Galvin, Sarah, Robert Williams, Rosemarie Cameron, Carolyn Tesselar, Conner Plunkett, Trees Seivers, Danielle Bishop, Mary Bovalino, Kyle, Terry Riseley, Matt, Serita Crowe, Geoff Harrison, Belinda Green, Kate MacRae, Anne, Simon Palmer, Valda Candoni-Reusser, Anonymous, Janeane Marshall, Ken Taylor, Evelyn Shepherd, John Burns, Marlo Graham, Nancy Grossi, Kate Graham, Lee, Rhonda Higgins, Joan Schobben, Terry Merry, Leone English, Bill Walker, Neil Hogan, Wally Ellul, Maureen McKinney, Kathryn Pilsbury, Michael Plostins, Els Hermans, Peggy O’Sullivan, Pat Donnelly, Lea Sumner, Margaret, Jessie, Sean Hill, Phillip Lazaroo, Jamie Grossi, Gerard Stevenson, Michael Di Pietro, Sam Camilleri, Steve Turner, Keith Eastwood, Peter Brown, Ness Stables, Rosa Dellachiesa SUNDAY COMMUNION VISITS: Lorraine Nipper, Pauline Galvin, Kevin Gibbon, Lucia, Maria, Lorraine Gwenlym, Ernesto, Chris Gleeson, Sheila, Adelio & Vera Zaccardi, Merv Parsonage, Maria Jedynick, Josephine, Graeme Merry, Maria Carter, Lorraine, Irene, Barbara O’Brien, Eva, Sophie, Sonia, Vincent, George, Shirley READINGS - THIS WEEK: NEXT WEEK: Deut 18:15-20; 1Cor 7:32-35; Mark 1:21-28 Job 7:1-4,6-7; 1Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; mark 1:29-39 The Word and Spirit Magazine are available online at NEXT WEEKEND: ST VINCENT DE PAUL $2 COLLECTION EVENTS THIS COMING WEEK - 2 nd - 8th FEBRUARY 2015 MONDAY 9.00 am Communion Service, Holy Spirit Chapel 7.30 pm St Vincent de Paul Meeting, Mary Bresnan Room 8.00 pm Meditation Prayer Group, Holy Spirit Chapel TUESDAY 9.00 am Mass, St Gerard’s Church 9.15-10.00 am Meditation, Holy Spirit Chapel WEDNESDAY 8.30 am Mass, Holy Spirit Chapel 7:30pm Rosary, Holy Spirit Chapel THURSDAY 9.00 am Mass, St Anne’s Chapel 8.00 pm Choir Practice, Holy Spirit Chapel FRIDAY 9.00 am Mass, Holy Spirit Chapel SATURDAY 9:00am Reconciliation, Holy Spirit Parish House 9:30am Mass, Holy Spirit Chapel 10.00 am First Saturday Devotion, Holy Spirit Chapel 6.00 pm Mass, Holy Spirit Church SUNDAY 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9.00 am and 10.30am Mass, Holy Spirit Church 10.30 am Mass, St Anne’s Church ST VINCENT DE PAUL $2.00 COLLECTION WEEKEND HOLY SPIRIT ROSTERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND 7th-8th FEBRUARY 2015 Mass Captain: 6pm: Kevin O’Callaghan 9am: Tom Mifsud 10.30am: Tony van der Haar Lectors: 6pm: Kevin O’Callaghan 9am: Peter Parle 10.30am: Peter Steward Altar Servers: 6pm: Zac Abrams & Brooke Crachi 9am: Marco Signor, Sam Massarotti & Lara Baddock 10.30am: Xavier Konynenburg, Ronin May & Patrick Romijn Eucharistic Ministers of Communion: 6pm: Barbara McGowan, Maryann Street, Fred Ruigrok, Ron & Jean Smith, Sue Wallace 9am: Gaye De Petro-Garner, Helen Scorgie, Rosa Hamlett, Helen Konynenburg 10.30am: Len Scicluna, Kerrie Spencer, Len Moore Home Communion (after 9am Mass): Ada Volombello & Kerrie Spencer Children’s Liturgy: Saturday 6pm: Resumes shortly Sunday 10.30am: Resumes shortly Piety Stall: 6pm: Marita North-Coombes 9am: Joy Horne Tea & Coffee: 6pm: Geraldine Dunuwille 9am: Eleanore Kozma 10.30am: Yvette Collins Church Set-Up: Shane O’Brien’s Team Garden Maintenance: Ian Stuart, Bill Nagle, Shelah & Bill Batson Chapel Cleaning (this week): Shelah & Bill Batson Sacristy (this week): Kerry O’Leary 9.00 am Monday Communion Service (this week): Shelah Batson Counters (this week): Therese, Jane, Kerry ST ANNE’S ROSTERS—SUNDAY 8th FEBRUARY 2015 Commentator: Reader: Special Ministers: Welcomers: Preparation for Mass: Beautification: Driving: Morning Tea: Children’s Liturgy: Elizabeth O’Callaghan Gary Hogan Rob Van Gestel, Rae Cook, Reetha Hamilton Elaine McPherson Geraldine Milton Therese Chapman Ellen Holmes Bernadette Peyton For submissions to the Word, please email items to [email protected] or phone Holy Spirit Office on 9876 3717. Please note, items need to be submitted by 2pm Thursday. Thank you. NEWS FROM ST GERARD’S/ST ANNE’S PARISH Reaching out in