NIAGARA FAllS OAZETTf 7 «Ovet* 2-til Won PrescHpliotts Filled" SERVICE Amy Vanderbi/fs Effquefte Be Cheerful at Table CHAPLAINS HONORED-Chaploin (Lieutenant) Edward Christoph and Chaplain (Major) Ralph A. Purely, both of Ft. Niagara, cut a cake decorated to designate the 184th anniversary of the founding of the Army Chaplains' Corps. The celebration at the local fort was in the form of a tea on Sunday in •WR*?M. GEORGE WASHINGTON in his "rules of Civility," which he translated from the French at, the age of 17,] wrote: "Be not] a n g r y at table, .whatever I happens; a n d| if you h a v e ] reason to bcj so, s h o w i t5 ^ i not; put on a :"' cheerful countenance, espe-i daily if there! b e strangers, AMY for good humor makes one dish a feast." This is one of the rules of good m a n n e r s—and good health — that has never changed, and won't, in his "Rules of Civility," "DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: Our club catered to a dinner banquet for a Roman Catholic- bishop and two monsignors, and about 120 priests. For dessert we servthe Officers' Club. From left are Mrs. George ed a square piece of ice cream that looked like a Shook and Mrs. Clifford Swindon, of the Officers' piece of cake. It was quite Wives Club; Chaplain Christoph, Mrs. Joe LeGasse, hard and decorated with co-chairman of the tea; Chaplain Purdy and Mrs. whipped cream and a rosette in the center. Should John A. Boutin, tea co-chairman.—Gazette Photo. we have served this with a fork or a teaspoon? "We usually serve priests %and monsignors at our hall, *as we are a Roman Catholic organization. If there is a bishop or mohsignor at a long table, he sits in the center with priests on either side of him. Whom should we serve first? The ladies almost always start serving iit the center to the bishop or monsignor and skip those at the end of the table.—E. V. Monongahela, Pa." people tell me food should be passed to the left. Which is correct? ^I.F.E., Detroit." If the host is carving the meat, he passes the first plate to the lady, guest of honor on his right, the, second to the lady guest of honor on his left. If the hostess is serving the vegetables from her place, she asks the lady to the right of her husband to pass up her plate for the serving. DRUGSTORES W , % V 210S MAIN ST. mi Iskra Society Picnic Aug. 8 The annual Iskra Society picnic will take place at 5 p.m., Saturday, August 8, at Ed P o p a d u c h ' s Country Grove, Nash Rd., Tonawanda. "—John Olcarczyk ia chair-^ man of the outing, which will include games and a barbecue. Assisting him are Mrs. O 1 e a r c z y k, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jakubowski, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jekielek and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ciepiela. • In case of i n c l e m e n t weather, the. picnic will be 4ield-on_Aug^JL5. Reservations-may be made with Mrs. Olearczyk. The deadline is today. Guild b e a c h party a t 6:30 pm. today. Call Annette Turcotte to make arrangements. The Ladies Rural Club will hold a picnic at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. George Faery Jr., Albright Rd., Pekln. ft%9 0«lbf«ry of AU Y**t Dnifitor. H—4* READ THE SUNDAY GAZETTE OPEN TONIGHT t Long hairs go to college! our wonderful coats ' with raccoon collars Rah, rah, raccoon! We've topped our coziest campus coats with exciting collars that frame your face and hug your shoulders to keep you warm as you dash from class to class. In buttery soft camel hair, or water repellant poplin. (Fur products labeled to show country of origin of imported furs).' "DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: Which way should food be passed at a meal? I have read that it should be p a s s e d counter-clockwise, which would be to the right. The woman of highest honor sits on the host's right, so it would be passed to her first, would it not? Many YOUR DOLLAR WILL -~ - R-E-A-C-H FURTHER THAN IN YEARS... BE SURE TO READ THE 2 Fine Fashion Stores 1809 MAIN STREET and PINE SHOPPING PLAZA . (Pine Ave. at 82nd St.) TONITE TILL 9 and WHILE THEY LAST AT BOTH LOCATIONS. WEDNESDAY GAZETTE For BIG SAVINGS NEWS! Read the Sunday Gazette belleviie s h o p s p u t s o n sale Earl's and PHILCO PHILCO PORTABLE C O N T I N U E T O BRING Y O U FRESH N E W APPLIANCES at DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTIONS DRESSES ^r Limited number of floor samples—- Philco Automatic Washers, Dryers and Ranges. $1 JIQ88 FOR WEAR NOW INTO FALL most wanted fabrics and colors in OUTSTANDING FURNITURE VALUES SPECIAL! W i t h every bedroom at Earl's we inelude a famous Restonic box spring and mattress I Btdreem loltti priced frtm • ONE PIECE DRESSES • TWO PIECE DRESSES • SHIRTWAIST DRESSES ••SUN BACK-DRESSES • PERKY DRESSY DRESSES • COOL CASUAL DRESSES • JUNIOR, MISSY AND WOMEN'S SIZES SLASHED TO CLEAR (At CWv«l«nd Av«.) F The Dudley Donnelly Women's Relief Corps No. 115 will picnic at the home of Mrs. Lee Corra, 17 Creekside Dr., .Town of JSiagara._;The event is set for noon oh Wednesday. Club to Picnic Group to Hold Beach Party Single Catholics between 18-and-35-are-iavited to the Sacred Heart Young Peoples Relief Corps Plans Outing 18th St. BU 54227 BU 5-6991 BU 5*9121 PL 44366 (Ntar Ontario Av».) U3 MAIN ST. (At Fin* Ave.) 417 CENTER ST. (In" Uwitton) It would be best, if possible, to serve 'this dessert with both dessert fork and spoon, but if a choice must be made between an ordinary salad fork or a dessert spoon, I would prefer to see the latter. A dessert fork has one broad cutting prong which is of assistance if the ice cream has begun to soften, whereas the salad fork would be of little use in such a case. If no dessert spoons are available, of course a teaspoon must do. In serving, serve the bishop or monsignor first, then dividing the service go straight down the fable on each side —of-the-honored-guest OUTDOOR EXHIBIT-Art work at Niagara Falls ranged from the abstract to the real. At the exhibit Studio Group members was displayed Sunday jare, from left, Mrs. Walter Janik, chairman of the afternoon at an exhibit set up in the gardens o f . event; Dr. William H. Parche and Mrs. Louise Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Connolly, Youngstown. Art Walch, exhibitors.—Gazette Photo. SINCE I I FOUR LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU U9\ 539 95 • $ pt, Mo4«rn l*ct|on*t fa clurC04l ( M M t«l»M««», $ I O A « tottMtk. Stagl* »li« . . . * Hollywood H«*<fb«*nk, SA*S I / I . (Nt1»lx« > r * l ) . . . . « Quality at Fair Prk«t BETTER HURRY DOWN on OF COURSE fcdU^e SALES INC. . wentwe -'-•• they are sure to go fast at this low, low price. '•You .ay cHarte^ •54" Suit*. Dt«t*tr, inirw, bo«*<-»M 1*4 »»4 cH*ft. *Q<H* Rag. M9.9S 99 Shop WE'RE 100 FT, FROM CITY PARKING LOT — CORNER 20TH AND PINE WE'LL GLADLY REFUND PARKING COSTS Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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