News From The Hood

News From The Hood
The Challenge has Begun!
We are three weeks into
our 40 Day New Year’s
Challenge. We want to
help you commit to your
practice this year. The
40 Day Challenge is
based on the theory that
is takes 40 days to make
a permanent change in
our habits so we can
begin to align our
actions with our
To all those who
stepped on the
path . . .
We currently have over
40 people committed to
the New Year’s
Challenge, all who are
participating in
unlimited classes
through February 20th.
After 40 days, anyone
who completes 15 or
more classes will be
entered into a drawing
for a 5 class card, and
get recognized in our
next Newsletter.
The person with the
most classes will also
receive a free 5 class
card . . . not to mention
a healthy body and
Thanks for all the great
energy in classes, and for
your patience when
classes are fuller than
Chakra Balancing Immersion
with Chris Howell
Finding Our Power
Guided Shamanic
Meditation with Dakota
March 7th
Saturday, 11-12
$12 in advance $15 at door
Join Dakota Walker, Quantum
Shamanic Practitioner and
Teacher, for a powerful
experience of guided Shamanic
Journeying. In today’s journey,
Dakota will lead the group to
the Lower World of nonordinary reality to discover and
work with your power animal.
These meditations are deep,
powerful and profound and as
one member from Dakota’s
online Shamanic Journeyer
Club describes it: "Dakota is a
music and word maestro. Her
meditations are rich, full of
emotion and imagery. There
hasn't been one journey of hers
that I have not had profound
shifts. I am ever so grateful for
finding her and for joining the
Shamanic Journeyers Club - it
has been life changing!" Michele, San Francisco, Ca. Experience the journey yourself
by joining us onMarch 7th at 11
This course will explore how
the Eastern Yogic energy
systems affect us today in the
West. We will use tools of
mediation, yoga postures,
expressive movement and art,
self- inquiry, mantras, mudras,
yantras, breathing and guided
relaxation/imagery, to increase
balance. No yoga experience
necessary, all levels welcome.
For more information and to
Course runs February - June
Saturdays: 11-5, Sundays 9-3
1: Feb 7 & 8th
2: Feb 28th, march 1st
3. March 21st & 22nd
4: May 2 &3
5: June 6 &7
6: June 27 & 28
Investment $650 total, Space
held with $200 deposit.
Can’t commit to the whole 6
sessions, you can do individual
weekends. This weekend,
Feb. 7th-8th, Root Chakra.
Create a solid and stable
foundation for your physical,
emotional, and spiritual self.
The root chakra represents our
safety, security and grounding.
We will explore how it can be
excessive or deficient and how
to create balance in our
foundation, through yoga
postures, mudras, mantras,
journaling, expressive arts and
meditation. Investment $125
for weekend.
Instructor: Chris Howell MA,
Chris is a clinical
psychotherapist who integrates
yoga into counseling sessions,
workshops and courses. She
specializes in using the chakra
system to increase balance,
healing and overall well being.
Flow: Celebrate
Valentine's Day by
offering yourself the
gift of yoga and love.
Calling All Body
February 21-22nd at
Neighborhood Yoga
Abdominal Massage Touching The Core
Saturday 9 - 6pm, Sunday 8 - 5pm.
16 CE contact hours | $285
Join Caroline for her
regular Saturday morning
class to open your heart
and tune in to the love that
surrounds you.
Regular class price, no
need to pre-register, but
space is limited. Group Meditation and
Bhagavad Gita Discussion
meets the second Sunday of each
month from 4:00-5:15pm. All are
welcome! Free.
Next class is this Sunday, February
We will explore specific massage
components, anatomy and
physiology, indications and
contraindications, emotional and
energetic elements, as well as the
importance of the diaphragm for
breathing and digestive health. You
will also learn abdominal self-care
tools that will help support your
clients after treatments.
For registration:
or 828-773-0357
Related Issues
For weather related
class cancellations
please call the studio
(265-0377) one hour prior
to class. If for any
reason we need to
cancel, a message will
be on the machine. No
message , class will
meet as scheduled. We
try to stay open as much
as possible, so be
mindful as you drive and
walk up to the studio.
Access Your Account Online
Go to: h'ps:// Enter your first and last name in the ‘New to our site?’ box in the middle of the screen and select the ‘Next>’ bu'on. (You may also select the ‘Log in with Facebook’ opNon.) If you are already in our system, you will be given the opNon to select your name, or you will be able to create an account. Your password must be at least 8 characters and contains both le'ers and numbers.
Once you have created an account, you will be able to view your account including your visit history and current account balance. You may also purchase new class passes online!
The next Nme you want to access the site, you will just enter your email and password in the ‘Been here before?’ box.