St. Stephen Roman Catholic Church 31020 Cole Grade Rd, Valley Center, CA 92082 760-749-3324 - Fax: 760-749-6684 - Rev. Elmer Mandac, Pastor Deacons: Charles “Chuck” Embury: Gilbert “Gil” Salinas: 760-751-4025 760-749-2820 Parish Office Hours: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Horas de la Parroquia 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Mass Schedule: Saturday Anticipatory:............................................................ 5:30 PM Sunday: .................................................................7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Sunday: ................................................................................ 11:00 AM Monday:................................................................................ 12:15 PM Tuesday & Wednesday: ......................................................... 8:45 AM Thursday (Communion Service):........................................... 8:45 AM Friday: .................................................................................... 5:30 PM Holy Day Mass Schedule: ............................................ As Announced Horario de la Misa: Sabado Anticipatorio:........................................................... 5:30 PM Domingo: ...........................................................7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Domingo: .......................................................................... 11:00 AM Lunes:................................................................................. 12:15 PM Martes & Miercoles:............................................................ 8:45 AM Jueves: (Servicio de Comunion) .......................................... 8:45AM Viernes: ............................................................................... 5:30 PM Dias Santos:.................................................................. (Anunciados) Sacrament of Penance: Friday: 6:00 PM or by appointment Baptism: Please contact our Parish Office 4 months prior to date Marriage: Contact pastor 9 months prior to desired date Sacramento de Penitencia: Viernes: 6:00 PM o con cita Bautizos: Haga Contacto a la oficina 4 meses antes de la fecha Matrimonio: Haga contacto con el Sacerdote 9 meses antes de la fecha deseada Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD): 760-749-3352 Ellen MacPhee: Catechetical Program coordinator Saturday: Spanish: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM Wednesday: English: 3:30 PM-4:45 PM Jr. & High School Youth: Monday: 7:00 PM-8:30 PM Confirmation Preparation: Ellen MacPhee: 760-749-3352 Confraternidad de la Doctrina Cristiana (CCD) 760-749-3352 Ellen MacPhee: Coordinadora de Programa Catechetico Sabado: Español: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM Miercoles: Ingles: 3:30 PM-4:45 PM Grupo de Joveness: Lunes: 7:00 PM-8:30 PM Preparación de Confirmación: Ellen MacPhee: 760-749-3352 Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Contact our Deacons: Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos: Llamen a los Diáconos: Scripture Study: Ellen MacPhee: ............ 760-749-3352 Environment Team: ...................................... 760-751-7357 Knights of Columbus: Vito Palermo: ............... 760-277-2283 Women’s Guild: Marianne Stone ............ 760-742-1201 Bereavement: Penny Blazej................. 760-685-3403 Funeral Director: Mary Elaine Gustafson . 760-751-1130 Natural Family Planning: John & Cynthia Tobin: . 760-715-2274 Culture of Life: Mark & Laura Ginella: ..760-751-0301 Christian Family Movement: Dagmar Hoffmann:....... 760-749-9154 Single Parent Ministry: Dagmar Hoffmann: …...760-504-2693 Prayer Quilts Coordinator: Sharon Martineau ......... 760-749-0188 SCRIP Program: Pat Bierle:..................... 760-749-2182 St. Vincent de Paul: Chuck Clayton:............. 