Praise ye the Lord! News from First Presbyterian Church, York, PA First March 2015 Sunday Morning Schedule Presbyterian 8:00 a.m. Service for the Lord’s Day with Communion Chapel Church 8:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service Christine Thomas Hall 9:45 a.m. Adult Education 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Adult Education 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Service Sanctuary CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday -Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon Page 1 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From Dr. Lytch 3 Life Under the Steeple 4-7 Caring Company Update 8-9 Adult Education 10-11 In the Sunday School 12 WFPC 13 Camp Donegal 14 Deacons’ Corner 15 Abendmusik Concert 15 SURE Foundation Report 16 Notes from Finance 17 Palm Sunday Dinner 18 Easter Lily order form 19 HALLELUJAH communicates the activities of The First Presbyterian Church of York (PC USA). It is produced by the Communications Committee of First Presbyterian Church, 225 East Market Street, York, Pennsylvania 17403. Phone (717) 843-8041. Hallelujah staff: Editor - Betty Schonauer; Formatting and typing - Kathy Sprenkle, The staff edits material with regard to clarity, available space, and timeliness. HALLELUJAH deadline is the 15th of every month. Need to Reach the Pastors or Church Staff? The staff can be reached by calling the church at 843-8041 or by e-mail. Interim Sr. Pastor and Head of Staff Rev. Dr. Stephens G. Lytch. ext. 227 [email protected] Associate Pastor Rev. Allison J. Beaulieu ...... ext. 230 [email protected] Director of Music Ministry Jim Spark ............................. ext. 236 [email protected] Director of Christian Education Wendy Smith ........................ ext. 231 [email protected] Facility Manager John Adams ......................... ext. 240 Cell .................................... 887-6696 [email protected] Administrative Secretary Kathy Sprenkle..................... ext. 228 [email protected] Receptionist/Secretary Rasheeda Martin.................. ext. 221 [email protected] Financial Administrator Alicia ORorey ....................... ext. 229 [email protected] Director of Childcare Ministry Heidi Cavanaugh ...............225-6631 [email protected] Caring Company Director Bill Gellman ........................848-8869 [email protected] Page 2 From Dr. Lytch Growing up as a Presbyterian in the South, Lent was never part of my experience. Oh, I was aware of Ash Wednesday because that was the day you could tell who was Roman Catholic – they were the ones with smudges of ash on their foreheads. But Presbyterians, for the most part, continued that skepticism of liturgical seasons that we inherited from our Reformation forebears. Setting aside parts of the year for special observances smacked too much of the “salvation by works” that Protestants abhorred. Of course, Protestants came up with our own version of works righteousness. To “accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior” is still an act of the will. “Making a decision for Christ,” is still something you have to do. The question of how much control we have over our eternal future predates even Christianity. The ancient Greek philosophers argued over the question of free will versus determinism. The beauty of the gospel is that in Christ we are neither slaves to fate nor masters of our destiny. His death and resurrection have shown that there is a new creation, and he invites us to live as those whom he has transformed. OK, that requires the intellectual/spiritual/emotional act of believing, but his new creation isn’t limited to those who are capable of deciding. We baptize infants as a demonstration that one doesn’t have to make a profession of faith to be included in God’s new covenant with humanity through Christ. It’s hard to believe that God doesn’t love the person who lacks the intellectual capacity to grasp concepts like sin and salvation, just as much as God loves the born again believer. Yet we’re not forced to accept that new life in Christ. We can still reject the free gift. We’re still accountable, at some level, for ourselves. If all this makes your head spin, then you’re starting to get it. In the end, what we trust is that somehow Christ remakes us and gives us a spirit that lives in thankful response to what he has done. That, and not any expectation of reward, is why we live godly lives. Lent is a time when we can reflect on how incapable we are