St Joseph’s Journal The Newsletter of St Joseph’s Primary School Laurieton Term 1 2015 Week 3 Ph 6559 9466 Fax 6559 6765 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Ash Wednesday & Lent: Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, the season of preparation for the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. All of our primary students will attend Mass on Wednesday at 12pm and receive the ashes. Infants classes will receive the ashes at school. The distribution of ashes reminds us of our own mortality and calls us to repentance. The Church emphasizes the penitential nature of Ash Wednesday by calling us to fast and abstain from meat. This fasting and abstinence is not simply a form of penance, however; it is also a call for us to take stock of our spiritual lives. Although children under 14 are not required to fast or abstain, I believe it is good for families to discuss this tradition and encourage their children to do something to mark this day and season. Mrs Koenig has included some school and home suggestions for children and families, along with a prayer from the Arise Program, on the next page of the newsletter. Staff Focus: On the pupil free day before students started the staff reflected on a focus what they would like to work towards this year. The central theme they came up with was “Inspiring Growth, Enriching Lives”. When reflecting on how they would do this they decided on four key words: Educating, Engaging, Empowering and Building Relationships. This focus will become our theme for the year and hopefully you will see it displayed and lived by all staff as we work towards creating a better future for all members of our school and parish communities. SPORTSMANSHIP AWARDS: Please see our Sporting News section on Page 3 listing our recipients (pictured below) for last week’s school swimming carnival. Well done everyone! CALENDAR Term 1 MONDAY 16th Feb TUESDAY 17th Feb WEDNESDAY 18th Feb THURSDAY 19th Feb FRIDAY 20th Feb Guitar Tuition is now available on Fridays with tutor Benny Hardman. Our budding six string enthusiasts include: Jacob Bennett, Calum Aldridge, Jordan Guest & Riley Armstrong. Future Events Week 4 CBA Banking Canteen Band Music lessons 8:15a.m. Staff Meeting Library Years 1, 6 & 5 P&F AGM 7pm ASH WEDNESDAY: Mass 12.00 3:15 p.m. Staff Meeting Sports Uniform Library Year 3 First reconciliation meeting 6pm Library Years 4, 2 & K Canteen Guitar lessons Sat. 28 Feb Family Mass 5.30pm Tues 24 Feb Family Pool night (Kendall) Monday 2 Mar Pupil Free Day Next week Year 4 will be hosting Morning Prayer. Pupil Free Day (Forward Notice): Each year the Lismore Diocese sets aside several days for teacher professional development, with the first of these days to be held on Monday 2nd March. Staff at St Joseph’s Laurieton will combine with staff from St Peter’s Primary Port Macquarie (Laurieton hosting) to be trained on the implementation of the Australian Curriculum for Mathematics, so this will be a pupil free day. There will be a second pupil free day early Term 2 for the annual Staff Spirituality Day (Date yet to be confirmed). If you require child care for March 2nd please contact the school next week. P&F AGM: The first P&F meeting for the year will be held next Tuesday evening at 7pm in the meeting room opposite the hall. This is an important opportunity to become more informed and involved in what is happening in our school. Parents are able to contribute to decision making that has a direct impact on your children. All parents, including all new families, are invited to come along and have a say about what happens at St Joey’s. Family Pool Night: Each year we start off with a family fun night at the pool to welcome new families and start the year off with a fun social occasion. This year we have booked the Kendall pool for Tuesday 24 February from 5.30 – 7.30pm. The pontoon will be available and hopefully the weather will be kind enough to allow us to have a BBQ dinner. More information will be sent home next week. Basketball Court Clean-up: Two generous dads, Brendan Burke and Duwaine McCullough have offered to come in Saturday morning to help clean the mould off the basketball court. We hope to give it a chemical treatment and one or two more helping hands might make the job easier and quicker to complete. No need to contact us, just turn up about 7.30am tomorrow morning if you can help (suitable footwear & clothing required). David Hughes (Acting Principal) Lenten Prayer Lent and Easter preparation in our school community… Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of 40 days of Lent where as a Catholic community we begin our sacrifice of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. The ashes taken from the blessed palm leaves of last year’s Palm Sunday are placed on our foreheads in the mark of a cross by the Priest to remember the Gospel words that we are made from dust and to dust we shall return. Following this day, we will launch into our Project Compassion fundraising where each week we will be asking families to donate a few coins in different ways. We suggest to our students and parents to