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ODUM JOHN HEREFORD JEFF FULFORD Jonathan Roundtree 130 SCREVEN AVENUE WAYCROSS, GEORGIA 31501 FAX (912) 283-0649 PHONE (912) 283-2525 Will Higginson, AAMS EdwardJones Suite A Waycross, GA 31501 Bus. 912-285-9778 Fax 912-285-8706 www.edwardjones.com Investment Representative 1701 Boulevard Square MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING Better Vaules by Farr Waycross - Blackshear Highway • Blackshear, Georgia 912-285-7700 email: [email protected] • www.farsfinefurniture.com SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL EXCHANGE CLUB AND PLACE YOUR ADVERTISEMENT HERE FOR VIEWING BY HUNDREDS! 2014-2015 OFFICERS President President-Elect Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Immediate Past President V.P. of Fairgrounds BOARD OF DIRECTORS ONE YEAR TWO YEARS Rod Langevin John McDermott Chris Tatum Harbin Farr Summer Stipe Michael Ray Tony Tanner Jake Strickland Virginia Peagler Bill Deason Larry Paulk Daniel Warren Jimmy White MONTHLY PROGRAMS CHAIR: jAKE sTRICKLAND Jul.-Daniel Warren Aug.- Jack Williams Sep.- Virginia Peagler Oct.- Steve Pope Nov.-Bill Deason Dec.- Ken Carroll Jan.- Jake Strickland Feb.- Al Jacobson Mar.- Chris Tatum Apr.- Virginia Peagler May- Burton Carter Jun.- Tony Tanner & Larry Paulk One Nation Under God Monthly Programs Freedom Shrine Milestones of Freedom Proudly We Hail Book of Golden Deeds Family Day Fellowship Youth of the Month/Year Young Citizenship Membership Finance & Budget Renting Facilities Child Abuse Prevention Public Safety Project Awards Publications Chaplain Health of Members Excellence Award (A.C.E. Award) Give a Kid a Flag to Wave Sunshine Special Nominating Directory/Badges Salvation Army Christmas Banquet Installation Banquet Farmer's Market Parliamentarian/Legal Publicity & Photography Exchange Orientation/Ed. Speech Contest House Keeping Fair Assoc. Chairman Okefenokee Fair Manager Tony Tanner Jake Strickland Dan Good Robbie Winn Clarence Billups Vince Settle, III Phil Wysong, Gerry Lang Robbie Winn Priscilla Christopher Will Higginson Larry Paulk & Bill Deason Jimmy White Virginia Peagler, Summer Stipe Chris Tatum COMMITTEE CHAIRS - July 2014 - June 2015 The Waycross Red Coater Published Bi-Weekly by: The Exchange Club of Waycross, Georgia P.O. Box 926 Waycross, Georgia 31502 EXCHANGE COVENANT OF SERVICE Accepting the divine privilege of single and collective responsibility as life's noblest gift, I covenant with my fellow Exchangites: To consecrate my best energies to the uplifting of Social, Religious, Political and Business ideals; To discharge the debt I owe to those of high and low estate who have served and sacrificed that the heritage of the American citizenship might be mine; To honor and respect law, to serve my fellowman, and to uphold the ideals and institutions of my Country; To implant the life-giving, society-building spirit of Service and comradeship in my social and business relationships. To serve in Unity with those seeking better conditions, better understandings, and greater opportunities for all. Exchange Club of Waycross including the Okefenokee Fairgrounds Home Club of National Exchange Club Past President, William E. Deason Best Large Club Bulletin Awards Georgia District: ’97, ’99, ’02, ’04, ’06 & ’10 Wayne Kilmark Home Club of Past Georgia District Exchange Clubs Presidents Ray Pope & Ellie Royal (Both Deceased) R. Wayne Kilmark, William E. Deason & Roland R. Lynn Wayne Kilmark Eldon Lewis The Club Virginia Peagler James Shubert, Dennis Hagood Bob Miller, Steve Smoak Tony Tanner, Harbin Farr, Jeff Jones Virginia Peagler Dr. Craig Kubik Ken Bennett Lindon Deal Vince Settle, III Billy Dowling, Jimmy White, Jack Williams, III Bill Deason Lindon Deal Harbin Farr Jonathan Daniell Community Service Service to Youth Crime Prevention - Book of Golden Deeds Sunshine Special - Youth of the Year Okefenokee Agricultural Fair Youth of the Month - Young Citizenship American Citizenship One Nation Under God Freedom Shrine Milestones of Freedom - Proudly We Hail SUPPORTING EXCHANGE SPONSORED: Child Abuse Prevention Effort and many other Community Service Programs CLUB MEETS THURSDAY 12:30 P.M. IN THE ELLIE ROYAL ROOM EXCHANGE CLUB CENTER - 2451 KNIGHT AVE. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA 31503 w: ExchangeClubofWaycross.com e: [email protected] Thursday, March 26, 2015 Vol. 29, No. 7 MISSION STATEMENT Exchange, America’s premier service club, working to make our communities better places to live. PROGRAMS This Thursday, we have no luncheon meeting as we meet at 7:00 p.m. with our spouses and guests to honor officers of the year from local public safety agencies at our Public Safety Banquet. Chris Tatum is Chairman of the event with officials from the Ware County Exchange Club, co-host. Wear Red Coats and spouse’s are invited. Next week, Thursday, 12:30 p.m. our luncheon speaker will be Terry Anderson, Director of Satilla Advocacy Services which is an affiliate of our club to support child abuse prevention activities in our community. PRESIDENT TONY TANNER President Tony Tanner reminds members of blood donor drives every month at our Center and at other locations in the community. A short board meeting was held after our last luncheon to discuss Fair business. Our Shotgun Raffle to benefit Satilla Advocacy Services in support of our child abuse prevention program asks members to sell 6 tickets for $10.00 each or 3 tickets for $25.00. The drawing is April 21, 2015 and is sponsored by The Georgia Exchange Foundation for the Prevention of Child Abuse, Inc. The Beretta A 300 Outlander 12 gauge shotgun has a retail value of $875.00. Sell your tickets! The YMCA is sponsoring a 5K-1 Mile Run on Saturday, April 11, beginning at 8:00 a.m. at Central Baptist Church. The Hero’s Run will benefit Satilla Advocacy Services. needs Students, Pilot Club Gift Wrap Booth, Battle of the books Volunteer, Youth Softball Camp, Heritage Center Exhibit Volunteer, Canned Goods for Salvation Army, Gator bizarre Volunteer, Special Education Christmas Party and Class of 2014 Graduation Escort. After graduation from high school, Emily plans to attend the University of Georgia to major in Biology/Pre-med. Her goal is to become an Orthopedic Surgeon. Congratulations, Emily Anne Bennett, Youth of the Month for March 2015. NEWEST MEMBERS INDUCTED Of the newest members approved by the Board, the following attended and were inducted to the club by President Tony Tanner: LaFerrel Barnes, Mary Barnes, Freida Hersey and Ken Hickox. Orientation session soon will acquaint you all of our club’s goals, programs and responsibilities. A brief induction ceremony was held reading Exchange Covenant of Service and pinning. Several other new members have not been inducted and appointed to committees. Leigh Anne Hersey announced a YMCA golf tournament for April 10, with a $240 fee at the Lake at Laura Walker Golf Course. Cash will be awarded. COASTAL PINES TECHNICAL COLLEGE GOAL WINNER Larry Paulk, chairman of the CPTC Foundation introduced Karen Boyles, coordinator of the CPTC GOAL Program (Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership) who introduced the winner this year, Benjamin Chase Kelly. Benjamin is the first graduate in the college’s new locomotive logistics program. He will compete with eighteen other goal winners in the state at Atlanta this summer for a new car. His speech started with a brief biography of his