THE CHALLENGER - Glyndon United Methodist Church

March 2015
Volume 2, Issue 2
Glyndon United Methodist Church
4713 Butler Road, PO Box 84
Glyndon, MD 21071
[email protected]
Grace and peace to you in Jesus’ name!
During our Lenten journey, we are sharing in The God Story. Each Sunday,
we have an opportunity to discover how our individual story intersects with
Biblical tradition. As we explore the stories of creation, Abraham and
Sarah, Moses, David, Zephaniah and Jesus, we will see how our own stories
have been shaped in and through these experiences. During the season of
Lent, I invite you to receive God in a new way; to hear the voice of God
whispering to you. Let’s rediscover the relationship that we once had with
God...that is what Lent is all about. As we find ourselves in The God Story,
let’s claim the adventure, the excitement and the love that brought us to this
place. May we discover or rediscover our own story during this Lenten
Pastor Jeannie
March 1
March 8
2nd Sunday in Lent
3rd Sunday in Lent
March 15
March 22
March 29
April 2
April 3
4th Sunday in Lent
5th Sunday in Lent
Palm Sunday
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
April 4
April 5
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Services
9:30/11 Traditional Worship
Children share in worship
Traditional Worship
9:30/11 Traditional Worship
9:30/11 Traditional Worship
9:30/11 Traditional Worship
Communion UMC
12 Noon Community Service
Seven Last Words
St. Luke’s UMC
Tenebrae Glyndon UMC
Glyndon UMC
9:30/11 Traditional Worship
NO Sunday School
Inside this Issue:
Church Directory
Inclement Weather 2
Ways to Serve
Adult Sunday
Young Families
Acolyte Schedule
Congregational Care 7
Church School
Yard Sale
Easter Lily
Order Form
Rev. Jeannie Marsh, Pastor
Sarah Morton, Administrative Assistant
Kathy Anderson, Music Director
Laura Oneto, Coordinator of Children & Youth Ministries
Robert Talbert, Custodian
Church Directory
A few months ago some of you had your picture taken for our GUMC
files and use in church related activities. However, many have not
done this and we really want all of our church family to be a part of
our photo collection. So please consider the following dates and come
have your picture taken. Our photographer will be in Dew Hall both
between services and following the 11 am service on each of these
Sunday, March 8
Sunday, March 15
The church office now has a computer program that allows not only
names, addresses, etc., but also photographs of our members. We
are also planning a new church directory that will be published “inhouse”. (no pictures to purchase, etc.) We hope to have this updated
pictorial directory available in late summer or early fall. Both the
computer program and the directory are helpful tools not only for the
pastor, but for all in our congregation…so please, come and be a part
of us.
Inclement Weather Policy
In case of inclement weather, please check for information on
the Webpage (,
Facebook(, call the Church Office (410-833-2033),
or look for an email for closing information by 7:30 am.
Committees/Choir will make individual decisions regarding evening meetings.
Have you "liked" our FB page? Check out our new Website!
Sunday March 8, 2015
One Great Hour of Sharing is an
offering that makes the love of Christ
real for individuals and communities
around the world who suffer the effects
of disaster, conflict, or severe
economic hardship, and for those who
serve them through gifts of money and
Today, projects are underway in more
than 100 countries, including the
United States and Canada. In the
1990s, receipts have exceeded $20
million annually. While specific
allocations differ in each
denomination, all use their One Great
Hour of Sharing funds to make
possible disaster relief, refugee
assistance, development aid and more.
Your generous gift to the One Great Hour of
Sharing offering helps cover the operating
expenses of UMCOR and allows 100% of your
designated donation to get to those who need
it most.
Mission Spotlight: Food Sunday and the Community Crisis
FOOD SUNDAY and the Community Crisis Center in
The Community Crisis Center, Inc. (CCC) is a non-profit organization that was founded in
1982 by ministerial and civic groups to serve local residents in need. CCC's mission is made
possible by our donations and volunteers who contribute countless hours of time and service.
Ironically, the center was founded in response to a very similar economic recession that we
are all experiencing today. This human service organization is located at 725 Main Street in
Reisterstown and is dedicated to the prevention of homelessness through helping families and
individuals of the Reisterstown, Owings Mills and Glyndon area.
How can you help?
The Community Crisis Center relies HEAVILY upon donations from congregations,
organizations, and businesses of emergency food items, personal hygiene products, career
clothing for local individuals and families. Financial donations are also welcomed to help
prevent eviction and to provide utility assistance.
