ST Mary Abbots with Christ Church and St Philip ∙ Kensington IN OUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK: We pray for all who suffer throughout the world through terrorism, war, oppression. We pray in particular for the people of Ukraine and the Middle East, and for all peacemakers and peacekeepers. Pray for those – both adults and children - beginning to prepare for Confirmation JOSEPH BESSADA NANCY CAMERON MIA D’SOUZA ANDREW FREESTONE WENHAO HAN ANDREW HEALD TOBY THOMPSON ANASTASIA IVANOVA FREYA JONES THEO LANGSTON-JONES ADALIA LOGAN ODELIA LOGAN PAULETTE WRIGHT-LOGAN CHARLES LOGAN CAITLIN LOWRY MAY LYSTER KATE MCDEVITT FERNANDA MUGNAINI PETER NZEYIMANA ANABELLE PINKSTON CHLOE PINKSTON CHARLOTTE SEAL ROSE SLINN CULLEN TYNAN-O’MAHONY DELPHINE ZHU ST MARY ABBOTS PARISH CHURCH NEWSLETTER for the week beginning 8th March 2015 Sunday 8th March THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT 8.00am HOLY EUCHARIST Epistle: Gospel: 9.30am Please pray for the sick and those in distress, especially RONNIE ARMIST : DAN ARBIB OONA BAXTER : JOHN C WENDELL CADOGAN : CHARLOTTE FELDERHOFF PEGGY HART : CLIVE HONEY SISTER ISABELL : LAWRENCE KARIUKE SARAH MACPHERSON : MICHAEL PROBERT GUDI SOHAL : ROSEMARY SLOCOMBE JENNIFER SOLOMOS : THELMA WALSH ROXANNA ZADVORNY Pray for the repose of the souls of those whose year’s mind falls at this time PENELOPE KING (March 8) ALFRED BAILEY (March 10) OWEN LLOYD (March 12) ALICK MACVIE (March 13) HELENE WIGLEY (March 15) ALFRED PLUMRIDGE (March 17) St MARY ABBOTS CHURCH AND PARISH CONTACTS Vicar of the Parish The Rev'd Gillean Craig [email protected] Associate Vicar The Revd Jenny Welsh [email protected] Honorary Assistant Priest The Revd Julia Hedley [email protected] Associate Vicar with Special Responsibility for St Philip The Rev’d David Walsh [email protected] Associate Vicar with Special Responsibility for Christ Church The Rev’d Mark O’Donoghue [email protected] Honorary Priest The Rev’d Peter Stubbs [email protected] Parochial Church Wardens David Banks Adrian Weale [email protected] Deputy Churchwardens for ST Mary Abbots Church: Carole-Anne Phillips Jamie Dunford-Wood Parish Office: Susan Russell [email protected] ST Mary Abbots Vestry: Virger: George MacAllan [email protected] Safeguarding Officer Samantha Giles [email protected] Children on Sundays Co-ordinator & Children’s Champion: Alexandra Swann [email protected] ST Mary Abbots Centre: Adam Norton [email protected] Stewardship Secretary: Emma Porteous [email protected] Electoral Roll Officer: Jamie Dunford-Wood [email protected] Appeal Chairman: Piers Hedley [email protected] Director of Music: Mark Uglow Bellringers: David Holdridge Secretary [email protected] Editor of Kensington Parish News Fiona Braddock [email protected] Friday Playgroup: [email protected] Friends of ST Mary Abbots: David Banks Chairman [email protected] Website: 11.15am 020 7937 6032 020 7937 2364 020 3686 1513 CHORAL MATINS 12.30pm HOLY EUCHARIST readings as at 8.00am 6.30pm CHORAL EVENSONG WITH THE PURCELL PLAYERS Old Testament: Jeremiah 38 New Testament: Matthew 10. 16-22 HOLY COMMUNION Monday 9th 8.30am 1.05am 5.30pm Morning Prayer ‘Sunday on Monday’ INFORMAL EUCHARIST Evening Prayer Tuesday 10th 8.30am 11.30am 5.30pm Morning Prayer HOLY EUCHARIST – Book of Common Prayer followed by Lent Study group Evening Prayer Wednesday 11th 7.10am 7.30am 1.05pm 5.30pm Morning Prayer HOLY EUCHARIST Meditation Group Evening Prayer Thursday 12th 020 7603 4420 7.10am 9.30am 020 7937 2966 5.30pm 020 8868 8296 Friday 13th 07732 743 228 020 7937 0765 020 7937 3448 07732 842 894 020 7937 2419 020 7937 5136 7.10am 7.30am 1.05pm 5.30pm Morning Prayer SUNG EUCHARIST St Mary Abbots School Service – all welcome Evening Prayer Morning Prayer HOLY EUCHARIST Recital by RCM Students Evening Prayer Saturday 14th 9.40am 10.00am 5.30pm Morning Prayer HOLY EUCHARIST Evening Prayer Sunday 15th MOTHERING SUNDAY 8.00am HOLY EUCHARIST Epistle: Gospel: 07702 829 859 07957 131 862 Exodus 20. 1-17 1 Corinthains 18-25 John 2. 13-22 The Revd Gillean Craig Old Testament: Exodus 5. 