of doing that and throw ourselves back on God, who holds all of these mysteries in the divine heart – the same heart that holds you and me. Yours in Christ, Rev. Lytch Page 3 Life Under the Steeple Lenten Communion Services Each Wednesday, February 25 - March 25 12:00 Noon – Chapel These weekly communion services are a chance to reflect and meditate on the Lectionary gospel texts for Lent. Each service will have a time of confession, scripture reading, time to meditate on God’s word, and communion. Join us as we walk together on this Lenten journey. Maundy Thursday Service Good Friday Service April 2, 2015 April 3, 2015 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary House of Prayer 2015 Lenten Prayer Booklet for FPC NOW AVAILABLE Don’t forget to pick up your copy of the 2015 Lenten Prayer Booklet. You can find them in the rear of the Sanctuary, Chapel, Christine Thomas Hall, and the Gathering Place. Large print copies are also available. God works through the prayers of His people! In Memoriam Richard Humphreys January 31, 2015 B. Vann Johnson February 15, 2015 Page 4 Life Under the Steeple MOTHER’S DAY STREET FAIR The Hospitality Committee is looking for a few members to join us in planning a welcoming and fun experience on the church lawn during the Mother's Day Street Fair. If you are interested in joining our committee to plan for this fun day in May, please contact Holli Smith ([email protected]) or Sarah Yanda ([email protected]) for more information or to sign up. Sunday Morning Volunteers March 1 Eric Chase March 8 Ann Fetterman March 15 Judy Hershner March 22 Nancy Rexrode March 29 Linda Baker Acolyte Abby Hockensmith Matthew Borger Scott Stover Christian Bucks Isaiah Olderich LOC & Flower delivery Flower delivery Michelle Bigley Niki Infantino Bill Rexrode Laura Byrne Alexi Holder Laura Byrne Alexi Holder Betty Schonauer Helen Goeltzenleuchter Shirley Monroe Hospitality Desk Nursery 8:45 a.m. Jordyn Elby Gabe Cavanaugh Nursery 10:00 a.m. Eve Gardner Corinne Brown Nursery 11:00 a.m. Mc Allister Family Smitka Family Tammy and Rebecca Oldeich Page 5 Adam Cavanaugh Peggy Shelley/ Mallory Schaffer Weber Family Life Under the Steeple THINK ABOUT THIS FOR SPRING: A FPC CROQUET TEAM On October 4, 2014, 36 croquet teams, representing York County nonprofit organizations, competed at the Santander Baseball Stadium in the York County Cup Tournament. For the last three years, the Rotary Clubs of York County have sponsored a croquet County Cup to foster collaboration among York County’s 2000 non-profits. Rotary sees the County Cup tournament as a means of bringing local non-profits including religious groups together. Each participating organization pays an entrance fee to Rotary, which results in prize money which totaled $54,000 last year. Twenty-four teams were awarded prize money after competing in the day-long tournament. In October of 2015, this will happen again. Is there an interest in having an FPC team participate? And what is required? There is an entrance fee; there are rules to follow (from the US Croquet Association) and commitment to practicing as a team. Asbury Methodist Church is a participant and will mentor us as we consider forming a team. This is a fellowship opportunity, within our congregation as well as the broader community. For more information check this website:, and speak to Ruth Sabey, 755-8729, or Wendy Smith and we will set up a time to explore the idea. Happy Birthday to our Special Visitation Members Louise Young - March 2 1673 Wyntre Brooke Dr. North York, PA 17403-4543 Louise McAllister - March 12 Brunswick Room 36 2830 Carol Road York, PA 17402 Denise Dixon - March 9 133 South Broad Street, Apt 204 York, PA 17403 Page 6 Life Under the Steeple Seniors on Sunday All seniors age 62 and older are invited to join us for a delicious lunch and program on March 22 at noon in Christine Thomas Hall. In March we will have a program on the “Leg up Farm.” To RSVP, please contact Didi Hoh (741-5625) or Linda Rupert (225-1956) by March 15. Easter Egg Hunt The Easter egg hunt will be held on Sunday, March 29, at 1:00 p.m. on the church lawn. We need wrapped candy for this event. Please support the Easter egg hunt by bringing wrapped candy to the box in the Gathering Place by March 22. KIDZREAD@FPC Library Preparing for Easter The Story of Easter by Patricia A. Pingry (Board book, for children 1 1/2 to 3 years) Using child-friendly pictures and simple language, the author introduces the Easter story to young