ST. FRANCIS XAVIER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 19 Broad Street, Hereford HR4 9AP Parish Priest Telephone (01432) 273485 Dom MICHAEL EVANS Email: [email protected] Website: Newsletter email: [email protected] St. Francis Xavier’s School Tel: 01432 273941 Parish Safeguarding Rep Brenda Williams Tel: 01432 850414 During Lent we are invited to pray for these intentions; Candidates for the Sacraments, (especially on the Sundays of Lent), women, the Needy and Hungry of the Word, Penitents and Wanderers. Readings for this week Year B Sunday Archdiocese of Cardiff Charity no. 242380. MASSES and INTENTIONS - Feb 2015 Sat 21st 10.30am 4th week of Lent Mrs Pat Cotterell WEDDING Ursula Hankinson & Xavier Faux 5th SUNDAY OF LENT (Vigil) Clare O’Sullivan Alex Barnacle S.I. Sat 21st 2.00pm Sat 21st 6.00pm Sun 22nd 8.00am Sun 22nd 10.00am 5th SUNDAY OF LENT Sun 22nd 3.30pm Mission Service Sun 22nd 6.30pm Dom Michael at Our Lady's Mon 23rd 7.00am 5th week of Lent Dec’d rels Mills/Phillips Mon 23rd 9.15am 5th week of Lent Dilys O’Connor Mon 23rd 7.00pm Mission Service Tue 24th 7.00am 5th week of Lent Thomas C.J. Tue 24th 9.15am 5th week of Lent Horace Thomas Tue 24th 7.00pm Mission Service Wed 25th 7.00am Wed 25th 9.15am Wed 25th 1.00pm THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD Wed 25th 7.00pm Mission Service Thu 26th 7.00am 5th week of Lent Thu 26th 9.15am 5th week of Lent Thu 26th 7.00pm Mission Service Fri 27th 7.00am 5th week of Lent Dec. Rels. Hanley Fri 27th 9.15am 5th week of Lent Dec. Rels. Keilly Fri Please see timetable enclosed for details of 27th 12.30pm Stations of the Cross the Mission Services and Adoration this week. Fri 27th 1.00pm 5th week of Lent Aina Flor Prendergast S.I. Fri 27th 7.00pm Fri 27th N.B. NO Evening Latin Mass 6.00 pm Psalter week 1 Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Ministers of the Word Wendy Winterburn Helen Booth Paul Williams Frances Hetterley 8.00am Angela Holmes Mike Kennedy 10.00am Thomas Kottuppallil Val Vaughan-Williams Vera McHale The Parish Offertory for Last Week - Thank you 1st Running of the Parish £677.05 2nd Renovation £369.60 Standing Orders £270.00 Please Pray For The Sick: Joan Sheeran Antoinette Perrot Pat Morris Pat Franklin Sr Catherine Jackson OP Vince Hanna John Ward RIP Peter Gunter Brian Daw Jean Goldrick Dec rels Lawless Maureen Toner Cynthia Barnett Angela Rosier Jessica Kent RIP Winnie Doran Flo Brown Fr. Antony Pat Clark Alison Alder Sheila Fawcett Dec. Rels. O’Connor Jean Lewis Pat Cotterell Joshua Romel S. I. of Cynthia Barnett Kay Herderschee Mission Service Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturday 11.00 am - 12.00 noon and at call PARISH NOTICES Congratulations and Prayers for Ursula and Xavier who are getting married this Saturday. Dec. Rels Jones/Mead Sat 28th 10.30am 5th week of Lent Sacrament of the Sick Sat 21th 6.00pm PALM SUNDAY (Vigil) Dec. Rels Barry Sun 29th 8.00am PALM SUNDAY Dec. Rels Edward Sun 29th 9.45am PALM PROCESSION Sun 29th 10.00am PALM SUNDAY Sun 29th N.B. No 12.15 Latin Mass The Parish Stations of the Cross Please note that during Lent there will be Stations of the Cross at 12.30 pm on Fridays (immediately before the lunch-time Mass). We apologise but there will be no Stations of the Cross in the evening this year. Easter Flowers Last weekend’s special retiring collections for Easter Flowers raised £378.76. Thank you. Lately Dead: Pauline Lane Veronica King Ronald Morgan Remembrance: Angela Bassi Jean Scott-Simpson Margaret Hossack Sean Simon Podmore Ita Maria Godfrey Bridget Morgan Barbara (Bobby) Powell Patricia Mary Llewellyn George Turnbull PARISH MISSION 14-29TH MARCH 2015 April and Holy Week copies of Magnificat are on sale now at the back of the church. There are also a few Lenten ‘Walk With Me’ Booklets left. Please put money in the ‘Papers Box’. Next Weekend the Palm Sunday Procession meets at 9.45 am in the Palace Yard and we invite all children to dress up in suitable costumes to celebrate