1 – 6. 1 New Testament: Philippians 1. 1-26 Lent Sermon: The Revd Julia Hedley with Pray for those who have died recently ANNE NAYSMITH : JOYCE JOHNSTON SUNG EUCHARIST with Children on Sundays Old Testament: New Testament: Gospel: Preacher: Pray for our Area Bishop, Paul Williams soon to become the Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham. Pray also for his family in this time of change. Ephesians 5. 1-14 Luke 11. 14-28 Galatians 4. 21-end John 6. 1-14 9.30am FAMILY EUCHARIST and Blessing and Distribution of Flowers with Crche for youngest children 020 7937 8885 07866 258 814 Readings, Prayers and Presentation by our Childrens Groups 07732 842 894 11.15am CHORAL MATINS 07904 954 959 12.30pm HOLY EUCHARIST readings as at 8.00am Old Testament: 1 Samuel 1. 20-end New Testament: Colossians 3. 12-17 Lent Sermon: The Vicar, the Revd Gillean Craig 6.15pm Organ Prelude, leading into 07770 920 085 6.30pm PLAINCHANT EVENSONG Old Testament: 1 Samuel 16. 1-13 New Testament: John 9. 1-25 Sermon: The Revd Julia Hedley 077 3274 3228 followed by HOLY COMMUNION TONIGHT 9th MARCH 6.30 CHORAL EVENSONG NEXT SUNDAY: MOTHERING SUNDAY NOT please ‘Mother’s Day’ – that’s a recent US secularist solecism!! On Sunday 15 March the 9.30 Service is a FAMILY EUCHARIST; apart from the Creche, the children will stay in church to see the presentations made by the older children and flowers will be blessed & distributed. We hope that many children will take part - & adults will help from 11.00 on Saturday to make up the bunches of flowers – see wardens. ACCOMPANIED BY THE PURCELL PLAYERS We are delighted that once again The Purcell Players will accompany our combined voluntary/professional choirs in a very special Evensong. The music comprises a setting of the Magnificat by Buxtehude (he influenced Bach) and two English motets: Purcell’s Remember not Lord, Pelham Humfrey’s O Lord My God. For Postlude: an Albinoni Trio Sonata. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! THE SOLEMN SEASON OF LENT The LENT ’15 LEAFLET contains full details. This week’s highlights: Tuesday 12noon Lent Group Each Tuesday, after the 11.30 Eucharist, we share a simple lunch then look at the Book of Common Prayer Gospel for the week. Wednesday 11th March 7.30pm St John’s, Notting Hill The Kensington Council of Churches, our Local Interchurch fellowship follows in its Lent Course that most topical of themes: ‘Walking and Praying with Christians of the Middle East’ This week: Dr Suha Rasam, Chaldean Catholic Church, Thursday 7.30pm in the School Hall Lent Study Course FOR ALL DEDICATED FOLLOWERS OF FASHION… This is one of the year’s most popular services; please invite your family, friends and neighbours. All our Mothering Sunday collections (apart from pledged Stewardship) will be given to St Andrew’s Clinics for Children, to supports basic primary health care to children and their mothers in Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Zanzibar, Kenya and Ghana, in sub-Saharan Africa. Its top priority is reducing the Under Five Mortality Rate. The U5MR in Sierra Leone is 262 deaths per 1000 live births. In the UK it is 6. Last year StACC provided no fewer than 90,000 patient treatments – 60% for malaria - at a cost of c£1 per treatment. Book the date: Wednesday week 18th March St Mary Abbots ANNUAL CHURCH MEETING 6.00 for 6.30pm at the Church Hall, Vicarage Gate This is the most important Church Meeting of the Year – the ANNUAL MEETING at which you, the whole congregation, receive your Church Council’s Report & Accounts (copies are posted by the South Door). This is YOUR opportunity to: scrutinize them & comment upon the life & work of our church, & vote for representatives for the next year. By the South Door you’ll find the Nomination Notices for: DEPUTY WARDENS, and Lay (that is, YOUR) Representatives on the PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL & CHURCH COUNCIL This is our opportunity to thank the huge number of people who contribute to our life here, and to celebrate the ministry and witness of St Mary Abbots. Be sure to be there to