ST. BERNARD CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION CHURCH & SCHOOL SACRAMENTS 323 Reform St. North Norwood Young America, MN 55368 Contact Information Fr. Gregory Abbott, Pastor Rectory & Parish Office … 467-3351 Website …… Email:[email protected] Parish Office Hours: Mon. , Tues., Thurs., & Fri. 10 am—2pm. Trustees Gary Widmer ……………. 467-3082 John (Jack) Lano .……….. 467-3765 Parish Council Chairperson Brian Willems ….………… 467-9654 Communion for Homebound Rita Fahey……………….....467-6478 DRE for 6th—10th Grades Julie Kleindl………….…… 442-5803 DRE for Pre-k-5th Grades Kara Wickenhauser………. 466-4719 Prayer Chain Carol Donnay ……………. 467-2183 Lucy Kostecka …………... 467-2576 E-mail: [email protected] Adoration Coordinator Jan Johnson……………952-412-4900 Music Liturgy Marilee Widmer ………… 467-3082 Social Hall Bookings Parish Office …..…………. 467-3351 Catholic United Financial Dennis Stoks …………952-240-5001 Knights of Columbus-Grand Knight Gerald Milz….……...467-3186 Baptisms: By appointment. Marriage Arrangements The couple should contact the priest as soon as they become engaged. They must meet with the priest twice before setting a marriage date. These two meetings need to be completed 6 months before the proposed date. Sacrament of Reconciliation Ascension—Sat. 4:15—4:45 pm. St. Bernard —Mon. 8:30 am. Sat. 7:15—7:45 pm. Additionally by appointment. Communion for Homebound Call parish office. Anointing of the Sick Call the parish office at any time. MASS SCHEDULE Ascension-Weekend-Sat. 5 pm. Sun. 8 am. Weekday –Tuesday 7:15 am. St. Bernard-Weekend-Sat. 8 pm. Sun. 10am. Weekday–Mon. Wed. & Fri. 8:00 am. Bulletin Co-editors 212 Church St. East Cologne, MN 55322 Contact Information Fr. Gregory Abbott, Pastor Sr. Jancy Nedumkallel, Principal Rectory & Parish Office …… 466-2031 Parish Information E-mail: [email protected] Bookkeeper E-mail: [email protected] Bulletin E-mail: [email protected] School - Pre K—6th Grade … 466-5917 School Information E-mail: [email protected] Website ... Convent …………………….. 466-5620 Patricia Quinn……….…….…....466-3304 E-mail …[email protected] Parish Office Hours: Monday, Tues David Dettmann ………….…….467-2268 day & Wednesday 9am-1pm. [email protected] Trustees Joint Bulletin published weekly at: Leonard Hoen …...…………. 466-2088 & Andrew Kleindl.…….……….442-5803 Finance Council Chairperson SCRIPTURE READINGS For the week of Feb. 15, – Feb. 21, 2015 2/15 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Lv 13:12,44-46 * Ps 32:1-2,5,11 * 1 Cor 10:31—11:1 * Mk 1:40-45. 2/16: Gn 4:1-15,25 * Ps 50:1,8,16-17,20-21 * Mk 8:11-13. 2/17(The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order): Gn 6:5-8;7:1-5,10 * Ps 29:1,2,3-4,9-10 * Mk 8:14-21. 2/18 Ash Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18 * Ps 51:3-4,56,12-13,14,17 * 2 Cor 5:20—6:2 * Mt 6:1-6,16-18. 2/19 Thursday after Ash Wednesday: Dt 30:15-20 * Ps 1:1-2,3,4,6 * Lk 9:22-25. 2/20 Friday after Ash Wednesday: Is 58:1-9a * Ps 51:3-4,5-6,18-19 * Mt 9:14-15. 2/21 Saturday after Ash Wednesday (St. Peter Damian): Is 58:9b-14 * Ps 86:1-2,3-4,5-6 * Lk 5:27-32. Copyright 2014 by Creative Communications for the Parish. Used with permission. Bernie J. Shambour…… 952-466-5928 Parish Council Chairperson Carol Symanitz……….…651-331-8665 School Advisory Council Chairperson Pam Kunkel ..…………….952-467-3222 Faith Formation Coordinator FaithFormation@ Ladies Guild President Monica Kooiman …………... 466-5769 Prayer Chain Patsy Quinn….. ……….……. 466-3304 Lori Kasel [email protected] Adoration Coordinator Helen Nicklaus …………….. 466-2000 Catholic United Financial Helen Hilgers ………………. 466-5567 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – FEBRUARY 15, 2015 The 3 LEGGED STOOL Family Meals + Family Prayer + Sunday Mass = Stronger Families AND Stronger Marriages LEG #2 FAMILY PRAYER PARISHIONERS’ SPEAK Praying together is also a struggle! We used to say the entire rosary together but I have found that my kids--mostly my oldest--cannot handle such a long prayer. We now just say one decade together. Sometimes to teach my children how to meditate, I will ask them what they thought about as they were saying AFTER the rosary is done rather than before. It helps me to know that they are trying to focus on the mystery and