September 2008 THIS ISSUE: WHAT I LEARNED A Word from Senior Pastor Brad MINISTRY QUEST, EH? A Word from Associate Pastor Paul FLYING MOUNTAINS & TREES A Word from Youth Pastor Travis NEWS FROM OUR FFH What’s Happening at the FFH WHO’S IN THE PEW? Linda Rous What I Learned...a word from Senior Pastor Brad During our July Council meeting I asked the Council • members if anyone else had learned something about themselves during the July discussion meetings in which we decided to build a MBY facility. I pointed out that I learned that “my buttons can still be pushed.” I think my experience has helped me understand why it might be difficult for some people to speak up in a public forum meeting. Here are my thoughts… 3. Write in the journal at the same time each day… either immediately after or each night using the following format First, some people are shy and this pushes them out of their realm of comfort. • 1. Date? • 2. Time? • 3. With whom? • 4. What was my response? • 5. Why was I angry? • 6. What did I wish to accomplish with my anger? Second, some are afraid of the response their comments may produce from others. STOP A STROKE, ETC. WHY DO YOU SERVE? FMB COMMITTEES (08-09) Third, some may even be afraid of the emotions which might rise up and over whelm them while they give their own response…especially if it could produce some feelings of anger. THIS & THAT FAMILY FUN DAY A SUCCESS KIDS CONNECTION SEPTEMBER CELEBRATIONS Happy Birthday & Happy Anniversary! WHAT’S HAPPENING? Upcoming Events Anger in itself is not a bad thing. But sometimes our anger can create difficult situations for us, especially when we act out of our anger. Something I have done to help me understand my anger so as not to be so overcome with these emotions is to examine my own anger. {Yes, I do get angry, don’t be surprised, I can’t be nice all the time}. I would like to share with you a format I learned from a Seminary Professor which has helped me. I call it my “Anger Treatment Plan.” When dealing with on-going anger issues I make it a point each day to… SEPTEMBER CALENDAR • 1. Journal each situation. Events coming in Sept. • 2. Reflect on my entries daily Pastor Brad& Vi Penner As I honestly answered this, I saw something about myself I didn’t like. • 7. What strategy did I formulate after I did 1-6? • 8. Did I implement my plan? Finally, I did a Biblical word study on “anger” to give me a clearer Biblical understanding of anger. Consequently, I found my responses to angry feelings within me changing. I still get angry, but how I respond is now different…usually. This is the most important thing I have come to understand how I can respond more appropriately when I am angry…and that it is even appropriate at times to be angry. Next month I will share with you about “How Being Nice All the Time Can Ruin Your Life.” ~Pastor Brad Fairview Mennonite 1600 East State Road, Fairview, OK 73737 Brethren Church 580-227-4730 ● 580-227-4347 (fax) ● [email protected] ● Ministry Quest, eh? Please continue to pray for Living Waters Church as we are working hard to get things going in Longdale. The church has been meeting each Sunday for over a month now in a low-key worship format (sermons on DVD, worship, sharing time). Two weeks ago, they had 28 people in attendance! Things are very exciting, and we are still working towards a public launch, hopefully in early October. Three things you can pray for are: 1. A pastor. We have begun the pastoral search, and would like to hire a pastor as soon as possible. Pray that God will lead the correct person to us. 2. People. We are still looking for 2 families from Fairview MB to commit to a year of attendance and service at Living Waters. Pray that God will work in the lives of the correct people, and ask God to tell you whether that is you or not. 3. Ministry Team. We are working together to find a pastor, set up ministries and structures, and prepare for our public launch. Pray for wisdom, discernment, and guidance. A word from Associate Pastor Paul I stepped off the plane and began the long trek towards the baggage claim. I was supposed to meet John, a guy I’d never met before, and several high school students near the carousel where my baggage would be found. I didn’t know how to locate them, since I knew not what any of them looked like. I knew that many of the ones I’d be meeting were Americans, which could have helped – except it was my second real time in Canada (I was in Thunder Bay one tim e, but don’t count that one), so I already knew that, in fact, not all Canadians wear roots clothing every day, speak French, and carry an extra bag of Smarties with them everywhere they go (and I’m not talking about the kind of Smarties that I used to get from Rodean at Ewald’s – I’m talking about M&M’s lesser, taste-deprived rival). Eventually I located the group, primarily because they were all awkwardly looking for a bunch of strangers just like me. The group was meeting for a Ministry Quest retreat in British Columbia, the second retreat of the year in February. I was there as the videographer (that’s right!) working on a promotional video for Ministry Quest. It was my first in depth experience with the program. The retreat ultim ately brought us to a campground in the beautiful mountains of B.C., where the group spent tim e in worship, group discussion, Bible study, ropes course, listening to speakers, and much more. I filmed as students expressed themselves in worship in various ways – closed eyes, hands in the air, dancing (you heard me!), and of course singing. Through my lens, I watched as 17-year olds discovered for the first time their spiritual gifts, only to be topped by the affirmation they received from others in their groups, telling them where they saw those gifts playing out in their lives. My camera captured teenagers digging into the book of Daniel in ways deeper than they ever had before. I watched as relationships were built, and lifetime friendships were developed. And through the eye of the camera, I witnessed dozens of high schoolers, silent, for two hours as they focused on a flowing river, journaled, and poured their hearts out to God in quiet. Of course, that’s not even the heart of Ministry Quest. The heart happens in hometowns, in home churches, in