St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church كنيسة القديس جاورجيوس األنطاكية األرثوذكسية 4335 16th Street, N. W. Washington, D.C. 20011-7011 (202) 723-5335 * (202) 723-7924 Fax Church E-Mail: [email protected]—Fr. Joseph’s E-Mail: [email protected] Web page: WWW.SAINTGEORGE.ORG NSB Restaurant Equipment WE ARE NOW ON AMAZON Very Rev. Joseph Rahal, Pastor Deacon Workineh Belesse Sub-Deacon Nicola Said We are now on Amazon Established 1908 BILL BARBARI CEO-President [email protected] 14502 H Lee Road P: 703-378-9200 Chantilly, VA 20151 F: 703-378-9210 Advertise here If you would like to advertise your business to our community, please call our Church office. Credit card size like this one will cost $250 per year. Also, the bulletin will be published on our web-site every week. CHOIR DIRECTOR: Linda Kapusciarz Asst DIRECTOR: Eyvonka Rizkallah CHANTER/READERS: George Farah Norma Ashor Stephanos Roulakis HEAD USHERS: Nabil Louh Andrew Riley S-SCHOOL DIRECTOR: Shireen Rishmawi ALTAR CAPTAINS: Edward Rizkallah Ramez Makhlouf Issa Rizkallah Fredrick Moutran CANDLES: Nick Hamaty Marwan Bannourah Kamil Rafeedie RENOVATION: MAINTENANCE: Archives: WEBMASTERS: COUNCIL CHAIRMAN: TREASURER: ASSISTANT TREAS.: PHOTOGRAPHER: LADIES PRES.: TEEN PRES: FELLOWSHIP PRES.: BOOK STORE: COFFEE HOUR: SECRETARY: Marwan Bannourah Issa Ayoub Eli Souri Jeffrey Ayoub John Baddour Eric Granahan Elias Rizkallah Gus Zakhem Eli Souri Nicolette Aftimos Christine Makhlouf Mariam Shihadeh Camilia Bhalla Eddie Yazge/ Albert Ibrahim Shanae Sahadeo Sunday December 28, 2014 Sunday after the Nativity of Christ, Commemoration of Joseph the Betrothed, Davis the Prophet and King, and James the Brother of the Lord. The Twenty thousand Martyrs of Nicomedia; Hieromartyr Glykerion; Venerable Simon the myrrh-streaming, founder of Simonopetra monastery on Athos. WELCOME VISITORS! Please keep in mind that the Sacramental discipline of the Orthodox Church requires that only Orthodox Christians who have prepared for reception of the Eucharist, receive Holy Communion. This takes place after the Priest says: “With the fear of God, Faith and Love draw near.” We appreciate you honoring our Liturgical practice. Following the dismissal and announcements, please join us for fellowship. It is a joy to have you with us. Page 2 THE HOLY GOSPEL: SUNDAY AFTER NATIVITY IC-XC [MATTHEW 2:13-23] THE READING FROM THE HOLY GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW (2:13-23) When the wise men had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the Child and His mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there till I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy Him.” And he rose and took the Child and His mother by night, and departed to Egypt, and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt have I called My son.” Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men was in a furious rage, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time which he had ascertained from the wise men. Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah: “A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they were no more.” But when Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying, “Rise, take the Child and His mosther, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the Child’s life are dead.” And he rose and took the Child and His mother, and went to the land of Israel. But when he heard that Archela’us reigned over Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there, and being warned in a dream he withdrew to the district of Galilee. And he went and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, “He