St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church كنيسة القديس جاورجيوس األنطاكية األرثوذكسية 4335 16th Street, N. W. Washington, D.C. 20011-7011 (202) 723-5335 * (202) 723-7924 Fax Church E-Mail: [email protected]—Fr. Joseph’s E-Mail: [email protected] Web page: WWW.SAINTGEORGE.ORG NSB Restaurant Equipment WE ARE NOW ON AMAZON Very Rev. Joseph Rahal, Pastor Deacon Workineh Belesse Sub-Deacon Nicola Said We are now on Amazon Established 1908 BILL BARBARI CEO-President [email protected] 14502 H Lee Road P: 703-378-9200 Chantilly, VA 20151 F: 703-378-9210 Advertise here If you would like to advertise your business to our community, please call our Church office. Credit card size like this one will cost $250 per year. Also, the bulletin will be published on our web-site every week. CHOIR DIRECTOR: Linda Kapusciarz Asst DIRECTOR: Eyvonka Rizkallah CHANTER/READERS: George Farah Norma Ashor Stephanos Roulakis HEAD USHERS: Nabil Louh Andrew Riley S-SCHOOL DIRECTOR: Shireen Rishmawi ALTAR CAPTAINS: Edward Rizkallah Ramez Makhlouf Issa Rizkallah Fredrick Moutran CANDLES: Nick Hamaty Marwan Bannourah Kamil Rafeedie RENOVATION: MAINTENANCE: Archives: WEBMASTERS: COUNCIL CHAIRMAN: TREASURER: PHOTOGRAPHER: LADIES PRES.: TEEN PRES: FELLOWSHIP PRES.: BOOK STORE: COFFEE HOUR: Marwan Bannourah Issa Ayoub Eli Souri Jeffrey Ayoub John Baddour Eric Granahan Elias Rizkallah Eli Souri Nicolette Aftimos Christine Makhlouf Mariam Shihadeh Camilia Bhalla Albert Ibrahim SECRETARY: Shanae Sahadeo Sunday March 1, 2015 First Sunday of Great Lent: the Sunday of Orthodoxy Venerable-martyr Eudokia of Heliopolis; Venerable Domnina of Syria; Martyrs Markellos and Anthony of Pamphylia; Venerable Agapios of Vatopedi monastery on Athos; Venerable David of Wales, bishop of Menevia WELCOME VISITORS! Please keep in mind that the Sacramental discipline of the Orthodox Church requires that only Orthodox Christians who have prepared for reception of the Eucharist, receive Holy Communion. This takes place after the Priest says: “With the fear of God, Faith and Love draw near.” We appreciate you honoring our Liturgical practice. Following the dismissal and announcements, please join us for fellowship. It is a joy to have you with us. Page 2 THE EPISTLE: THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT [HEB. 11:24-26, 32-40] Ye brethren: By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward. And what shall I more say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection: And others had trial of cruel mocking and scourging, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect. 14—21 12-11:22 عبرانيين:الرسالة ، خمتا ار الشقاء مع شعب اللـه على التمتع الوقيت باخلطيئة، بـاإلميان موسى ملا كبـر أبـى ان يُدعى ابنًا البنة فرعون،يـا إخوة خربت ُ َََ وماذا أقـول ايضا؟ انه يضيق يب الوقت إن أ. ألنـه نظر اىل الثـواب،ومعتربا عار املسيـح غىن أعظم من كنوز مصـر ِ ،عن جـدعون وبـاراق ومششـون ويـفتـاح وداود وصموئيـل واألنبيـاء الذين باإلميان قهروا املمالك ، ونـالوا املواعـد،ّوعملوا ِالرب وكسروا، وصاروا أشداء يف احلرب،ـقووا من ضعف ّ وت، وجنوا من حد السيف، وأطفأوا حدة النار،وس ّدوا أفواه األسود ومل يـقبلوا بـالنجاة، وعـُّذب آخرون بتوتري األعضاء والضرب، وأخذت نساء أمواهتن بالقيامة،معسكرات األجانب ،ورمجوا ونُشروا وامتُحنوا وماتوا بـح ّد السيف ُ ،ليحصلوا على قيامة أفضل؛ وآخرون ذاقوا اهلزء واجللد والقيود أيضا والسجن وكانـوا تـائهني يف البـراري، ومل يـكن العامل مستحقا هلم،وساحـوا يف جلود غنم ومعزٍ وهـم مع َـوزون مُضايَـقون مـجهودون : مل يـنالوا املوعـد ألن اهلل سبـق فنـظر لنـا شيـئا أفـضل، مشهودا هلم بـاإلميان، فهؤالء كلهم.