not just rambling off Hail Mary’s. I have decided that during Lent we will add on a decade and then do so again the following year until we are eventually saying all 5 mysteries. We also do some days where we will say personal prayers where we just pray out loud from our hearts. ~A Parishioner Wednesday is Lent—can you pray as a family? Fr. Gregory ASH WEDNESDAY Masses will be at 8am & 7:30pm at St. Bernard and 6pm at Ascension. Lenten Fasting and Abstinence Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics. In addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence. For members of the Latin Catholic Church, the norms on fasting are obligatory from age 18 until age 59. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal. Two smaller meals may also be taken, but not to equal a full meal. The norms concerning abstinence from meat are binding upon members of the Latin Catholic Church from age 14 onwards. CALENDAR FOR ASCENSION AND ST. BERNARDS’ PARISHES TODAY-At. St. Bernard 42nd Annual Winter Carnival 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 pm. Feb. 16-At Ascension 7:00 pm-Ascension Stewardship Committee meeting. Feb.18-At Ascension-Ash Wednesday Mass 6:00 pm Feb. 19-At Ascension-8:00 am-8:00 pm: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Feb. 20– Shakopee Knights of Columbus Fish Fry 5:00 7:30 pm. Shakopee Knights Event Center. Feb. 21-At Ascension-VBS Meeting at 10:00 am in the Social Hall Feb. 23-At Ascension- Parish Council Meeting Feb. 23-At Ascension-KCs meeting at 7:00 pm Feb. 27-At. St. Bernard–Fish Fry 3:30 to 8:00 pm. March 4-At St. Bernard-Eucharistic Adoration from 8:30 am. To 8pm. March 6-At Ascension-KCs’ Annual Fish Fry-Save the Date Our VBS adventure this year will take us to Mt. Everest. So please mark this faith filled fun week on your calendar: June15th-19th. I will be having a VBS organizational meeting for those who are interested in helping plan, getting supplies or decorating on Saturday, Feb. 21st at 10am in Ascensions social hall. If you are interested in helping and can't make it please call or email me. Thank you, Sherry Urness VBS Director for Ascension and St. Bernard Parishes (952) 467- 1974 or [email protected] See the Shroud of Turin and Many Italian Saints View the Shroud of Turin while it is on a rare public display; visit the sites of many famous saints (Sts. Dominic, John Bosco, Lucy, Pius X, and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati), celebrate St. Anthony’s Day in Padua, and tour the cities of Milan and Venice. The pilgrimage (June 6-15) will be led by Dennis Gataneo of Mater Dei Tours with Fr. Joe Bambenek, Pastor of St. Pius X, serving as the chaplain. For more information: or, more specifically: pdf_LIT_-_ITL_JUN_2015_TCP_-_BROCHURE.pdf. Or call: 1-800-515-2632 Registration Deadline: February 26 As we prepare for Lent let us think about ways to change our hearts and enrich our Sacrament of Marriage. Take time now to build a stronger Sacrament. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are February 20-22 in Fargo, March 20 -22 in Baxter, March 27-29 in Minot, April 17-19 in Frontenac & May 1-3 & July 17-19 in Buffalo. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact Brent & Tracy at [email protected] or 612-756-8720. Church of the Ascension Norwood Young America, MN Volunteer Needed A volunteer is needed to oversee Ascension’s boilers, the water/sewer system, and report problems in a timely manner. Must be 18 years or older, and be able to obtain and maintain a valid State of Minnesota Special Engineer license. For information, please contact Jack Lano at 952-237-3265. Several bowls and pans are in the kitchen on the shelves by the door. If you brought food for a funeral, please stop by and pick up your items by March 1st. Thank you! If you work in health care in any capacity, you are invited on the first Saturday of Lent to a distinctive half- day retreat on “Christian Witness to Spiritual Suffering.” Fr. Eugene Tiffany , the associate pastor of the Cathedral , (who himself has recovered from a stroke), will speak from his heart on "soul pain," and what it means for health care professionals to suffer spiritually. The retreat begins with Mass at 8:00 A.M. on Feb 28, 2015 at the