Rev. John O’Connor, Pastor Rev. Dennis J. Quint, Pastor Rev. Jeffrey A. Dole, Associate Pastor Deacon James Steger, Deacon Deacon Roger Riesberg, Deacon CLUSTER WEB: PRAYER CHAIN: [email protected] or call: 563-875-8806 WEEKLY READINGS ■ Feb. 15-22 Sacrament of Penance St. Francis: Saturday 4:00-4:30 pm After the 6:30 am morning Masses Before the 5:15 pm Mass on Wed. Before the 8:30 am Mass on First Fri. St. Joseph: 7:30 am before Sun. Mass St. Peter & Paul & St. Boniface Before the Saturday Mass St. Paul 8:30 am before Sun. Mass St. Francis Xavier Basilica Communal Penance Services are offered in Advent and Lent. 104 3rd St SW · Dyersville IA 52040 Sacrament of Baptism Rectory Office ............ 563-875-7325 School Office.............. 563-875-7376 Sunday: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/1 Cor 10:31--11:1/Mk 1:40-45 Monday: Gn 4:1-15, 25/Mk 8:11-13 Tuesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10/Mk 8:14-21 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18/2 Cor 5:20-6:2/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20/Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9a/Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14/Lk 5:27-32 Next Sunday: Gn 9:8-15/1 Pt 3:18-22/ Mk 1:12-15 St. Joseph New parents are required to participate in Pre-baptism instructions, preferably in the first six months of pregnancy. 307 Mary St · Earlville IA 52041 Sacrament of Marriage Parish Office .............. 563-923-3135 Religious Education ... 563-923-2096 Childcare Center ........ 563-923-2068 For those who are free to marry, marriage preparation takes at least six months. Contact a priest for further information. STEWARDSHIP CORNER: In today’s 2nd reading, St. Paul urges the Corinthians to “do all for the glory of God.” If we follow that advice in everything we do, we cannot help but be good stewards. St. Boniface 7401 Columbus-PO Box 215 · New Vienna IA 52065 Parish Office .............. 563-921-2465 Hennessy School ....... 563-875-7572 Sts. Peter & Paul 1625 300th Ave · Dyersville IA 52040 Parish/Rectory Office: 563-875-7992 Hennessy School ....... 563-875-7572 St. Paul 301 2nd Ave SW - PO Box 68 · Worthington IA 52078 Parish/School Office .. 563-855-2125 Prayer Chain .............. 563-926-2309 Weekend Mass Schedule St. Francis, Dyersville: Saturday: 5:00 pm Sun.: 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:30 am Archdiocesan Latin Mass 12:00 pm St. Joseph, Earlville: Sunday: 8:00am St. Boniface, New Vienna: Saturday: 7:00 pm Sts. Peter & Paul, Petersburg: Sunday: 10:00 am St. Paul, Worthington: Sunday: 9:00 am “CARING FOR MARRIAGE: A LIFETIME JOURNEY” This MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT afternoon will be held Sunday, February 22, from 2:00-4:00 pm in Xavier Church Hall, Dyersville. A Marriage Enrichment Initiative is spreading throughout the Archdiocese of Dubuque. Marriage is a Sacrament through which God’s grace and love flows. A grace-filled marriage demands our attention and our efforts. Marriage is worth it! Please join us! All couples are invited! (couples planning their wedding to those with many anniversaries) Child care will be provided. Refreshments served. Guest speakers: Bob & Chris Smialek. Call with questions, 875-7325. Marriage Building is co-sponsored by the Archdiocesan Office of Family Life and the Deacon’s Task Force on Marriage.! February 15, 2015 ● Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Liturgies D-St. Francis • E-St. Joseph • NV-St. Boniface P-Petersburg • W-St. Paul Monday: 6:30 am D 7:30 am NV Tuesday: 6:30 am D 7:30 am NV Sarah Graham Delores Deutmeyer Loras Klostermann Ron Rahe ASH WEDNESDAY: 6:30 am D Jody Kerker 8:30 am D Priest Intentions 8:30 am P Fr. John Paar 8:30 am W Joyce Tucker 7:00 pm E Mildred Foxen 7:00 pm NV Robert & Marcella Boeckenstedt 7:00 pm D Arnold & Rosella Clemen Thursday: 6:30 am D Ray Kreeb 7:30 am NV Walt, Cleo & Ben Steger 8:00 am E All Souls Friday: 7:30 am W Bill Hogan 7:30 am P Priest Intention 8:30 am D Ray & Alvina Brimeyer Saturday/Sunday: 1st Sunday of Lent 5:00 pm D James Langel 7:00 pm NV For the People 7:00 am D For the People 8:00 am E Ernie & Arlene Ronnebaum, Dcsd Mbrs Overmann Family 8:30 am D Gerald Recker 9:00 am W Albert Fischer, Charles Bertling 10:00 am P Pat Kruse 10:30 am D Helen, Gilbert & Brittany Honkomp, Lucille, Ray & Nick Kramer 12:00 pm D Archdiocesan Latin Mass Spires of Faith Parishes THIS WEEKEND ~ FEB. 14/15: ♦ THE CATHOLIC CHARITIES ANNUAL APPEAL: Mail contributions directly to Catholic Charities or visit the website to make a secure online donation: ♦ TODAY OUR CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES are worshiping at 8:30 am Mass with formation following. ♦ FIRST COMMUNION FAMILY RETREAT, 2-4 pm Sunday afternoon in Xavier auditorium for those who didn’t make the Feb. 7th one. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WILL MEET ON MONDAY, FEB. 16, AT 7:00 PM AT THE KC HALL, DYERSVILLE. RCIA will meet on TUESDAY, Feb. 17, at 6:30 pm in Xavier rectory, Dyersville. Reflection: “Chosen by God”. Masses for ASH WEDNESDAY are listed under Liturgies. As Lent begins there are many opportunities for us to grow in our faith. Descriptions of each are spread throughout the bulletin and the Spirit of the Spires Newsletter that was mailed to each home this past week - check them out. And join us at the FISH FRIES! WEDNESDAY NIGHT FAITH FORMATION CLASSES EARLVILLE: 5:45-7:00 pm grades 1-6; 7:15-8:30 pm grades 7-12 DYERSVILLE: 6:45-8:00 pm grades 1-10. Parents join your students at 7:00 pm Masses on Ash Wednesday. THURSDAYS WITH FR. QUINT † Join Fr. Quint for lunch on the Thursdays of Lent at noon in the Basilica basement. Bring your own lunch (or fast) and enjoy time with fellow parishioners as we share ideas about the upcoming Sunday readings. It’s an informal discussion, lasting no longer than 45 minutes. After a brief prayer, Father will share an initial insight and then hear from the group. Such faith sharing can help us prepare for a better Sunday celebration of Mass AND assist us with some preaching ideas! Come and go to the various sessions as you are able. JOINT PARISH COUNCILS, WORTHINGTON, EARLVILLE & DYERSVILLE will meet at Worthington at 7:00 pm on Thursday, Feb. 19. INDIVIDUAL COUNCILS: Dyersville PC will meet prior at 6:00 pm. Worthington and Earlville PC’s meet following the joint meeting. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT IS OFFERED EACH WEEK AT THE FOLLOWING TIMES AND LOCATIONS. Make time for prayer this week! MONDAY: 7:00-8:00 am (Basilica) 8:00 am-2:30 pm (Beckman) TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: 3:15-5:15 pm (Basilica) THURSDAY: 7:00 am-9:00 pm (Basilica) 7:30–8:30 am (Basilica) FRIDAY: Faith in the Heartland DVD ~ EWTN; a 5-part DVD, taped on location in Northeast Iowa by Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe, is available for anyone who wishes a copy. Stop at the Dyersville parish office and pick one up. Page 2 BINGO this Thursday, Feb. 19, 7:00 pm in Xavier Church Hall, Dyersville. THIS FRIDAY, ENJOY FISH at the SS. PETER & PAUL FISH FRY, serving 4:30 - 8:30 pm at Petersburg. Menu: fried or baked cod loin, baked potato, French fries, coleslaw, applesauce, roll, homemade pies and desserts. Carry outs available-see page 5. DEACON ~ DONUTS ~ DISCUSSION: Join Deacon Roger this Saturday morning, Feb. 21, from 9:00 to 10:00 am at Groovy Grounds, Dyersville, for Lenten Reflections. Choose your morning brew, a donut, have a seat and join in the discussion. Pre-Cana, Saturday, Feb. 21, concluding with 5:00 pm Mass. Sunday, Feb. 22 Caring for Marriage in Xavier church Hall, 2-4 pm. (see cover for details.) February 15, 2015 From Fr. Quint Dear Parishioners: Prayer. Fasting, Almsgiving. Please take a few moments today to reflect on how you would like to grow closer to God and his people during this Lent through these tried and proven means to spiritual growth. Visit with your spouse and children to receive input and discuss how you can assist each other in these practices. In the area of prayer, commit to reading some scripture. Pray with your spouse and kids more during Lent. Join in the communal prayers of stations of the cross or adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Worship at daily Mass. In the area of fasting, make a sacrifice. Give up your favorite snack, beverage or television program. Refrain from people and places that lead you into temptation. Forfeit a night out with friends and donate the money you would have spent and take the time in prayer or reflection. In the area of almsgiving, choose a charity and make a