Holy Redeemer Parish PA RISH STAFF Roman Catholic Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie Holy Redeemer Parish Fr. Peter Moher - Pastor [email protected] 1887 Bancroft Dr. Sudbury, Ontario P3B 1S7 E-mail: [email protected] Fr. Raj Arulraj - Associate Pastor (away) Monique MacIntyre, Lay Pastoral Associate OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday: 8:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. Sharon Houle - Parish Secretary Office: 705-566-8330 Jean Marie (JM) Girard - Maintenance Parish Website: www.holyredeemerchurch.ca Facebook Page: Holy Redeemer Church Fax: 705-566-7261 Rectory: 705-566-8330 Schedule of Masses, Devotions and Reconciliation Sunday Masses: Saturday: 7:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM Reconciliation Times: Confessions are heard every Wednesday & Saturday from 6:30 PM to 6:50 PM or by appointment. Daily Mass is Celebrated: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday at 4:15 PM Wednesday at 7:00 PM (With Perpetual Help Devotions) The Rosary: Recited 1/2 hour before each weekday Mass Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Please join us on the first Friday of each month for a time of quiet prayer beginning at 1:00 P.M. and finishing at 4:00 P.M. Parish Pastoral Council Co-chairs: Ron Jodouin Louisa Bianchin Tel: 705-524-6989 Email: [email protected] Tel: 705-524-1516 [email protected] H.R. Inside News: Mass-Soup-Stations on Fridays Lenten Booklets - $2 “TRUST” PPC Photo Challenge Lenten Penitential Services Suggested Mass Offering Now $15 Please Pick-up your Income Tax Receipt Mass of Chrism 2015 Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church February 22, 2015 Year B H O L Y R E D E E M E R P A R I S H N E W S Submit your PHOTOS PPC Photo Challenge Your Parish Pastoral Council invites all parishioners of Holy Redeemer to submit a photo depicting characteristics of our new theme of "TRUST". “The desert purifies you, almost against your will, through God’s efforts. In the desert, what really occurs is a cosmic confrontation between God and the devil; though this happens within and through you. Your job is only to have the courage to be there. The idea is that God does the work, providing you have the courage to show up.” excerpt taken from The Desert: A Place of Preparation by Ron Rolheiser to read more go to www.liturgy.slu.edu You can submit your old or new photos, along with a brief explanation of why it represents "TRUST" to you. Pictures can be submitted via E-mail to [email protected] or with an actual copy of your original photo. Please submit to the parish office by March 27th, 2015. Photos reflecting our theme will be displayed throughout our new liturgical year. WEEKDAY MASS TIMES DURING LENT Holy Redeemer’s MASSES throughout Lent will be at Lenten regular scheduled weekday LENTEN BOOKLETS Mass times. Reconciliation 00 EA. $2. Service Tues. Thurs. & Fri. - 4:15 P.M. Lenten publications are now available in the church. These resources are great tools to assist us as we reflect and journey through lent to Easter. Wednesday - 7:00 P.M. CONFESSIONS are heard each Wednesday & Saturday from 6:30 P.M. - 6:50 P.M. or by appointment. My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself… But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. Therefore I will trust you always though I may seem to be lost... I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone. —Thomas Merton 2 Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church Will take place on Tuesday, March 3rd at 7:00 P.M. Experience the forgiveness & love of God in this beautiful sacrament as a part of your Lenten preparation. Raise the Roof Campaign! When courage, genius, and generosity hold hands, all things are possible. –Unknown H O L Y R E D E E M Lenten Penitential liturgies Holy Redeemer Parish Tuesday, March 3, 7:00 p.m. Penitential Service St. John the Evangelist, Garson Thursday, March 12 at 7:00 p.m. Penitential Service St. Patrick’s Church Thursday, March 12, 7:00 p.m. Penitential Service Church of Christ the King Wednesday, March 18, 10:00-Noon & 12:30 - 3:00p.m. St. Bartholomew Levack Wednesday, March 25, 7:00 p.m. Penitential Service St. Kevin’s, Val Therese Wednesday, March 25, 7:00 p.m. Penitential Service Gluten