Prayer, Hospitality and Action PARISH WEBSITE: VISIT US!!! Collection Sunday 25th January: Presbytery - $200 Planned Giving - $850 THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: Tuesday February 3rd: Thursday February 5th: 9.00am Mass at St. Gerard’s 9.00am Mass at St. Anne’s. This will be in the church/school Hall and is the opening of the school year Mass. All Welcome Mass at St. Gerard’s - On the 2nd Sunday of each month (except Jan), we have a 5.00pm Mass at St. Gerard's. Everyone is welcome to join us for this inspiring and peace filled Mass. OLD CHAIRS FROM THE CHAPEL - The chairs that used to be in the chapel are now FREE TO A GOOD HOME. If you would to take some, please contact the parish office. Parishioner awarded Australia Day Honours - Congratulations to Kevin Stevenson who has been awarded an AM in the Australia Day Honours list for 'significant service to Business and Commerce in the area of the development of national and international accounting standards'. Kevin and his family are long time parishioners and former St. Anne’s school parents and Kevin is presently the parish’s voluntary accountant. We warmly congratulation Kevin and convey our best wishes from the parish community. A full article can be found in this weeks Manningham Leader newspaper. New Rosters have now been emailed out, if you don’t have an email, they have been posted out. If you do not get a copy, please contact the office. The copies of Break Open the Word for the people on the readers roster, are now available for collection in the foyer of the church. If you are unable to complete your rostered date, please arrange your own swap. Thank you. POWER CLUB NEWS Are you over 50 and would like to join a friendly, supportive group which is active in all areas of our Parish life? Why not come along to one of our meetings or perhaps join in one of our outings? Please contact Margaret Tankey on 9841 0101 for more information. 22nd Feb 2015: Annual General Meeting & Picnic at Parish Centre HOLY SPIRIT THANKSGIVING OFFERINGS: Envelopes: Credit Cards: Direct Debits: TOTAL LAST WEEK: $ 805.00 $1,899.38 $ 379.92 $3,084.30 PRESBYTERY COLLECTION: Envelopes: Loose collection: TOTAL: $274.20 $205.15 $479.35 THANK YOU to everyone who supports Holy Spirit Parish financially. PLEASE ADVISE THE PARISH HOUSE IF YOUR CREDIT CARD IS Monday night meditation will resume meeting on Monday 2 February. Consider making it your new year's resolution to spend some time in stillness. If you have any enquiries, please email [email protected] or call 040 787 3432. MEDITATION GROUP Meets during school terms on Tuesday mornings from 9.15am till 10.00 am in the Holy Spirit Chapel. The Group will resume Tuesday 3rd February 2015. Through the ancient art or practice of meditation, it enables us to get in touch with our real true inner self, nature and God. Holy Spirit Jammers are getting started for the new year making jams and chutneys for the 2015 fete. If you have surplus fruit or vegetables (at anytime through the year) and would be willing to donate it please give me a call . Even if you are unable to pick it, I can come and collect it from the trees, just let me know. New "jammers" are welcome - if you would like to join us in the kitchen please give me a call - we meet about once a month, no experience is required and it is lots of fun and great companionship. Yvette 040 787 3432 NEW PARISHIONERS Holy Spirit Parish is very keen to welcome new parishioners. We are a vibrant parish with plenty to offer. Please fill in the New Parishioners Book (red book on the table at the entrance of the Church). We will be in touch with you shortly thereafter. Thank you, Tina Toomey (Pastoral Worker). FROM THE EVERGREENS Our first outing for the year is to Flemington racecourse. Cost for the 1 1/2 hour tour is $12. Lunch at “Headquarters Tavern” $10, Bus $5. PLEASE NOTE: This outing will be THURSDAY 12th February. Bus will be leaving at 9:15sharp March is