the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem. The Donkey has been booked! Parish Mission Prayer Loving God, Creator and Giver of all things, bless our Parish Mission. Send Your Spirit to renew our faith And help us spread the joy of the salvation that Your Son wrought for us. Grant us Your grace, that we may serve our community, glorify You, and be sanctified ourselves. We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Our Lady, Cause of our Joy, pray for us. St. Francis Xavier, pray for us. St. John Kemble, pray for us. S.F.X. Parish Social Evening. On Saturday the 28th March at Our Lady's Church Hall at 7.30pm. As part of the Mission S.F.X. Parish will be holding an informal evening for all Parishioners. A chance to relax and renew old friendships and make new ones. Light entertainment. Finger buffet will be provided, bring your own drinks (wine/soft). Raffle prizes still needed. So we have an idea about numbers please put your names on the list at the back of the church. Jane Gennard Tel: 356248 A very big THANK YOU to all our visitors from the Sion Community and the blessings and wisdom they have brought with them. The fruits of their work may well not become immediately apparent but God will surely work silently upon the good seeds they have sown this week in all the homes of the parish. Thank you for visiting us and God Bless you! Transport for Mission events There is transport to any of the mission events. A team of volunteers is waiting for the call! If you want to get to any of the events and do not have access to transport, please give the Coordinator, Stephen Cleeve a ring on 01432 851632 or 07547792139 (not as reliable). There is an answerphone on the landline, please leave a message and we will get back to you. Gift Aid envelopes available for collection a the back of the Church Please take yours but do not use before 12th April. Stephen Cleeve. Would the following please collect their letter(s) from the Sacristy Maureen Johnson, Ginny Thompson and Rytis Simanskas, Jenny Hughes,Stuart Fox ,Andy Ling. MISSIO BOXES I would be grateful if all red box holders could bring in their boxes for the spring count by this Sunday 22nd March. There are several spare boxes if anyone else would like to keep a box in their home to collect spare change and help Mill Hill missionaries in other countries share their faith and provide education and health care where it is desperately needed. MISSIO is the Holy Father's own charity with the remit to sustain and build the Church wherever it is young or too poor to be selfsufficient. Thank you. Mary Roberts 01432 278328. London Marathon Runner. Katie Bythel, one of our young parishioners, is to run the London Marathon in aid of CLIC Sargent the Children’s Cancer Charity. If you would like to donate or sponsor her please use the envelopes provided at the back of the Church and return via the office. Thank you. OTHER NOTICES Churches Together in Hereford The annual Good Friday ‘Walk of Witness’ will take place on 3rd April, and starts at 10.30 am. Gather in the new ‘Old Market Shopping Centre’ opposite the Odeon Cinema and finish in High Town. March 30th is the deadline for questions for the parliamentary candidates who will form the panel for the CTH Electoral Forum next month. Ceilidh on the 21st March at St Nicholas Church, 7 - 10 pm. Fun for all the Family. CTiH Prayer Diary. Your prayers are asked on Monday, for the Community of Bodenham Chapel, Christian Fellowship. And Finally next weekend the clocks go forward 1 hour on Saturday Night WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK Mon 23rd March 2pm 21st -29th March Parish Mission - Celebration Week St. Anne's Guild. Presbytery Sat 28th March 7.30pm SFX Parish Social in Our Lady's Church Hall. WHAT'S COMING UP Mon 30th March 2pm St. Anne's Guild. Presbytery Thu 16th April 7.30pm Poetry for Pleasure. Presbytery Fri 17th April 7.00 pm Pilgrimage Meeting SFX Annexe
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