Shaping the Canada-ASEAN Economic Corridor When: March 18-19, 2015 Where: Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel (former Four Seasons Hotel), Bangkok, Thailand OBJECTIVES With ASEAN integration on the horizon and Canada-ASEAN trade flows hitting records, the 2015 Canada ASEAN Business Forum will offer even more for savvy investors. The Forum will: 1) Raise the profile of Canada in ASEAN and inform Canadian businesses about the opportunities that will be on offer following ASEAN economic integration. 2) Bring together senior executives from Canada and ASEAN to discuss the benefits and challenges of doing business in both Canada and ASEAN. 3) Offer critical information and intelligence for Canadian companies interested in investing in ASEAN and ASEAN investors looking to do business in Canada. 4) Provide authentic, senior-level networking opportunities for top decision-makers within the Canada-ASEAN economic corridor. WHO WILL ATTEND? More than 200 business, opinion and policy leaders, from Canada and from across the ASEAN region, will be at the Forum. Participants will be drawn from both the private and public sector and will include the Honourable Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade for Canada, and Dean Connor, CEO of Sun Life. To ensure our membership can connect with the right people and the right organisations, participants will be identified and screened by members, sponsors, and the CABC Management Committee. We encourage you as members to let us know about individuals, companies and organisations you would like to see at the event. ANCILIARY EVENTS Mission to Myanmar Mission to Myanmar: CABC member Tractus Asia will be hosting a Mission to Myanmar from March 23-25. Highlights include meetings with the President of Myanmar and the Minister of Finance and Minister of National Planning and Economic Development. This trip is a fantastic chance to meet top decision-makers from government and the corporate world and we encourage all our members to attend. Please see the Forum Event Website or contact Joshua Brown at joshua.brown@tractus-asia for more information. Golf Tournament Golf Tournament: the Canada-Thailand Chamber of Commerce will host a Business Golf tournament on March 20. Green fees, caddy, cart, lunch, refreshments (on-course), and transport to and from Anantara Hotel are all included in the cost. For more information, please contact Les Walsh at [email protected] PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS 1st Breakout Session THAILAND: A new government is in place and changes to the political and business landscape are afoot. What are the key areas of economic focus for government? What lies ahead on the investment horizon? Which sectors offer the most promise for Canadian companies? INDONESIA: The government has ambitious plans to boost the infrastructure, manufacturing and export sectors. How can Canadian companies capitalize? What restrictions and rules should they bear in mind? What sectors hold the greatest potential for investment? MYANMAR: The opening of Myanmar offers tempting prospects for Canadian firms and investors across a host of sectors. But challenges remain, from an untested legal framework to a still-evolving business environment. How can Canadian investors prepare themselves? TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP (TPP), REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP (RCEP) AND CANADA-ASEAN TRADE: How will Canada’s participation in the TPP boost CanadaASEAN trade? Which sectors stand to gain and lose? Where do negotiations stand now and what major issues remain unresolved? Will TPP help to bridge Canada with the RCEP? FORUM SPONSORSHIP We are offering a range of Forum sponsorship levels and urge CABC members to act fast to take advantage of the many benefits available to sponsors: Platinum (sold out!) $15,000 Gold (still available) $10,000 Silver (still available, selling fast!) $7,500 Bronze (still available) $5,000 Refreshment sponsor (still available) $2,500 Advertiser in Forum Program Full page: $500 Half page: $250 If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact: Frank Valenta +65 9066 3972 [email protected] CABC BOARD MEETING March 18 – 10:30-12:00 All members are welcome to join us for the meeting, to be held at the Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel. CONTACT US Click HERE to Register! For further questions about the CABC or the Business Forum, please email [email protected]. We look forward to personally welcoming you to the CABC Business Forum this March in Bangkok 3rd Breakout Session (Afternoon) PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS HEALTHCARE, MEDICAL DEVICES & HOSPITALS: Medical tourism is becoming big business in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. With the regional population topping 650 million people, the growth in public and private healthcare service providers and hospital groups offers enormous potential for Canadian pharmaceutical and medical device firms. Who are the major players? What unique capabilities or technologies can Canadian companies offer? Can Canadian medical devices compete here? What are the best avenues into this lucrative market? AEROSPACE & ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES: Asia-Pacific will drive roughly half the growth in global air traffic over the next two decades, with ASEAN a major player. National and regional carriers are ordering aircraft in record numbers. Is this trend sustainable? Which markets hold the most promise? How can Canadian firms keen to capitalize on this growth story best navigate the region’s civil and military procurement programs? ENERGY CHALLENGES & SOLUTIONS: Energy demand in the ASEAN region has grown two and a half times since the early 1990s while oil and gas supplies in the region dwindle. Providing secure, affordable and clean energy is a long-term challenge for regional governments increasingly dependent on imports. How will ASEAN’s supply and demand requirements shape oil and gas trade? What kind of investment is needed to expand energy supply infrastructure? Is Canada’s LNG industry at risk of missing out on this window of opportunity? How viable is renewable energy as an alternative source for ASEAN? 2nd Breakout Session INVESTMENT IN ASIA: Huge opportunities exist for Canadian companies to bring their expertise to market. Which ASEAN nations offer the most promise? What must the private sector do to attract more foreign capital? Are PPPs a viable solution? What are the risks? NEXT GENERATION IT: With the next innovation wave upon us, staying on the sidelines is no longer an option. Is ASEAN doing enough to embrace next generation IT? How can Canadian companies contribute? Where can potential IT investors best profit in ASEAN? OVERCOMING MARKET ACCESS AND EXPANDING INTO ASEAN: Canadian companies keen to expand in this fast-growing region face a range of hurdles, including the need for human and financial resources, growing market risks and international competition. How can bodies such as the Trade Commissioner Service, Export Development Canada, Business Development Bank of Canada, Commercial Credit Corporation and other Canadian Government Services help? Click HERE to Register!
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