ACTAS/Netball ACT Academy Athlete Information Pack And Selection Policy CONTENTS 1. PROGRAM OVERVIEW..................................................................................................................... 2 2. SELECTION PHILOSOPHY ................................................................................................................. 3 3. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ....................................................................................................................... 3 4. SELECTION PANEL ........................................................................................................................... 4 5. SELECTION CRITERIA ....................................................................................................................... 4 6. SQUAD FORMATION ....................................................................................................................... 4 7. KEY DATES ....................................................................................................................................... 5 8. APPEALS PROCESS ........................................................................................................................... 5 9. POWER TO AMEND ......................................................................................................................... 5 APPENDIX 1 – 2014 SELECTION REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................... 6 APPENDIX 2 – PROGRAM SELECTION CRITERIA ...................................................................................... 7 APPENDIX 3 – 2014 KEY DATES ............................................................................................................. 19 APPENDIX 4 – NOMINATION FORM ...................................................................................................... 20 APPENDIX 5 – APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION...................................................................................... 22 1. PROGRAM OVERVIEW The ACTAS/Netball ACT Academy (NACTA) Programs are a partnership between Netball ACT, the ACT Government through the ACT Academy of Sport (ACTAS) and Netball Australia. A number of programs are delivered as part of the Academy with varying levels of involvement from the three stakeholders, the ACTAS/NACTA structure is as follows: Gold •ACTAS/NACTA Gold •Developing International Athlete •Nationally identified athlete with the potential to progress to World CLass and/or International Class Athlete status within 1 – 3 years •Delivered as an ACTAS Scholarship Program Black •NACTA Black •Potential International Athlete •Nationally identified athlete with the potential to progress to the Australian 19/U squad/team within 1 – 3 years and Developing International Athlete status within 4 – 7 years •Delivered as an NACTA Scholarship Program Pink •NACTA Pink •Potential International Athlete •Nationally identified athlete with the potential to progress to the Australian 17/U squad/invitees within 1 – 3 years and Developing International Athlete status within 4 – 7 years •Delivered by Netball ACT utilising ACTAS Strength and Conditioning services DaD •Develop a Diamond •Emerging Potential Athlete •State/Territory identified and Nationally endorsed athletes with the ability to progress to Potential International Athlete status within 1-3 years •Delivered by Netball ACT in accordance with Netball Australia 's Develop a Diamond Acadmey Program sylabus The ACTAS/NACTA Programs are conducted as part of the Netball Australia national high performance pathway. The components are delivered as an ACTAS Scholarship Program which is an integral member of the National Institute Network (NIN) that supports the Netball Australia High Performance Unit to deliver its national objectives. The Netball Australia and Netball ACT objectives achieved through these programs are as follows: Netball Australia Netball ACT To deliver a world class netball program that prepares athletes and teams to win milestone events. To identify and develop the next generation of pre‐elite athletes for sustained international success To build and maintain effective relationships with key stakeholders to deliver the National High Performance Plan To provide a comprehensive athlete pathway that is consistent with the national framework Provide talent identification opportunities for athletes within the ACT Establish a daily training environment that complements the athlete pathway ACTAS Vision - The leading environment to enhance talented ACT athletes ACTAS Purpose - To contribute to Australia’s Winning Edge elite sport objectives by providing a quality daily training environment that enhances athletic development through providing quality high performance programs and services that recognise individuals’ athletic needs and facilitate growth and excellence. 