homes. The mentoring relationships between students and adults from the church serve as the foundation for this leadership development program. And the interaction at home between parents and the MQ participants also serves as a catalyst to a healthy program. This year, we have two students from our church who are participating in this program, Cassie Whiteneck and Carissa Neufeld. Both of them are juniors here in Fairview. Cassie’s mentor is Lori martens, and Carissa’s is Debbie Karber. I encourage you to remember them in prayer as they participate in this program this year. I also encourage you to give them words of affirmation as they begin to discern what kinds of leadership and ministry God has for them in their lives. This is a very exciting opportunity for both of these young ladies, and as their church body, and I want to encourage each of you to make the same commitment our church council made to Cassie and Carissa. In the letter written to them, we said: “In 1 Samuel 14, Jonathan partners with his armor-bearer as they go into battle. In their exchange, the armor-bearer says to Jonathan, “Do all that you have in mind. Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.” (v.7). In the same way, we want to be your armor-bearers, saying that we are with you heart and soul. We want to be your supporters and cheerleaders as you go through this year.” Ministry Quest is a one year discipleship and leadership program for 16-18 year olds in MB Churches. All MQ participants must be nominated by a pastor or church leader, and be accepted into the program. A primary goal is to journey exploring opportunities in Christian leadership. The program features a church-based mentoring relationship, two retreats, ministry observation and a short term ministry assignment. Fairview MB Church • September 2008 Monthly Beacon • We are on the web: UPCOMING YOUTH EVENTS FOR SEPTEMBER: September 3 MBY & Wildside (6:30-8) September 4 Football Dinner at 6pm in DH September 7 MBY Worship Practice (5-6) September 10 MBY & Wildside (6:30-8) September 14 MBY Worship Practice (5-6) September 17 MBY & Wildside (6:30-8) September 19 Wildside Tailgate Party (leave church @5:45) September 21 MBY Worship Practice (5-6) September 24 See You at the Pole (7am) MBY & Wildside (6:30-8) September 28 MBY Worship Practice (5-6) Youth Leaders Jr. High (WILDSIDE): Cliff & Deena Craighead Brad & Melvena Ewald “Flying Mountains and Trees”… a word from Youth Pastor Travis I wrapped my arms around the tree….my fingertips touched as they met on the other side of the trunk. The rough bark dug grooves into my chest as I pressed up tight against it. I strained and pulled, sure that this time it would give. But it didn’t. It never did. Several times I tried in vain in my younger years to pull a tree out of the ground. It’s harder than it looks. Pastor Travis, Lisa & Addison While still in elementary school I had read some verses in the Bible where Jesus talks about having faith. Even if I have the smallest bit of faith it says that I could tell a mountain to move and it would be so (Matthew 17:20). Or I could uproot a tree and have it cast into the sea (Luke 17:6). Surely I had a mustard seed of faith. So I tried. I remember working over a certain tree on our farmyard at least 3 times. And yet there it stood as a testament to my lack of faith. If I couldn’t produce even one miraculous event what was I worth? Surely this is just silliness isn’t it? We don’t think like this anymore….we’re grown ups! Deep down I still want to believe that I have at least a mustard seed of faith…don’t you? Sadly, I have no miraculous signs in my life to point to. Sure, I have lots of events and moments that I attribute to God, and that I can find no other explanation for. But, I have nothing as dramatic as flying mountains or trees torn asunder. I read the Bible and there’s story after story of obvious miracles. Everyone in the Bible seems to have been involved in at least a couple clear God sightings that nobody could doubt or challenge. I read this verse the other day. Likely I had read it many times before, but hadn’t stopped and noticed what it actually said. “….And many people came to Him (Jesus). They said, ‘Though John never performed a miraculous sign, all that John said about this man was true.’” (John 10:41) If there was a list of the people in the Bible who God worked through in big ways surely John the Baptist would be one of them. He was a direct fulfillment to prophecy in the Old Testament. He baptized God Himself. He died because of what he believed. But wait! He never healed someone from leprosy. He never called down fire from heaven. He never even pulled a tree out of the ground. Sheri Martens Steve & Rhonda Regier Jason & Cinnamon White MBY: Jess & Calleen Davis Austin & Sara Hurst Curtis & Debbie Karber Adam & Nicole Martens Todd & Angie McCue I like to find people in the Bible who I can relate to. I think I can relate to John. We both like to hang out in the water, we both like honey, and we’ve never performed miracles. I read about John in a different light when I remember that he was miracleless. It didn’t diminish his role in God’s plan at all. So if you’re out driving some day and you see me grappling with a big sycamore just smile and wave. I’d still love to Hey, MBY! yank a tree out of the ground, but I’m glad Travis will be at the Pizza Hut to know I don’t have to. My worth isn’t every Thursday. FIRST 2 based on miraculous signs. I have worth High Schooler’s eat free! simply because God says I do. ~Pastor Travis Fairview MB Church • September 2008 Monthly Beacon • We are on the web: FOUR WAYS TO MAKE A SENIOR SMILE… 1. 2. 3. 