a copy of our Sunday Bulletin

February 15 , 2015
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time – B Reflection
In Jesus’ time lepers were considered “unclean.”
A leper comes to Jesus with a request to be
healed and Jesus takes pity on him, and heals
him. Despite instructions to the contrary, the
healed man goes out and spreads the Good News
about Jesus. Today’s Word, teaches us that no
one who seeks Jesus out is ever turned away. He
is always ready to show us His mercy, and to free
us from whatever makes us unclean or unloving
towards others.
****First Communion Enrollment Ceremony****
Again this weekend some of the children of our
community will be enrolled during our Sunday
Masses. Please pray for all our beautiful children
who are preparing to receive the Eucharist.
February Legal Holiday
This Monday, February 16 is Ontario Family Day.
Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 am and the office
and Church will be closed for the day.
Countdown for Lent...
A time of repentance, change of heart and prayer.
Explained Mass
Tuesday, February 17 at 6:45 pm – Fr. Ernie will
lead a tour of the church with explanation of the
various symbols, followed by an Explained Mass
to help us better appreciate the meaning of the
Eucharist which we celebrate every Sunday.
Everyone is welcome to participate and learn.
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 18 , Ash Wednesday, is a
universal day of fast and abstinence. There will be
several Masses offered, all with distribution of
ashes: at 7:30 am; at 9:30 am for St. David’s
School; at 12:00 noon; and at 7:30 pm. Most of
these services will be celebrated bilingually.
Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross will be held every Friday
of Lent, usually at 7:30 pm, in the church and will
be celebrated bilingually (English and Italian).
Come join us for this beautiful devotion.
Annual Coins for Life Campaign
Here’s a great thing to do for Lent!!! Collect coins
in support of Campaign Life Coalition so that we
can help protect the lives of the unborn. Please
pick up a collection box next weekend and bring in
the coins on the Sunday after Easter. Thank you.
Income Tax Receipts
Please take note that we will be mailing out the
2014 tax receipts this coming week.
Mark Your Calendars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You won’t want to miss this one...... St. David’s
Third Annual Dinner Dance in support of our twin
parish in Tarapur, India at the Terrace Banquet
Hall on Saturday, February 21 . The evening
begins with a full antipasto buffet and open bar at
6:30 pm, followed by a lavish dinner which will
include pasta, veal chop (vegetarian option
available) with vegetables and potatoes, salad,
dessert and coffee/tea. There will also be
performances, music and dancing, and raffle.
Tickets are $85 for adults and grown children ($50
for children 12 and under). You may purchase
your tickets after the weekend Masses, at the
office during the week, or by calling Dominick at
416-717-7446. We encourage you to arrange
tables of 10 if possible.
Lenten Bible Study
Join the prayer group every Wednesday of Lent at
8:00 pm in the parish hall (beginning February 25)
for a time of Scripture Study and the inspiring
leadership of Deacon Dominic Pullano. This is a
wonderful way to deepen your faith and grow in
your understanding of the Word of God.
Portuguese Dinner Dance (for everyone!!!!!)
On Saturday, Feb. 28 , our Portuguese Holy Spirit
Confraternity will hold a wonderful “Festa do
Chicharro” celebration in our parish hall.
Festivities begin at 6:30 pm and include a full
dinner with music and dancing. Tickets are $35
for adults and $15 for children (ages 6 to 12). For
reservations call John at 416-452-4915 or
Manuela at 905-417-1709. Come one, come all!!!
Family of Faith
We have officially launched the Archdiocesan
Capital Campaign for our parish and have already
raised $485,000 toward our goal of $835.000.
Please give some prayerful consideration to how
much you can contribute to this worthy cause that
will greatly benefit the people of St. David’s and of
the whole archdiocese.
Holy Land Pilgrimage
If you are interested in going to the Holy Land and
walking in the footsteps of Jesus, there will be a
pilgrimage during the March Break (March 12 to
22). For further information, please contact
DeaconDominic at [email protected]
Confirmation Sponsors’ Names Needed
Attention all Confirmation candidates!!! Please call
or email the church to submit the name of your
sponsor and the parish he/she attends. Be sure to
spell it out!!! Also, be sure to include your name
and school you attend. You can send it to
[email protected]. Thank you!!!
Ordinario: Sesta Domenica – B –
La lebbra non ha cessato di erigere barriere fra gli uomini. I lebbrosi di oggi sono gli
ammalati dimenticati negli ospedali, gli emarginati del quarto mondo relegati in baracche
malsane, i pubblicani e le prostitute che i nostri ambienti benpensanti mettono al bando.