760-638-1300 (Pantry open for distribution): Saturday: .............8:30 AM-10:30 AM . Thrift Store: Kathy Eckert................. 760-749-1965 Monday………………………………..9:00 AM-1:00PM Wednesday - Friday:…………. ........ 10:00 AM-2:00 PM Saturday:……….. .............................8:30 AM-11:00 AM Sunday: ………... 10:15 AM-11:00 AM & 12 PM-1 PM Renewal Ministry: Victor Lopez: ............... 760-520-3274 Alfredo Cruz................. 760-638-1453 Estudio de Escrituras: Ambiente: Caballeros de Colón: Gremio de Mujeres: Desconsuelo: Ellen MacPhee: ........ 760-749-3352 Monica Jauregui....... 760-415-0076 Vito Palermo:........... 760-277-2283 Marianne Stone ........ 760-742-1201 Penny Blazej .............760-685-3403 Planificación Familiar Natural: John & Cynthia Tobin:760-715-2274 Cultura de Vida: Mark & Laura Ginella: 760-751-0301 Movimiento Familias Cristianas: Dagmar Hoffmann: .. 760-749-9154 Ministerio Monoparentales Maria Cavaliere: ...…760-508-5496 Coorinador de Colcha de Rezo: Sharon Martineau..... 760-749-0188 Programa SCRIP: Pat Bierle: ................ 760-749-2182 San Vicente de Pablo: Chuck Clayton: ........ 760-638-1300 (distribución de comida): Sabado: ...........8:30 AM-10:30 AM Tienda Barata: Kathy Eckert…….….760-749-1965 Lunes…………………..…..9:00 AM-1:00 PM Miercoles - Viernes: ......... 10:00 AM-2:00 PM Sabado:….….. ..................8:30 AM-11:00 AM Domingo:.. 10:15 AM-11:00 AM y 12 PM-1 PM Ministerio de Renovacion: Victor Lopez ............ 760-520-3274 Alfredo Cruz ............ 760-638-1453 ST. STEPHEN ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH / IGLESIA We extend our hands and hearts in Christian friendship to you whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish If you are not registered, have moved or have other needs, please fill out this form and place in the collection basket or mail to the Parish Office. We will send all new parishioners a census form. Name/Nombre: Address/Domicilio: City/Ciudad: Zip/Código: Telephone/ Telefono: Cell/Celular: New parishioner / Soy nuevo en la parroquia I have changed my phone number / He cambiado numero de teléfono I am moving please remove my name from parish list/Me he mudado favor de quitar mi nombre de la lista parroquial Please send contribution envelopes / Por favor de enviar sobres de ofertorio I have a new address / Tengo domicilio nuevo Fifth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 PASTOR’S CORNER How to Find Time in Your Day for Lent? The fast pace of your life may seem to leave little time and energy for the traditional Lenten practices. But you can weave moments of spiritual awareness and service into even the busiest of schedules. The trick is to see Lenten practice as part of, rather than in addition to, each activity of your ordinary hectic day. The three foundational practices of Lent are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Although we have a week more to go before Holy Week, here’s how to think about them in a new way: Praying Daily If you make a habit of saying a little prayer whenever someone irritates you, cuts you off in traffic, or makes life difficult; when someone does you a favor, you experience great and friendly service, or when something joyful happens to you—you will soon find yourself praying your way through the day. Try this simple practice and you will be observing the Catholic Church’s call for greater prayer during the Lenten season. You will also find that this habit makes your life flow smoother, yourself more centered, and your Spirit more aware of God’s presence. A Different Type of Fasting There are many ways to fast. Why not fast from criticism, gossip, judging others, or passing on rumors? Why not abstain from unwarranted fear and anxiety? You can also tell that inner voice inside your head that criticizes you to abstain from eroding your ability to be the confident, blessed person God calls you to