Trojan Times

The Argus-Press
Owosso, Michigan
Thurs., March 26, 2015
Owosso Public Schools • • Ready for the World!
Owosso Public Schools’ vocational education programs (now referred to as Career
and Technical Education) complete one of
the most diverse high school curriculums in
the county. Career and Technical Education
programs are developed with a great deal of
collaboration with local businesses to fulfill
the careers of expanding businesses in our
present economic environment. Owosso is
Andrea Tuttle
committed to developing and delivering acaSuperintendent
demic classes that prepare students with the
technical skills and academic knowledge needed for future employment and/or a successful transition to post-secondary education.
The following details regarding Owosso’s CTE program were written by Dr. Kari Selleck, Curriculum Director and Mrs. Lori Johnson,
Owosso High School Career and Technical Education Coordinator:
First, we would like to provide some insights into the curriculum development of Career and Technical Education programs. The
State of Michigan examines employment data for high skill, high
wage, and high demand careers and job openings in Michigan. For
example, the following jobs are in the highest demand according to
The Rank List released in 2013:
1. Business Administration and Management
2. Merchandising, Sales, and Marketing
3. Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences
4. Computer Systems Networking
5. Construction Trades
To be able to offer a certified CTE course, it takes approximately
a full year of up-front work at the local school district level. When
presenting a new CTE course to the Michigan Department of Education, local districts must provide documentation which includes
proof of meeting a complex set of requirements for equipment/materials, safety measures, curriculum and instruction, instructor training, instructor field experience (minimum of 4,000 hours), advisory
board involvement, and a host of other quality assurances. Some of
the focus areas of curriculum for all CTE programs are:
1. Rigorous
2. Relevant
3. Real-World Connections
4. Project-Based
5. Career Ready Preparation
6. College Ready Preparation
7. Technical Skill Training
8. Integration of Academic Benchmarks
9. Employability Skill Training
10. Industry Certifications (for some of the programs)
11. Articulated College Credit
12. Student Leadership Development Opportunities
13. Work-Based Learning Opportunities
As a result of this rigorous process required to offer CTE courses,
some districts are unable to meet all of these mandates.
Owosso Public Schools leads the county in the number of CTE
course offerings available to students, including an upcoming new
sequence of courses in Biomedical Engineering, with the first course
on the books for OHS students hopefully beginning next year. (Biomedical Engineering is in the top tier of growing jobs in the health
sciences area).
Present OHS Career and Technical Education Program Offerings:
1. Accounting
2. Business Management
3. Construction Trades
4. Culinary Arts
5. Education Careers
6. Engineering
7. Family & Consumer Sciences
8. Fashion Design & Merchandising
9. Insurance & Risk Management
10. Wood Technology
11. Work-Based Learning
Several courses of study fall under each of the above programs.
For example, in the case of Engineering, there are four courses offered: Intro to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, Civil
Engineering and Architecture, and the Capstone Course – Engineering Design and Development.
Owosso Public Schools adheres to the state requirement to partner with local business and industry experts and leaders and meet
on a regular basis for all CTE courses. We invite interested community members, parents, and business owners to participate in our
long-standing CTE advisory boards. CTE programs create a relevant,
rigorous, and engaging educational experience through projectbased, real-life applications that empower students to be critical
thinkers, communicators, and successful in life.
Last week’s riddle: What asks but never answers? Answer: An
This week’s riddle: What book was once owned by only the
wealthy, but now everyone can have it? You can’t buy it in a bookstore or take it from the library.
In early March, Owosso High School’s Robotics Team traveled
to a district event in Standish. Coach John Hankerd, and Mentor
Tony Pierce, took 10 students and their robot to compete against
40 other schools in a competition called “Recycle Rush”. The object of the challenge was to remotely stack recycling totes and bins
on scoring platforms. Each team was formed of robots from three
different schools all working together to score as many points as
possible in two and a half minutes.