2. SELECTION PHILOSOPHY The ACTAS/NACTA Programs provide a daily training environment that supports the athlete pathway and are important and relevant in developing successful athletes. Netball ACT is committed to selecting athletes whose current performance indicates physical, tactical and mental potential to progress through the athlete pathway and develop as an elite netballer. The ACTAS/NACTA athletes will be selected with the following overriding objectives: i. To provide a pathway for ACT athletes who wish to compete for Australia ii. To identify and prepare athletes for the transition into national elite programs iii. To train and compete with a high performance culture 3. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 3.1. Athletes seeking selection to an ACTAS/NACTA Program must meet the following criteria: i. Must be a member of Netball ACT or qualify to compete for the ACT at the National Championships and/or the Australian Netball League under the Birth Right Policy of Netball Australia ii. Must meet Netball Australia’s eligibility criteria for the National Championships and/or the Australian Netball League iii. Must be in good standing with their District and Netball ACT including no monies owing or no disciplinary action currently being pursued against them iv. Must compete in the Netball ACT State League or Junior Championships v. Must attend all activities identified in the Selection Requirements a) Where an athlete is unable to attend an activity identified in the Selection Requirements because of injury or extraordinary circumstances they can seek an exemption if they meet the requirements outlined in the Appendix 5 - Exemption Process. vi. Must be of a physical and mental health and fitness standard consistent of a high performance athlete 3.2. Additional ACTAS Selection Criteria i. Capacity for ACTAS to ‘make a difference’ to the athlete’s ongoing development. ii. Capacity and willingness of the athlete to utilise ACTAS services to enhance their athletic development. iii. Other important criteria against which an application may be assessed include: a) The athlete’s performance and results in previous year. (This can also include Coachability, off court behaviour, disciplinary matters, attendance at school if school age etc.) b) Current / former ACTAS scholarship athlete’s usage of ACTAS services and commitment to developing as an elite athlete including their willingness to take direction from ACTAS performance service staff and their coach/es. c) d) Communication with ACTAS staff will also be accessed. An Athlete interview – potential scholarship holders may be requested to present their case for selection to the selection committee 4. SELECTION PANEL The Selection Panel will be responsible for selecting the best possible squad to achieve the stated outcomes while maintaining the integrity of this selection policy. The Selection Panel will consist of the Coaching Technical Advisory Group (C-TAG) and will be responsible for making recommendations to the Joint Management Committee (JMC) which comprises of the key program partners and will be represented by the signatories from Netball ACT, ACTAS and Netball Australia. All members of the Selection Panel must declare any real or perceived conflicts of interest to the General Manager of Netball ACT; it is the responsibility of the General Manager to determine if a conflict of interest could affect the outcome of the selection process and if so, replace the member of the Selection Panel. In the event that one or more of these individuals is unavailable to fulfil the role of selector for any reason, the General Manager will appoint a suitably qualified replacement. The Selection Panel will have the scope to encourage athletes to nominate for an ACTAS/NACTA Program. In encouraging athlete nominations, it must be clear that this does not constitute preselection and the athlete will still be required to fulfil the selection criteria. 5. SELECTION CRITERIA Athletes seeking inclusion in an ACTAS/NACTA Program must fulfil the selection requirements outlined in Appendix 1. Nominating athlete will be assessed by the Selection Panel based on their performances at the following events and/or activities: National Netball Championships and/or Australian Netball League Netball ACT State Selection Trials ACT Schoolgirls Selection Trials CCC ACT State League ACT Junior Netball Championships Participation in previous NACTA Programs Nominating Athletes will be assessed on the key performance areas as identified in the Netball Australia’s National Athlete Pathway. The skills that will be assessed by the Selection Panel for each program are provided in Appendix 2. . 6. SQUAD FORMATION Netball ACT’s C-TAG will make recommendations to the JMC. Where required, a representative of C-TAG may present their recommendations to the JMC to outline the rationale behind the recommendations. The selected athletes must be approved by the JMC prior to scholarships being offered. Athletes will be notified of their selection/non-selection via the Netball ACT website with the final squad to be posted at a specified date and time as identified in the Appendix 3 – Key Dates. Non-selected athletes will be provided feedback upon request. 