sacrificial gift. Visit the care center or nursing home. Make some phone calls to folks you have been neglecting. • We’ll see you on Wednesday for Mass as we begin this sacred season of Lent. • One of the fondest memories I have of observing Lent as a child was worshipping at daily Mass. Give it a try! Maybe once or twice each week join us. Mass lasts less than 30 minutes. • I also enjoyed praying the Stations of the Cross with fellow parishioners. When I learned how to play the organ, I provided some music for these liturgies. Guess it was a way to offer up more suffering on the part of participants as they listened to me hit all of those clunkers! Many times are available in the cluster to pray the stations this Lent. • Faith sharing groups are a great avenue of spiritual enrichment. On Thursdays at noon in the basilica basement I lead a group in considering the upcoming Sunday readings. We’ll be done in no more than 45 minutes. Bring your lunch if you like. No homework! Deacon Roger Riesberg will lead a group on Saturday mornings at 9 am at Groovy Grounds. No preparation needed. Bring a friend. • Let’s go to Petersburg Friday night for their fish fry. The fish is delicious and they are very efficient in serving. I heard Fr. O’Connor caught most of the fish they are frying! • Starting next weekend, our local Knights of Columbus will be hosting the state bowling tournament for several weekends. We wish them well. • Representatives from Clarity Clinic, the pro-life pregnancy center in Dubuque, will be at all cluster Masses on March 7/8 to launch the Baby Bottle Project again. We’ll have three weeks to accumulate donations. • Welcome back to our fellow parishioners who served in Haiti. We look forward to hearing your stories. 6th Sunday on Ordinary Time Our Schools !!!!!!! St Paul ~ ST. PAUL SCHOOL Iowa Assessment scores are finally back after Pearson found our materials in a restocking warehouse. 13 students took Iowa Assessments. The students taking tests in standard conditions were 100% proficient in Math, Science and by extension, Social Studies. We were 91% proficient in Reading. 7 out of 13 students were Advance Proficient in Reading & Math and 8 out of 13 were Advance Proficient in Social Studies! Congratulations to our teachers, Mrs. O’Connor and students! Beckman ~ POSITION AVAILABLE AT BECKMAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL: Full time Business Office Manager ̶ requires HR & Accounting. Send resume to: Beckman Catholic HS C/O Pat Meade 1325 9th St SE Dyersville IA 52040 BECKMAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL IS SPONSORING ITS ANNUAL NCAA MARCH MADNESS RAFFLE. A total of $2500 is awarded to 40 winners. Tickets are $10. To purchase tickets contact any Beckman High School parent or at Beckman Catholic High School during regular business hours. Deadline Mar. 13th. Regional pairings announced Mar. 15th. Please contact the Beckman Catholic High School Development Office, 875-7188 with questions. ADULT FAITH FORMATION AT BECKMAN: Pope Francis proclaimed this as the Year of Consecrated Life. We think of the wonderful sacrifices of religious brothers and sisters. On Monday, Feb. 23 at 7 pm, Sr. Kathy Knipper, OSF, native daughter of Petersburg will be present to consider her lived experience as a religious sister and what her vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience have meant to her. Let’s pack the place for this 40 minute event. During the subsequent weeks of Lent, the local priests will consider how these vows apply to the lay faithful. Fr. Quint will consider the evangelical counsel of Poverty, Fr. Dole will consider Chastity, and Fr. O’Connor will consider Obedience. Sessions begin at 7 pm at Beckman. Enter through the front doors and go down the first hall to the left, first room on the left. LENTEN RESOURCES: Although Lent can sometimes be seen as challenge for families, it is good to remember that the themes of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving give families the opportunity to renew our discipleship in Christ. Some websites that may be helpful for families during this Lent include: Lent.aspx index.cfm These websites include practical ideas for use with families. Page 3 St. Joseph St. Paul LENT begins this week. • • • Mass will be at 7:00 pm on Ash Wednesday here. Deacon