Canned Vegetables
Pancake Mix
Pudding, Jello
Canned Fruits
Cereal /Oatmeal
Cake Mix, Frosting
Canned Protein
Breakfast Bars
Dry Milk
Muffin Mix
Peanut Butter
Toilet Paper, Tissues
Mac ‘n Cheese
Coffee, Tea
Combs / Razors
Fruit Juice
Laundry Detergent
Pasta Sauce
Cooking Oil
Dish Detergent
Mayo, Mustard
Cleaning Supplies
Note: Please be mindful of expiration dates on food products. They have a bin of trial/sample
size toiletries that they allow clients to take from but regular size products are requested and
Bring your non-perishable donation on the 1st Sunday of the month
(Communion Sunday )
Involve your children or grandchildren, have them pick an item a week from the
list and let them bring it to church.
No time to shop, the missions committee welcomes monetary contributions.
Please write Crises Center on memo line of check.
The Community Crisis Center
Phone 410.526.7111, website
Blood Drive
Many thanks to everyone that came out to donate blood at our
Community Blood Drive on Saturday, February 28, 2015!
We collected 72 units of life saving blood! We hope everyone enjoyed the
fellowship among the Reisterstown/Glyndon community and the many
congregations that participated.
Thank you! Lynn Beebe
Blankets + Sunday
Many thanks to all who generously donated funds for Blanket Sunday!
The Missions Committee collected $350.00 which will provide 70 blankets
to those in need around the world!
Our Daily Bread
During the Lenten season, we will be collecting Peanut Butter and Jelly
sandwiches for Our Daily Bread. The sandwiches should be placed in a
ziplock bag uncut. We will collect the sandwiches on the morning of
March 5 or April 2. Our Daily Bread serves 75 sandwiches a day!
Your help is appreciated.
Mission Team Meeting
Are you interested in learning more about missions opportunities at
Glyndon UMC? All are welcome to attend the Missions Committee
Meetings that are held the first Monday of every other month. Out next
meeting is on March 2, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the parlor.
Ways to Serve God!
Ways to Serve
Coffee Hour: Contact Sara Hampt: [email protected] or
Sign up in the lobby!
Contact Richard Stem: [email protected] or 410-871-2903
Greeter: Contact Joan Poling: [email protected] or 410-833-3966
Adult Sunday
It’s time for Confirmation 2015! Our theme is Credo: Know your story, Confirm
your faith, Live your commitment. Confirmation is a time for us to explore our faith and
to make a decision to profess of our faith publically. In this way we affirm the
commitment others made on our behalf at our baptism. A light dinner will be served at
our first meeting.
Our meetings will be on Sunday evenings from 6:00 – 7:30 pm:
March 8, 15, 22, 29, April 12 and 26. We will not meet on Easter Sunday, April 5.
The Service of Confirmation will be held on May 3, 2015 at the 11:00 service. We will
work together to design the service for the day. Other activities include visiting
St. Luke’s UMC during worship, a service project and visiting one of the historic
Methodist churches. The class will also participate in the Holy Thursday worship
We invite the GUMC family to keep our youth in prayer as they explore their faith.
Adult Sunday School
March – Dan Marshall
April – Kathy Rittler
Easter Egg Hunt!
The Young Adults/Young Families group will be hosting an
Easter egg hunt on Saturday April 4th at 10am. We would
love donations of plastic Easter eggs as well as small
wrapped candies or trinkets to fill them. Donations can be
placed in the box marked Easter egg hunt in the lobby.
Please email ([email protected]) or phone
(443-912-7757) Sarah Hammond with any questions.
Yard Sale!
Save the date of May 30th and start cleaning out your
closets! The Young Adult/Young Families group will be
hosting a yard sale on Saturday May 30th.
Please see enclosed registration form to register!
9:30 AM
Ben Clements
Martha Kaestner
Marco Romeo
Justin Stranger
Luca Romeo
9:30 AM
Sam Clements
Megan Nash
Madeleine Wroe
Justin Stranger
11:00 AM
Jack Clements
Madeleine Wroe
Julia Connor
Grace Parks
Shannon Parks
11:00 AM
Jack Clements
Martha Kaestner
Ben Clements
Shannon Parks
With the promise of eternal life
we remember
Chris Cullison and Mary Zikan.
Remember our friends with a card or a call!