Allergy -- Liturgical Concerns? If you have a serious gluten allergy, please contact the office at 705-566-8330 and leave us your name & number. We would like to speak with you. Meeting to be scheduled soon! INCOME TAX RECEIPTS 2014 Income Tax Receipts continue to be available at the office during open hours throughout the week . Due to the extreme hike in postage, we ask that you help us cut costs by saving on postage! Thank you! 2015 BOXED SETS OF ENVELOPES Please Pick-Up your boxed envelopes if you have not already done so. P A R I S H N E W S Fridays in Lent Mass - Soup - Stations Each Friday during Lent (except Good Friday) we will have Mass at 4:15 P.M. followed by a simple Lenten meal (soup and bread), followed by Stations of the Cross. Feel free to join us for one, two or all three of the events, whatever your schedule will allow. There is no charge for the soup and bread but there will be a silver collection for Development and Peace. Thank you to all who have come forth to volunteer and make soup. Please keep in mind our Friday Lenten observance of refraining from meat. 4:15 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. Mass Simple Lenten Meal (soup and bread) Stations of the Cross Together may we have a blessed Lenten season! Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Schedules for March/April 2015 may be picked up in the Ministries Room if you do not receive them by email. They may also be viewed online on our website at holyredeemerchurch.ca BUDGETED WEEKLY EXPENSES 2015 NEW to PARISH OFFERING ENVELOPES? Average Weekly Pre-Authorized Donation If you are not an envelope holder and wish to use envelopes, we welcome you to pick up an “un-named” box from the table. Budgeted Weekly Income - Other Sources * BE SURE to complete the attached information slip: your name, address and phone number, along side the corresponding box number so this can be recorded at the office. 3 E R Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church $7,181.00 $1,600.00 $370.00 Weekly Collection - Feb. 15, 2015 $3,036.35 TOTAL WEEKLY INCOME $5,006.35 Other Donations Building Fund - Raising the Roof Thank you for your generosity! $442.00 H O L Y R E D E E M E R P A R I S H N E W S Feb. 22– Mar. 1, 2015 † Denotes a Mass for one who is deceased ❦ Denotes a Mass intention for the living Sunday, Feb. 22 9am Mass † Florian Rivest by Walter & Mary Saftic † Barbara Peterson by Joe & Doreen Laderoute † Souls of Purgatory by Oscar Baronette 11am Mass Intentions of all Parishioners 7pm Mass † Don Teed by Rocco & Thelma Mandaglio † Gary Coulson by Theresa & Blaise MacKenzie Tuesday, Feb. 24 – 4:15 P.M. † John Stack by Lester Kneen † Marlene Primeau by H.R. CWL Wednesday, Feb. 25 - 7:00 P.M. † Valier Lanteigne by Gloria Jefkins Week 1 - Feb 22nd DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE – Sowing seeds of love through 15,200 projects and partnerships We have to state, without mincing words, that there is an inseparable bond between our faith and the poor. May we never abandon them. Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, 48. For nearly 50 years, DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE has been committed to nurturing the bond between the faith of Canadian Catholics and the poorest of our brothers and sisters in the human family. Since our founding in 1967, Canadian Catholics have supported 15,200 local initiatives around the world through your generous donations to the annual Share Lent Campaign. These initiatives, in areas such as agriculture, education, community action, peace building and citizen participation, continue to help the poor today. The Share Lent collection is on the Fifth Sunday of Lent – Solidarity Sunday – March 22nd. ❦ Carmel Keogh by Peadar & Eileen O’Donohoe Thursday, Feb. 26 – 4:15 P.M † Glena Cunningham-Proulx by Andre & Irene Marcotte Friday, Feb. 27 – 4:15 P.M † Judith More by Pierre Bonin Saturday, Feb. 28 7pm Mass † Remi Gosselin by the Family † Maria Luisa Repele by the Repele Family † John & Therese Lackmanec by Julie Lackmanec Sunday, Mar. 1 9am Mass Living & Deceased Members of H.R. CWL † Gary Coulson by John & Donna Kelly 11am Mass † Marisa Smania-Certossi by the Smania Family † Aurélien Groulx by Larry & Claire Blake 7pm Mass Intentions of all Parishioners Suggested Mass Offering Now $15 The Diocese of Sault Ste Marie has issued a document providing an updated schedule of donation offerings for the celebration of Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms and Masses. As of Feb. 1st the suggested Mass offering donation is $15. Receipts will now be issued for income tax purposes. 