be. These are beautiful ways to observe the Lenten call to fasting and abstinence. Give of Yourself Daily life also offers countless opportunities to give of yourself to others (alms), and most don’t involve dipping into your wallet. Give encouragement to the doubting, give a word of praise to the insecure, show kindness to someone who could use a friend, and offer a word of thanks to those whose service of others often goes unappreciated. Give the gift of your attention to someone who simply wants to be noticed. Tell your children stories about people whose values you admire when you gather at mealtime. Don’t be stingy with your smiles—give them freely to everyone you meet. And most important, give your love to those close to you. Hug them, hold them, and tell them what they mean to you. In this way you open your heart to God and others. So no matter how busy you are in life, with some greater awareness and new perspectives you can consciously pray, fast, and give of yourself this Lent—and you will be ready to celebrate when a joyful dawn breaks upon you Easter morning. (Taken from: God bless!! Fr. Elmer MarkYourCalendar&SavetheDate~Women’sRetreat September4th‐5th‐&6th,2015@Vinade“LestonnacRetreatCenter”TemeculaCA Deacon Ralph Royo will be the 2015 Retreat facilitator Deacon Ralph has ground his ministry in his relationship with the Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit. He has been in ministry for over 30 years; He is extremely passionate about helping people experience the person of Christ in everyday life. Brochures will be available for registration early March 2015. If you have questions or for additional information please contact: Valerie Rizzotto – 760.533.6564 – [email protected] Pray for our Priests Sun. 22 Rev. Urbano Salada March 2015 Mon. 23 Rev. Louis Salca Tues. 24 Very Rev. Gary Sanders, OSA Wed. 25 Rev. Steven Sanguinetti, MC Thur. 26 Rev. Anthony Saroki Fri. 27 Rev. James Schorr Sat. 28 Rev. David Sereno Serra Daily Prayer for priestly and religious vocations: Jesus, Lord of the harvest, Look with love on this portion of your vineyard. Bless the Diocese of San Diego with more priests to shepherd your people, Priests with hearts like your own. Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us. Pray for Priests and Vocations “Now we ask you to respect those who work hard among you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.” (1 Thess. 5:12, 13, NIV) When we pray for vocations for the priesthood, diaconate and religious, we actually pray for ourselves, since holy priests, deacons and religious should result in a holier people. When we pray for these servants of Christ, we also win the favor of Christ, for we, in so praying, are furthering His work. By praying for vocations we are helping our children and our children's children because we are using a meritorious means of preserving our faith for them. “Now we ask you to respect those who work hard among you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.” (1 Thess. 5:12, 13, NIV) F A I T H F O R M A T I O N C O R N E R MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP St. Stephen’s Middle School Youth Group is for youth in grades 6, 7 & 8 and meets on Monday nights from 7:008:30 pm in the parish hall. As a Catholic Community, we have the opportunity to give our Middle School youth the EDGE they need in life: Jesus, The Word, The Eucharist, and the Church! Next Youth Group is tomorrow March 23rd. Please note that there will be no Youth Group Holy Week March 30th. Please pray for our RCIA Elect & Candidates who will be receiving the Sacraments of Initiation Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist at the Easter Vigil this year! This weekend at the 9:00 am Mass we will celebrate the 3rd of 3 Scrutiny Rites with the Elect - those to be baptized. The RCIA is a process, more than a program or class. It