Owosso High students began constructing their robot in early
January. The team had six weeks to plan, build, and test their robot before the competition. At the Standish competition, Owosso
finished 3rd among the 40 teams competing, which secured them
a place in the playoff rounds. We are proud to report that the OHS
Robotics Team finished the competition in 3rd place.
The team is now preparing to compete again on April 3 & 4,
at Mason High School. All of the robotic teams are competing for
a trip to the State Championship in Grand Rapids on April 10-11.
The OHS Robotics Team members are: Nicolas Czarnecki, Charles
DeLisle, Easton Feinauer, Gabe Gaskin, Alex Hankerd, Danielle
Hankerd, Austin Lighthill, John Robertson, Josef Waldorf, Cole
Jacobs, Jonathan Pierce, Noah Slusher, Michael Hankins, Marty
Horger, Tyler Wing, and Jhakab Hickey.
This is Owosso High School’s second year competing in the FIRST
Robotics of Michigan program against nearly 400 other teams.
Team members pictured with Coach John Hankerd (left) and
Team Mentor Tony Pierce (right) are ( from left to right): Jonathan
Pierce, John Hankerd, Charlie DeLisle, Austin Lighthill, Easton
Feinauer, Cole Jacobs, Alex Hankerd, Nick Czarnecki, Tony Pierce,
John Robertson, Josef Waldorf, and Danielle Hankerd.
The Wonderful World
of Reading
Owosso Public Schools’ three elementary schools and Bentley Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center have been having a lot of fun exploring the different ways to have fun with
reading during March is Reading Month. Each school building
has offered a variety of activities such as reading “camp outs”,
theme days, guest readers, and much more.
This year marks the 15th
consecutive year that the
Honorable Judge Tom
Fitzgerald has volunteered
as the Drop Everything
and Read (DEAR) reader
in Mrs. Ellis’ classroom at
Emerson Elementary. Mrs.
Ellis is a longtime friend
of the Fitzgerald family
and was present when Judge Fitzgerald was sworn in to the
Michigan Court of Appeals 24 years ago. Mrs. Ellis shared,
“I remember joking that he could pay me back by being my
DEAR reader the following March. The ‘following March’ has
since become an annual commitment and Tom generously
comes to my room and shares his love for books and reading.” Judge Fitzgerald retired in January yet still fulfilled his
commitment to read to Mrs. Ellis’ third graders followed by
lively discussions with students.
Guest reader Owosso
Police & Fire Chief Kevin Lenkart is pictured
with Mrs. Bukovick’s
Junior First students
on March 20. After listening to Chief Lenkart
read a story about
firefighters, students
presented him with
personalized firefighter
thank yous.
Tuttle’s Thoughts
OHS Robotics Prepares for
State Competition
March 30
Bryant 2nd Grade Bowling Night at Capitol Bowl
JV Soccer v. Linden 4 p.m.
Varsity Soccer v. Linden 5:30 p.m.
JV & Varsity Tennis @ Fowlerville 4 p.m.
March 31
OMS Washington DC Trip Final Meeting 6:30 p.m.
JV Baseball @ Corunna 4 p.m.
Varsity Baseball v. Corunna 4 p.m.
JV Softball @ Corunna 4 p.m.
Varsity Softball v. Corunna 4 p.m.
April 1
Central 2nd Grade field trip
Elementary School Reading Month Assemblies
Varsity Track @ Fowlerville 4 p.m.
April 2
Bryant Student of the Month 8 a.m.
Varsity Golf @ Perry 10 a.m.
April 3
All Pro Dads Gather for Breakfast
Bryant School hosted another All Pro Dad Breakfast on March
6. All Pro Dads is a program designed “to help fathers become
passionate about their role in their family’s life.” (www.familyfirst.
net) During the All Pro Dad’s Breakfast events, students and their
dads, uncles, grandpas or other special guests enjoy fun bonding
activities and collect resources to use at home.
The theme for the March 6th breakfast was creativity which correlated with Bryant’s Science Fair projects taking place on March
26. Students and guests were treated to a delicious breakfast along
with a creative activity. Many prizes were awarded and all students
received books to read at home.