4 Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church Questions can be directed to our ARISE Coordinators, Linda & Omer Dupuis, at 705-525-1163 or E-mail to [email protected] Season 4: New Heart New Spirit CONGRATULATIONS to all our Confirmation Candidates! Teresa Aiello Makenna Biladeau Dayanara Boston Julia Burns Noah Caufield Theodore Collin Cassie Del Pivo Jordyn Desjardins Hannah de Vos Grace Falcioni Brady Fex Connor Goudreau Carter Hart Isabella Lanci Joshua Law Cooper Levesque Carlyn Lewis Ryley Loiselle-Kutchaw Benjamin MacNeil Colby Marcil Hannah Marcil Isabella Matarazzo Aidan McCauley Twylitte Mitchell John O'Toole Victoria Pappano Nathan Pellatt Lauren Shelegey Alyssa Smania Ryan Teddy Sebastion Terrick Lauren Whitmore Brandon Woodliffe Grace Woodliffe H O L Y R E D E E M E R P A R I S H N E W S Parish Activities for the Week Monday, Feb. 23 - 28, 2015 7:00pm - 9:00pm Al-Anon (lower hall) TUESDAY 24 9:30am– 11:00am 1:00pm- 3:30pm ARISE (Chapel) Bridge (chapel) WEDNESDAY 25 2:00pm - 3:30pm 7:00pm - 8:30pm 7:00pm - 8:30pm STAND UP! - lower hall Gamblers Anonymous-lower hall CODA - upper room Library THURSDAY 26 Noon-2:30pm 7:00pm-8:30pm Mat Makers (upper hall) ARISE (Chapel) 9:30am -11:30pm 2:00pm - 3:30pm Crafters (hall) STAND UP! - lower hall MONDAY 23 FRIDAY 27 SATURDAY 28 11:00am Choir Practice for 11AM Mass 10:00am - 3:00pm Victoria Quilts 10:00am - 2:00pm Personal Healing & Support (by appointment) "Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy." Pope Francis This weeks readings: Monday Feb. 23 – Mar. 1, 2015 Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/ Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday Is 55:10-11/ Mt 6:7-15 Jon 3:1-10/Lk 11:29-32 Wednesday Thursday Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Mt 7:7-12 Friday Ez 18:21-28/Mt 5:20-26 Saturday Dt 26:16-19/Mt 5:43-48 Second Sunday of Lent 1st READING Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 2nd READING Romans 8:31b-34 GOSPEL 5 Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church Mark 9:2-10 Community Events 5 Week Lenten Mission - 2015 Theme: Return to our First Love “Come Back to Me with all your heart” Joel 2:12 Location: Our Lady of Hope Church, 591 Brennan Rd., Sudbury, ON On March 12 &13, 2015, the University of Sudbury will host two conferences by Distinguished Professor John Haught on the theme of Catholic Theology and the Theory of Evolution. On March 12, 19:00, he will give a public lecture on the theme: Dates: Saturdays During Lent Evolution and Faith: What is at Stake? Time: 8:30 A.M. to 12 Noon On March 13, 10:00, he will give a more in-depth lecture on the theme: Guest Speaker: Fr. Patrick Okenyi, s.m.a. How Much Can Biology Explain: Theology and the Challenge of Evolutionary Naturalism The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered each Saturday morning from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Mass will be celebrated each Saturday morning (Saturday Liturgy) Celebrant & homilist: Fr. Ken Gauthier Everyone Welcome! Sponsored by the little servants of Christ the King Prayer Community, Sudbury Chrism Mass 2015 (Both Talks are FREE and will be held at the University of Sudbury. There is a cost for Parking.) Professor John F. Haught (Ph. D. Catholic University, 1970) is Distinguished Research Professor, Georgetown University, Washington DC. He was formerly Professor in the Department of Theology at Georgetown University (1970-2005) and Chair (1990-95). The Chrism Mass will be held this year on Thursday, St. Alphonsus Food Bank March 26th at 1:30 p.m. at Pro Cathedral of the Assumption, North Bay This celebration is an opportunity for priests, deacons, members of the Diocesan Order of Service, Religious women and men and lay faithful to experience, along with the bishop, the bond of communion and solidarity within this spiritual family called the Church of the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie. All