shall be called a Nazarene.” IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS Page 7 BLESSING OF THE WATER The Blessing of the Water Service will be held next Sunday, January 4, following the Divine Liturgy. NEW CUSHIONS As you have noticed, we have new cushions for our pews. We are soliciting your donations for these cushions. Each Cushion (Except for the last two large pews) cost $350.00. By donating one Cushion (or, if you choose, more than one), we will be printing a plaque with your name on it and place the plaque on the pew (the outer side of the pew). The placements of the names will be in the order that we receive your donation, i.e., the first donation will be placed on the first pew from the front, and so on. There are 38 pews only. POINSETTIA DONATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS 2014 Albert & Elaine Ibrahim, Alice & Nicola Said, Bill & Tina Hausen & Family, George & Nuha Ayoub, Helen Ayoub, Ibrahim Hijazin, Jamal Moutran, Joe Moutran, Josephine Moutran, Kamil & Mary Rafeedie, Kareemeh Hijazin, Lemlem Billion, Mary Barbari, Mary Ibrahim, Michael & Diane Rishmawi, Mike & Mireille Ayoub, Nabil & Nahida Barbari, Tony & Grace Chehade, Wajdi and Rose Fakhoury, Walid & Angela Saliby: ALL DONATED FOR THE HEALTH OF THEIR FAMILIES. Assad & Roxanne Saliba: For the Health of Saliba & Ayoub Families, Deanna Shihadeh (Ibrahim): For the Health of Family & In Memory of Ibrahim, Elias & Maysoon Rizkallah: For the Health of Family & In Memory of Rizkallah & Izz Departed, Elie & Ragheda Abdelnour: For the Health of Abdelnour & Aflak Families, Eyvonnka Rizkallah: In Memory of Madlin, Samaan, Naimeh, Samira, & Julio, Issa & Roudeyna Ayoub: For the Health of Family & Grandchildren, Mike & Reema (Ayoub) Fieret: For the Health of Family In Memory of Issa, Khalil, & Mazzouzeh Ayoub / Masad & Bahia Baba, Najwa I. Ayoub: In Memory of Issa Ayoub/Masad, Bahia, Nabih, & Mike Baba, Nancy Tentzeras: For the Health of Subdeacon Nicholas, Yousef & Kamilia Rizkallah: For the Health of Family & In Memory of Madlin Rizkallah/Samaan & Samira Izz Page 6 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS THE HOLY THE HOLY GOSPEL: SUNDAY AFTER NATIVITYGOSPEL: IC-XC [MATTHEW 2:13-23] Page 3 Dates to Remember 2014 Dec 31 New Years Eve Jan 1 St. Basil Great Civil New Year Leave of Nativity New Years Day Jan 4 The Blessing of The Water Jan 6 Holy Theophany December Birthday’s Raymond Faddoul -1 Beatrice Trad - 5 Maria Nicole Zakhem - 6 Michael Espirido Chaale - 9 Nizar & Jackie Bechara -11 Jessica Noel - 11 Diana Bannoura - 12 Emile Debsia - 12 Nala Chehade - 13 Joe Saad - 13 Jayleen Saad - 13 Wm Laurence Millios - 14 A special THANK YOU goes out to Mrs. Ramona Dora & her family for the sponsorship of our 2015 calendars in memory of her late husband, William Dora Sr. —————————————————————————————————— Another special THANK YOU goes out to Mary Ibrahim & her family for the donation of our communion wine. May God grant them many years! Kelly Morgan Granaham - 16 Samantha Martha Zakhem -17 Faith Moussa - 19 Leila Marie Ayoub - 21 Michel Bassam Ibrahim -21 Madlin Youssef Rizkallah - 25 Nicholas Jr Hamaty - 26 Briana Katan - 27 Robin Shuen - 27 Farida Zamer Hobar – 28 Jessica Ann Hausen - 29 Please be sure to pick up your copy of our 2015 Calendar AVAILABLE IN THE RECEPTION HALL [ DOWNSTAIRS ] Friendly Reminder : FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION FOR 2014 We are approaching the end of 2014, please don’t wait until Dec. 31 to send in your 2014 annual contribution. If you are uncertain as to the balance of your contribution for the year, please contact the Treasurer or the Church Office. Donations to fulfill your 2014 yearly records must be POSTMARKED no later than Dec. 31st. After that, they will be applied to your 2015 contributions. 