children. The Time of Easter by Suzanne Richterkessing (Ages 6-10) Two young church mice observe the church getting reading for Ash Wednesday and then Holy Week and Easter. (Includes new words to the tune "Jesus Loves the Little Children" which can be used for this season of the year.) Celebrate Easter by Deborah Heiligman (Ages 8-12) A beautifully illustrated book by National Geographic which describes the many ways Lent and Easter are celebrated throughout the world. Dear friends of the Church, I would like to thank you for the bouquet of flowers that were brought to me last Sunday, January 18, and also for the flowers from a couple of months ago. I would also like to thank you for the letters of concern which were sent to me in the past. They really cheer me up. Thank you again for cheering me up. Sincerely, Stephanie L. Beard Page 7 Caring Company Update As some of you know – it was mentioned in last month’s Hallelujah – the Caring Company staff has changed markedly over the past six-plus months. Midway through last year, we added an additional staff member (Leslie) to help with utility work. At the end of the year, FPC member Sally Lenker decided it was time to retire from her duties at the Caring Company, and we hired a temporary worker to replace her. As of this writing, we have hired another individual that we believe will be a big asset to the Caring Company. Her name is Derlyn and she will be our new receptionist. Derlyn was born and raised in the Dominican Republic, so she speaks/writes/reads fluent Spanish; this will be immensely useful as the fastest growing demographic in York City is the Latino population. An increasing number of our clients use Spanish as their preferred language, so having a primary contact person that speaks their language will be a great blessing to us. If/when you stop into the church offices, please make sure to take a moment and welcome Derlyn to the FPC family. Additionally, we have added a number of new volunteers. On Mondays, we now have two dedicated volunteers to pack food bags, stock food onto the shelves of our pantry, weigh and record FPC food donations, and prepare cardboard packaging for recycling. These two individuals (Jan Edmonds and Sharon Snoke) have been very helpful, as their work has taken the burden of packing and transporting bags (up the back stairwell) from our receptionist. They’ve also made my job a bit easier, as I now no longer have to weigh weekly food donations, in addition to unpacking the approximately 2,000 pounds of food that we receive from the Food Bank each month. Also, I really appreciate that they take all the cardboard packaging and compress it down so that I can simply take it out into the alley at the end of the week to be collected for recycling. But our expanding volunteer force does not stop there. We have added another volunteer in the office that has received training to (1) process Columbia Gas CAP application, (2) apply for Dollar Energy Fund grants and (3) process First Energy PCAP applications. Peggy Flannelly will be in the office 1-2 days/week helping Page 8 us out; she will be another asset as we have seen a marked increase in the number of CAP customers that are being forwarded to us by Columbia Gas. Lastly, we have yet another volunteer (Tom Zellers) who has begun to help me with putting data into the spreadsheets I use to invoice First Energy each month, as well as accrue statistics for CAP and Dollar Energy Fund applications. So, the Caring Company is a busy place, and one that we expect to be even busier and more welcoming as we partner with other FPC groups (such as the Hospitality Is Ministry and Mission) in making the Caring Company a place where clients will want to stop in, not to get food or help with utilities, prescriptions, or bus passes, but to fellowship. It’s this next step that makes me the most excited, as I’m hoping that this will be an opportunity for FPC members to more actively participate in the improving the wellbeing of our neighbors. Bill Gellman Director of Caring Company Sermon Time During the sermon at the 8:45 a.m. and the 11:00 a.m. worship service, the kindergarten- 3rd graders are invited to hear a Bible story and respond to it through art. This is their “sermon” as they hear God’s story in a contemplative way. After the story is told, questions like these are asked: What is your favorite part of the story? What do you think is the most important part of the story? Where are you in the story? These questions help the