Peggy Sindall
Broadmead B-4
1381 York Road
Cockeysville, MD 21030
Hilda Mummert
267 Frederick Street
Hanover Hall #115
Hanover, PA 17331
June Pearce
325 E. Timonium Road
Timonium, MD 21093
Doris Shaneybrook
144 Westminster Pike
Reisterstown, MD 21136
Elizabeth Christhilf
c/o Mrs. Anne Dancu
1325 Murex Drive
Naples, FL 34102
(239) 272-2583
Alice Wolfgang
c/o Connie Wolfgang
12930 La Rochelle Circle
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Jean Raley
226 Sacred Heart Lane
Reisterstown, MD 21136
Bea Patten
119 Northway
Reisterstown, MD 21136
Church School
Timber Grove Elementary School Ministry
The Quiet Closet, the food distribution and clothing project set up at
Timber Grove has been in operation for seven weeks. GUMC has
participated and assisted for the last five weeks. On behalf of the Timber
Grove School and community,
Mrs. Sheila Beyer, the Library Media
Specialist and coordinator of this project, wishes to express her deep
appreciation and thanks to GUMC for our donations of many bags of
winter clothing, new socks and underwear, peanut butter and jelly jars
(from the GUMC Preschool), canned foods, and the many, many hours of
volunteer time provided by our church to the Quiet Closet. We have
seen the number of families receiving weekly boxes of non-perishable
foods and frozen meats, supplied by the Maryland Food Bank, steadily
increase up to thirteen at this point in time. There are more families
known to be in need, who could also receive these gifts of food.
A clothing give away evening is being considered due to the abundance
of clothing donated. Sheila is planning to have this open event later in
March. This would be a good chance to help Timber Grove in the late
afternoon/ early evening hours. Help would be needed to organize and
lay the clothing on cafeteria tables. Details as to date and time will be
determined and communicated. Please consider what help you could
give to this clothing project.
There are sign-up sheets on a bulletin board near the steps to Dew Hall.
Once again, we need additional hands to help with the process of getting
food to our neighbors. It is hoped that we could have many people,
giving a few hours once or twice a month to the Quiet Closet, thereby
sharing the responsibility and experiencing the joy of helping those in
need. Please consider what you can do to become a part of this ministry
to serve our neighbors in need.
Our ministry to Timber Grove’s Quiet Closet is truly blessed by the time,
effort and enthusiasm graciously provided by Bonnie Rothbaum,
Dick and Alice Lynch, Ric Surino, Ruth Mayr, Kathy Marshall and
Jan Bradley. Come, be Jesus’ hands to love and serve.
Glyndon United Methodist Church Yard Sale Registration Form
When: Saturday May 30th from 7am – 1pm *Sale is rain or shine
Where: Glyndon United Methodist Church (4713 Butler Road, Glyndon, MD 21071)
$20.00 per parking space.
Tables are an additional $5.00 to rent. You may bring your own.
(Tables are limited – first paid, first served)
All fees associated with parking spaces and tables will benefit the general operating
fund of GUMC. All sales made during the event are the seller’s profits.
To register, please detach the bottom portion of this form and mail it with payment to
Glyndon United Methodist Church, PO Box 84, Glyndon, MD 21071.
Checks may be made out to Glyndon UMC with “yard sale” written in the subject line.
Your space will not be saved without payment.
Please contact Sarah Hammond ([email protected]) with any additional
Email address:
Number of parking spaces (please include $20.00 per space requested):
Number of tables (please include $5.00 per table requested):
Total amount enclosed:
Traditionally, Glyndon has adorned the church altar with white lilies at Easter.
These flowers are placed to honor or remember loved ones and friends.
Following the 11 a.m. Easter worship service, the flowers are then taken from
the altar so that the donor may enjoy them.
This year we are offering two alternatives. Lilies may still be placed in honor or memory
of loved ones in the traditional way OR a donation may be made in honor, or memory, of loved
ones through Glyndon Church to the Night of Peace Shelter.
(Night of Peace is a year-round
shelter for homeless families with young children located at Salem UMC, Hebbville.)
The lilies will be ordered from Glyndon Gardens, so all orders and donations must be
received by Sunday, March 15. Each lily will cost $10.00. Please complete the form(s) below and
return to the church by mail or by placing in the offering plate with your check(s) payable to
Glyndon Church. Please note “Easter Lily” or “Night of Peace Shelter” on the memo line so we are
clear about your intentions.
Please Print
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2015 Easter Lily Order Form
Due by March 15
# Of Plants_________________ Total Amount Enclosed @ $10.00 each $________________
Please write “Easter Lily” on the memo line of your check
Name _________________________________________________________________
Phone Number _________________________________________________________
In Memory Of ___________________________________________________________
By ______________________________________________________________________
In Honor Of _____________________________________________________________
By ______________________________________________________________________
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
Night of Peace Shelter
Please write “Night of Peace Shelter” on the memo line of your check.
Phone Number__________________________________________________________
Total Amount Enclosed $_________________________________________________
My gift is in Memory of ___________________________________________________
My gift is in Honor of _____________________________________________________
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