involves a series of steps toward a fully discerned commitment and entry into the Catholic Church. Movement from one step to the next is celebrated with a liturgical rite. The title Catechumen indicates someone seeking Baptism. The term Candidate indicates an already baptized Christian seeking entrance into Full Communion with the Catholic Church. St. Stephen’s has 14 who will be baptized this year at the Easter Vigil! STEUBENVILLE SD! REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!! The Steubenville Youth Conference is a weekend full of music, prayer, inspiring speakers and fun for High School Youth. Steubenville is open for all those entering 9th grade through graduating seniors. The cost is $200 per person and will be held at USD this year. Steubenville is often a life changing experience for our youth. If you are willing to sponsor a youth who cannot afford to attend, please contact Ellen. Thank you for your prayers & generosity!! ST. STEPHEN YOUTH MINISTRY! “Go therefore and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations…” This is the great Commission given by Jesus just before He ascended into heaven. It is our Mission as Church! Our parish community desires to form our young people into Disciples of Christ who love Jesus and live the Gospel! All activities offered for Youth Ministry are for ALL High School youth. Dawn Patrol - Morning Prayer & Devotions (MASS - First Sunday of the Month ~ April 1st) EVERY Wednesday @ 6:45 am Blessed Sacrament Chapel—Breakfast provided! Youth Confirmation Formation - Year 1 & 2 March 22, 2015 @ 8:30 am Life Nite - Youth Group - Meet in Youth Room Monday March 23, 2015 @ 6:00 pm Bible Study - (Every Wednesday) Home of John & Stephanie Boyd (Hannah & Daphne) Wednesday March 25, 2015 @ 7:00 pm High School Mini-Retreat Good Friday April 3, 2015 - 9:00 am-5:30 pm 'put on Christ' and your life will be full of his love; it will be a fruitful life.’ ~ Pope Francis NEW 1ST WEDNESDAY MASS TIME! Fr. Elmer will be celebrating Mass @ 6:45 am on the 1st Wednesday of the Month so that our Youth can receive Jesus before school! Of course ALL are welcome, but the time is to accommodate our youth. (There will be no 8:45 am Mass the 1st Wednesday.) The High School Youth Group is currently collecting gift cards, toiletries, snacks, socks & underwear for Stand up for Kids - Homeless Teens. Items will be prepared for delivery this Mon March 23rd. Thank you! GOOD FRIDAY - April 3, 2015 HIGH SCHOOL RETREAT DAY We are blessed to live in a school district that respects our Christian Tradition. VCPUSD does not have school on Good Friday so that our youth have the opportunity to observe this holy day. We will be having a Good Friday Retreat Day for all High School Youth from 9:00 am-5:30 pm. All High School Youth are welcome, but those preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation are expected to participate. Collection/Colecta March 15, 2015 Goal /Meta $11,000 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK IN OUR PARISH: Steven Andrews; Ignacio Alcan- Plate / Plato: Envelope / Sobre Debt /Deuda: Total: $ tar; Maria Nicolas; Ruben J. Nieto; Marie Tate; Cecile Illig; Amanda Luman; Eloina Sanchez; Carol Leigh; Sue Pederson; Jesus Angel; Jerry Lobb; Tom Barry; Jim Nelson; Christopher Johnson; Ralph Jensen; Mike Rice; Dolores Gonzales; Jasmin Kubart; Alessandro Gomez; Therese Thomas; Justin Sweeney; Nancy Barrett; Eva Rosa; Lucas Valencia; Max Mitchell; Carole Leigh; Frannie Steinhauer; Paul Oakley; Sean Williams: Clarisse Prefontaine; Dick Tenwolde; Pricilla Paterson: Tony Elliano; Anne Latullipe; Mario Macias; $ 2,843.00 $ 4,814.00 $ 462.00 $ 8,119.00 Other: Catholic Relief: $ 3327.40 Holy Week Schedule April 2 Holy Thursday: 7:00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper (bilingual) April 3 Good Friday 8:00 am Tenebrae Office of Readings & Morning Prayer 9:00 am Mary’s Way of the Cross a 3:00 pm Liturgy of the Word & Veneration of the Cross April 4, Holy Saturday 8:00 am Tenebrae, Morning Prayer 8:00 pm Easter Vigil April 5, Easter Sunday 7:30 am Mass 9:00 am Mass 11:00 am Misa (Spanish) 24. HOUR ADORATION Every First Friday of the Month 9:00 AM Fri.