children to think about the story and respond to it in a thoughtful way. Here are the stories for March: March 1: Jesus and Bartimaeus March 8: Jesus and Zacheaus March 15: Jesus the King March 22: Jesus’ Last Passover March 29: no Godly Play Page 9 Adult Education Join us during Lent as we explore the Lord’s Prayer, a prayer we say every week during worship. Wendy Smith will lead the Shine Shine @ Nine @ Nine class and Jenn Ryan will Perspectives 8:50 a.m. Sunday lead the Perspective’s class. The 10:00 a.m. Sunday in Room 209 in Room 209 class will meet in Room 209. HomeBuilders - 10:00 a.m. Sunday in Room 301 During Lent, the Homebuilder’s class will use the DVD series based on the book, 24 Hours That Changed the World, a look at the last day of Jesus’ life. The DVD includes sites where the events took place. Join us as we take a journey to the cross in order to prepare us for a joyous Easter! Women’s Class - 10:00 a.m. Sunday in the Parlor The women’s class is tackling the book of Jeremiah using the DVD series “Jeremiah: Daring to Hope in an Unstable Word” by Melissa Spoestra. Join the women as they look at the world through the eyes of the prophet Jeremiah and discover an intentional way to overcome doubt and worry remembering that God is rich in mercy and love and has plans for all of us. The class meets in the Parlor. Jill Raudensky leads the class. Women at the Well 6:00 p.m. Wednesday in Room 302 Join the Women at the Well class on Wednesday night as they delve into the book of John. Laura Byrne is leading the class which meets at 6:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Kerr building. All women are invited! Men’s Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Wednesday in the Library Each Wednesday night during WFPC all men are invited to the church library at 6:00 p.m. for a study of the book of Romans. For more information, contact Brian Smith at 751-2225 or [email protected]. Page 10 PathFinders Bible Study The Pathfinders meet at 1:00 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays at the home of Judy Landis (755-0894), 1732 Sagamore Drive (near North Hills Elementary School). We are now studying Paul's letter to the Philippians using a study guide written by N. T. Wright.. Come join us! Mothers’ Bible Study (Moms) Currently the women of Mothers’ Bible Study are delving into stories from the Gospel of John, using the video and study guide, “Pursuing God’s Beauty,” by Margaret Feinberg. Each session in the series requires two weeks to complete and each lesson stands alone, so newcomers can join the group at any time and not be lost. As always, all women of FPC and their friends and neighbors are welcome to be a part of this study and fellowship. Refreshments are served weekly and child care for preschool aged children is available upon request to Heidi Cavanaugh (717-225-6631 or [email protected]) or Katie Berkebile (717-747-8929 or [email protected]) Small Groups The small group ministry at FPC provides a place where people can be nurtured by God’s saving grace and be renewed for ministry in the world. There are many kinds of small groups. Some groups focus on discipleship, some groups focus on nurture, while others are missionfocused. If you are not in a small group, how can we help you get started? If you have an idea for a small group, contact Wendy Smith for help with planning and organizing. How about a supper group? How about an exercise group? How about a bowling group? How about a scrapbooking group? How about a spiritual formation group? How about a movie group? How about a tutoring group? How about a support group for any of the following: aging parents, divorce, grief and loss, parenting teens, grandparents, special needs children? The ideas are endless! If God is tugging on you to form a group, let us Page 11 In the Sunday School Join us each week in the Sunday school as children and youth continue to grow in their faith. Here is what is happening in the different classes in March: Two, three and four year olds: These children will finish exploring the Lord’s prayer and hear the story of the Last Supper. Kindgerten-5th grade: Using the rotation method of teaching, these students will finish exploring the Lord’s prayer and hear the story of the Last Supper. Here is their schedule for March: Date Story K-1st 2nd-3rd 4th-5th Wondering Art Drama March 8 The Lord’s Prayer Last Supper Art Drama Wondering March 15 Last Supper Drama Wondering Art March 22 Last Supper Wondering Art Drama March 