St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church كنيسة القديس جاورجيوس األنطاكية األرثوذكسية 4335 16th Street, N. W. Washington, D.C. 20011-7011 (202) 723-5335 * (202) 723-7924 Fax Church E-Mail: [email protected]—Fr. Joseph’s E-Mail: [email protected] Web page: WWW.SAINTGEORGE.ORG NSB Restaurant Equipment WE ARE NOW ON AMAZON Very Rev. Joseph Rahal, Pastor Deacon Workineh Belesse Sub-Deacon Nicola Said We are now on Amazon Established 1908 BILL BARBARI CEO-President [email protected] 14502 H Lee Road P: 703-378-9200 Chantilly, VA 20151 F: 703-378-9210 Advertise here If you would like to advertise your business to our community, please call our Church office. Credit card size like this one will cost $250 per year. Also, the bulletin will be published on our web-site every week. CHOIR DIRECTOR: Linda Kapusciarz Asst DIRECTOR: Eyvonka Rizkallah CHANTER/READERS: George Farah Norma Ashor Stephanos Roulakis HEAD USHERS: Nabil Louh Andrew Riley S-SCHOOL DIRECTOR: Shireen Rishmawi ALTAR CAPTAINS: Edward Rizkallah Ramez Makhlouf Issa Rizkallah Fredrick Moutran CANDLES: Nick Hamaty Marwan Bannourah Kamil Rafeedie RENOVATION: MAINTENANCE: Archives: WEBMASTERS: COUNCIL CHAIRMAN: TREASURER: ASSISTANT TREAS.: PHOTOGRAPHER: LADIES PRES.: TEEN PRES: FELLOWSHIP PRES.: BOOK STORE: COFFEE HOUR: SECRETARY: Marwan Bannourah Issa Ayoub Eli Souri Jeffrey Ayoub John Baddour Eric Granahan Elias Rizkallah Gus Zakhem Eli Souri Nicolette Aftimos Christine Makhlouf Mariam Shihadeh Camilia Bhalla Eddie Yazge Albert Ibrahim Shanae Sahadeo Sunday February 15, 2015 Sunday of the Last Judgement [Meat-Fare] Apostle Onesimos of the Seventy; Venerable Eusebios of Syria; Martyr Major of Gaza; Venerable Dalmatos of Serbia. WELCOME VISITORS! Please keep in mind that the Sacramental discipline of the Orthodox Church requires that only Orthodox Christians who have prepared for reception of the Eucharist, receive Holy Communion. This takes place after the Priest says: “With the fear of God, Faith and Love draw near.” We appreciate you honoring our Liturgical practice. Following the dismissal and announcements, please join us for fellowship. It is a joy to have you with us. Page 2 THE HOLY GOSPEL: MEAT FARE SUNDAY [MATTHEW 25:31-46] THE GOSPEL THE READING FROM THE HOLY GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW (25:31-46) The Lord saith: “When the Son of man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. Before Him will be gathered all the nations, and He will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and He will place the sheep at His right hand, but the goats at the left Then the King will say to those at His right hand, ‘Come, O blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see Thee hungry and feed Thee, or thirsty and give Thee drink? And when did we see Thee a stranger and welcome Thee, or naked and clothe Thee? And when did we see Thee sick or in prison and visit Thee?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ Then He will say to those at His left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave Me no food, I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome Me, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’ Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see Thee hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to Thee?’ Then He will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to Me.’ And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” OBLATION OFFERINGS Page 7 ALTAR BREAD IS OFFERED AND THE PRAYER OF SACRIFICE FOR THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF THE SERVANTS GOD: Joseph, Claudia, Abeer, Albert, Philippe & Eduardo Elias, Margaret, Nadim & Vivian & Family, Hanna, Samira, Nassib, Rania, Brandon, Maya, Rima, Elie & Family, Hanaa & Family, Marie, Mark & Dany, Cherise Milburn, Issa & Roudenyna Ayoub & Family, Harry Jones & Family; The Ralph, Compton, Williams, Romano & Meador Families; Rosalie Peckerol-Jaccino & Family; Jackie & Tony Herrera & Family; Bill & Tina Hausen & Family; Bob & Laurie Wheeler & Family; Coty Williams, Asma Hamarneh-Trey, Angela Saliby, Nicholas Tentzeras, Richard Albinger, Samira Ayoub, Rose Salamy, Evelyn Mabe, Edmond Hageage, Laura Chaale, Nawal Ayoub & Karim ALTAR BREAD IS OFFERED AND THE PRAYER OF SACRIFICE IS IN MEMORY OF THE SERVANTS OF GOD: George, Antoine, Salwa, Norman, Michael, Nicolas, Adeeb, Elias, Albert, Joseph, Thekla, Sami, Assad, Saada, Daher, Marguerite, Nemer, Martha, Talgie, Tanous, Edmun, Salem Kash, Rola Kassis, Nina Kash, Nader, Jamile, Nassib, Maryam, Marie, Zakia, Salma, The Thomas Family; Eunice Padgett; Harry & Lorraine Williams; Wanda Williams; Nora Keyros; Fred & Sarah Karuta; Lulu Mc Coury; Margaret & Irving Musgrove; Thomas Joseph; Jose Ayala; Hubert & David Ralph; Katherine Baruday; Phillip Joseph; Joshua Compton; Sadie Marie Jones; Kay Najour; Guido Jaccino; Walter Trey; John Terrell, Fred Ayoub, Madlin Rizkallah, Geraldine Kiatta, Elias Farhat, Evelyn Shahadi, Antoine Klam, Mary Rose Homsieh, Judy Filmore TODAYS MEMORIAL SERVICE & COFFEE HOUR 2-Yrs Memorial Service for Salwa Elias offered by Joseph Elias & Family Coffee Hour & Holy Bread offered by Issa & Roudeyna Ayoub in memory of Salem Kash, Rola Kassis & Nina Kash Coffee Hour & Holy Bread offered by Hanna Ghareeb & Family in memory of Nader, Jamile, Nassib, Maryam, Marie, Zakia & Salma Mar. 1, 2015 1 Year Memorial, Coffee Hour & Holy Bread in Memory of Ezzat Kazzi offered by Brunette Kazzi & Family Mar. 8, 2015 40-Day Memorial in Memory of Anastasios Karagias 1-YR Memorial, Holy bread & coffee hour in Memory of JoAnne Ibrahim Page 6 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS THE HOLY GOSPEL: MEATTHE FAREHOLY SUNDAYGOSPEL: [MATTHEW 25:31-46] Page 3 Dates to Remember 2014 Feb 22 Feb 23 Mar 8 General Parish Meeting Lent Begins Daylight Savings Time Begins February Birthday’s Gabriella Bahou - 1 Fouad Ayoub - 16 Amen Giselassie - 1 Nader Ayoub - 17 Nour Juliette Farah - 2 Tania Shehadeh Ayoub - 19 Anastasia Brunette Kazzi - 2 Grace Atrash - 20 Jennifer Hishmeh - 8 Mathiew Farah - 20 Grace Shadid - 8 Mary Ann Ghareeb - 20 Cathy Awwad - 9 Beandrew Joseph Lohman - 20 Laila Pietri - 9 Alessa Rishmawi - 20 Bianca Christina Romano - 12 Celine Marie Doumar - 23 Peter Ibrahim - 13 Anthony Poerio - 24 Abraham Shihadeh -15 Isabella Moussa - 25 Edmond Atalla - 15 Julie Grace Ghareeb - 26 Rita Chaale - 15 Zaki Fadi Bahou - 27 Naser Shayeb - 15 Mr. & Mrs. Eiad Ady - 28 Peter