are invited to participate in this special diocesan celebration. Located at Holy Redeemer Church If you or someone you know needs assistance with food from the Minnow Lake area Please call our food bank at 705-566-9409. Assistance is provide to anyone living in the Minnow Lake area. N.B. *MASS CANCELLED AT H.R. CHURCH ON THIS DAY The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert. To the desert in the Spirit of God the will of your Father your only food you went. Jesus, take our hand; lead us to your wilderness. Protect us from our wild beasts within. Let your self-giving there summon us to your revolution of tenderness. Let it be our life-giving food for the fast. Copyright © 2015, Anne M. Osdieck. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. 6 Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church 24 Hour Session—March 6 & 7 Session to be held at Villa Loyola, 4951 Long Lake Road, Sudbury. Theme: Structuring your Spiritual Journey, an introduction to the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola AND Understanding of Sexuality, a theology of the body according to John Paul II Dates: From Friday March 6 (7pm) to Saturday March 7 (7pm) 2015 Director: Fr. Ronald Perron assisted by Deacon Bruno Michel Cost: open contribution Registration: Call Fr. Perron at 705-522-3502 ext. 2504 or [email protected] . Community Events YOU and ALZHEIMER'S: Sunday, February 22nd A Public Information Session: With guest speakers from the Alzheimer's Society of Sudbury-ManitoulinNorth Bay, Where: St. Christopher's Church, Whitefish Time: 2 PM Refreshments served afterwards. Please join us and bring a friend. INNER CITY HOME OF SUDBURY: Annual Dinner, Dance & Silent Auction: February 28, 2015 - Caruso Club (Upstairs) Dinner 6:45 p.m. Cocktail Hour: 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tickets $35.00 per person with $15.00 Income Tax Receipt – includes Complimentary Wine with your meal. Auction – Many unique & attractive items to bid on during the evening. A night of fun, excellent food & dancing to the music by “Ricky Stone”! Don’t miss out on this GREAT evening! Come out & support the good works of Inner City Home of Sudbury. Please phone 675-7550 for more information or to pick up tickets. A new House of Prayer in our Diocese Are you looking for a place where your group can meet for prayer and reflection? Do you need to share with someone on your spiritual journey? Do you desire a peaceful place to be in solitude? Exultet House, located on Long Lake Road in Sudbury can accommodate a group up to eight people. Also, the house has two bedrooms available for women who need a quiet place for a day or two in prayer. For more information: Pauline at 705-920-6793 [email protected] (EXULTET is a latin word meaning Shout with Joy) S.E.R.V.E. Summer Endeavour in a Redemptorist Volunteer Experience VOLUNTEER TRAINING IN HOSPICE PALLIATIVE CARE: March & April 2015 Maison Vale Hospice offering their Hospice Palliative Care Training. This 30 hour course is mandatory for volunteers wishing to accompany people at the Hospice or in the community. Sessions start on April 21st (in French) and on March 17th (in English/space is limited). For more information please contact Sylvie Daviau at 705-674-9252 ext 231. Loose Change SOUP LUNCH Your local, downtown Church of Christ the King is offering a delicious lunch option on Fridays! During the SIX Fridays of Lent (Starting February 20th) at noon, Christ the King will be hosting a Loose-Change soup lunch in the parish hall. They will be offering homemade soup, rolls, tea/coffee, etc. Proceeds will go to the Blue Door Soup Kitchen. Fridays Incl: February 27, March 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2015 Pray the Rosary for World Peace: The K of C Father Brian McKee Council 1387 Invite everyone to join us on Sunday March 1st, to pray the Rosary after the 11am Mass, at Christ the King Church. We will pray for World Peace. DINNER & Movie: Sunday, February 22nd at La Porte des Eaux/The Water Gate, 1534 Pioneer Road, Sudbury, TIME: 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. MENU: Soup, Ham, Baked Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Salad, Bun, Bread Pudding, tea, coffee or juice. Film — BERNADETTE TICKETS: $12.00/adult — $5.00/child. For info please call 523-1437. 