- 9:00 AM Sat. Also...Every Tuesday & Thursday Adoration from 3:00pm - 9:pm Won’t you spend some time with our Lord? Parish Activities for the week of March 15, 2015 Welcome to St. Stephen Catholic Church! Enjoy Coffee, Donuts & Fellowship after Mass Sun. Mon. 3/22 3/23 Tues. 3/24 Wed. 3/25 Thur 3/26 Fri. 3/27 Sat. 3/28 Mass Sun Mon. Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat 3/22 3/23 3/24 3/25 3/26 3/27 3/28 9:am 7:00pm 7:00pm 1pm-9p 7:00pm 3:30pm 9:30am 6:00pm 7:00pm 1-6:pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 8:30am 9:00am 5:30pm 6:30pm 10:00am 1st & 2nd Year Confirmation Jr. High & High School Youth Group Rosary & Divine Mercy Devotions Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Faith Formation K-5 Women’s Bible Study Women’s Guild Gen. Mtg. Speaker “Ruben Quezada” (in the Church) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Healing Mass (Spanish) Bible Study “Book of Psalms” Mass & Confessions Stations of the Cross (inside/outside) St. Vincent de Paul Food Distribution Adult Faith Formation w/Gloria Salinas Mass Parish Potluck Soup Supper First Penance Spanish Intentions For the week of March 22, 2015 7:30am Ana Kijack,╬ 9:00am 11:00am 12:15am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 5:30pm 5:30pm Tony Dente,╬ Brenda Cerras,╬ ANNUAL LENTEN COLLECTION: Thank you so much for your generosity in last weeks Annual Lenten Collection which supports the works of Catholic Relief Services, the Church in Africa and the Church in Latin America. Thank you very much for responding generously! February 18th-March 29th. Please join in peaceful prayer and fasting during a 40day vigil in the public right -of -way outside Dr. George Kungs’s clinic, North County Women’s Medical Center at 120 Craven Rd.. San Marcos, CA ( across the street from Cal State San Marcos) For re info. call Laura Ginnela : 760.751.0301 or sign up online at Bereavement Corner: On Palm Sunday March 29th, we will be holding our 3rd annual Lenten Bereavement Seminar after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. It will be held in the Youth room. This annual event has received high reviews from past attendees. Please invite anyone from the community to attend. There will be breakfast and beverages served. For any questions please call Penny Blazej @ 760-685-3403 Readings for the week of March 22, 201522 Monday: Dn 13:1-9,15-17,19-30,33-62/Ps 23:1-6/Jn 8:1-11 Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9/Ps 102:2-3,16-21/Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday: Is 7:10-14;8:10/Ps 40:7-11/Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38 Thursday: Gn 17:3-9/Ps 105:4-9/Jn 8:51-59 Friday: Jer 20:10-13/Ps 18:2-7/Jn 10:31-42 Saturday: Ez 37:21-28/(Ps) Jer 31:10-13/Jn 11:45-56 Next Sunday: Is 50:4-7/Ps 22:8-9,17-20,23-24/Phil 2:6-11/Mk 14:115:47 SAINT OF THE DAY~ St. Nicholas Owen ~ March 22 (d. 1606) Nicholas, familiarly known as "Little John," was small in stature but big in the esteem of his fellow Jesuits. Born at Oxford, this humble artisan saved the lives of many priests and laypersons in England during the penal times (1559-1829), when a series of statutes punished Catholics for the practice of their faith. Over a period of about 20 years he used his skills to build secret hiding places for priests throughout the country. His work, which he did completely by himself as both architect and builder, was so good that time and time again priests in hiding were undetected by raiding parties. He was a genius at finding and creating, places of safety: subterranean