“People Knowing God’s Call and Living it for His Glory” February 19, 2015 New Portions Every Day by Phil Richardson Recently I went underway for a major inspection that would determine the fate of my boat's schedule. This inspection centered around the Weapons Department of which I am a key member. I was stressed to the bone, missing my wife and 1 month old son, and not praying. I realized a week had gone by and I wasn't praying. As the Protestant Lay Leader(pastor) on the What God said to me was USS Toledo, not praying is not a good start to an underway. Through some encouraging emails from not disappointing. some of my Pleasant Valley brothers and my amazing wife, I sat down one Sunday before service and opened my Bible. More importantly, I opened my eyes and ears. What God said to me was not disappointing. As six guys sat in the room with me, I knew exactly what scripture I was going to go through with them, but this was not going to be like any other service I had facilitated before. I read Colossians 3 and 4 to the men and then God had me share what was on my heart. Usually I am far too embarrassed to share my heart, but these guys needed to know they are under the ocean with a King that serves them a perfectly made portion, a King that places them in the high places, a King that makes those portions new daily so we do not need to dig in yesterday's trash. The Spirit was speaking all these things to them for that moment. Truth was spoken and it was powerful. The next Sunday, God brought in a friend of mine who is divorced, has two children, and has never felt further away from his Heavenly Dad. He said prior to the service that he was "taking baby steps back to God." How common is that for us as believers? He told everyone his story about getting away from Christ. We were all very moved by his words. The presence of God was very strong and I moved to pray to close the service but God wouldn't allow me to speak. When I found words I told them to listen to what God was saying. We sat silently for minutes until God had me pray for my friend. I lifted my hand outstretched and prayed for reconciliation between him and his Heavenly Dad. A Dad that is never disappointed, and always overjoyed to see His sons and daughters turn around and realize He has been with them the entire time. These things happened deep in the ocean on a submarine. God is present in those deep waters. God answers prayers. He speaks and listens to His kids and dishes up a specifically seasoned portion for each of us every day. How great is it to have the Father of all creation make something so specifically God is present... made for you every day?! No digging in yesterday's scraps for us, no baby steps. The nets are breaking with tomorrow's portion and it will be better tasting than anything we have ever had before. February 19,2015 S U N DAY ’ S 1 0 A M WO RS H I P G AT H E R I N G PASTOR SCOTT WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SERMON SERIES ON “THE CULTURE OF THE KINGDOM”. YO U T H M I NI ST RY THURSDAYS 6-8PM IN THE YOUTH ROOM CONTACT [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION. C H R I ST I A N I T Y 1 0 1 THURSDAYS 7PM IN THE WORSHIP CENTER PASTOR JIM WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SERMON SERIES ON THE HOLY SPIRIT. S E Q U O I A C L U B Men’s Ministry: Saturday, March 14th 8am in the Fellowship Hall Guest Speaker: Ed Conrad Cost is $5/person, payable at the door To sign up: Use the “My Church” App by Elexio or the “Member Login” at www.pvcpp.org Contact the Church Office with questions 860-446-1616 x10. February 19, 2015 February 19, 2015 Remember to Pray for our Missions: Here’s a Praise Report from Teen Challenge: A new office space just opened in New London! You are invited to Teen Challenge’s “Night of Hope” on Saturday, February 28th at 6:30pm as they share their vision with this community. Located at 250 State Street. Can You Keep A Secret? Louise Schneider is turning 80 this April and as a surprise, a scrapbook from her family at Pleasant Valley will be presented to her. Please send the following items to the Church Office no later than March 1st: Printed photographs that include Louise of events or special times you’ve shared. Testimonies that include Louise. A word of encouragement to Louise. Write a favorite memory about Louise. Contact Christine in the Church Office with questions. February 19, 2015 Online Giving @ Pleasant Valley https://www.pvcpp.org/pulse_portal.html In order to give online, you will be prompted to create an Amp Pulse account. Once you have logged into your Amp Pulse account, click the "Giving" tab and following the prompts. If you are having any problems or need assistance with online giving, please contact the church office. Pleasant Valley 2015 Weekly Budget: $11,156 Actual Giving Last Week: $4,263 Year To Date = $16,170 Under Budget (Don’t forget, we missed last Sunday as you plan your giving for this week) People Knowing God’s Call and Living it for His Glory Pleasant Valley Community of Prayer & Praise 20 Grove Ave. Groton, CT 06340 860-446-1616 offi[email protected] www.pvcpp.org Scott Hull Lead Pastor Jim Schneider Founding Pastor Christine Tassone Office Manager Russ Hembel Staff Pastor Eli Rosario Spanish Pastor Robin Depot Children’s Ministry Director & Facilities Manager
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