consider giving up something such as time, money or a want in order to be reflective about what Jesus gave up for us. We also spend more time in prayer during our church services, in our school and in our home life to feel a closer connection with God during Lent. We begin our journey of the sacrament of Reconciliation or Penance for the first time with our year 3 class and further opportunities for this are available to everyone in our church. Lenten Prayer Group- ‘Arise’. All staff and any parents are welcome to join us each Tuesday afternoon from 3:15 for half an hour (apologies for the misprint last week on the finishing time) each week for 5 weeks to journey through the Lenten program Arise. Our first gathering will be Tuesday 24th February. Lord of all newness, be with us as we set out on our Lenten pilgrimage. Awaken the depths of our being to your presence within us, fountain of life and love. Attune the ears of our heart to the sound of your gentle voice, challenging, yet reassuring. Enlighten the eyes of our mind to see the path you lay before us, untrodden, yet paved with your grace. Walk with us into newness of life in your Son and our brother, Jesus Christ. Amen. Reconciliation – The sacramental program for children doing their First Reconciliation has begun and the first parent meeting is this Thursday 19th February at 6pm in the Tennison Centre. The Sacrament will be held in our church on Thursday 19th March. Mrs Jessica Koenig (Leader of Catechesis and School Evangelisation) Yr 4 Nursing Home visit last week Swimming Sportsmanship Awards: Our Sportsmanship Awards, presented for our Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals each year, are highly valued. These awards are presented to children who display that ‘have a go’ attitude at our Carnivals, as well as to children who go out of their way to support/encourage others to complete an event that they may not find easy to do. It is always a difficult job to decide on these award recipients as many children display these qualities. Congratulations to the following Sportsmanship Award winners from our Swimming Carnival last week: Lorna MacLachlan, Jessa Thew, Madielen Bucknell, Lillyana Watts, Milla Seals, Piper Seale, Jade Hilton, Eli Watts, Harry Murphy, Matthew Small, Sonny Thomas, Oscar Hoad, Keane Quinn, Logan Tunhavasana, Jackson Ashcroft and Thomas Tunhavasana. Zone Swimming Team: Sarah McIntosh, Emily Krige, Joe Black, Ellie deSilva, Mackenzi Dietrich, Summa Clare, Trey Quinn, Noah Faddy, Isabel Krige, Aimee-Jai Dietrich, Blake Steep, Finlay Magnus, Elsie Roe, Tess Threlkeld, Summah Armstrong, Demi Magnus, Noah Watts, Sam deSilva, Chloe Eichmann, Blake Ellis, Hayden Dorn and Madelaine Goodridge will be representing our school at the Hastings Zone Swimming Carnival being held in Macksville on Tuesday. We hope these swimmers enjoy the experience in the ‘big’ pool (when are we going to get a 50m pool in Laurieton??!!) Mark Bullock Sports Co-ordinator We'd like to invite all the Mums to join us in an informal get together. Come along to meet the new Mums at school & catch up with all the others! Where : Bonny Hills Surf Club When : Friday 6th March from 5pm RSVP or any questions call / txt Amanda on 0422558933 Tuition available in piano, flute, voice. Sheriden Sommerley is an active member of the local musical community and the founder of the Conservatorium Mid-North Coast Friday Lunchtime Concert Program; Blokes’ Notes (an all-male chorus); Quintessence (an all-female choir) and Hifalootin’ (flute choir). Term fees apply. Contact Sheriden on 0429 313 089. Tuition is also available in reading recovery on a one-to-one basis. Sheriden has over twenty-five years’ experience in the delivery and writing of special needs educational programs. Reasonable rates. Call 0429 313 089 (Sheriden Sommerley BA Dip Ed) Camden Haven Redbacks Registrations Now Open! Register online at Registration Days to be held at the LUSC on 14th and 21st February Contact us at [email protected] or find us on Facebook or phone Tamara Burns (0419 469 908). Camden Haven Parish Laurieton 5.30 p.m. Vigil Mass Laurieton 7.30 a.m. Mass Kendall 9.00 a.m. Mass (1st Saturday month 10.00 a.m. Mass Comboyne) Monday Laurieton 5.30 p.m. Mass Tuesday Kendall 9.00 a.m. Mass Wednesday Laurieton 8.00 am Mass Thursday Laurieton 8.00 a.m. Mass Friday Laurieton Midday Mass Saturday Sunday * First Friday of month, Laurieton 11.00 a.m. Exposition 11.45 Benediction Sacrament of Penance 5.00 – 5.20 p.m. Saturday Mini Ball – Learn to Play Basketball Ages: Aimed at Year 1 & 2, boys & girls. Commences/registration: Tuesday 24/2/15 for 6 weeks. Times: 3.45 pm to 4.30 pm. Cost: $15 to register with Basketball NSW for initial year (insurance) plus $25 for 6 week season. Location: Port Macquarie Indoor Stadium, Hastings River Drive. Bring drink bottle & wear sneakers. FURTHER INFORMATION See our website: Camden Haven High School Information Night for Yr 7 2016 Wednesday 4th March 5-6:30pm at Camden Haven High School For further details please phone Erica Turner (Year 7 Transition Co-ordinator) on 6556 8125
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