background. He is married and has one child. Efficiency and the process of being efficient he said is everyone’s goal. He will be seeking a business degree with a focus on the railroad. Railroad is the most efficient and four times faster than travelling on roads. Rails go straight from A to B points with no wasted time. He believes veterans coming out of service have learned technical skills to build and service infrastructure in the future. Congratulations Benjamin Chase Kelly, CPTC GOAL winner 2014-2015. • • • • • • • • • President Tony Tanner and Robbie Winn stand with Emily Anne Bennett, Youth of the Month. • • • • • • President Tony Tanner and Larry Paulk stand with Benjamin Chase Kelly GOAL winner. WELCOME GUESTS Richard Gifford, new member guest of Jake Strickland Karen Boyles, guest of Larry Paulk. Aline Bennett, grandmother of Emily Anne Bennett. Ray Sellers, grandfather of Emily Anne Bennett.. Joe and Sonja Bennett,parents of Emily Anne Bennett. Dorrie Jones, Ware County High School Counselor. Myra Thrift, Waycross Journal Hearld. Matt Thompson, Millenium Entertainment, and Sapp’s Florist, guest of Jake Strickland. Vernice Gailey, daughter and guest of Eldon Lewis. HEALTH CONCERNS Our prayers are with all of our sick and grieving members, families and friends. • Jacob Highsmith grandson of Francis Hipps. • EMILY ANNE BENNETT MARCH YOUTH OF THE MONTH Robbie Winn introduced Emily Anne Bennett as our March Youth of the Month winner last week. Emily is the daughter of Joe and Sonya Bennett and granddaughter of Ray Sellers and Aline Bennett. She is currently ranked 2nd out of 321 Ware County High School seniors. Emily’s honors include: BETA Club 10th-12th; National Honor Society 11th-12th; Presbyterian College Junior Fellow 11th; UGA Certificate of Merit 11th; Okefenoke Lions Club Academic Honor Society 11th; Anchor Club 10th-12th; AP Scholar Award 11th; All “A” Honor Roll 9th-12th; SGSC Academic Honors List 11th; WCHS Leadership Class 11th; First Southern Bank Chairman, Junior Board of Directors 12th; and WCHS Girls Varsity Softball 9th-12th. Emily has been involved in community activities including: Mary Street Mission, Special Olympics, Peer Mentor for Special Treasurer Bill Deason reports current membership of the club as 118, our income is steady. Our annual Plant Sale and BBQ Butt sales will be held May 2nd. Proceeds are used to fund the Salvation Army and SGSC student scholarships. Our inside building is being painted and repairs done. • • • • • CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thursday, March 26, 7:00 p.m. - Waycross and Ware County Exchange Clubs Public Safety Banquet, Chris Tatum, Chairman. Wear Red Coats and spouses invited. Thursday, April 2, 12:30 p.m. - Terry Anderson, Director, Satilla Advocacy Services. Thursday, April 9, 12:30 p.m. - Ware County Children’s Initiative, Inc. Gail Seifert. Thursday, April 11, 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. - Registration for Hero’s run, Satilla Advocacy 5K - 1 Mile Run. Thursday, April 16, 2015, 12:30 p.m. - Waycross Exchange Club 2014-2015 Youth of the Year Award Banquet, Robbie Winn and Ferst Foundation For Child Literacy, Cindy Hitt. Thursday, April 23, 12:30 p.m. - Great Program. Thursday, April 23, 6:00 p.m. - Okefenokee Agricultural Fair Board Meeting. Thursday, April 23, 7:00 p.m. - Waycross Exchange Club Board Meeting. Thursday, April 30 12:30 p.m. - Great Program. June 4-6, 2015 - GA District Exchange Clubs Convention, Augusta Marriott. July 29 - August 1, 2015 - 97th National Exchange Club Convention, Hyatt Columbus, Ohio. Tuesday - Sunday, November 10-15 Okefenokee Agricultural Fair with Amusements of America Midway.
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