29 Combined Combined Combined Combined March 1 Sixth-Eighth grade: The students are continuing their sweep of the Old Testament. In March they will hear the story of Solomon, explore some Psalms, and discover the wisdom of Proverbs. Ninth grade: The ninth graders are involved in a year- long confirmation class to prepare for membership on Pentecost Sunday. Here is their schedule for March: March 1: The Bible March 8: Heaven and Hell March 15: Field trip to a neighboring church March 22: Companions of Faith March 29: Forgiveness Tenth-twelfth grade: These students continue to explore issues relevant to their faith walk. Page 12 WFPC Wednesdays at First Presbyterian Church Join us each Wednesday night for food, fellowship, choir practice, and learning! There is something for everyone! Come and be a part of this great mid-week program! Here is the schedule for WFPC: 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. 4 yr olds Grade 2 Grades 3-4 Dinner in Grades 5-7 Christine Youth Thomas Hall Adults 6:00-6:35 p.m. 6:35-7:15 p.m. Alpha Choir Room 306 Bible Story Godly Play Room Chimes Room 304 Omega Choir Choir Room Joyful Ringers Bell Choir Room Omega Choir Choir Room service projects, movies, and art projects. Women’s Bible Study-Room 301 Men’s Bible Study-Library (Child care provided for both Bible studies) Dinner in Christine Thomas Hall The cost for the dinner is $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for children, with a maximum cost per family of $10.00. In addition to the menu, there will be milk and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Here are the menus for March: March 4 ...........Chicken noodle soup and hamburgers March 11 .........Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches March 18 .........Beef vegetable soup and chicken sandwiches March 25 .........Baked Ziti Vacation Bible School - Mark your calendar! June 22-26 - 6:00-8:00 p.m. More details to follow! Page 13 Camp Donegal The Camp Donegal brochures have arrived! You can pick up a brochure from the bulletin board outside the Gathering Place! Sign up for a week at Camp where you can enjoy God’s creation, swim, hike, sit around a camp fire, and just enjoy the fellowship of other Christians. If you need financial help, see Wendy Smith. Here is the schedule for the summer: Page 14 Deacons’ Corner Our church's 24 deacons are divided into 4 teams that serve members in various geographic areas. The Deacon Zone Map can be found in the current Church Directory (Fall 2014) on page 7. The photographs of deacons currently serving our congregation can be found on the bulletin board located between the Nursery and the Music Room. North West North East Shirley Senft Helen Goeltzenleuchter Ann Fetterman Cheryl Markle Jeff Lehn Don Monroe Randy McCreary Shirley Monroe Alexi Holder Nancy Wiegmann Brian Raines South East Niki Infantino South West Jennyfir Hunter Liz Hamberger Barb Jacoby Laura Byrne Dave Mixon Michelle Bigley Fred Kephart Carol Rohrbaugh Bill Rexrode Betty Schonauer Betsy Knaub Kathy Taylor Abendmusik presents The Spring Garden Band Spring Concert Sunday, March 1, 2015 3:00 p.m. Page 15 SURE Foundation The Sure Foundation Quarterly Report The Sure Foundation is the endowment fund of First Presbyterian Church, established and maintained to share what God has entrusted to our care for the enhancement and development of the ministry and mission of the Church. The Sure Foundation is a collection of funds accumulated over many years from gifts to the Church, large and small, to perpetuate the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Sure Foundation is administered by the Finance Committee and two sub-committees with the help of professional investor advisors. This is the first quarterly report of the Sure Foundation in the Hallelujah. We wish to share the work being done through good stewardship of the Sure Foundation for the Glory of God. Year 2014 was a busy year and projects funded from earnings in the Sure Foundation included: Missions $60,000. New Life kids Summer House of Hope Habitat for Humanity African Inland mission Carmel Caring Company Budget Support $54,000. Facilities $48,000. Youth and Scholarship $5,000. A large and growing endowment is needed to provide meaningful funding for programs and projects that fulfill the Church’s mission and ministry. The energy of our youth and of all our committees shows the love and example of what Jesus taught. While blessed with a significant endowment in the Sure Foundation, the