passages, small spaces between walls, impenetrable recesses. At one point he was even able to mastermind the escape of two Jesuits from the Tower of London. Whenever Nicolas set out to design such hiding places, he began by receiving the Holy Eucharist, and he would turn to God in prayer throughout the long, dangerous construction process. After many years at his unusual task, he entered the Society of Jesus and served as a lay brother, Although- for very good reasons- his connection with the Jesuits was kept secret. Communion Service After a number of narrow escapes, he himself was finally caught in 1594. Despite protracted torture, he refused to disclose the names of other Catholics. After being released following the payment of a ransom, “Little John” went back to his work. He was arrested again in 1606. This time he was subjected to horrible tortures, suffering an agonizing death. The jailers tried suggesting that he had confessed and committed suicide, but his heroism and sufferings soon were widely known. Pastor’s Intention He was canonized in 1970 as one of the 40 martyrs of England and Wales. Alejandra Cantu, Sp. Int. B.Day St. Stephen College Students, Sp. Int. Souls in Purgatory, Sp. Int. Pro Populo 5° Domingo de Cuaresma Marzo 22, 2015 Esquina del Pastor How to Find Time in Your Day for Lent? El rápido ritmo de la vida puede parecer que deja poco tiempo y energía para practicas tradicional de la cuaresma. Pero se puede tejer momentos de conciencia espiritual y de servicio incluso en la más concurrida de los horarios. El truco es ver práctica cuaresmal como parte de, y no además de, en cada una de las actividades ordinarias de su ajetreado día. Las tres prácticas fundacionales de la Cuaresma es oración, el ayuno y la limosna. A pesar de que tenemos una semana más para ir antes de la Semana Santa, aquí se muestra la forma de pensar de una manera nueva: Oración Diaria Si uno se acostumbra a decir una oración cada vez que alguien le irrita, te corta el paso en el tráfico, o si hace la vida difícil; cuando alguien le hace un favor, experimenta un gran servicio amigable y alegre o cuando algo le pasa a usted de pronto se encontrará orar su camino a través del día. Pruebe esta sencilla práctica y a observar el llamamiento de la Iglesia Católica para mayor oración durante el tiempo de Cuaresma. Usted también encontrará que este hábito le hace la vida más suave flujo, más centrado, y su espíritu más conscientes de la presencia de Dios. Un Tipo Diferente de Ayuno Hay muchas maneras de ayuno ¿Por qué no ayuna de la crítica, el chisme, a juzgar a los demás, o pasar de los rumores? ¿Por qué no abstenerse de temor injustificado y la ansiedad? También se puede decir a esa voz interior dentro de tu cabeza que te critica a abstenerse de erosionarse su capacidad para ser la confidante dichosa persona que Dios, te llama a ser. Estas son las maneras hermosas para observar el tiempo cuaresmal llamada al ayuno y la abstinencia. Dar de ti Mismo Vida Diaria también ofrece innumerables oportunidades para dar de sí mismo a los demás (limosna), y la mayoría no implica sumergirse en su billetera. Dar aliento a el incredulo y, dar una palabra de elogio a el inseguro, mostrar amabilidad a alguien que podría utilizar un amigo y unas palabras de agradecimiento a las personas cual cuyos servicios a otros a menudo pasa desapercibido. Dar el regalo de tu atención a una persona que simplemente quiere ser notado. Dígales a sus hijos historias de personas con característicos de valore que admira cuando se reúnen a la hora de comer. No ser tacaño con su sonrisas darlas libremente a todo el mundo que conozcas. Y lo que es más importante, dar tu amor a los que están más cercanos a usted. Abrazo, y decires lo que significan para usted. De esta manera se abre el corazón a Dios y a los demás. Así que no importa cómo está de ocupado en la vida, con una