The Parkview PARKVIEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH FEBRUARY 2015 One of the most frustrating things for many Christians is to hear the way the world sometimes views our God. Words like judgmental, vengeful, angry, distant, uncaring, and unfair come to mind. Kind of like Bruce in the movie Bruce Almighty, who viewed himself as an ant, and viewed God as a mean kid sitting on an anthill with a magnifying glass...burning off his feelers and watching him squirm. It is so sad that many of these misconceptions about God keep people from finding His love, grace, mercy, and the incredible things that can happen in their lives when they have a relationship with Him. During this series, we will be debunking all the myths and introducing you to The God I Wish You Knew. SERMON SERIES FEBRUARY 22 THROUGH MARCH 29 PARKVIEW’S LOCKPORT CAMPUS 1463 South Farrell Road, Lockport, IL 60441 815-838-9080 | SERVICE TIMES: Sundays at 9:00 am & 11:00 am want to connect? Check out the many opportunities for children, teens, and adults to meet and have fun! HOST A GROUP! HOST MATERIALS are available after every service through February 22 at the Groups Booth During The God I Wish You Knew series, we are encouraging everyone to participate in the weekly group study that goes along with the messages. We are really excited about this study and are asking that hundreds of you consider opening up your homes and inviting friends and family to join you. You will be provided with a DVD featuring host resources and video teachings by Pastor Tim, Pastor Casey, and Pastor Brian, along with a printed study guide with questions for the group. If you would like to learn more about hosting a The God I Wish You Knew group, please stop by the Groups Booth in the North after any weekend service from February 1 through February 22. We will give you everything you need to get started! Questions? Contact Joyce at 815-838-9080 or [email protected]. Sunday, Feb. 22: God is Our Father Sunday, March 15: God is BIG Sunday, March 1: God Guides Us Sunday, March 22: God Transforms Us Sunday, March 8: God Speaks to Us Sunday, March 29: God Loves Us as We Are 2 PARKVIEW apparel You can now get Parkview Apparel online from Lands’ End - anytime day or night! Choose between many styles, colors, and logo types, including polo shirts, t-shirts, button-downs, sweatshirts, hoodies, and much more! Place your order and it will be shipped right to your door! Valentine’s Day Ball Friday, February 13, 2015 at 6:30 pm DiNolfo’s Banquets - 14447 W. 159th Street, Homer Glen $45.00 per person (includes dinner and beverages) Couples. Singles. Friends. Neighbors. Love. Friendship. Laughter. Fun! Join us for an elegant evening of fine dining, dancing, and great company. Dinner is your choice of four delicious entrees (filet mignon, prime rib, salmon, or stuffed boneless chicken breast), and beverages are included. This is an all-church event and an ideal opportunity to invite friends to a truly wonderful night out! Purchase tickets at 3 VERITAS 20s & 30s Theology on Tap Thursday, February 19 6:30 - 9:00 pm | Mullets in Homer Glen (14903 S Bell Rd, Homer Glen, IL 60491) Take your “Next Step” on Thursday, February 19 from 6:30 to 9:00 pm at Mullets in Homer Glen and start plugging into our core classes taught by some of Parkview’s pastors. This class (which will count as Parkview’s “Living Our Beliefs” class) is all about transformation. There are times when we all have the feeling that life isn’t what it should be but are unsure what to do about it. The best way to deal with this is to understand how Jesus can transform us through our everyday lives. We’ll give you some practical ways to start IMMEDIATELY entering into the life you’ve always wanted: the life God made you for. Don’t miss this great opportunity to deepen your faith and learn how to become more like Jesus. (Food and drinks will be available for purchase.) Register at 60+ BIBLE STUDY: Thursdays at 9:00 am at Smith Crossing (on 183rd Street, east of Parkview) LUNCH & LEARN: Friday, Feb. 13 at 10:45 am | Orland Campus (183rd & Wolf Road) John Begly has been using the Art of Illusion to spread the Gospel of Christ. He uses illusions, which are just puzzles to the eye, and ties them to Biblical truths to create a more visual presentation. The cost is $10/person for lunch, payable at the door. Please RSVP by Wednesday, Feb, 11 at 708-478-7477, Ext. 272 and don’t forget to bring your Valentine! 4 Located at the Lockport Campus, the SEEDS Community Garden will benefit the Fish Food Pantry and All God's People Homeless Ministry. We are so excited about SEEDS, and there are so many things that need to be done! If you have any interest in helping out with the garden, please check out the volunteer opportunities that are available, and feel free to email us at [email protected] with questions. Volunteer at STAY CONNECTED! FACEBOOK: TWITTER: PARKVIEW APP: ONLINE GIVING: PASTOR BRIAN’S BLOG: BUSINESS DIRECTORY: 5 PARKVIEW KIDS KIDS WHAT WE BELIEVE 2: DIGGING DEEPER IN OUR FAITH Saturdays, February 21 & 28 | 9:00 - 11:30 am | Orland Campus KWWB2 is a two-week course for children in 3rd thru 5th grades. In this class, we will be DIGGING IN a little deeper in our faith, focusing on Bible basics and spiritual disciplines including communion, giving, serving, baptism, prayer, worship, and