our trip to Mt Gambier - this trip is completely booked out! March 27th: Mass & Morning Tea April 24th: Mass & Morning Tea. April outing - Tour of the Melbourne Tennis Centre. More details to come. Looking forward to seeing everyone back after the Christmas break! Evergreens Support Team Congratulations to Kevin Stevenson who was awarded an AM in the Australia Day Honours for 'significant service to business and commerce in the area of the development of national and international accounting standards' !! CONGRATULATIONS also to Monica Stables who celebrated a “significant” birthday last week. All our love and best wishes to you and may you have many happy returns! LENT & EASTER 2015 Ash Wednesday 2015 is Wednesday 18th February. If you have palms or olive branches from last year, please bring them along next weekend so they can be burnt in readiness for Ash Wednesday. Mass times for Ash Wednesday will be 10:00am at Holy Spirit (School Mass), 11:30am at St Anne’s (School Mass) and 7:30pm at Holy Spirit (Church). All are welcome and encouraged to come to any of these Masses. Palm Sunday falls on March 29 with the Easter Triduum being April 2 - 5. As always, the Liturgy Team would love to have some new members, bringing fresh ideas and enthusiasm to our celebrations. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact Jenny at the Parish House 9876 3717! Spirit Magazine Contributions Required for March Edition Time for everyone to think about what they have to contribute to the next edition of your magazine. The North Ringwood Community House has just left out Parish after 40 years - What are your memories of The Community House? What courses did you do there - Do you have friends you met through activities at the house - Please share your memories of the wonderful people and times of this very special relationship between The Community House and our Parish. How did it happen in the beginning?? Very few parishioners today would know the story of how it all came about - Please share your story. Photos Photos Photos - I need photos of all of the Christmas events - Carols , Graduations, Masses etc. etc. Please send photos as an attachment when emailing - This makes it easier for the printer; OR Drop photos to the Parish House. I really need help with submissions for this edition and know you will assist in making another great edition. Thank you Helen Konynenburg [email protected] Subject - Spirit magazine Choir Recruitment Time It’s the start of a new year. Now is a great time to join the very happy group of singers at Holy Spirit. Our Church relies on volunteers using their God given talents to keep things running smoothly. By joining the choir, not only would you be contributing to help enhance our liturgies through song but also you will get to know a wonderful group of people. Choir Practice will commence for 2015 on Thursday 5th February, in the Chapel at 8.00 PM. New members are warmly welcome. Come and give it a try. With Easter early this year we have plenty to work on. Please contact either Maree 97330802 or Marilyn 9876 2729 for details. Current members just come along. Enjoy a great day out in the magnificent country atmosphere of Yea. St Pat’s Race Club Yea is holding its annual Picnic Race Day at the picturesque Yea Racecourse on Sunday 22 February 2015. There will be great entertainment for both adults and children. Proceeds from the day support Sacred Heart Parish and School in Yea. Bookings for dinner in the Clubhouse can be made on the website You can drive to Yea along the Melba Hwy from Lilydale, through Whittlesea from Plenty Rd, or along the Hume Fwy and turn off at Tallarook. For more information, see the poster on our noticeboard, or phone 0418 842 926. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia A people in darkness have seen a great light; A radiant dawn shines on those lost in death. Alleluia The word of the Lord
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