Steger will have Stations of the Cross at 6:00 pm on Mondays during Lent. Copies of “Five minutes with the Word” are available in the back of church. THANK YOU to Darline Schuman for the donation the church received in memory of Everett. LOOKING AHEAD – Mark these dates on your calendar • March 27 – Our parish fish fry • April 19 – First Communion PLEASE PICK UP your pans & bowls from Dunkel Hall. SNOW REMOVAL: Your continued help is greatly appreciated! Please don’t assume that someone else will take care of it. LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA CD’S are available in the back of church. Donation of $3 - $5 each. NEW AMERICAN BIBLES are available at the parish office for $7.00. LITURGICAL MINISTERS ■ February 22, 2015 Servers/Candle Bearers/Cross Bearer Kelsey, Krista, and Kendra Ries Lector: Jane Knipper Communion Ministers: Delbert Ronnebaum, Kathy Harris, Dan & Connie Wheeler Rosary Leader: Shirley Nefzger & Dorothy Roling Greeters: Bob & Sue Salow Music: Choir Finances Budget received 2-8-2015 Weekly Adult Budget needed Offertory Youth Heat Fund Fiscal YTD Adult Budget Needed Fiscal YTD Adult Budget Received YTD short $ 1,971.00 $ 2,154.00 $ 77.00 $ 12.00 $ 25.00 $ 66,774.00 $ 62,630.49 ̶ $ 4,143.51 “FIVE MINUTES WITH THE WORD” for Lent are available in the back of church. Ash Wednesday Mass @ St. Paul at 8:30 am. CHILDREN’S CHOIR PRACTICE: Tuesday, Feb. 17, 6 pm. LITURGICAL ROLES ■ SUNDAY, FEB. 22ND Servers: Will Jurgens/Nathan & Chris Klaren Greeters: Jerry & Jill Klaren Ushers: Alan Besler/Ed Burlage/Dave Lansing/Chuck Roling Lector: Steve Koch Communion Ministers: Mark & Mary Gaul/Jerry & Jill Klaren/Richard & Patricia White Music: Children’s Choir Scrip: Joyce Tobin/Shelly Ludwig Recorders: Randy McAllister/Mark Klaren WINTERFEST ~ Clean-up HELP NEEDED on Sunday, Feb. 22nd. Please meet after 9 am Mass at the Worthington Memorial Hall. Junior high or high school students in need of service hours, contact Cathy @ 855-2125. HAITI MEDICAL CLINIC: A second collection will be taken up Sunday, March 1st to benefit our Haiti medical clinic. We will be applying for a grant available through Catholic Charities called Harvest of Blessings which could match what we collect up to $500. Please be generous to this very worthwhile cause. SOUP, SALAD & ICE-CREAM SUPPER & VENDOR SHOW and GAMES FOR KIDS on Sunday, March 1, 2015 at St. Paul School Gib Gym from 5:00 - 7:30 pm sponsored by Circle 6 . Menu: Homemade Chili & Chicken Noodle Soup, Crackers, extensive Salad Bar, Ice-Cream Bar; milk, juice & coffee. Adults $8, children 5-10 $4, children under 5 FREE. Eight (8) spaces are left for vendor's, please call Julie Bries at 855-5225, to claim one. Donations needed: raffle items, cash toward the purchase of food, please call Julie Bries at 855-5225; Debbie Corkery at 563-513-1036 Jill Gogel at 875-8664, or Doris Kramer at 855-3495. LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA CD’S are available in the North entrance of Church. Donations $3-$5 each. Finances Tithe ................................................................ $ 3,340.00 Offertory .......................................................... $ 123.54 YTD Needed 7-01-14 to 2-8-15 ............. $ 152,861.76 YTD Received 7-01-14 to 2-8-15 ............. $ 167,843.79 Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) Overnight Retreat is YTD Ahead ........................................... + $ 14,982.03 unlike any you have previously attended. The experience is personal, inspirational and fulfilling. It’s a great way to establish a stronger bond with God and fellow parishioners. You will begin friendships that will last a lifetime. Take this shared journey ~ schedule a CRHP Retreat. Dates are: March 7/8 (women) and March 21/22 (men). Retreats are held at the rectory & basilica, Dyersville, 7:30 am Saturday concluding Sunday afternoon. Cost $25. Call now, 875-7325. Forms are at church entrances or parish offices. Page 4 February 15, 2015 Sts. Peter & Paul Finances St. Boniface Finances Budget Offertory Insurance $ $ $ 2,687.00 100.75 93.00 ! SS PETER & PAUL PARISH FISH FRY FRIDAY, FEB. 20, 4:30-8:30 PM Menu: Fried or Baked Cod Loin, Baked Potato, French Fries, Coleslaw, Applesauce, Roll, Homemade Pies/ Desserts Adults $ 10.00 ~ Children 5–10 $6.00 ~ under 5 Free Carry-Outs Available – Call Ahead 875-7572 – Cost $11.00 Carry-outs may be picked up at the West side entrance of the school. The Altar & Rosary Society will sponsor a BAKE SALE during the parish Fish Fry on Feb. 20th. PETERSBURG COMMERCIAL CLUB ANNUAL TOWN MEETING will be Sunday, Feb. 22, at 11:00 am in the school gym following Mass. MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Spring Church Cleaning ~ March 14th. Breakfast ~ March 29th. Picnic ~ June 14th Budget .................................................