mayor conciencia y nuevas perspectivas conscientemente puede orar, ayunar, y dar de ti mismo esta Cuaresma y estará listo para celebrar la alegría de la madrugada quebra sobre tí ¡Dios los Bendiga! Padre Elmer Resen Por Nuestros Sacerdotes de la Diócesis de San Diego Sun. 22 Rev. Urbano Salada Mon. 23 Rev. Louis Salca Tues. 24 Very Rev. Gary Sanders, marzo, 2015 Wed. 25 Rev. Steven Sanguinetti, MC Thur. 26 Rev. Anthony Saroki Fri. 27 Rev. James Schorr Sat. 28 Rev. David Sereno REZO PARA SACERDOTES....Jesús, reza por tu sacerdote fiel y ferviente; Por tus sacerdotes infieles y tibios; Por tus sacerdotes que trabajan en casa o en un pais extranjero y en misiónes distantes. Por tu sacerdote tentado; Por tus sacerdotes solos y solitarios; Por tus sacerdotes jóvenes; Por tus sacerdotes agonizantes; por las almas de tus sacerdotes en el Calvario. Pero sobre todo, te recomiendo a los sacerdotes los más queridos a mí: el sacerdote que me bautizó; los sacerdotes que me exoneraron de mis pecados; los sacerdotes en cuyas misas que asistí y quién me dan Tu Cuerpo y Sangre en la Sagrada Comunión; los sacerdotes que me enseñaron e instruyeron; Todos los sacerdotes a quien soy endeudado de cualquier otro modo (sobre todo a...). Guárdalos cerca de tu corazón. Amén. Oración Diaria por las Vocaciones: Jesús de la coseha, mira con amor a esta porción de tu viña. Bendice la Diócesis de San Diego con más sacerdotes que pastoreen a tu pueblo, sacerdotes con un corazón semejante al tuyo. María, Madre de la Iglesia, intercede por nosotros. ¡Marque su calendario y Guardar las Fechas de 4, 5 y 6 de septiembre 2015! Temecula CA. Diácono Ralph Poyo será el facilitador del retiro 2015 Diácono Santo. Ha estado en el ministerio desde hace más de 30 años; es muy apasionado tidiana. Los Folletos estarán disponibles para la inscripción temprana. Si tiene Valerie Rizzotto - 760.533.6564 - [email protected] VIERNES SANTO - 3 de abril, 2015 tenemos la suerte de vivir en un distrito escolar que respete nuestra tradición cristiana. VCPUSD no tiene escuela en la mañana del Viernes Santo para que nuestros jóvenes tengan la oportunidad de observar este día santo. Vamos a tener un “Viernes Santo” día de retiro para los Jóvenes de la Escuela Secundaria de 9:00 a.m. a 5:30pm Los jóvenes de la Escuela Secundaria son bienvenidos, pero quienes se prepáran a recibir el sacramento de la confirmación se espera que participen! TIEMPO DE CUARESMA: Horarios del Via Crucis Durante la Cuaresma rezaremos el Via Crucis Todos los domingos en español después de la Misa de 11:00am También se rezará el Via Crucis en Inglés los Viernes Después de la Misa de 5:30pm ¡Ánimo! Aprovechemos este tiempo para tener un encuentro más Íntimo con Cristo. Actividades Parroquial para semana de 22, de marzo, 2015 Dom 3/22 Lun. 3/22 Mar 3/23 Mier. 3/24 Juev 3/25 Vier 3/26 Sab Dom 3/27 3/22 Lun 3/23 Mar. 3/24 Mier 3/25 Juev. 3/26 Vier. 3/27 Sab. 3/28 Vienvenidos Visitantes a Iglesia de San Esteban Café, Donas y Comañerismo 8:30am 2° y 1° año de Confirmación 6:00pm Grupo Jóvenes Escuela Preparatoria /Secundaria 7:00pm 1-9pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 3:30pm 7:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 1pm-9pm 6:00pm 5:30 pm 6:30pm Rosario y Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos Ministerio de Mujeres - Crecimientos Espirituales Formación de Fe (Inglés) Renovacion Dicipulo ( Formación San Andres) Gremio de Mujeres, reúnion general Speaker “Ruben Quezada” (iglesia) Adoración al Santísimos Sacramento Misa de Sanación (Padre Andres) Misa / Confesiones Cena de Sopas Cuaresmal “ a la Canasta” 6:30pm 8:30am 8:30am 10:00 am 5:30pm Crecimientos de la Fe San Vicente de Pablo - Distrtibución de comida Formación de Fe ~ Español Primera Penitencia Misa Intenciónes 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 12:15am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 