واجلبـال واملغاور وكهوف األرض ْملوا بـدوننا ُ أن ال يـَك OBLATION OFFERINGS Page 7 ALTAR BREAD IS OFFERED AND THE PRAYER OF SACRIFICE FOR THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF THE SERVANTS GOD: Heidi Saba & Family, Brunette Kazzi & Family, Anwar & Claudine Munayer & Family, Tony, Ramsey, Samir, Madeleine, Cathy, Anthony, Dominic, Annastasia, Olivia, Nicole, Jason, Megan, Amanda, Michael, Sabrina, Aline, Raymond, Hilda, Natasha, Ramona, Irene, Alec, Charlene, Patricia, Antoine, Alexandra, The Simon Family, The Bruno Family, Marcelle Qazar, Maha Atallah, Fouad & Dianne Atallah & Family, Raja & Arlette Atalla & Family, Issa & Roudeyna Ayoub, Father Joseph Rahal, Asma Hamarneh-Trey, Angela Saliby, Nicholas Tentzeras, Richard Albinger, Samira Ayoub, Rose Salamy, Evelyn Mabe, Edmond Hageage, Laura Chaale, Nawal Ayoub & Karim ALTAR BREAD IS OFFERED AND THE PRAYER OF SACRIFICE IS IN MEMORY OF THE SERVANTS OF GOD: Dr. Saba N. Saba, Ezzat Kazzi, Selma, Fred, Kafa, Selim, Nahdiya, Antone, Adele, George, Raymond, John, Alice, Rosa, Michael, Nayfeh, David, Laurice, Fawzi, Jack, Edma, Edmond & Julia Atallah, Salem Kash, Rola Kassis & Nina Kash, Fred Ayoub, Madlin Rizkallah, Geraldine Kiatta, Elias Farhat, Evelyn Shahadi, Antoine Klam, Mary Rose Homsieh, Judy Filmore TODAYS MEMORIAL SERVICES & COFFEE HOUR Coffee Hour & Holy Bread in memory of Dr. Saba N. Saba Offered by his wife Heidi Saba and his four children and 10 grandchildren 1 Year Memorial, Coffee Hour & Holy Bread in Memory of Ezzat Kazzi offered by Brunette Kazzi & Family. Wheat offered by Anwar & Claudine Munayer & Family. Holy Bread in Memory of Madlin Rizkallah offered by Edward & Rima Rizkallah & Family Coffee Hour & Holy Bread in memory of Salem Kash, Rola Kassis & Nina Kash offered by Issa & Roudeyna Ayoub Holy bread for the health of Father Joseph Rahal offered by Asma Hamarneh-Trey Mar. 8, 2015 40-Day Memorial in Memory of Anastasios Karagias 1-YR Memorial, Holy bread & coffee hour in Memory of JoAnne Ibrahim Coffee Hour & Holy Bread in Memory of Issa K. Ayoub offered by Najwa Ayoub & Family Mar. 15, 2015 ———————- ———————- AVAILABLE Page 6 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS THESHOLY GOSPEL: THE HOLY GOSPEL: THE FIRST UNDAY OF LENT [JOHN 1:43-51] Page 3 Dates to Remember 2014 Mar 8 Mar 15 Mar 29 Daylight Savings Time Begins General Parish Meeting Palm Sunday March Birthday’s Elias Bechara - 2 Gabreela Fakhoury - 5 Anya Kamar - 5 Carol Awabadeh - 12 Joyce Shadid - 14 Hanna Achour - 16 Carol Bahou - 17 Austin Moussa - 17 Wadeed Fakhoury - 21 Ms. Zufan Giselassie - 21 Christine Marie Klam - 21 Mr. & Mrs. Samer Makhlouf - 23 Mahir Ayoub - 27 Mrs. Gail Chmura - 29 TODAY [ & ON THE 15TH ] The LMBS will be having their monthly bread sale (1st Sunday of each month). Please be sure to stop by and purchase some. TODAY there will be a fresh produce sale, parsley, cucumbers, tomatoes, lemons and citrus. Contact Eric Granahan if you have questions @ 410.459.9652 or [email protected] GENERAL PARISH MEETING Our Annual General Parish Meeting will be held SUNDAY MARCH 15 following the Divine Liturgy. We urge all of you to attend this meeting. At that time, Jesus decided to go to Galilee. And he found Philip and said to him, “Follow Me.”Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. Philip found Nathanael, and said to him, “We have found Him of Whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.”Jesus saw Nathanael coming to Him, and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!”Nathanael said to Jesus, “How do You know me?”Jesus answered him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.”Nathanael answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!”Jesus answered him, “Because I said to you, I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You shall see greater things than these.”And Jesus said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.” 51-12:2 يوحنا:اإلنجيل ، وكان فيـلبس من بيـت صيدا. اتـبعين: فوجـد فيلبـس فقال له،يف ذلك الزمان أراد يسوع اخلروج اىل اجلليل ان الذي كتــب عنـه موسى يف الناموس:ـنائيل فقـال له فوجـد.