“We strive to offer a strong family and school connection at
Bryant Elementary,” Principal Steve Brooks reports. “The All Pro
Dad Breakfast is one of many events
where we engage our parents in the
learning environment and provide
resources for continued learning,
exploration and growth at home.”
Third grader Logan O’Brien and
his dad Daniel had a great time at
the All Pro Dad Breakfast.
OMS Destination ImagiNation
Teams Advance to State Finals
Students from OMS, once again, competed in the Destination
ImagiNation tournament on March 7, at Western High School in
Parma. Destination ImagiNation (DI) is an educational program
in which student teams solve open-ended Challenges and present
their solutions at Tournaments. Teams are tested to think on their
feet, work together and devise original solutions that satisfy the
requirements of the Challenges. Participants gain more than just
basic knowledge and skills—they learn to unleash their imaginations and take unique approaches to problem solving.
There were five teams composed of students from 6th – 8th
grade. The three fine arts teams researched the characteristics of
fairy tales. Then they created an original fairy tale that included a
character that has a phobia. These tales were called “feary” tales.
Their “feary” tales had to include one piece of team created expressive artwork, one piece of team created functional artwork,
and an illusion. The technical team had to create a creature that
had to perform three distinct actions. They had to write an original story that included a problem for the creature to solve. Also,
the team had to create a world for their creature and demonstrate
two world features. The improvisational team had to research
improv games and street performances. This team was required
to perform three improvisational skits that included an improv
game, street performance, unique setting and situation. They had
one minute to prepare each performance and two minutes to
present. They were not allowed to use props, premade scripts, or
The OMS Culture team includes Morgan Louch, Lucy Popovitch, and Emily Rau. Their team manager is OHS teacher Trudy
Schneider. This team received first place for the 4th year in a row
in the fine arts challenge. The OMS Ugly Ducklings team includes
Abby Christian, Alana Fauth, Hailey Klenk, Emily Summerland, Autumn Weir, Sarah Wittum, and Sophia Wittum. Their team manager
is Ruth Wittum. This team received third place in the fine arts challenge. The OMS Techs team includes Taylor DeWolf, Malachi Fisk,
Noah Oszust, Autumn Patterson, William Scrimger, and Mackenzie
Scrimger. Their team manager is MSU intern Amber Domasicwicz.
This team received second place in the technical challenge. These
three teams will be moving on to the state affiliate finals at CMU in
April. This is a huge point of pride for our district and these very
talented, creative students. Our OMS CIMONS team lead by OMS
teacher Mr. Perrin received 4th place in the improv challenge. This
first year team includes Alex Elford, Ava Fett, Kylie Louch, Caleb
Hart, and Cayden Whiteherse. Our OMS Zuperca1!frag!1!st!cexp
!a1!doku5 team includes Stephanie Ellsworth, Hailie Taylor, and
Hannah Walters. Their team manager is MSU intern Guadalupe
Bryan. This first year team did an outstanding job in the fine arts
Mrs. Friend’s third graders were excited to have Senator Rick
Jones read to them on March 20. During the month of March
Central has started their days with a “Mystery Reader” during the morning announcements. Students have had a lot of
fun guessing who is reading to them.
Mr. Krantz’s Construction Trades class is in the process of constructing a pole building on the north side of Owosso High School. Application based learning is a vital component to CTE courses.
Liaison Officer Mike Ash read
to preschool students at Bentley Bright Beginnings. Teachers
have invited guest readers into
their preschool rooms throughout the month. In addition to
stories, the guest readers usually
talk about their life experiences
and answer the many questions
posed by our youngest Trojans.
Destination ImagiNation is a great representation of everything
that makes Owosso Public Schools special, and is directly in line
with our district’s passion for inquiry based instruction, and the
International Baccalaureate philosophy. DI is just another one
of the many outstanding ways that students in Owosso are being
prepared to be ready for the world.