play YOUR part in our church’s continuing life. We gather from at 6.00pm so that you can read the ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS before the Meeting starts promptly at 6.30 SACRED MEALS: SYMBOLIC FOODS IN JUDAISM & CHRISTIANITY What do we actually do? What is our day-to-day work? How do its responsibilities and opportunities relate to our Christian faith and discipleship? Five members of our congregation will tell and show us what they actually do, and reflect on and discuss how we relate what we say and do in church on Sundays with what we do throughout the rest of the week. This week, March 12 – SOPHIE SPEYER Fabric and Accessories Designer Each week we serve a light supper. If you plan to come, please let us know [email protected] or by signing the list in church. Our thanks to all who worked so hard to make Friday evening’s concert in aid of RAHAB working to help Women in our community who have been Trafficked into prostitution such a great success. There is still so much to do… It was a great privilege last Sunday to commission and admit to the Catechumenate the members of our adult and Junior Confirmation Classes. Please continue to support them in your prayers JOSEPH BESSADA NANCY CAMERON MIA D’SOUZA ANDREW FREESTONE WENHAO HAN ANDREW HEALD TOBY THOMPSON ANASTASIA IVANOVA FREYA JONES THEO LANGSTON-JONES ADALIA LOGAN ODELIA LOGAN PAULETTE WRIGHT-LOGAN CHARLES LOGAN CAITLIN LOWRY MAY LYSTER KATE McDEVITT FERNANDA MUGNAINI PETER NZEYIMANA ANABELLE PINKSTON CHLOE PINKSTON CHARLOTTE SEAL ROSE SLINN CULLEN TYNAN-O’MAHONY DELPHINE ZHU In every recent year, other people have joined these groups once they got underway. One of the advantages of having a proper, in-depth, three-and-a-half month preparation period is that it is possible to catch up with what has been missed. This means that it’s not too late for YOU to join in! Just speak to one of the clergy, or email [email protected] The Council for Christians and Jews offers an interfaith meeting, let by the Revd Ian Delinger and Rabbi Amanda Golby, on this central and, in the runup to Easter and Passover, very timely topic. Monday 23 March from 6.308.00pm, the Samson Family Concourse, West London Synagogue, 34 Upper Berkeley Street, W1. See Jenny for more details. GARTH FOR CREMATED REMAINS Our Bishop is coming to dedicate the Garth towards the end of March. Then we will be able to start to use it for its holy and precious purpose. Scaffolding rises all around us! The renewal of our roofs will begin shortly, and last until the end of November, causing disruption to access around the church. This is one phase of our highly ambitions - but long overdue - total renovation and enhancement of St Mary Abbots. St. Mary Abbots' Book Club The next meeting of the Book Club will be at 2.30pm on Thursday March 26th. We will discuss "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" by Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows. After the discussion we will enjoy a friendly and delicious tea. New members are welcome, please contact Anita Quinn for details: [email protected] Bach: St JOHN PASSION Palm Sunday 29th March 6.30 St Mary Abbots Choir & Chorus & Baroque orchestra This glorious work, one of the great peaks of Christian art, is for many of us central to our keeping of Holy Week. TICKETS £15 ON SALE NOW online from church website or at services or vestry WE NEED YOUR HELP: Please take posters and handbills to distribute to friends and place in local windows etc SPONSORS SOUGHT! Might you sponsor a soloist, or even the Orchestra? Speak in confidence to the Vicar. STAY IN TOWN FOR EASTER! GO AWAY AFTER!!!!! This year the Festival is very early this year, with the school holidays falling afterwards. So this is YOUR chance to experience the finest and most moving of al our annual services, from Palm Sunday 29 March, through Holy Week, to Maundy Thursday 2 April, Good rd Friday 3 , the Holy Saturday Easter Preparation – then the glory of th EASTER DAY Sunday 5 April; services from 5.00am - 5.00pm!
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