Andraos - 16 Sunday March 1—Sunday of Orthodoxy The Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers Service will be held at Sts Peter & Paul Church at 5:00 PM. Our own, Bishop Anthony, of Toledo and the Midwest, will be the main speaker. CONGRATULATIONS To Yemane & Ruth Berhane on the Baptism of their daughter, Haadinet, Yesterday February 14. May God Grant Her Many Years ANTIOCHIAN VILLAGE SUMMER CAMP The deadline to register your child for the summer camp at the Antiochian Village is March 1. Please do so ASAP. ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ود ابن ا ِإلنْس هجه ِه ُ َعه َه ْ َهَِهُه فَهِجنِهُُ ي،َ ان في َم ْجده َوَم َعهُُ ََ ِهيه ُهَ َمهََِِه َ ُ ْ ُ ُقال الرب ع ْن َد َما يَهع ِ صل اله ِر ِ ِ ِ َعر ِ ِ الشعوب ُك ُّ َهاه فَه ه ْف ِ ٍ ض ُه ْم َع ْن بَه ْع اعهي َ ص ُل بَه ْع ُ ُ ُّ ُُش َم ْجدهه َوتَ ْجََي َُ أ ََم َام َ ْ ُ ض َك َيا يَه ْف ِ ِِ ِ ك لِه ِ ِهيي َهن َعه ْن ُ سا ِرهِ؛ثُ ِم يَه ُق ُ ِالْغَنَ َم َع ِن ال ِْي َعا ِزه فَه ُوق ُ ِ ول ال َْي َ َف الْغَنَ َم َع ْن يَي نُه َوالْي َعا ِز َع ْن ي ِش ِِ ِ ألَنِّهي:هام الْ َهعهالَ ِهم َ ْ ْهم ُمه ْنه ُي اِن،ُ هول الِ ِهيِ أ ُِعه ِد لَه َ ،ُ ارَك ُه ْم أَبِيه ِرثُوا الْ َهيه َه َ َ تَه َعالَ ْوا يَ َام ْن ب:ُيَي ن ِ هس ْهوتُ ُهيهونِهيه ُ س َق َُْ ُيونِيه ُك ْن ُ ت فَأَط َْع ْيَُ ُيونِيه َع ِط ْش ُ َُ ْع َ َت غَ ِريباً ف َ ،َ آويْههَُ ُهيهونهيه عُ ْهريَهانهاً فَه َ َت ف ِِ ِ ِ َ َبه َمهََه َرأَيْههن ُّ هار ًهاا ََهاِِهعها َ َ ي:َم ِريضاً فَه ُزْرتُ ُيونيه َسج ناً فَهأَتَ ه ْهَُ ْهم اِلَ ِهي! فَ هَه ُهر ُّد األَبْه َهر ُار قَهاِه ه َهن ؟وَمهََه َ َهس ْهون َ َآويْهن َ َ؟وَمََ َرأَيْهن َ َس َق ْهن َ َفَأَط َْع ْين َ ْااه أ َْو َعط َ هاا َ َاا غَ ِريباً ف َ اا َ ،َ ااه أ َْو عُ ْهريَهانهاً فَه َ َشاناً ف ْهم فَه َهعه ْهَُ ْهم،ُ بِ َهيها أَنِه: ْهم،ُ هول لَه ُ ُهَه ِ أَق َ َاا َم ِريضاً أ َْو َس ِج ناً فَه ُزْرن َ ََرأَيْهن ُ ِ اا؟ فَه ُ ِج بُه ُه ُم ال َْي َ ْ ال:هك ِ ِ ِ ُ الصغَا ِره فَبِي فَهع َُْم! ثُ ِم يه ُق ابْههََ ِهعه ُدوا َعهنِّهي:ِسها ِره ِّ َح ِد اِ ْخ َوتِي َه ُؤالَِم َ َِذل َ ْ َ َ ك بِأ َ َول له هيي َهن َع ْهن ي هت ُ ت فَه َ ْم تُط ِْع ُهيهونِهيه َو َع ِهطه ْش ُ يَ َامََ ِع ُن اِلَ النِا ِر األَبَ ِديِِة ال ُْي َع ِدةِِ ِإلبِْ َ َوأَ ْع َوانُِِ! ألَنِّي َُ ْع ِ ِ ،ْ َت غَ ِريباً فَه َم تَأْوونِيه عُرياناً فَه َم ت !ورونِهي ُ فَه َ ْم تَ ْس ُقونِيه ُك ْن َْ ُ سونيه َم ِريضاً َو َسج ناً فَه َ ْم تَه ُهز ُ ْ ُ ْ ِ ِِ َ َبه َمََ َرأَيْهن ُّ ار ًشاناً أ َْو غَ ِريباً أ َْو عُ ْريَاناً أ َْو َم ِريضها َ ْاا ََاِِعاً أ َْو َعط َ َ ي:فَهَه ُر ُّد َه ُؤالَم أَيْضاً قَاِ َن ِ َ أَو س ِج ناًه ولَم نَ ْخ ِد ْم َح ِهد ُ َُْ ِ أَق َ ِ ْهم لَ ْهم تَ ه ْف َهعه ُهوا ذَل،ُ بِ َهيها أَنِه: ْم،ُ َول ل َ ال:ك؟ فَه ُج بُه ُه ْم َ هك بِهأ َ ْ ْ َ ِ ِ ب َه ُؤالَِم اِلَه الْ ِهعه َق ِه َواألَبْه َهر ُار اِلَه ِّ اِ ْخ َوتِي َه ُؤالَِم ِّ هاب األَبَ ِهد ُ الصغَا ِره فَبي لَ ْم تَه ْف َع ُوا! فَهَ ْي َه !ََْاةِ األَبَ ِديِِة َ ال Page 4 THE EPISTLE: MEAT FARE SUNDAY [I COR. 8:8-9:2] The Lord chastising hath chastised me: But he hath not delivered me over to death. Ye brethren: Meat commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse. But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak. For if any man see thee which hast knowledge sit at meat in the idol’s temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weak be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols; And through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ. Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend. Am I not an apostle? Am I not free? Have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? Are not ye my work in the Lord? If I be not an apostle unto others, yet doubtless I am to you: for the seal of mine apostleship are ye in the Lord. ِ ِ ِ َّ يا إخوة أ !ص ُُ ُر َأ أْنُ نَ ا ْ َ َوإِ ْن ََلْ نَأْ ُك ْل مْنهُ الَ ي، فَِإنَّنَا إِ ْن أَ َك ْلنَا مْنهُ الَ يَ ْعلُو َم َق ُامنَا،َن الطَّ َع َام الَ يُ َقِّربُنَا إِ ََل اهلل ِ فَي.ط فِ ِيه الضُّع َفاء ِو ِ ِ َح ُ لك ْن ُخ ُذوا ِح ْذ َرُك ْم لِ َك ْي الَ يَ ُكو َن َح ُّق ُك ْم َه َذا فَ ّخاً يَ ْس ُق َ َ ُ َ َ إ ْن َر َأ أ، َب الْ َم ْع ِرف َ َ اصاح ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ،ص نَ ِام َّ ُه َو،ُ م ُل، َ أَفَََ يَ ََّ َق َّوه،ص نَ ِام ْ َ ل يَ أْ ُك َل م ْن َبَا ِ ال، ُ الض ع ي ْ ََ َجالساً إِ ََل الطَّ َع ِام ِِف َهْي َك ٍل ل ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ََ بِس،َجلِ ِه ك! فَِإ ْ ُخْ ِط نُو َن َه َك َذا َ ََِّب َم ْع ِرف َ َ َوُه َو أَخ ل، ُ ك الضَّعِي َ ك يَََّ َ َّم ُر َل َ َوبِ َذل َ ك َم ْ ات الْ َمسي ُ م ْن أ َ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ إِ ََل ا ِإلخوةِ فَََّجرحو َن ط ُ ض الطَّ َع ِام فَ ّخ اً يَ ْس ُق َ ُ َْ َْ ُ إِ ْن َكا َن بَ ْع، ل َذا. ِ إََِّّنَا ُخْطنُو َن إِ ََل الْ َمسي،َ َما َرُه ُم الضَّعي َف، ِ َ لِ َكي الَ أُس ِق،ً فَلَن ُكل ََلماً أَب ا،فِ ِيه أ َِخي ت يَ ُس و َ َربَّ نَ ا؟ ُ ْت َر ُسوالً؟ أ ََما َرأَي ُ ت أَنَا ُحّراً؟ أ ََولَ ْس ُ ط أَخي!أَلَ ْس ْ ْ َ ْ َ ْ ِ ِ َّ لَنَّ ُك ْم َخ َّْ ُم َر ُس ول ي، فَِإََّّنَا أَنَا َر ُس و إِلَ ْي ُك ْم،الرب إِ ْن ََلْ أَ ُك ْن َر ُسوالً إِ ََل َغ ُِْك ْم َّ أَلَ ْسَُّ ْم أَنَُّْ ْم َع َم َل يَ ِي ِِف .ب ِّ الر َّ ِِف IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS Page 5 At Your baptism in the Jordan, O Lord, the worship of the Trinity was revealed, for the voice of the Father bore witness to You by calling You His beloved Son, and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the certainty of these words.“ If you like your house to be blessed after the Epiphany please inform us by calling the office: Office phone number (202) 723-5335 ext. 4 NEW CUSHIONS As you have noticed, we have new cushions for our pews. We are soliciting your donations for these cushions. Each Cushion (Except for the last two large pews) cost $350.00. By donating one Cushion (or, if you choose, more than one), we will be printing a plaque with your name on it and place the plaque on the pew (the outer side of the pew). The placements of the names will be in the order that we receive your donation, i.e., the first donation will be placed on the first pew from the front, and so on. There are 38 pews only. Next Sunday, February 22, there will be a fresh produce sale, parsley, cucumbers, tomatoes, lemons and citrus. Contact Eric Granahan if you have questions. At 410.459.9652 or [email protected] GENERAL PARISH MEETING Our Annual General Parish Meeting will be held NEXT Sunday, February 22 (weather permitting), following the Divine Liturgy. We urge all of you to attend this meeting.
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