4. Visit them. Make time in your busy day to spend an hour or so every few weeks visiting with them. If distance is a factor, call them instead. They love knowing there are family members that care about them. Listen to them. Senior love having someone young & fresh to share their stories with, even if you’ve already heard the story multiple times before. Pay attention while you look as interested as you did the first tim e around. Send them mail. Most elderly people have not mastered technologically advanced communication such as e-mail, and rely on oldfashioned snail-mail letters. Head to the card store and pick up a card or two, or some stationary, and write them updates about what’s been going on with you or just send a simple "Thinking of You" card. A sim ple gesture like this can go a long way. If possible, take them out. Many elderly people either don’t drive at all or don’t drive anywhere near as much as they used to when they were younger and are often looking for an excuse to get out of their place of residence for awhile. Taking them for a drive to look at the changing leaves in the fall or out for a quiet lunch will give them a change of scenery and im prove their mood. Great things are happening at the Fellowship Home and Apartments. We have a wonderful group of residents and families to work with. We are especially excited about our Chaplain program led by Leonard Vogt. People are being ministered to and have been led to know the Lord. There are many opportunities for you to serve and help with our ministry. ►Please see Jennifer Hamen or LaDonna Pembrook if you could help with any of the activity suggestions. ►We could use men or women to be special speakers at our men’s and women’s coffee groups. ►We always need people to read to our residents. ►Our residents love visitors. Could this be your area of ministry? ►Musical programs- groups or singles to play or sing for our residents. ►Financially- Your tax deductible gift can help us with our roofing project. We have begun accepting bids for re-roofing the Villa West Apartments. As many of you know, we are in the process of roofing the entire Fellowship Home. This is a huge project and we would appreciate any help you could give. Fellowship Home Activities: September 3: Men’s Coffee Hour @ 1pm in Great Room (all Men are invited!) September 17: Men’s Coffee Hour @ 1pm in Great Room (all Men are invited!) Apartment Activities: Men’s Coffee at 10:00 every day except for Sunday. Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program: Tuesday’s & Fridays at 10:30am. For Ladies Only— by Dr. Benton For Men Only— by Bryon Baum Continuing Education Classes—September Guest Speaker is Karlea Ewald Fairview MB Church • September 2008 Monthly Beacon • We are on the web: Is In the pew? Tell us about your family: Mother was a waitress and raised 3 children alone; she died 19 months ago. I am first born. Brother and sister live in the Ohio countryside. Brother is married and drives long distance truck. Sister is married, drives forklift and shares a catering business with her husband on the weekends. None of us have any children. What is the biggest challenge you face in everyday life? My temper and im patience - enough said. Tell us about your salvation experience. Strange: When I was born, Mother had me baptized in a Church of Christ. My father’s family was Catholic (though he never attended church) and when the priest came to the house to explain to Mother that I should be raised in the Catholic faith, she showed him the door. My mother never attended any church but did read the Bible (as did her mother) and would dress me and put me on a church bus every week as far back as I can remember. She never sent my brother or sister; only me - ? When my parents divorced and we moved, I attended the neighborhood Methodist church until my teen years when I attended a Baptist church with friends where I was moved to be baptized through pier pressure. After 18, I left home for the east coast and did not attend church for another 18 years. (This is the part of my life I refer to myself as “my mother’s prodigal”.) During this time, I lived in and traveling through many states. In my mid 30's, I began trying various denominations - seeking something that had always been missing. In 1989, God literally brought me to my knees sick, alone and whaling from shame. He brought my attention to The Worldwide Church of God and I never want to go back into the world - it is a dark and lonely place with more evil than can be im agined. The church is my sanctuary and God is my father and my mother. To this day, neither my brother or sister attend a church. Who was/is a role model for you and why? My Mother: She was a hard working woman serious about her responsibility without ever receiving child support or the help of family. She instilled moral character, a work ethic and a respect for her without measure. What is your favorite hymn or worship song and why is it special to you? I like so many but what comes to mind first is “My Shepherd Will Supply My Needs”. It reminds me God is always with me and He is all I need. Tell us about a favorite time in your life. Spring - North Dakota - Roosevelt National Park (the north branch) - on the highest peak in the state. I was hiking in the park. I am standing there, with God, overlooking a beautiful canyon with no guard rail. There is a bull buffalo on the path below me. I am eye to eye with a hawk gliding on the warm up draft from the canyon floor below. All is still save a slight breeze. There is a lot of wisdom and peace to be found at a moment like this. What church activities do you enjoy most? Singing, pot luck and bible Study groups. How would you like to spend a free day? Alone - beside a lake - late October - under an old shade tree - cane pole and bobber in the water - a book of poetry, a northern breeze and no poison ivy in sight. Tell us about your hobbies and interests you enjoy. Carving (Indian dolls) - writing (I have 6 children’s books) - poetry - opera - nature animals - hiking - embroidery. Tell us something that would surprise us to know about you: I am actually a quiet, solitary person. Fairview MB Church • September 2008 Monthly Beacon • We are on the web: A Stroke Screening is Coming to Fairview MB… FEMALE HEAR ATTACKS...submitted by Linda Rous Women & heart attacks (Myocardial Infarction). Did you know that women rarely have the same dramatic symptoms that men have when experiencing heart attack ... you know, the sudden stabbing pain in the chest, the cold sweat, grabbing the chest & dropping to the floor that we see in the movies. Here is the story of one woman's experience with a heart attack. 