Little Sisters of the Poor in St Paul. A light breakfast and lunch will be served. Register today at or call 763-786-4945! Deadline is Feb 27. Limited scholarships available. This is a beautiful way for health care professionals to jumpstart Lent! SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 4:15-4:45 pm Save the Date Ascensions KCs’ Annual Fish Fry will be held March 6th from 11:00 am to 7:30 pm February 15th Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time For married couples: that fervent love for God may continue to build and strengthen their marriage; We pray to the Lord: Church of St. Bernard Cologne, MN Last week we were getting ready for the Winter Carnival and praying for good weather. We hope you will join us at the Carnival today and enjoy a great Turkey dinner and all the trimmings, try your hand at games, bingo and raffles, and win some of the wonderful prizes that are available. Lenten Season: We will begin our Lenten Season on Wed.,Feb 18, 2015. It is a special time to reflect on the spiritual side of our life. There are many opportunities for us to participate in Lenten activities here at St. Bernard. Along with our weekday Mass, we have Stations of the Cross on 2:30 PM with the children. Also, on the first Wed. of each month we have all-day Eucharistic Adoration from 8:30 AM-8:00 PM. I encourage you to take some time to participate in one or more of these spiritual activities. If you cannot take time for this, have a special time at home with your family to say a rosary or read scripture. Family prayer is very important and Lent is a good time to begin this practice at home. Everyone seemed to have a good time during Catholic Schools Week. Each day we had special speakers or events. Wednesday brought a special Catholic Schools Week mass, along with our Open House lunch. After the lunch students played bingo Thank you to everyone who attended the Open House! The Wacky Winter Olympics was quite a blast on Thursday. Friday afternoon everyone got a chance to relax and get cozy with a movie and popcorn. Catholic Schools Raffle :St. Bernard school is participating in the 2015 Catholic Schools raffle this year. The grand prize is your choice of a 2015 Ford Escape or $25,000 in cash. Catholic United Financial sponsors the raffle so the school gets to keep all $5 of every ticket sold. Help us reach our goal of $6000 by buying a ticket after Mass or from the school. Tickets are on sale until Sunday, March 8. The drawing of the winner will be on March 19th, 2015. The St. Bernard Evening of Reflection, scheduled on March 1st, 4:15-8 PM is fast approaching. The concelebrated Mass @ 7PM with Father Gregory and Father Joe fulfills the Sunday Obligation. Senior High students and up are invited. Father Joe Bambenek and Mary Bosscher will be the presenters. Please continue to Save the Date and watch for more information. Feel free to call Doris Mielke with any questions @ #612910-2365. Eucharistic Adoration Wed., March 4th, after the 8:00 a.m. Mass until 8:00 p.m. Please sign up at the Scrip table for an hour or half hour. Add Adoration to your Lenten observance. "By his wounds we are healed." Isaiah. 53:5 Christmas Poinsettia's—You are welcome to take poinsettia’s home with you today, as Ash Wednesday is this week and they will be removed from the church in preparation for lent. Thank you ! CHURCH OF ST. BERNARD STEWARDSHIP OF TIME AND LITURGY SCHEDULE February 16 through February 22, 2015 LECTORS: Ash Wed. 7:30 Lori Kasel Saturday 8:00pm. Julie Kleindl Sunday 10:00 am. Rob Wickenhauser SERVERS: Weekdays: St. Bernard School Student Saturday 8:00pm. Brett & Jared Kleindl Sunday 10:00am. Brenna & Cassidy Jones EUCHARISTIC MINISTER Ash Wednesday 7:30pm Darin Feist Help with Ashes Tom Kasel & John Fasching Saturday 8:00pm Irene Drees Sunday 10:00am. Victoria Arnst USHERS Saturday 8:00 pm Brent Buesgens & Danny Hoen Sunday 10:00 am. Jerry Laumann & Laura Schroeder GREETERS: Saturday 8:00 pm. Carol Laumann Sunday 10:00 am. Brian Vos GIFT BEARERS: Saturday 8:00 pm. Carol & Roger Hoen Sunday 10:00 am. JoAnn & Roger Schmitz MASS SCHEDULE INTENTIONS: Saturday Feb. 14 8:00 pm. People of the Parish Sunday Feb. 15 10:00 am. †Ehalt & Wells Deceased family members Monday Feb. 16 