1:-2::1 متى:اإلنجيل قـم خـ ـل الصـ:لـمــا انصرف الـمجوس اذا مبالك الـرب ظهر ليوسف يف احللـم قـالـال وأمه واهـرب إىل مصر وكن هنـاك حىت اقـول لـك خان هريودس مزمع ان يطـلـ الصـ وكان هناك إىل وخاة هريودس. خقام وأخل الص وامـه ليال وانصرف إىل مصر.ليهلكـه حينئل ل ـمـا ىأه هـريودس.دعوت ابين من مصر:ليتم الـمـقول من الرب بالن القالـل ُ ان الـمجوس س ـروا بـه غض جدا وأىسل خقتـل كل صبيان بيت حلم ومجيـع وـومـهـا حينئـل ــ مـم مـا.من ابن سنتني خما دون على حس الزمان اللي حتققـه من الـمجوس ىاحي ــل ــبـكـ، نَوح وبكاء وعويل كثري، صوت ُُسع يف الرامـة:قالـه اىمياء الن القالـل خلما مات هريودس اذا مبـالك.على أوالدها وقد أبت ان ـتعزه ألهنم ليسوا مبوجودين قـم خ ـل الصـ وأمـ ــه واذهـ إىل اى:الـرب ظهر ليوسف يف احللـم يف مصر قالال خـقــام واخــل الصـ وأم ــه وجــاء إىل أى. اسـرالـيـ ــل خـقــد مــات ــالـبــو نـ ـ الصـ ولـمـا ُسع ان اىشيالوس قد ملـك على اليهوديـة مكان هـريودس ابـي ــه خـاف.اسراليـل ان يلهـ إىل هنـاك وأوح اليـه يف احللم خانصرف إىل نواح اجلليـل وأـى وسكـن يف مدينـة ـدعى ناصرة ليتـم الـمـقول باألنبياء انـه يدعى ناصريا Page 4 THE EPISTLE: SUNDAY AFTER NATIITY IC-XC [GAL 1:11-19] Sing praises to our God, sing praises. O clap your hands, all ye nations. THE EPISTLE SECTION FROM EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL TO THE GALATIANS (1:11-19) Ye brethren: I certify you, that the Gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews’ religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the Church of God and wasted it: And profited in the Jews’ religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers. But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by His Grace. To reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood: Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus. Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days. But other of the apostles saw I none, save James and the Lord’s brother. 21-22:2 غالطية:الرسالة أل لــم أـسـلـمـه وأــعـ ـلمـ ـمـه مـن إنسـان،بشرت به لي حبس اإلنسـان يا إخوة أ ُْعلـمكـم ان اإلجنيـل الـلي ُ خإنكـم قـد ُسـعـ ـت ــم بسـرييف قـدةـا يف مـلمـة الـيـهـود أ كـنـت ا ـطـهـد كـنـيـسـة ا.بـل بإعـالن يسـوع املـسيـح وأزيد ـقدما يف مـلمة اليهود على كثريين من أـرايب يف جـنـسـ ـ بـكـو أوخــر مـنـ ـهـم غـرية عـلـى،بإخراط وأدمرها ألبش ــر بـني يف م خلـ مـما اىـضى الـلـه اللي أخرز من جوف مام ودعا بنعمتـه ان يعـلـن ابـن ــه م. ـقـليدات آبـال صعدت إىل اوىشليم إىل الرسل اللين قبـل بل انـطـ ـلـق ــت إىل ديـاى لساعيت مل أص ِغ إىل حلـم ودم وال،األمـم ُ مث بعـد ثالث سنـني صعدت إىل اوىشليم ألزوى بطـرس خأقمت عـنـد.العـرب وبعد ذلـك ىجعـت إىل دمشـق . ولـم َأى غري من الـرسل سـوه يعـقـوب أخ الـرب.مخسة عشر يوما OBLATION OFFERINGS Page 5 ALTAR BREAD IS OFFERED AND THE PRAYER OF SACRIFICE FOR THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF THE SERVANTS GOD: Jeffrey & Angele Ayoub & Family, Asma Hamarneh-Trey, Angela Saliby, Nicholas Tentzeras, Richard Albinger, Samira Ayoub, Rose Salamy, Evelyn Mabe, Edmond Hageage, Laura Chaale, Nawal Ayoub & Karim ALTAR BREAD IS OFFERED AND THE PRAYER OF SACRIFICE IS IN MEMORY OF THE SERVANTS OF GOD: Siham Zanbil, Fred Ayoub, Madlin Rizkallah, Geraldine Kiatta, Elias Farhat, Evelyn Shahadi, Antoine Klam, Mary Rose Homsieh, Judy Filmore TODAYS COFFEE HOUR & MEMORIAL SERVICE 40– Day Memorial for Siham Zanbil offered by Jeffrey & Angele Ayoub and family. Jan. 4, 2015 Holy bread offered by Mowaffak & Alis Chamma & Family in memory of Elias, Rizk, Ghazaly, Fareezy & Waseely Chamma & Fahdy Abboud Jan. 11, 2015 AVAILABLE
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