'I had a heart attack at about 10:30 PM with NO prior exertion, NO prior emotional trauma that one would suspect might've brought it on. WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2008 Pre-Registration is required: Call 1-800-324-1851 Facts: ►80% of stroke victims had no apparent warning signs ►Ultrasound screenings can help you avoid a stroke ►Stroke is a leading cause of death and permanent disability ►Screenings are fast, painless, affordable and convenient. I was sitting all snugly & warm on a cold evening, with my purring cat in my lap, reading an interesting story my friend had sent me, and actually thinking, 'A-A-h, this is the life, all cozy and warm in my soft, cushy Lazy Boy with my feet propped up. A moment later, I felt that awful sensation of indigestion, when you've been in a hurry and grabbed a bite of sandwich and washed it down with a dash of water, and that hurried bite seems to feel like you've swallowed a golf ball going down the esophagus in slow motion and it is most uncomfortable. You realize you shouldn't have gulped it down so fast and needed to chew it more thoroughly and this time drink a glass of water to hasten its progress down to the stomach. This was my initial sensation--the only trouble was that I hadn't taken a bite of anything since about 5:00p.m. After it seemed to subside, the next sensation was like little squeezing motions that seemed to be racing up my SPINE (hindsight, it was probably my aorta spasming), gaining speed as they continued racing up and under my sternum (breast bone, where one presses rhythmically when administering CPR). This fascinating process continued on into my throat and branched out into both jaws. 'AHA!! NOW I stopped puzzling about what was happening – we all have read and/or heard about pain in the jaws being one of the signals of an MI happening, haven't we? I said aloud to myself and the cat, Dear God, I think I'm having a heart attack! I lowered the footrest dumping the cat from my lap, started to take a step and fell on the floor instead. I thought to myself, If this is a heart attack, I shouldn't be walking into the next room where the phone is or anywhere else ... but, on the other hand, if I don't, nobody will know that I need help, and if I wait any longer I may not be able to get up in moment. I pulled myself up with the arms of the chair, walked slowly into the next room and dialed the Paramedics ... I told her I thought I was having a heart attack due to the pressure building under the sternum and radiating into my jaws. I didn't feel hysterical or afraid, just stating the facts. She said she was sending the Paramedics over immediately, asked if the front door was near to me, and if so, to unbolt the door and then lie down on the floor where they could see me when they came in. I unlocked the door and then laid down on the floor as instructed and lost consciousness, as I don't remember the medics coming in, their examination, lifting me onto a gurney or getting me into their ambulance, or hearing the call they made to St. Jude ER on the way, but I did briefly awaken when we Fairview MB Church • September 2008 Monthly Beacon • We are on the web: Female Heart Attacks Continued... arrived and saw that the Cardiologist was already there in his surgical blues and cap, helping the medics pull my stretcher out of the ambulance. He was bending over me asking questions (probably something like 'Have you taken any medications?') but I couldn't make my mind interpret what he was saying, or form an answer, and nodded off again, not waking up until the Cardiologist and partner had already threaded the teeny angiogram balloon up my femoral artery into the aorta and into my heart where they installed 2 side by side stents to hold open my right coronary artery. 'I know it sounds like all my thinking and actions at home must have taken at least 20-30 minutes before calling the Paramedics, but actually it took perhaps 4-5 minutes before the call, and both the fire station and St. Jude are only minutes away from my home, and my Cardiologist was already to go to the OR in his scrubs and get going on restarting my heart (which had stopped somewhere between my arrival and the procedure) and installing the stents. 'Why have I written all of this to you with so much detail? Because I want all of you to know what I learned first hand.' 1. Be aware that something very different is happening in your body not the usual men's symptoms but inexplicable things happening (until my sternum and jaws got into the act). It is said that many more women than men die of their first (and last) MI because they didn't know they were having one and commonly mistake it as indigestion, take some Maalox or other anti-heartburn preparation and go to bed, hoping they'll feel better in the morning when they wake up ... which doesn't happen. My female friends, your symptoms might not be exactly like mine, so I advise you to call the Paramedics if ANYTHING is unpleasantly happening that you've not felt before. It is better to have a 'false alarm' visitation than to risk your life guessing what it might be! 2. Note that I said 'Call the Paramedics.' And if you can take an aspirin. Ladies, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! Do NOT try to drive yourself to the ER -- you are a hazard to others on the road. Do NOT have your panicked husband who will be speeding and looking anxiously at what's happening with you instead of the road. Do NOT call your doctor -- he doesn't know where you live and if it's at night you won't reach him anyway, and if it's daytim e, his assistants (or answering service) will tell you to call the Paramedics. He doesn't carry the equipment in his car that you need to be saved! The Paramedics do, principally OXYGEN that you need ASAP. Your Dr. will be notified later. 3. Don't assume it couldn't be a heart attack because you have a normal cholesterol count. Research has discovered that a cholesterol elevated reading is rarely the cause of an MI (unless it's unbelievably high and/or accompanied by high blood pressure). MIs are usually caused by long-term stress and inflammation in the body, which dumps all sorts of deadly hormones into your system to sludge things up in there... Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive. Stroke, Vascular Disease and Heart Rhythm Package All 4 Screenings only $139, Save $41! Add Osteoporosis Screening for only $10 more CALL 1-877877-792792-8480 Appointments Required Screening will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2008 at Fairview MB Family Center A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. Article submitted by Linda Rous for the Monthly Beacon. Fairview MB Church • September 2008 Monthly Beacon • We are on the web: Page 1 of 3 Individuals serving on Committees for 2008-2009 year were asked the following questions for this month’s Monthly Beacon. Below and on the pages to follow are their response. A BIG Thank you to all who responded. May you be blessed as you serve in your particular ministry. 1. Why do you serve on the __________________ Committee? 2. What do you hope to accomplish this coming year in your area of ministry? 3. Is there something we could pray specifically for in your area of ministry? TRENT & SHERI MARTENS (DEACON) When we first became deacons, (many years ago) it was a little scary to make a hospital visit or work with a family that is going through a time of bereavement. But through the years, we have realized that although you can still experience butterflies in your stomach, it is very rewarding to serve others in the name of Christ. An aspect of the deacon ministry that we really enjoy is listening to the testimonies of those seeking church membership or baptism. God works in amazing ways in other people’s lives. We also develop a close bond with the other deacon couples as we serve together. This coming year, we would like to be more sensitive to the needs of our church body and in particular pray on a daily basis for those in our deacon family group. We would like to ask the church family to pray that we can remain focused on Christ and remain dedicated and enthused in our ministry. **************************** ELAINE FLAMING (MUSIC BOARD) In 1966, I moved to Fairview and was elected to serve on the Music Committee for a 3 year term. I have served since as the Organists are now part of the Committee. Being responsible for all music aspects of the church encourages the committee to seek out individuals to use their talents in worship to God. It is always rewarding to see how God has blessed our congregation with music gifts and are willing to serve. • Jason & Andrea Edwards in Brazil • Bob & Chris Davis in Thailand A Minister of Worship is a much needed position to assist us with our music and ministry needs. This is my prayer! • Sandra Fender going to North Thailand • Samir & Lewissa Youseff in Egypt **************************** MISSIONS & EVANGELISM COMMITTEE Why do we serve on the Missions & Evangelism Committee? Charley Burlison: For the opportunity to be involved in ministry and bringing the good news of Jesus to others. Roy Brown: Opportunity to serve was there, and I was willing to do it. Dawnette Bell: I would like our group to promote a “user-friendly” church and also be an encouragement to our missionaries. Angie McCue: I feel that outreach is an important part of ministry and this was a great opportunity for me to serve in that capacity. Carolyn Winter: My interest is supporting our missionaries and encouraging outreach for our church. What do you hope to accomplish this coming year in your area of ministry? We would like to be a more outgoing friendly welcoming church. We want to be encouraging to the missionaries our church supports, Is there something we could pray specifically for in your area of ministry? We need to be faithful in remembering our missionaries in prayer daily. We would like to encourage people to build relationships with non-believers. We need to pray for one person a month to accept the Lord. **************************** MELVENA EWALD (CHRISTIAN ED) Why: I serve on the CE board as the representative for our Jr. High youth group. As much as I like to have fun during our meetings; I do take seriously being an advocate for our youth and youth leaders. Communication to the leadership of our church is an important part of our successful youth ministry. I feel that it's important to use your gifts in ministry and according to several "gift" tests I have taken, some of the gifts I posses are administration, organization and creativity and these gifts have been an asset for me serving on our CE board. This is also an opportunity for me to stay informed and know how to pray for other areas of Christian education ministry of our church. Continued on next page... Fairview MB Church • September 2008 Monthly Beacon • We are on the web: Page 2 of 3 Continued from previous page... to begin and complete a nursery renovation! Accomplish what: I want to continue to work within this committee to not only maintain, but grow our youth ministry and other areas of Christian education in our church. I hope to create a growing excitement within the ministries of our church. I want to see people get excited about trying new things such as our new Sunday morning schedule. I encourage our church members to participate and take advantage of our new "fellowship time" on Sunday mornings to make visitors and new families feel welcome in our church. I look forward to new and creative ways to im plement our Christian Ed ministry here at FMBC. Pray for our children to grow to know Christ, prosper in His promises and fulfill what He has already planned for them. Pray for a multitude of volunteers! (It takes a village to raise a child.) Pray our renovation goes smoothly. **************************** LONNIE PEMBROOK (TRUSTEE) After prayer, I decided to serve as a trustee because I wanted the opportunity to do ministry. I wanted to serve God, the church, and to reach out to those in need. I didn’t have any idea what the job of a trustee entailed. It has been a real learning and rewarding experience. Some may think the Pray: That I will maintain enthusiasm and a trustees are just about door knobs, winpositive attitude and be an effective commudows, and air conditioners, but nicator, model leadership with integrity, have the strength to If it were as easy to arouse every decision effects the enthusiasm as it is churches ministry. We are fight the spiritual battles that are so persistent in this minis- suspicion, just think what here to see that your ministry could be accomplished! can happen. try. Parting thought: If it were as easy to arouse enthusiasm as it is suspicion, just think