Di fronte a tutte queste situazioni, abbiamo la possibilità di partecipare personalmente
alla storia semplice e meravigliosa dell’incontro tra Gesù e il lebbroso. Senza dimenticare
che anche noi siamo lebbrosi, e abbiamo bisogno di essere guariti.
Ontario Family Day
L’ufficcio parrocchiale sarà chiuso questo lunedì, 16 febbraio e l’unica Messa sarà
celebrata alle 9:00 am.
Mercoledì delle Ceneri
Iniziamo la Quaresima mercoledì, 18 febbraio, con l’imposizione delle ceneri a tutte le
Messe in questo giorno universale di digiuno e astinenza. Ci saranno quattro Messe in
chiesa: alle 7:30 am; alle 9:30 am per St. David School; a mezzogiorno; e alle 7:30 pm.
Via Crucis
Ogni venerdì della Quaresima alle 7:30 pm, ci sarà la Via Crucis (bilingue) nella chiesa.
Venite tutti!!!
Riservate Questa Data!!!!!!!!!!
Non mancate.............. la Cena con Ballo di St. David’s, sabato, 21 febbraio, alla Terrace
Banquet Hall, iniziando alle 6:30 con buffet di antipasto e bar aperto, La cena consiste di
pasta/risotto, veal chop con contorni, insalata mista, dolci e caffè. Sarà una bellissima
serata con musica e danza. I biglietti sono di $85 per adulti e $50 per bambini (meno di
12 anni). Cercate di oraganizzarvi con tavoli di 10 personne. I biglietti saranno in vendita
dopo le Messe domenicali, e all’ufficio durante la settimana, oppure chiamate Domenick
al 416-717-7446. Venite tutti!!!!!!!
Ricevute Per le Tasse
Quest’anno le vostre ricevute saranno inviate per posta. Le riceverete fra poco.
Comunità di Fede
Abbiamo iniziato la Campagna Diocesana per la nostra parrocchia e abbiamo già
raccolto $485,000.
Speriamo di arrivare alla nostr meta di $835.000 con la vostra generosità. Grazie.
Good Shepherd Casserole Program
Please keep those casseroles coming!!! The hungry and homeless of the city need and
appreciate your help. You can pick up more pans at the parish office during the week.
Thanks to everyone for helping!!!
Pre-Authorized Giving
This new way of supporting the church is now being offered in our parish and many of our
parishioners may find this method practical and convenient. Please take a brochure
home and see if this way of giving is right for you.
Saturday – Sabato Feb. 14
5:30 p.m. †Vincenzo Iaizzo (2 Yrs)
Sunday– Domenica Feb. 15
7:30 a.m. Pro Populo
9:00 a.m. †Sonia Orejola
10:30 p.m †Francesco Sciabbarrasi †Donato Domenica †Gina D’Alimonte †Carmine
Tarantino †Giuseppina Catarra †Carla & Raffaele Tasciotti †Pasquale & Oriana Paoletti e
famiglia †Domenico Orfano †Felicia Pirone †Piedro Cialone †Franco e famiglia Rauzi
†Gemma e famiglia Cescolini †Vincenzo Di Blasi (6 Yrs)
12:00 p.m. †Giovanni Di Domenico (1 Yr)
25th Wedding Anniv.-Maria & Michael De Michele
5:30 p.m. †John & Bridget Walsh †Mary Rochford
Monday – Lunedì Feb. 16
***Family Day***
Office Closed
9:00 a.m. †Carmela Bartolomeo
No Evening Mass
Tuesday – Martedì Feb. 17
7:30 a.m. †Teotonio Borges
6:45 p.m. Explained Mass & Tour of Church
Wednesday – Mercoledì Feb. 18
7:30 a.m. Pro Populo
9:30 a.m. St.David’s School Mass
12:00 p.m. Pro Populo
7:30 p.m. Pro Populo
Thursday - Giovedì Feb. 19
7:30 a.m. †Deceased members Filomena Arruda
7:30 p.m. Mem.Mass:†Nobile Fera (Died in Italy)
Friday – Venerdì Feb. 20
7:30 a.m. †Alberto Salvatore Scarlato
6:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Enrico Nicolucci (1 Yr)
7:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross
Saturday – Sabato Feb. 21
7:30 a.m. †Skocanić Dusăh †Mrakovćic Marko
9:00 a.m. Mem.Mass: †Gaspare Ditta (1 Mo)
5:30 p.m. †Biagio Corrado
*****Catholic Connect*****
This new group for young adult Catholics will have its first meeting this
Thursday, Feb. 19th at 8:00 pm at St. André Bessette Rectory (2 Barletta
Dr. at the corner of Grand Trunk).