من مديـنة انـدراوس وبـطرس َ فيلبس نث ُ أمـن النـاصرة ميكن ان: فقال لـه نثنائيل. وهـو يسـوع بـن يوسـف الذي من الناصرة،واألنبـياء قد وجدنـاه ائيلي ُ فرأى يسوع. تعال وانظر:يـكـون شيء صاحل؟ فقال له فـيلبس َ ّ هـوذا إسر:نثنائيل مـقـبـال اليــه فقال عنه وانت، قبـل ان يـدعـوك فيلبس: من أيـن تـعرفين؟ أجاب يسوع وقال له: فقال له نـثـنائيل.حقا ال غـش فيـه أجاب يسـوع وقال. انت ملك اسرائيل،ابن اهلل ُ انـت، يا معلم: أجاب نثنائيل وقال له.حتت التيــنة رأيتـك احلق احلق اقول: وقال له.آمنت؟ انـك ستعايـن أعظم من هذا َ ، ألين قلت لك اين رأيتك حتت التينـة:له .لكم انـكم من اآلن تـرون السماء مـفتوحة ومالئـكة اهلل يـصعدون ويـنـزلون على ابن البشر IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS Page 4 LENTEN SCHEDULE OUR LENTEN SEASON BEGAN ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23. LENTEN SERVICES ARE HELD EVERY MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY AT 7:00 PM. THE “MADAYEH” (SALUTATION) SERVICE WILL BE HELD EVERY FRIDAY AT 7:00 PM. FOLLOWED BY “POT-LUCK” SUPPER. FOR THE FRIDAY SERVICES WE NEED FLOWERS TO ADORN THE ICON OF THE VIRGIN MARY. THE COST WILL BE ABOUT $40 FOR EACH FRIDAY (TWO VASES ARE NEEDED). IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE ANY OR ALL (5 FRIDAYS—TOTAL: $200.00) PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE. by Saint John Chrysostom ********************* When the fast makes its appearance, like a kind of spiritual summer, let us as soldiers burnish our weapons, and as harvesters sharpen our sickles, and as sailors order our thoughts against the waves of extravagant desires, and as travelers set out on the journey towards heaven, and as wrestlers prepare for the contest. For the believer is at once a harvester and a sailor and a soldier, a wrestler and a traveler. Sharpen you sword and your sickle, which has been blunted by gluttony, sharpen it by fasting. Lay hold of the pathway, which leads towards heaven, rugged and narrow as it is. Lay hold of it, and journey on. I speak not of such a fast as most persons keep, but of real fasting, not merely abstinence from meats, but from sins as well. For the nature of fast is such that it does not suffice to deliver those who practice it unless it is done according to a suitable law. So that when we have gone through the labor of fasting, we do not lost the crown of fasting; we must understand how and in what manner it is necessary to conduct the business since the Pharisee also fasted, but afterward went away empty and destitute of the fruit of fasting. The Publican did not fast, and yet he was accepted in preference of him who had fasted in order that you may learn that fasting is unprofitable unless all other duties accompany it. Page 5 At Your baptism in the Jordan, O Lord, the worship of the Trinity was revealed, for the voice of the Father bore witness to You by calling You His beloved Son, and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the certainty of these words.“ If you like your house to be blessed after the Epiphany please inform us by calling the office: Office phone number (202) 723-5335 ext. 4 NEW CUSHIONS As you have noticed, we have new cushions for our pews. We are soliciting your donations for these cushions. Each Cushion (Except for the last two large pews) cost $350.00. By donating one Cushion (or, if you choose, more than one), we will be printing a plaque with your name on it and place the plaque on the pew (the outer side of the pew). The placements of the names will be in the order that we receive your donation, i.e., the first donation will be placed on the first pew from the front, and so on. There are 38 pews only. TONIGHT— Sunday of Orthodoxy Tonight's Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers Service will be held at Sts Peter & Paul Church at 5:00 PM. Our own, Bishop Anthony, of Toledo and the Midwest, will be the main speaker.
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