5:30pm 5:30pm Para Retiro de mujeres! en el Centro de Retiros “Vina de Lestonnac, Ralph tiene su ministerio en su relación con el Señor y la fuerza del Espíritu por ayudar a las personas experimentar la persona de Cristo en la vida copreguntas o para obtener información adicional, póngase en contacto con: COLECTA ANUAL DE CUARESMA: Muchas Gracias por su apoya a la Colecta Anual de Cuaresma la semana pasada. La colecta apoya el trabajo de “Sercvicios Asistencia Catolica” (Catholic Relief Services) y ayuda a la Iglesia en África, y a la Iglesia en Ámerica Latina. Su ayuda es muy agradecida! Horario para la Semana Santa y Domingo de la Resurreción Abril 2: Jueves Santo 7:00pm Misa de la Cena de Nuestro Señor, (bilingué) Abril 3: Viernes Santo 8:00am Oración de la Mañana 9:00am Via Crucis de María 3:00pm Liturgia de la Palabra y Veneración de la Cruz April 4: Sabado de Gloria 8:00am Oración de la Mañana 8:00pm Vigilia de Pascua de la Resurreción April 5: Domingo de la Resurrección 7:30am Misa (inglés ) 9:00am Misa (inglés) 11:00am Misa (español) FELIZIDADES A LOS NIÑOS RECIEN BAUTIZADOS!!! Tambien a sus Padres y Familias de la Misa de Semana 22 de marzo, 2015 Ana Kijack,╬ Tony Dente,╬ Brenda Cerras,╬ Mason Brian Ponce Brian Ponce & Brenda Reyes Jesus & Mario Jr. Diaz Mario Diaz & Elvia Guadarrama Souls in Purgatory, Sp. Int. Diego Uriel Espitia Uriel Espitia & Elizabeth Hernandez Communion Service Juan Alexander Rangel Juan M. Rangel & Cara Donnelly Alejandra Cantu, Sp. Int. B.Day St. Stephen College Students, Sp. Int. Pastor’s Intention Pro Populo Semínarios para bautismo están programados en el primer y el segundo lunes de cada mes. Por favor nota * ambas fechas son obligatorios. Si no eres capaz de asistir a ambos primer y Segundo lunes del mes necesita asistir dos lunes al mes siguiente. Para inscribirse en el seminario o mayor información, por favor, póngase en contacto con Miguel Madera al Lecturas para la semana de Marzo 22, 2015 Lunes: Dan 13:1-9,15-17,19-30,33-62/Sal 23:1-6/Jn 8:1-11 Martes: Num 21:4-9/Sal 102:2-3,16-21/Jn 8:21-30 Miércoles: Is 7:10-14;8:10/Sal 40:7-11/Heb 10:4-10/Lc 1:26-38 Jueves: Gen 17:3-9/Sal 105:4-9/Jn 8:51-59 Viernes: Jer 20:10-13/Sal 18:2-7/Jn 10:31-42 Sábado: Ez 37:21-28/(Sal) Jer 31:10-13/Jn 11:45-56 Próximo Domingo: Is 50:4-7/Sal 22:8-9,17-20,23-24/Flp 2:6-11/ Mc14:1-15:47 A Cat’s View Veterinary Hospital MON - FRI 8-6 SAT 9-12 Church of the Resurrection Rock, Sand, Gravel, Top Soil VALLEY CENTER MATERIALS Religious Gifts - Bibles - Rosaries Landscape Supplies Weekdays.: 9 am - 5 pm Sat.: 9 am - 7 pm Sun.: Open before & after all Masses 31034 Valley Center Rd. Valley Center 760760-749749-0099 (760) 751-9688 Gift Shop Caring For Your Unique Dental Needs 27319 Valley Center Road Valley Center, CA 92082 Scooter Service & Repair New & Used Scooters HANDI-VAN Cage Free Dog Boarding Doggie Day Care Dog Training Dog Grooming Ph: (760) 749-4022 1320 Simpson Way #D Escondido, Ca 92029 27455 Valley Center Rd. Ph. (760) 749749-0024 Fax (760) 749749-0026 Mon.Mon.-Sun. 7:30am7:30am-9:30pm Like our page Valley Center Wireless Wireless Starting at 28904 Valley Center Rd. $19.99/month! Free Local Tech Support! Bring this ad for your 10% Discount! JP ROOF SERVICES Joe Perez Lic #846691 / Insured Your Favorite Place 25 Yrs. Experience Espresso - Breakfast - Sandwiches Mobile: 760.802.5173 Smoothies - Ice Cream Office: 760.888.9385 Catering For All Occasions Email: [email protected] Phone: 760-749-0123 556 Iona Court Fax: 760-749-0110 Escondido, CA 92027 29115 Valley Center Rd. Ste G. GOD BLESS OUR ADVERTISERS! 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(760) 749-3656 27847 Valley Center Road POR FAVOR APOYE A ESTOS ANUNCIANTES (760) 749749-3443 #38 St. Stephen Church, Valley Center - Outside Paul Buscemi Owner Beth Smith
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