more. The cost is $10.00 for materials. Register at KIDZ CAMP AT CAMP MANITOQUA IN FRANKFORT! For Children Currently in 2nd through 5th Grade Monday, June 8 - Friday, June 12 | $290 (includes camp t-shirt) This June, Parkview Kids is partnering with Camp Manitoqua, a Christian summer camp located in Frankfort, IL, to offer a 5-day experience exclusively for Parkview children! Our own small group leaders will be teaming up with the Camp Manitoqua staff to make this a high-energy, life-impacting encounter for our kids where they will grow in their faith and in their relationships with other Parkview friends. We hope that your child will join us! Space is limited and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Register starting March 2 at CHRIST IN YOUTH (CIY) SUPERSTART A conference for 4th & 5th graders Friday, April 10 and Saturday, April 11 | Naperville, IL Mark your calendars for SUPERSTART, an overnight conference designed with 4th & 5th graders in mind! We'll be traveling to Naperville to hang out with other kids from across the state, and to learn about how much we are treasured by God through high-energy worship, interactive teaching, and fun small group time. The cost is $100. For more info and to register, visit 6 JR. HIGH & HIGH SCHOOL PARKVIEW STUDENTS MID-WEEK Wednesdays, February 4, 11 & 18 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm Parkview Students is our community for teens in Jr. High and High School, featuring awesome worship, inspiring teaching, and time to just hang out! Don't forget to invite your friends! JR. HIGH BELIEVE Friday, March 27 & Saturday, March 28, 2015 | Springfield, IL Jr. High Believe is a high-energy weekend, packed with powerful worship, intense drama, teaching from God’s Word, and interactive experiences to get to know other students. This year’s Believe tour will explore the life of David. As David shows us, being AFTER God is a lifestyle – it takes commitment every moment of every day. David was prepared for the bigger tasks in God’s Kingdom because he had faithfully been after God in the small tasks of his every-day life. And we are no different. The cost is $125 per student ($150 after Friday, February 20) and the deadline to register is Friday, March 6. Register today at CIY MOVE | 5-DAY HIGH SCHOOL EVENT Monday, June 22 to Saturday, June 27 | Holland, Michigan Students are challenged through intense, interactive worship, dynamic preaching, small group study, and community building. Students at MOVE not only learn and worship together but also spend quality time with their church youth group, discovering ways that God will use them to be a greater help to the world. The cost is $370 (a deposit of $100 by Tuesday, April 21 will hold your spot). Final payment is due on Tuesday, June 2. (Leader cost is $160.) Register beginning February 13 at MISSION: WEST VIRGINIA (HIGH SCHOOL) Friday, July 10 to Tuesday, July 14 | Hurricane, West Virginia Mission: West Virginia is an opportunity for high school students to get out of their comfort zones and serve the people of Hurricane, WV. They will do small construction projects and improvements on area homes and community buildings. The cost is $450 (a deposit of $200 by Wednesday, May 6 will hold your spot). Final payment is due on Monday, June 29. (Leader cost is $255.) Register beginning February 13 at want to grow? Parkview offers core class experiences, seminars, and studies on a variety of topics. WHAT WE BELIEVE CLASS Monday, Feb. 2 or Wednesday, March 18 | 6:30 - 8:30 pm | Lockport Campus Our What We Believe class is a great way for you to become familiar with the mission and core values of Parkview Christian Church, and we’d love the opportunity to meet you, too! Led by several of our pastors, some of the topics covered include the basics of the Christian faith, our church history, structure, and membership, and what we believe about things like communion and baptism. Childcare is available upon request, and light snacks will be served. Please register at AFTER WE BELIEVE Saturday, February 7 | 8:30 am - 11:30 am | Lockport Campus This core class experience will provide you with the tools you need to start and build on your relationship with God. Learn about who you are, how to pray, and how to get involved with the Bible when it seems so incredibly hard to understand! Anyone who has participated in our What We Believe class is strongly encouraged to attend. Childcare is not available for this class and a light continental breakfast will be served. Register at LIVING OUR BELIEFS Saturday, February 14 | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm | Lockport Campus Did you know God wants to use your abilities, passions, and experiences to serve others, both at Parkview and beyond the church walls? During this core class led by Pastor Brian Hunt, you will find out how God has designed you to play an active role in transforming the world. Childcare is not available for this class and a light continental breakfast will be served. Register at WEEKLY STUDY GUIDE Did you know you can take a huge next step in your walk with Jesus through a more in-depth study of each weekend’s sermon? Every Monday we will email you our Weekly Study Guide to reinforce what you took away from the weekend service. Each guide will be a great resource for both