what could be accomplished! **************************** KODY STRADER (NURSERY) WHY? Because that is where my heart is. I feel blessed each and every Sunday when I get to serve the youngest members of Christ's Kingdom. There is nothing more pure and innocent than a child. With every smile, laugh and tear I am reminded just how precious each one of them are! Our committee is working on changing the layout and structure of our ministry. With extended mornings with the new SS schedule, we hope to im plement a structured program to make our time with the children meaningful and worthwhile. We hope to nurture them by showing God's love and teaching them to love Him. We also hope I want to continue to support the church in every area of ministry. It is im portant that our board has a good working relationship with all ministries of the church. It is our responsibility to oversee the management and upkeep of our facility. Pray for wisdom to make decisions that will be in accordance with God’s will and further the ministry of our church. **************************** Please pray that everything we do is to honor God! **************************** LADONNA PEMBROOK (ACTS OF KINDNESS) When this opportunity to serve became available, we were entrusted with a large sum of money to use in helping others. I felt it was an awesome privilege to be able to help others in this way. I feel that God makes it very clear in his word that we should help those who are in need. In Matthew 25, Jesus says: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” He also says that if we do these things for others, we are doing it to Him. The types of problems that our committee deals with can happen to any of us, no matter who we are, so it is a humbling experience to help others who are going through struggles. To help others in the most loving way possible and show God’s mercy to them. I hope those who are in need will feel free to share their problem with us so that we can get them the help they need. We don’t want to leave anyone out that could use some assistance. DEBBIE RATZLAFF (DECORATING) I Love to decorate with florals & greenery. I enjoy decorating the church for others to enjoy while they are worshiping. This past year has been a challenge with some differences of opinions on too much or always placing decorations in the wrong places. This next year I hope our committee can bless those who enter our church. Please pray that God will give us wisdom and discernment for dispersing funds to those who are in need. Pray that God will lead us to who are struggling and hurting and that we can help them through their difficult time. Fairview MB Church • September 2008 Monthly Beacon • We are on the web: Page 3 of 3 DARREL JANTZ (DINING HALL) I serve on the Dining Hall Committee because I feel it is another way of serving God. It is a satisfying experience to work and hopefully help others. There is also some fun with all the work we do. Other than accomplishing the weekly chores in the Kitchen I hope that someone’s life will be touched and they come to know the Lord. A specific prayer need does not come to my mind, but pray that God will use our efforts to His glory. **************************** TERRY & DEBBIE RATZLAFF (DINING HALL) We love serving our church family on the Dining Hall Committee. It is a blessing when we prepare and serve a funeral meal for a family who has lost a loved one. We always receive the bigger blessing. Also, for Debbie, washing dishes on Wednesday nights is sometimes a challenge but is always a fun tim e especially with David Koehn helping her. Please pray that we can always be a blessing to those we serve. WAYNETTA BURLISON (DECORATING) TERRY & DEBBIE RATZLAFF (DEACON) I enjoy decorating my own home so I feel this is an area I can serve and enjoy to help make our church look pretty and cheerful. Please pray for us as we gather for worship. **************************** God has called us to serve and love people. We want to serve Jesus by loving people. We hope to extend Jesus’ love by serving people. Please pray that as we serve, Jesus will have all the honor and glory. DAVID KOEHN (DEACON) **************************** Several years ago when we were still in the Holderman Church I felt that God was calling me to this position. We then got excommunicated from the church and I decided this opportunity would never happen. We then joined the MB Church and several people asked us if we would be willing to be deacons. Since we were excommunicated from one church I felt very unworthy to accept this position in the MB Church. MILLIE WICHERT (DINING HALL) My prayer is that we will be more alert to the needs of individual members as well as the whole church as it pertains to the sick, bereaved, widows and aged. Heb. 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. **************************** **************************** JOANN WIELER (MUSIC BOARD) KAREN NEUFELD (MUSIC BOARD) I was called and asked to serve on the Music Committee. Music has always been very im portant to me. I also have a history of music in my background. Serving in music ministry is such a blessing to me. Because of my position as one of the church organists, I serve on the music committee. Serving with music for most of my life has been such a blessing. The Lord has given me a love for music and I am so blessed to be able to work in this area. “Let everything that lives sing praises to the Lord!’ Psalms 150:6. “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Eph. 5:19,20. It is my hope to see the ministry of Music improve as we learn to understand the music worship time. Praising God through music, I feel, is a wonderful beginning to the worship service. **************************** I have been asked a number of times why I am serving on the Dining Hall Committee (I have wondered a few tim es myself, Why?) I am sure there may be several reasons. I had been teaching for years and was ready for a change, so when I was asked to serve, I thought it might be just the change I needed. I wasn’t working and I would be available when needed so I said I would give it a try. Little did I know that years later I would still be serving. Another reason I said yes was because I feel strongly that everyone needs to be doing something or be involved in some way to feel a part of the church and part of it’s ministry. I have found it to be hard work at tim es, frustrating at times, and most of the time very enjoyable and fun. We have a great, hard working committee, and I like to feel it’s my place to serve the Lord and my church. My prayer for the new year is that I, and our committee, might be Faithful in our service to the church and that we might look at each meal we serve as an opportunity to serve Christ. **************************** KAREN MURPHY (MUSIC BOARD) Music appreciation has always been an im portant part of my family heritage. Music speaks to my heart and it is my hope that in our service it can speak to others also. Please hold up our leaders of music in prayer and pray that the Lord will call out additional leaders. Fairview MB Church • September 2008 Monthly Beacon • We are on the web: Please keep these individuals in your prayers as they serve this year! Church Council Usher Chairman Nominating Committee Decorating Committee Pastor Brad Penner Steve Regier (chair) Erland Martens Debbie Ratzlaff Pastor Paul Bartel Dennis Flaming (assist. Chair) Warren Heinrichs Waynetta Burlison Al Carey Rhonda Regier Pastor Travis Schmidt Don Martens (moderator) Paul Martens (chairman) Frank Huebert (secretary) Terry Ratzlaff (deacon chair) Lonnie Pembrook (trustee chair) Rita Dick (Christian Ed. Chair) Charley Burlison (E&M Chair) Justin Hurst (stewardship chair) Kelly Wahl (music chair) Doug Wiens (member-at-large) LaVonda White (member-at-large) Deacon Couples Terry & Debbie Ratzlaff (chair) Leon & Karen Neufeld (secretary) Dennis & Francy Kusch David & Lavada Koehn Christian Education Liz Wichert Rita Dick (chair) Dining Hall Committee Pam Voth (adult S.S. Supt.) Millie Wichert (co-chair) WMS Committee Cindy Bartel (children’s S.S. Supt.) Karen Murphy (co-chair) Viola Martens (Chair) Paul Bartel (AWANA Commander) Terry & Debbie Ratzlaff Alvina Heinrichs (Secretary) Barbara Carey (Midweek Director) David & Lavada Koehn Calleen Davis (MBY Rep.) Marcia Shewey Melvena Ewald (Jr. High Rep.) Mike & Ann Martens Teresa Wichert & Sonya Darr (CC) Dennis & Elaine Flaming Travis Schmidt (Youth Pastor) Darrel Jantz Stewardship Nursery Committee: Justin Hurst (chair) Kody Strader, Jennifer Hoffman, Shari Day, Michelle Gosney & Teresa Wichert Ron Voth Curtis Karber (Treasurer) Acts of Kindness Committee Steve Kliewer LaDonna Pembrook (chair) Angie McCue Lee & Naomi Eitzen Carolyn Winter OK Menn Relief Sale Committee Roy Brown Randall & LaVonda White Brook Strader Randy Souter (assist. Treas) Warren Heinrichs Keith & Vicky Neufeld Keith Whiteneck Youth Building Committee: Bob Eitzen (Chair), Doug Wiens, Pat Regier, Lori Martens, Adam Martens, Austin Hurst, Angie McCue, Debbie Karber, Pastor Travis Schmidt Scott & Brenda Neufeld Transition Team: Mike Martens Keeven Ewald, Danny Ewbank, Warren Heinrichs, Curtis Karber, Steve Kliewer, Don Martens, Paul Martens, Sheri Martens, Keith Whiteneck, Robin Souter, Pastor Brad Men’s Fellowship Mac Wahl (sec) Steve Kemp (chair) Curtis Karber (Treas) Charles Wichert (treas.), Jim Fast, Lee Eitzen, Brad Wimer Todd McCue Nicole Martens & Kieth McLain Clara Wichert, Jeanette Martens Dawnette Bell Bev Heinrichs, Jodi Hurst, Natalie Church, JoAnn Wieler, Elaine Flaming, Karen Neufeld, Karen Murphy, Francy Kusch Mac & Debbie Wahl Candy Wichert Don & Rita Dick Slim Ulrich Lee & Naomi Eitzen Glenna Rush, Terry Ratzlaff, Charley Burlison (chair) Kelly Wahl (chair) Tabor Advocates Terry Murphy Bud & Candy Wichert Lonnie Bartel Janice Wichert Stephen Ministers Evangelism/Missions Music Ministry Joann Wieler Keeven Ewald Trent & Sheri Martens (v-chair) Lonnie Pembrook (chair) Carolyn Winter Stephen Leaders Lonnie Pembrook (Trustee Chair) Leonard & Janice Wichert (benev) Trustees Hospitality Committee NEWS FROM PASTOR ERNIE & ELSIE FRIESEN... I should have sent you our change of address a long time ago as we moved in January. We have really enjoyed getting the Beacon. We like the looks of it and the interesting content. Ernie and I would like to pass on to those who know us that he is doing remarkably well. It is now over a year that he had a stroke and we appreciate so much the many prayers in his behalf this past year. He has improved physically and walks well without the walker in our apartment but uses his walker when we leave the apartment. He is helping me in the house and is able to take care of himself. We appreciate so much the many prayers for us, and especially for Ernies recovery. We thank everyone. Only God will be able to reward you for your kindness and your faithfulness. Please continue to pray for him. His speech shows improvement every day. We would enjoy hearing from you. Blessings, Ernie & Elsie Friesen HELP WANTED: CHOIR MEMBERS POSITIONS OPEN: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, Don't Know PHYSICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Must be able to carry light musical notes part way across the sanctuary. Must have sufficient vision to see the director. EXPERIENCE: No application accepted from persons who have not sung, hummed, or whistled in the shower. WAGES: Satisfaction and joy in God's service, together with talent development. FRINGE BENEFITS: Social Security- We promise you the security of social fellowship with some of the greatest people in the world- our choir members. HOURS: Wednesday nights, 8:15-9:00 and Sunday mornings, 10:00-11:45, with occasional overtime (at above wages.) RETIREMENT: Generally determined by notes getting too small, choir loft steps too steep, notes too high, sanctuary too hot (or cold), or pianist unable to play the notes you sing. APPLY: By attending rehearsal Wednesday, Sept. 3 at 8:15 or by contacting the director, Bev Heinrichs. We would love to have you be a part of the church choir. You do not have to be at every practice to sing on Sunday mornings. Come join us on Sept. 3rd. FOOTBALL GAMES FOR THE SEASON: September 5th: @OBA –7:30pm Here is our address & contact Information: Ernest & Elsie Friesen 410 S Buhler Rd. Apt 26 Buhler, KS 67522-8133 Telephone --316-665-7301 September 12th: Cashion –7:30pm (Mexican Pile-on) September 19th: @Watonga –7:30pm September 26th: @Perry—7:30pm October 3rd: John Marshall –7:30pm (Band Queen Night) October 10th: Newkirk –7:30pm (Homecoming) cell phone 316-765-4179 October 17th: @Heritage Hall—7:30pm October 24th: St. Mary’s—7:30pm e-mail: [email protected] October 31st: @Kingfisher—7:30pm November 7th: Alva—7:30pm (Parents Night) Fairview MB Church • September 2008 Monthly Beacon • We are on the web: On Sunday, August 24th, Fairview MB hosted a Family Fun Day. It was a day to kickoff our new morning worship schedule here at Fairview MB and to introduce Power House, a program for kids ages Kindergarten—6th Grade, on Sunday mornings. As families and individuals entered through the doors they were greeted with a friendly “Aloha” and were given a leis to wear. The morning worship service was full of fun skits focusing on “The Truth of God’s Word” and lots of great music. Children were seen up at the front and in the aisles praising God whole heartedly. After the worship service everyone was invited down to the Family Center for a Luau. Families were served a Hawaiian lunch that consisted of Pulled Pork, Aloha Baked Beans, ’Aukake Cole Slaw, Hawaiian Wedding Cake and Hot Rolls. There were carnival games such as Face Painting, Caricatures, Wii Tournament, Bean Bag Toss, Card Sharks and a Photo Lab set up all around the inside of the Family Center. Outside kids could participate in the inflatable games (40’ Obstacle Course, Moon Bounce Playhouse, 18’ Duel Slide, Slip n’ Slide) or Frisbee Golf. Enjoy a few of the many photos that were taken. Fairview MB Church • September 2008 Monthly Beacon • We are on the web: Sept. 2 Sara Wichert, Lillianne Pinn Sept. 18 Sheila Eitzen Sept. 3 Robert Eitzen, J.R. Ramay, Levi Martens, Carolyn Winter Sept. 19 Todd Nightengale, Melvin Cornelsen Sept. 4 Herb Nickel, Sabrina Johnson, Daniel Hurst Sept. 20 Gail Wahl, Kaz Enomoto, Allison Sheik Sept. 5 Anita Wichert, Michele Campbell, Jake Martens Sept. 21 Bertha Fast Sept. 6 Don Dick Sept. 22 Lavina Patzkowsky, Frank Friesen Wichert Sept. 7 Don Neufeld Sept. 23 Cindy Nightengale Sept. 8 Adam Martens, Candy Wichert, Logan Neufeld Sept. 9 Madison Souter Sept. 24 Roy Brown, Kory Unruh, Melvena Ewald, Kent Enomoto, Shirley Dowers Sept. 10 Erna Sallaska, Alison Unruh Sept. 25 Hollie Schaub (Voth) Sept. 11 Shari Rowe Sept. 26 Beth Pembrook, Phyllis Warkentin, Robin Souter, Braxton McCue Sept. 12 Jonathan Patzkowsky Sept. 13 Joyce Martens (Mrs. Don) Sept. 14 Kay Schoeppel Sept. 15 Todd Eitzen, LaDonna Pembrook, Lucy Ulrich Sept. 16 Betty Kliewer, Warren Heinrichs, Jeanne Sproul Sept. 1 Sept. 2 Sept. 4 Sept. 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Sept. 27 Jeremy Kliewer Sept. 28 Frances Wahl Sept. 29 Mike Cornelsen, Evan Fast Sept. 30 Debbie Wiens Mr. & Mrs. Kyle King, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Fast, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Simmons, Mr. & Mrs. Joey Koehn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Warren Heinrichs Mr. & Mrs. Mike Martens Mr. & Mrs. Todd Eitzen Mr. & Mrs. Brad Ewald Mr. & Mrs. Randy Kliewer Fairview MB Church • September 2008 Monthly Beacon • We are on the web: Fairview Mennonite Brethren Church • September 2008 Monthly Beacon You’reInvited… Women’sEnrichmentFallKickoff Saturday,September6,2008at6:00PM FairviewMBChurchDiningHall “WhenWomenSayYestoGod” MealProvided! GuestSpeaker:ConnieJohnson DrawingforSecretSisters Unable to be at kickoff but still want a secret sister? Stop by church office & pick up form before Sept. 4th. Parenting Classes Scott & Brenda Neufeld & Keeven & Karlea are teaming up together & are excited about leading a parenting class on Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm in the Old MBY Room. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Church Office. Choir Practice Choir practice will begin on Wednesday, September 3. 3 Practice will be from 8:159pm. We will practice every Wednesday night and sing about two Sunday’s a month. Anyone who enjoys singing is welcome to join us. Questions, contact Bev Heinrichs. MIDWEEK SCHEDULE: 5:30pm: Fellowship Supper A fun evening for ladies of all ages! Treat yourself to a delicious drink or something to eat at the Tin Lion. Then enjoy playing Bunko, a fast paced game played with dice. It’s EASY to learn and we are usually finished by 9PM! 6:15pm: AWANA 6:30pm: Wildside 6:30pm: MBY 6:30pm: Parenting Class 6:45pm: Bible Study @Ewalds 7:00pm: Women’s Bible Study 8:15pm: Choir Practice MOPS (Mother’s of Preschoolers) MOPS is an special time for MOTHERS OF PRESCHOOLERS (ages 5 & under) to get together & share in their mothering adventures. We have an exciting year planned and we can't wait to see all of you there!!! We meet every 2nd Monday of the month, here at the church in the Wildside room. For questions please contact Darla Hubbard 227-2077 or Crystal Brinson 227-2821. FIRST MEETING: Mon., SEPT. 8th (6-8) Fairview MB Church • September 2008 Monthly Beacon • We are on the web: Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed Thu 2 Labor Day 3 ***MIDWEEK Men’ Coffee @FFH Fri 4 Sat 5 Football Player Supper in DH – 6pm Draw for Secret Sisters Choir Starts 8:15pm 7 8 AM– Pastor Brad MOPS –6-8pm PM– Cong. Disc. –7pm Transition Team Mtg.-7pm Deacon Mtg.-7pm 14 15 PM– Small Groups FFH Communion –6:30pm Trustee Mtg.-7pm CE Mtg-7pm AM– Pastor Brad 9 Women’s Prayer Group –9:30am 16 WMS –9AM 10 ***MIDWEEK Orange/Black Night 11 21 22 17 18 PM-Annual Business Mtg. –5:30pm Ladies Night Out – 7pm 19 20 WILDSIDE Tailgate Party at Watonga Football Game –leave at 5:45pm Women’s Prayer Group –9:30am Women’s Prayer Group-9:30am 13 Verenika Making in DH ***MIDWEEK 23 12 Stephen Minister Mtg. –6:30pm M&E Mtg.-7pm AM– Pastor Brad 6 Women’s Enrichment Fall Kickoff –6pm 24 25 26 ***MIDWEEK Bring a buddy night Council Mtg-7pm 28 AM– Pastor Paul PM– Small Groups Michelle Gosney’s Baby Shower in Parlor 29 30 Women’s Prayer Group-9:30am ***MIDWEEK: 5:30pm: Fellowship Supper in Dining Hall 6:15pm: AWANA • 6:30pm: MBY & WILDSIDE 6:30pm: Parenting Class in Old MBY Room 7:00pm: Women’s Bible Study in Parlor 8:15pm: Choir Practice Fairview MB Church • September 2008 Monthly Beacon • We are on the web: 27 Fairview MB Church 1600 East State Road Fairview, OK 73737 We are on the web… Check us out!
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