$ 975.00 Offertory ..............................................$ 91.01 Insurance ............................................$ 43.01! ! LABOR DAY QUILTING: Quilting on quilts for Labor Day will begin on Feb. 16th at the New Vienna Insurance basement. Many hands make light work! New quilters welcome! Donations for expenses accepted. Thanks, Kathy Willenborg 563-921-4505. SAVE THE DATE: Group 2 is sponsoring a Steak Fry on Saturday, March 28th at the New Vienna Hall. LENT BEGINS FEB. 18TH ~ ASH WEDNESDAY 8:30 am at Petersburg, Mass & distribution of ashes, and 7:00 pm at New Vienna, Mass & distribution of ashes On the rest of the Wednesdays during Lent, there will be the regular Mass at 8:30 am at Petersburg, and an evening Mass at 7:00 pm in New Vienna. Other daily Masses as usual. APPROACH TO COMMUNION ~ IF YOU ARE SEATED IN THE MIDDLE SECTION OF THE CHURCH APPROACH THE COMMUNION STATIONS BY THE MIDDLE AISLE AND RETURN BY THE SIDE AISLE. PEOPLE IN THE SIDE AISLES, COME UP AND RETURN BY THE SIDE AISLE. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES: ASH WEDNESDAY, FEB. 18, 7:00 PM: Servers – Ashley & Morgan Hermsen. Lector – Rosemarie Hermsen. Communion Ministers – Cheryl Kluesner, Angie Kluesner, Dave Krapfl, Henry Kruse, Tami Herbers. SATURDAY, FEB. 21, 7:00 PM (NV): !Servers – Daniel Kluesner, Wyatt Schulte. Lector – Rita Helle. Communion Ministers – Joyce Pasker, Rita Rahe, Susan Recker, Dale & Karen Ries. Scrip – Pam Vaske, Sue Kluesner. SUNDAY, FEB. 22, 10:00 AM (P): Servers – Brandon Bonert, Ethan Westhoff. Lector – Deb Osterhaus. Communion Ministers – Andy Smith, Lois Kruse, Scott Recker, Morgan Rahe, Paige Bildstein, Janet Scherbring, Mark & Sandi White. Gifts – Tom & Sarah Kruse. Ushers – Linda Boeckenstedt, Terry Knipper, Daryl Kruse. Scrip –Lynn Bildstein, Dawn Helle! REGISTRATIONS ARE STILL BEING ACCEPTED for the Martha & Mary’s Women’s One-Day Conference next Saturday, Feb. 21, at the Grand River Center, Dubuque. Women of all ages invited. Dynamic Catholic speakers, music and more to encourage us in our faith walk. Special sessions for teens. To register call 563-580-9373 or online Walk-ins welcome too. Bring a friend! LENTEN REGULATIONS † Prayer fasting almsgiving 1. Everyone, 14 years of age and over, is bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, and all the Fridays of Lent. 2. Everyone, age 18 and under age 59, is bound to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. 3. On these 2 days of fast and abstinence, only one full meatless meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals sufficient to maintain may be taken according to one’s needs, but together should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted on these two days, but liquids, including milk & fruit juices are allowed. When health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not apply. 4. To disregard fast and abstinence completely is a serious breach of the law. 5. Lent is the principal season of penance in the Christian year. All are strongly urged to develop and follow a program of voluntary self-denial, a time of prayer & performance of works of charity and mercy. 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 Basilica of St. Francis Xavier HEATING COLLECTION: We missed taking the 2nd collection at the 5 pm Mass—will do so this Saturday. Results will be given next weekend. So, if you missed last weekend we encourage your generosity this weekend. Thanks! OOPS! “FIVE MINUTES WITH THE WORD” for Lent from Word Among Us are available at church entrances. A donation may be placed in the offertory collection. MONDAY: 5:30 PM Bell Choir Rehearsals in the choir loft. TUESDAY: 3:15 pm Children’s Choir Practice 6:30 pm Basilica Choir Rehearsal ASH WEDSDAY and the beginning of Lent: Check the Newsletter and bulletin each week for the different opportunities available. Wednesday Masses @ SFX will be at 6:30, 8:30 am & 7:00 pm. THURSDAY: 6:00 pm Dyersville Parish Council meets at Worthington. Joint PC Councils will meet at 7:00 pm. 7:00 pm Come play BINGO this week in Xavier church hall. SUNDAY: Join us after Sunday Masses Feb. 22 for donuts, coffee/juice and conversation downstairs, Xavier church hall. Thanks to our confirmation students that are helping host the event. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD is offered during the Sunday 10:30 am Mass for children ages 3-7. ============= THE PARISH FISH FRY WILL BE FRIDAY, MAR. 20TH. Letters have gone out to circles 4, 7 & 8 who are hosting the event. Preparation has begun. Plan to attend. EVERYONE IN THE PARISH SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED INFORMASPRING CASH RAFFLE. Eight winners with the top TION ON THE prize of $1,000. Winners will be drawn at the conclusion of the Fish Fry on Mar. 20. Do not need to be present to win, but tickets will need to be in by then. Return via the collection basket, mail directly to the parish office or bring to the Fish Fry on Mar. 20th. RAFFLE WINNERS this weekend: Dan & Sue Tauke and Sheila Becker Finances Budget received 2/8/2015 .......................... $ 18,514.11 EFT Budget/ weekly .................................... $ 521.00 EFT Budget / monthly .................................. $ 9,494.42 NEEDED FISCAL YEAR 7/1/14—2/8/15 ..... $ 790,769.28 Received ............................................... $ 805,000.43 Ahead .................................................... $ 14,231.15 Offertory ........................................................... $ 1,511.33 Children ............................................................ $ 8.00 Legacy of Faith Memorials ............................... $ 15.00 SPIRES OF FAITH CLUSTER NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING (NFP): The 1st of 3, 2-3 hour classes dealing with the practice of Natural Family Planning will be Sunday, Feb. 22 at 1:00 pm at Divine Word College, Epworth. Lindsey Krapfl, a SFX parishioner assists in teaching NFP for our deanery. Register online: BAPTISM 2.0 is not the usual baptismal class! This is something new, and taught by two married couples, who are parents and understand the challenges of raising children in the Catholic faith. This course will cover some theology of the family, offer practical tools to help foster the faith at home, and discuss many of the common concerns that are on the minds and hearts of young, Catholic parents. Class will be offered every other month. The dates are: Saturday, March. 21, 2015; Saturday, May 16, 2015, both at 9:00 am in the Xavier rectory. Attendance will be required in order to schedule a second baptism. FISH FRY AT ST. JOHN’S, PLACID, on Friday, Feb. 20, serving from 4:30-8:30 pm. THE FARLEY/EPWORTH CEW sponsors a Spaghetti Supper on Saturday, Feb. 21 at the KC Hall, Cascade. Serving from 5-8 pm THE FARLEY/EPWORTH CEW COMMUNITY Renewal Mass is Sunday, Feb. 22 at 1:00 pm at St. Joseph, Farley. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER MINISTRY SCHEDULE ASH WEDNESDAY, FEB. 18 6:30 am: R: Liz Rediger S: Adult Server CM: Keith McCarraher, Liz Rediger, Jean Mescher, Dick Lakeman, John Steger. 8:30 am: R: school S: school CM: school 7:00 pm: R: Karla Trenkamp S: Alex Deutmeyer, Jonathan Proctor, Jack Westhoff CM: Nancy Heiring, Dan Honkomp, Carrie Koelker, Berniece Knippel, Ron Lawrence, Dan Lansing, Deanne Luensmann, Pat Pirc, Shirley Pirc. WEEKEND, FEB. 21/22 SATURDAY, 5:00 pm: R: Deanne Luensmann S: Justin Wolfe, Nicole Wolfe, Wade Trenkamp, Cody Baumler CM: Kathy Riesberg, Al Roling, John Steger, Deb Steger, Karla Trenkamp, Linda Werner, Tom Werner, Cathy Wolfe, Sue Engelbrecht. SUNDAY: 7:00 am: R: Scott DeSousa S: Trenton Gaul, Derek Prier CM: Mae English, Ron Kruse, Diane Thier, Toshia Prier, Dan Steffen. 8:30 am: R: Lynn Nosbisch S: Trae Meyer, Michael Roling, Jack Westhoff CM: Lori Boeckenstedt, Steve Boeckenstedt, Al Brunsmann, Deb Brunsmann, Paul Helle, Neil Hoeger, Kalee Knipper, Karen Kubicek, Cathy Lueck. 