Church must continuously enhance and develop the fund if we are to sustain and expand our outreach. By way of example, an endowment fund of one million dollars would generate approximately thirty five thousand dollars of annual support for special programs and projects. Your support of the Sure Foundation is appreciated. It makes a real difference, today and for the future. We pray that these efforts will continue to supply the needs of our Church. Yours in God’s service, The Sure Foundation Page 16 Notes from Finance A major goal of 2015 will be to achieve meaningful saving. Finance is reviewing different opportunities to save on expenses without impacting our mission or needs. Paper, printing, and postage are areas in which we are trying to find new ways to reduce. Another opportunity for cost savings is with regard to envelopes. We are not eliminating offering envelopes. Our envelopes are an integral part of our church. We are just trying to find an alternative way to reduce the cost of our large mailings. So, if you would prefer not to receive envelopes (because you are making gifts by another method) or would rather receive them in a different fashion (we ship to you monthly or quarterly) please contact Alicia O’Rorey in the church office or by email at [email protected]. Also remember there are numerous other ways you can give to the church, you can draft your account monthly with an EFT, you can set up recurring payments with your bank, or you can give online through FPC’s website! Don’t forget your per capita! This is such a significant expense for the church. The church pays an apportionment for every member (including 7th grade and older). Please help us reach our goal this year of receiving at least 30% of the church’s total per capita apportionment. Pledged Unpledged Per Capita Stewardship Simply Stated Actual Goal/Budget $100,009 $105,475 $ 7,480 $ 7,506 $ 4,313 $ 5,733 *Pledged figures reflect members intention of support throughout the year. * Unpledged figures are any non-pledged monies received for the church and include gifts by members in excess of pledged amounts. Page 17 PALM SUNDAY DINNER March 29, 2015 1:30 p.m. Name: __________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________________ I / We will attend the Palm Sunday Dinner # attending: ________ Monetary Donations $50.00 to sponsor a table of ten $30.00 to purchase a ham and vegetables $1.00-10.00 to provide all the trimmings Make checks payable to: FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH And mark them PALM SUNDAY DINNER Volunteering Opportunities Donate wrapped candy for Easter bags for children (Due March 22) Donate cookies or cupcakes Host/Hostess a table (arrive at 12:45 p.m.) Help with room set-up Help in kitchen Help with East Egg hunt (Sun. 12:30 p.m.) Serve during dinner (Sun. 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.) Help clean up (Sun. 2:30 p.m.) Help with transportation Serve as a guardian angel Help with Activities (1:00 - 1:30 p.m.) Please return to First Presbyterian Church by March 22 Page 18 Easter Lily Memorials Following our long standing tradition, we are offering a way of remembering loved ones and beautifying the Sanctuary on Easter. If you desire to purchase lilies for this purpose, sign the slip below and return it to the church office or put order form and money in the offering plate. The cost of each plant is $8.50. Payment is due at the time of order. Checks should be made payable to First Presbyterian Church annotated “lily.” The deadline for ordering is Palm Sunday, March 29. No orders can be accepted after this date. IN MEMORY OF ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ NAME OF DONOR_________________________________________ NUMBER OF LILIES:_____ (NOTE: If you would like to take the lily you purchased, please do so AFTER the 11:00 a.m. service Easter Sunday.) OPTIONAL MEMORIAL In lieu of Easter lilies, memorial gifts can be given to Compassionate Friends, a support group for bereaved parents and families who have lost children. IN MEMORY OF ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ NAME OF DONOR_________________________________________ AMOUNT DONATED TO COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS $________ Page 19 Page 20 Return Service Requested First Presbyterian Church of York 225 East Market Street York, PA 17403 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID YORK, PA PERMIT NO. 1397
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