individual or group study, and will include scripture, thoughtprovoking questions, and useful background information. If you would like to receive our Weekly Study Guide, subscribe at 8 INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS PANGANI, KENYA | June 11 to 23 | Light Construction and Outreach The Parkview team will serve the community of Pangani (right next to Nairobi). The Pangani team and the Turkana team will travel to Kenya together, do orientation at the Missions of Hope Center, and then the Turkana team will fly to Turkana. Register at TURKANA, KENYA | June 11 to 23 | Teacher Training, Construction, Outreach & Medical Parkview is sending a team on a multi-focus trip to Turkana. The group will fly to Kenya with the Pangani team, do orientation at the MoHI center in Nairobi, and then fly to Turkana. Register at CZECH REPUBLIC | July 30 to August 10 For incoming high school sophomores to college-aged students Parkview will send a team to support the Krestane Kurim youth ministry by teaching English and staffing summer camp programs. Register at For more opportunities, visit SHORT-TERM MISSION TRIPS 101 Thursday, February 19 | 7:00 - 8:30 pm | Orland Campus STMT101 will introduce you to Parkview mission trips - local, domestic, and international. During the class, we will walk through the basic guidelines, philosophies, and biblical principles of all Parkview mission trips. This is a mandatory class for everyone who plans to participate in any Parkview-sponsored mission trip. For more information and to register, visit CONNECT ON SOCIAL MEDIA 9 want to serve? What can be better than using your time, talents, and resources to make a difference? JUST TRY IT. Every weekend, it takes hundreds of volunteers to get everything ready so that people can hear about God’s love, maybe for the very first time. So please jump in and join us in the exciting work that God is doing at Parkview! Through serving, you will not only have a positive impact on others, you will also be amazed at what God will do in your own life. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: PARKVIEW KIDS TEAM: (Birth - 2s, Preschool, Elementary, Kids Worship, Tech, and Check-in/Security) GUEST SERVICES: (Coffee Team, Communion Preparers, Communion Servers/Ushers, Greeters, Guest Info, Parking, and Prayer Team) STUDENTS: (Small Group Leaders, Security, and Childcare on Wednesday evenings) WORSHIP: (Meal Team, Production, Stage Team, and Band and Vocal Teams - must audition) Sign up at ORLAND CAMPUS ATTENDANCE LOCKPORT CAMPUS ATTENDANCE JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY 3-4 ........................... 6,356 10-11 ........................ 7,899 17-18 ........................ 7,542 24-25 ........................ 7,547 10 4 ................................. 457 11 ................................ 553 18 ................................ 582 25 ............................... 619 want some help? We all need help from time to time, but we never have to go through our challenges alone. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Fridays at 7:00 pm | Orland Campus The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to become free from our hurts, habits, and hang-ups through an in-depth step study program and God’s healing power in our lives. If you have questions, contact us in confidence at 708-478-7477, Ext. 240. FRESH HOPE | Thursdays at 7:00 pm | Orland Campus Fresh Hope is a Christian association of support groups across the United States for those who have a mental health diagnosis, and for their loved ones. A Fresh Hope group is a peer-to-peer-led, safe, encouraging, and healing environment where real hope and real healing take place and the sure hope of Christ is foundational. We will make every effort to make your participation confidential. For more information, please contact Pastor Brian Oswald at [email protected]. GRIEFSHARE Mondays through April 6 | 7:00 - 9:00 pm | Orland Campus If you are suffering through the loss of a spouse, child, family member or friend, it may be difficult for you to feel optimistic about the future right now. Parkview’s GriefShare, a 14-week video-based program, exists to help you through this difficult time. The cost is $18.00 for materials. Register at DIVORCECARE Thursdays through April 9 | 7:00 - 9:00 pm | Orland Campus DivorceCare is a 14-week Christian program of recovery and growth for those who have suffered a loss from separation or divorce. The cost is $18.00 for materials. Register at Questions? Call 708-478-7477, Ext. 248 or email [email protected]. The Orland Campus is located at 183rd & Wolf Road in Orland Park, Illinois. 11 Designing Your Legacy A FREE Living Trust Seminar Saturday, March 7 | 10:00 - 11:00 AM Orland Park Campus | The Underground Learn from experts at Financial Planning Ministry about how to establish your living trust. No pressure! No commitments! No cost! Designing Your Legacy allows you to pass on your values, save yourself and your beneficiaries time and money, and have greater peace of mind. In your legacy plan, you can ensure your desires on medical decisions, guardianship of your minor children, and distribution of your valuables will be fulfilled. Your instructions are legally binding and guaranteed to be followed. Register at
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