8:00 am. †Clarence Green Tuesday Feb. 17 No Mass Wednesday Feb. 18 8:00 am. Teachers & Students of St. Bernard School 7:30 pm People of the Parish Thursday Feb. 19 No Mass Friday Feb. 20 8:00 am. Souls in Purgatory Saturday Feb. 21 8:00 pm People of the Parish Sunday Feb. 22 10:00 am. Helga Nicklaus (ill) Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday 8:30 a.m.; Saturday: 7:15-7:45 p.m. Stewardship of Treasure Budget for Week 3,207.75 Contributions 2-04-15 through 2-10-15 4,072.00 Total Actual Collection YTD 131,838.60 YTD Collection Over (Under) Budget (11,584.90) As of February 10th we have $16,903.44 borrowed funds to pay expenses. Forward in Faith Envelope Income 255.00 Electronic Donations 00.00 Forward in Faith Total 255.00 Stewardship a way of life. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION STEWARSHIP OF TIME Feb. 16 through Feb. 22 SERVERS: Ash Wednesday 6:00 pm: Emma & Karl Dettmann Sat. 5:00 pm: Curtis and Lucas Urness Sun. 8:00 am: Kimberly & Elizabeth George LECTORS: Ash Wednesday 6:00 pm: Norm Willems Sat. 5:00 pm: Rosemary Storms Sun. 8:00 am: Amy Gallus EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Ash Wednesday 6:00 pm: Deb Prchal Sat. 5:00pm: Steve Lemmer Sun. 8:00 am: Joan Rosckes COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: Feb. 22: Steve & Tamara Lemmer March 1: Rich & Susan Tellers USHERS FOR FEBRUARY: Sat. 5:00 pm: Kent Fabel, Tom Lano Sunday 8:00 am: Bill & Eugene Dvorak SACRISTAN: Ash Wednesday 6:00 pm: Pam Stoks Sat. 5:00 pm: Sherry Witte Sun. 8:00 am: Joe Weckman GREETERS: Ash Wednesday 6:00 pm: Pat Johnson Sat. 5:00 pm: Ann Dettmann Sun. 8:00 am: Sue Schultz \ MASS SCHEDULE INTENTIONS Monday Feb. 16 No Mass Tuesday Feb. 17 7:15 am Rev. Charles R. Froehle † Wednesday Feb. 18 6:00pm Harold & Margaret Widmer † † Thursday Feb. 19 No Mass Friday Feb. 20 No Mass Saturday Feb. 21 5:00 pm Mr.& Mrs.Alfred Vanderlinde † † Weekly Collection February 8 , 2015 Weekly Operating Budget: $2,963.00 Contributions: $2,148.00 Weekly Budget YTD: $94,816.00 Actual Collection YTD: $91,899.21 YTD collected Over (Under) Budget: ($2,916.79) Capital Improvement: $315.00 Capital Improvement Fund Total: $16,892.34 DORIS MIELKE Parishioner - St. Bernard Realtor, ePro. CBR FAHEY and Associates, Inc. 952-467-2181 NYA 141 East First Street Waconia, MN 55387 952-442-2121 Email: [email protected] 612-910-2365 Waconia Deputy Registrar Marlene Robinson Ascension Parishioner 300 North Faxon Road•NYA (952) 467-3692 Hours: Mon & Fri 8 AM-5PM Tue-Wed-Thu 8:30 AM-5 PM Sat. 8 AM-11:30 AM 952-442-4038 222 W. Main St. Waconia WILLEMS CABINETS & WOODWORKING, INC. Specializing in Quality, Late Model, Sport and Collectable Cars & Trucks Equipment Repairs & Mfg. 952-466-3343 Roger Kleman P.O. Box 76, Cologne 513 W. Lake St. FAMILY HOME TEAM MAYER LUMBER COMPANY, INC. RE/MAX Alliance Realty Cabinets, Furniture & Formica Work 203 Playhouse St. East Norwood Young America 952.467.3281 • Cologne 952-466-2522 Norwood Young America 952-467-3800 DOWNTOWN WACONIA 442-4242 201 Ash Ave. So., Mayer, MN WWW.YETZERS.COM 952-657-2291 Brian & Ann Klingelhutz Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 710 Faxon Rd., NYA 952-467-1999 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. (612) 508-9707 Kristin Klingelhutz (612) 508-1008 Let Our Family Help Yours Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 Jeffrey R. Hebeisen, CIC Agent/Owner Norwood-Young America 952-467-2535 FAHEY & ASSOCIATES, INC. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months SCHMIDT CHIROPRACTIC CENTER Realtors, Auctioneers & Appraisers 512 Faxon Rd., NYA, MN 55368 “Experience the Difference” • Natural Healthcare for All Ages • Massage Therapy & Ear Candling Realtors: Tim Fahey, Doris Mielke & Brenda Schmitz Appraiser: Lynne Brueggemeier Let Experience Work For You 952-467-2505 320 Hill St., NYA 952-467-3598 Dr. Julie Schmidt 952-467-3000 WE WANT TO BE YOUR BANK! FAHEY GREEN ISLE EQUIP. CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS 6 Times Per Year Plus Other Scheduled Equipment Auctions. To Sell Your Equipment Call: Tim Fahey 612-282-5832 108550 St Bernard Church For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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