7 Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church If you are a young man or woman between the ages of 19-30, and looking for an opportunity to grow in your Catholic faith, join us for a four week live-in community experience! Together we will grow in our understanding of prayer, the Eucharist, and being of service through ministry as a volunteer. May 8– June 6, 2015 Toronto, Ontario “The S.E.R.V.E. program takes the Catholic faith out of the pews an into the streets” -Shawn Beckett, SERVE 2010 For more information, contact: S.E.R.V.E 2015 Redeemer House 151 McCaul St. Toronto, ON M5T 1W3 E-mail: [email protected] Applications and reference forms are available online at plugintochrist.ca Deadline to submit application and references: March 15, 2015 PARISH INFORMATION - Phone 705-566-8330 Our Mission Statement Holy Redeemer Parish is a Eucharistic Community. We recognize that we are the Body of Christ, called to spread Jesus’ message of hope to the world. Through worship and witness, we share the Mission of Jesus: To Proclaim the Gospel * To Love One Another * To Welcome the Stranger * To Serve the Disadvantaged * To Foster Reconciliation JOINING OUR COMMUNITY If this is your spiritual home we invite you to register with the parish. Registration forms are available near the main entrance to the church and on the parish website. If you live outside the parish boundaries the only way we are able to assist you is if you are registered with Holy Redeemer and this is the parish you attend on Sundays. If you are new to the parish please introduce yourself to our priests. FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC We are always ready to begin the process by which an adult or older child becomes a Catholic, either by full initiation in Baptism, or by reception into full communion. We are also happy to prepare you for adult Confirmation. For children aged 7-16, parents may call the Parish Office. MARRIAGE For couples interested in the Sacrament of Marriage, we ask that you please contact the parish to make an appointment at least 8 months in advance. A Marriage Preparation course is required. INFANT BAPTISM Please call the Parish Office at 705-566-8330 for an appointment. Parents must be parishioners here or live within parish boundaries. A Baptism Preparation Course is required for all parents and Godparents. A Godparent must SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION In Grade 3, children may receive the Sacraments of be 16 years of age, baptized Catholic and be Confirmed. Reconciliation and 1st Communion. At our parish the Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated in the Fall and 1st CARE OF THE SICK & HOME BOUND Communion in the Spring. Confirmation is generally To arrange for the Sacrament of the Sick and/or Holy Communion for the home-bound, please contact the parish celebrated in Grade 7/8 in the new year. For more detail or to register please call the parish office. office. Visits to area hospitals are made regularly; please call and let us know you would like a visit. ST. ALPHONSUS FOOD BANK (for Minnow Lake area) To access the Food Bank please call 705-566-9409 and MASS REQUESTS: Request envelopes are available on the leave a message. Someone will return your call on table at the main entrance of the church or through the Wednesday and let you know when to pick up food. office. Donations to the food bank are gratefully accepted. Please deposit food donations in the wooden box at the FUNERALS main doors of the church. For monetary donations, blue If you have any questions about the Catholic Funeral Rite envelopes are available on the table at the main entrance please call the parish office before making funeral of the church (please indicate Food Bank) These can be arrangements and talk to one of the pastoral staff. placed in the collection basket. Gospel Theme: REPENT Question for Children: Who or what might help you to experience Lent as a new beginning? Questions for Adults: What kind of "fitness training" might you do during Lent to grow stronger in resisting temptation as did Jesus in the desert? 8 Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church
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