10:30 am: R: Karie Ostwinkle S: Luke Oberboeckling, Sadie Oberbroeckling, Thomas Proctor, Kendra Kutsch. CM: Amy Priem, Mary Ann Recker, Liz Rediger, David Schroeder, Becky Snyder, Joe Snyder, Janet Stelken, Sarah Tegeler, Jenny Wieneke. R-Reader; S-Servers; CM-Communion Ministers Page 6 February 15, 2015 Farmers Shipping Association 303-3rd St. N.E. Dyersville, Iowa 52040 (563) 875-7953 Independent & Assisted Living (563) 875-6323 • ATTORNEYS AT LAW 800 Drill Point Drive Farley, IA 52046 GEORGE DAVIS TOM JENK P.C. STEGER CONSTRUCTION, INC. 563-744-9292 225 1st Ave. E., Dyersville, IA 52040 Grading Contractors Phone: 563-875-9112 Fax: 563-875-7809 3297 VINE RD. • DYERSVILLE • 563-875-7876 Cory Heims - 563-599-8076 • Craig Heims 563-543-3717 SALES AND SERVICE Milk & Grain Hauling & Flatbed Garage Doors & Openers: Commercial • Agricultural • Residential Trained Service Technicians • Professional Sales & Service • Top Quality Products • Locally Owned & Operated 563-875-7113 or Toll Free 888-538-8845 563-875-2110 • Toll Free: 1-888-513-5193 REIFF FUNERAL HOME PLEASANT GROVE ROOFING COMPANY 490 Field of Dreams Way • Dyersville 563-875-2365 205 Hayes St SW • Cascade 563-852-3130 115 E Main • Epworth 563-876-3666 303-1st Ave NW • Farley 563-744-3460 Classic Design... Old World Quality and Craftsmanship Dyersville • Phone: 563-875-8576 FAMILY VISION CARE Paul T. Ahern, O.D. 563-875-8123 800-526-3231 KEVIN KURT TRUCKING Dyersville, IA 563-875-2522 NEED A METAL ROOF? For Farm, Residential & Commercial (Randy) (563) 853-3010 420 1st Avenue E • Dyersville 109 W. Margaret St. Earlville, IA (563) 875-6053 50 Years Combined Experience FREE Estimates Thanks for your support through the Scrip Program. Payless was able to donate over a quarter million dollars to local catholic schools since 2003! Quik ’N Handi bp One Stop Convenience Stores Dyersville & Epworth COMFORT INN DYERSVILLE, IA Manchester Monument Works LLC Monuments • Markers Foundation Repair Diane Goerdt, 416 W. Main, Manchester 319-927-3597 Eldon & Sue Fenton Internet Manager 30584 Olde Hawkeye Rd. Dyersville (563) 875-2409 “The Dealership You’ll Send Your Friends To” (563) 875-7251 1207 12th Avenue S.E. Dyersville, IA 52040 Dyersville: 875-2682 Cell: 563-590-3982 PH: 800-923-4485 PATRICK VALANT FAREWAY STORES, INC. RECKER CONSTRUCTION Luxemburg, IA HEATING, COOLING AND PLUMBING INC. Faust Millwork & Cabinetry, Inc. BILL BROWN Home • 563-876-3894 Cell • 563-543-3892 19885 E. Pleasant Grove Rd., Peosta, IA Serving You At These Locations STEGER TRANSPORT TRUST US WITH YOUR GARAGE DOOR NEEDS!! Your Hometown Broker Ofc: 563-875-9400 319 - 3rd Ave. SE • Dyersville, IA 1-800-260-3597 HELLE HE Auto & Truck Repair Custom Exhaust FARM EQU EQUIPMENT Mausser Auto Service, Inc. Joe Mausser Ph. 563-921-2375 PETERSBURG FEED MILL, INC. (563) 875-2431 (563) 875-7154 Dyersville New Vienna 563-875-7145 MEETING/BANQUET ROOM INDOOR POOL PHONE 563.875.7700 CHOICEHOTELS.COM RYA M. STUNTZ, D.D.S. RYAN FARLEY DENTAL CENTER (563) 744-3076 102 4TH AVENUE NE, FARLEY ANIMAL HEALTH CLINIC Field of Dreams Movie Site VIRGIL BOUREK, DVM 563.875.8404 563-875-6083 Commercial & Residential - New & Re-Wiring Bill Sieverding • 563-875-7453 • Cell 563-543-4741 Radloff Sales Company Scott Gogel Owner Trailers • Generators Equipment Skidd-Marks Inc. 2073 332nd Avenue Dyersville (563) 875-2344 Licensed & Insured Cell: 563-590-2167 Home: 563-875-8664 563-599-0323 Teresa Bockenstedt, Broker/Owner (563) 875-0000 • 2326 - 330th Ave., Worthington 563-875-2470 Total Lawn Maintenance Then & Kramer Construction Epworth • 563-543-8927 Jerry Klaren Scherrman’s Implement Owner/Operator Dyersville and Monticello 10683 Rt 135 • Dyersville, IA 52040 Cell: 563-599-1725 [email protected] Al & Ann Gibbs 563-590-0709 An Independently Owned and Operated Franchise Email: [email protected] THE PRESCRIPTION SHOPPE Phone 563-923-2315 Dyersville 563-875-7455 Recycle Center & Transfer Station Monticello (563) 875-9076 or (866) 525-4506 319-465-4404 RAM MINI-STORAGE DYERSVILLE IOWA NICKOL BORING INC. 875-2602 Dyersville, Iowa • 875-2602 Horizontal Earth Boring 875-8143 Ronald F. Radloff, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF 563.875.7586 GREINER CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 30658 Olde Hawkeye Rd Dyersville, IA SHOP CELL 5638756023 Portable Welding Services 5635904159 Custom Fabrication Ornamental Railings RON THEISEN TRANSPORT CORP. Dr. Joshua Woodland 563-875-0006 (563) 875-8885 563-921-3445 • WWW.4LPi.COM Milk Hauling for: Dairy Farmers of America Phone 563-875-2407 or 563-590-4947 FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF HANSEN 1-800-950-9952 Complete Building & Repair Service Concrete Forming • Backhoeing Custom Log Homes Seamless Gutters • Plumbing & Wiring 206 2nd St. NE, Worthington Shop 563-855-2115 Steve Ludwig 563-855-5000 SPIRES OF FAITH CLUSTER, DYERSVILLE, IA B 4C 01-1047 01-30-201507-01-2013 MILBERT FINANCIAL & TAX SERVICES inest ines 229 First Avenue East, Dyersville 563-875-9113 ROGER KLOSTERMANN RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL 563.875.8544 521 5th ST. NW, Dyersville I Auto • Home • Business Health Life • Umbrella Downtown Dyersville HWY. 136, Dyersville, Iowa 563-875-7129 • 800-747-7129 HOURS: M-Tu-We-Fr. 7:30-5:00, Th. 7:30-8:00, Sat. 7:30-noon Elite Dental KURT V. BURBACH, D.C. TOM J. MARTIN, D.C. DAN F. MARTIN, D.C. Julie Koch-Womer, D.D.S. Welcoming new patients of all ages 563-875-7466 Bobby & Carrie Fangman Dyersville 563-875-8706 Off Highway 136 North on Bries Drive • Dyersville, IA (563) 875-6099 563-875-2716 Mercy Medical Center 114 First Ave West • Dyersville (563) 875-2042 DEE’S MINI-STORAGE, LLC Tim English Andersen® the brand more builders buy Dyersville 563-875-6088 563-875-7519 Worthington 563-855-4305 Mark & Janet Stelken STONE CREEK SHOPPING CENTER • DYERSVILLE, IA Serving the Dyersville area for over 60 years! Derrick Parsons HVAC • ELECTRICAL • PLUMBING FIREPLACES • HOT TUBS/SPAS rains r NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS LLC Jude Milbert, EA, CFP® 563-875-7101 Dyersville, IA (563) 875-2800 Paint, Electrical, Plumbing, Hardware & Garden Center, Glass & Screen Repair “Specializing in the Gonstead Method” 563-875-8386 1410 9th St SE • Dyersville, IA 52040 Golf Side Grille 350 First Ave. East, Dyersville, Dyersvill IA 52040 • (563) 875-7340 • (800) 850-7340 Hours: Mon.-Thur. 4-9pm • Fri. & Sat. 4-10pm Sun. 4-9pm Jeff, Terri, Evan, Autumn & Isaac Ehlers Delivery Available • 563-875-6336 30824 Olde Hawkeye Rd, • Dyersville Weekend Special - 2 Large Deli Subs for $9.99 Dyersville • 875-2434 AUTO TECH INC Service • Body • AAA Towing 563-875-2748 BODENSTEINER IMPLEMENT (563) 875-9111 Mandy Kruse 875-2724 Used Cars, Late Model and Specializing in 50’s & 60’s Team Dyersville (563) 875-2711 Team Worthington (563) 855-2711 Dyersville Dyersville • 563-875-8398 Steve Salter • 563-875-8188 Compassionate Veterinary Care Serving you since 1979 Dyersville • Holy Cross • Farley (563) 875-8024 Jason Putz, PT • Ted Kruse, PT Dyersville • 563.875.8615 Josiah Polito, PT • Shelly Deutmeyer, PTA Experienced in Improving Area Homes for 30+ Years 875-2085 Manchester • 563.927.1499 ATBancorp MemberFDIC Simply better banking.® 301 1st Ave. E. • 563-875-2491 Hwy 136 • 563-875-2492 Craig W. Kramer, CFSP David J. Kramer Funeral Directors RECKER AG SERVICES Dyersville, Holy Cross, Monticello East Central Iowa Real Estate Professionals Steve Faber, Broker/Owner 339 1st Ave. E. • Dyersville 563-875-8346 For Residential, Commercial & Farm services, FREE use of our moving trailer within 50 miles Contact Jeff Hansen to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2683 563-875-7121 800-810-5129 F.L. KRAPFL, INC. SEED CROP INSURANCE • CONTRACTORS • Water & Waste Systems & Treatment Excavation & Concrete Structures Herb Recker • Mike Recker • 875-7201 Dyersville • 563-875-8938 WM. BURGER LAND SURVEYORS 5103rd Street W. Ct. Worthington (563) 590-1964 DYERSVILLE - 875-7163 NEW VIENNA, IA 52065 (563) 921-2455 • • • • PLUMBING ELECTRICAL HEATING COOLING JAMIE KONRARDY, OWNER QUALITY PRE-OWNED CARS WWW.CITIZENSSTATEONLINE.COM 563-875-8021 923 2nd Avenue SE Dyersville, Iowa 52040 MEMBER FDIC 563-921-2896 Arnie Bries - Dave Maiers - Al Hildebrand BLAKE A. WILLIAMS, D.C. SOUTHRIDGE PLAZA 875-2738 FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF HANSEN 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM Willenborg Tree Service Trimming & Removal Jeff • 563-543-6369 • Dyersville Free Estimates • Insured SPIRES OF FAITH CLUSTER, DYERSVILLE, IA Classic Concepts Hair Salon & Tanning We Take Large Wedding Parties Spa Packages Available 101 1st Ave. W., Dyersville • 875-6174 Julie Heinrichs, Owner/Stylist A 4C 01-1047 01-30-2015 10:27:29
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