Active youth activities lead to active Christian involvement KALEO Youth Services Sundays at 4:30-5:45 p.m. in Youth Rooms 20-22 Hey FPC families, CONFIRMATION 2015 is off to a good start with 10 youth who attended the Kick-off lunch. Possibly others who are interested will join us. I know we are going to have a great year! Our Confirmands over the past four year have thoroughly enjoyed understanding who Christ is, the importance of the church as well as their roles within it, and the significant role that missions has for Christians. Every year, they also have the opportunity to experience mission work and the worship service of other churches that make up the “global church community.” FPC Ocala honors each confirmand as new members of the church by presenting neat scrolls with their names transcribed during our Confirmation ceremony. All members are welcome to attend this ceremony during Confirmation Sunday on April 26th during our 9:30 a.m. service. VALENTINES (see top picture) - Our DiscipleNOW group enjoyed visiting some of FPC members at the Windsor this past month. The blessings were mutually felt when our youth were able to give the church members some Valentines paintings they had made the week prior. Although our camping trip was never made possible, we have plenty of events for our youth to experience this summer including our upcoming mission trip (June 28th-July 4th) and HS Montreat summer camp (July 12th-18th). Sign-ups and dues for these trips will begin next month, so prayerfully consider attending one or both of these summer opportunities. These trips provide every teenager with a fantastic way to engage in Christian fellowship and service. Pastor Brian, Logan Barton, Caleb Johnson (hidden by sign), Carly Albright, Katie Schlenker, Chloe Bess, Amy Young and Caleb Bess. KALEO YOUTH MINISTRY—I am thankful for youth who are willing to step up and lead various aspects of our youth ministry. I’d like to thank JD Tyler for preaching in Kaleo recently on the various aspects of Love mentioned in the Bible. There are others who volunteer to help every Sunday with our youth services. They have no idea how much of a blessing that can be for a youth pastor! Also, we have added a few new touches to our youth game room (see photos on right). These canvases beautifully portray the growth that is experienced through the work of the Holy Spirit and the light of Christ that shines in us! Aren’t they stunning?! Please visit for things going on around the church! Unl the Whole World Hears, Pastor Brian March Inquirers’ Luncheon – Welcome Newcomers! Our next Inquirers’ Luncheon will be on Sunday, March 22. Join us from noon to 2:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall if you have been worshipping regularly with us and want to learn more about FPC. Please complete the form below and place it in the offering plate this Sunday, send it to the church office, or call 629-7561 to make a reservation. Childcare is available if you need it. ------------------------------------------------ (Tear Off) -----------------------------------------------I’m/we’re interested in the Inquirers’ Luncheon on Sunday, March 22, 2015 Name(s): ____________________________________________ Need Childcare: _______ Address:____________________________________________ Phone: ________________ KidsKram Sundays (9:30 & 11:00 a.m.) Room 26 Hello Kids Krammers, We have been enjoying our series on “words” the past six weeks. Everyone has learned so much about the power of our words and how to use our tongues to honor each other, but most importantly God. While we will be sad to see this series come to a close, we can all look forward to the Lenten season as we explore the meaning of and importance of Easter. Our Kids Kram team is excited to welcome Spring this year with several SUPER fun events that we invite all our Kids Kram families to attend. March 6th – Family Movie Night @ 6:30 p.m. Big Hero 6” Join us on our athletic field for the showing of “Big 6 on a 16ft inflatable screen. Families with children of all ages are invited to bring your blankets, chairs, and every member of your family for this awesome movie. Popcorn, candy, and snacks will be provided! ****If you are in need of nursery for children ages 2 &under, please let Mrs. Jacque know in advance! April 4th - Family Easter Egg Hunt @ 10:00 a.m. All families of FPC and our community are invited to join us for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Each year we have crafts, light snacks, prize eggs, and PLENTY of candy! We have divided age group egg hunts so everyone has plenty of eggs. Don’t want to miss this Easter tradition! Attention all Kids Kram Families! Are you on Facebook? Kids Kram is too now! We are trying to make staying in contact with our Kids Kram families even easier. All you have to do is look up Kids Kram Children’s Ministry and “Like” our page to stay up-to-date with important happenings. Go Figure • Looking for a way to serve at FPC? We would LOVE to have your help! • Volunteers are needed in the following places: 1) Monday* morning substitute receptionist 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.—Answer the phone, greet people and help with simple office work. (*Possibility of other days as needed) 2) Tidying-up the church pews one day a week. 3) Spire newsletter assembly/mailing once a month If you are interested in helping, please contact Pam Steiner, 629-7561, or email [email protected]. Thank you! • Americans who say their household owns a Bible—88%. Americans who consider themselves knowledgeable about the Bible—82%. Americans who can name the first five books of the Bible—43%. Remember to Spring Forward your clocks on Saturday night—March 7 —before bedme.
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