7. KEY DATES The key dates for the establishment and delivery of the ACTAS/NACTA Programs are provided in Appendix 3. 8. APPEALS PROCESS A nominating athlete that has not been selected to an ACTAS/NACTA Program has the right to appeal the decision in accordance with the By Law 05/06 – Appeals. The key points of the appeals process are as follows: i. ii. iii. iv. Appeals must be lodge with Netball ACT within 14 days of the decision being notified to the athlete A fee of $100 must be paid at the time of lodging the notice of the appeal a) The fee will be refunded if the appeal is upheld b) The fee will be forfeited in the appeal is dismissed Neither party shall be entitled to legal representation at the hearing of the appeals panel If the appeal is upheld, Netball ACT has 14 days from the time the recommendation is forwarded to the President to consider appropriate action 9. POWER TO AMEND This policy can be amended at any time by the Board of Netball ACT if the Board is of the opinion that such an amendment is necessary as a result of any change in the Netball Australia guidelines, to give effect to the policy following discovery of a drafting error or oversight or for any other reason determined to be in the best interests of Netball ACT. Netball ACT shall not be responsible or liable in any way to anyone as a result of any such amendment. APPENDIX 1 – 2015 SELECTION REQUIREMENTS Athletes seeking selection to an ACTAS/NACTA Program are required to: i. Complete a ACTAS/NACTA Nomination form (Appendix 4) ii. Currently or previously participated in at least one of the following events and/or activities: a) Australian Netball League b) ACT State Selections c) National Netball Championships d) ACT Schoolgirls Selection Trials e) CCC ACT State League f) ACT Junior Netball Championships g) Participation in a previous NACTA Program iii. Commit to all program activities including but not limited to: a) Any group or individual court session b) Any strength and condition session c) Any athlete welfare/education sessions iv. Be available for public appearances, school clinics and holiday programs where appropriate and as agreed between Netball ACT the individual athletes v. Meet the athlete financial contribution of the program a) ACTAS/NACTA Gold $250.00 b) NACTA Black $250.00 c) NACTA Pink $175.00 Athletes who are unable to meet any aspect of the selection requirements must notify Netball ACT when nominating or as soon as practically possible. APPENDIX 2 – PROGRAM SELECTION CRITERIA SELECTION CRITERIA – NACTA PINK Movement Skills Take-Off o Demonstrate efficient technique from a stationary and moving start Straight movement forward and backward Diagonal movement to the left and right Footwork o Demonstrate efficient running technique o Able to sprint and change direction o Side step o Speed of footwork o Recovery footwork o Working a number of combinations Jumping o Demonstrate efficient technique Able to jump off left or right foot Able to jump from both feet simultaneously Able to turn in the air Landing o Demonstrate safe and balanced technique Able to land on left or right foot Able to land on both feet simultaneously Able to pivot in all directions with outside turn Ball Skills Catching o Demonstrate correct technique and accurate execution Strong catch and snatch Two hands One hand control – both hands Throwing o Demonstrate correct technique and accurate execution Introduce use of the ball on either side of the body Shoulder pass Dominant hand Non-dominant hand Chest pass Bounce pass Lob pass Two hand overhead pass Introduce the fake pass o Variation on timing of release of pass o Placement of pass o Using a variety of options under pressure Attacking Skills Straight leads Diagonal leads Dodge Double dodge Change of Direction Front cut Holds Lunges Two leads Creating Space o Clearing leads o Clearing leads and drives o Clearing leads and re-offers Half roll and full roll Change of pace Screens Vision Decision Making Space Awareness Communication skills Defending Skills Defensive footwork o Shadowing Body control and re-positioning o Recovery step One on one defending o Front position o Side position o Back position Two on one defending Adjusting body position as ball approaches Intercepting o Attack on the first ball Hands over the ball Delay and deny space Sagging Communication skills Working together in and out of circle Split circle Shooting Demonstrate correct and accurate technique o Stationary Short Medium Long o Step forward o Step back o Side step Screens Rebounding Working together in and out of the circle Work rate and shot Communication skills Strategies Centre Pass – Attack o Simple set up positions One on one Two on one o Delivery of centre pass Centre Pass – Defence o One on one o Two on one o Working as a unit o Communication skills Base Line Throw-in – Attack o Simple back line throw-ins o Ability to read the play Vision Space Awareness Decision Making Base Line Throw-in – Defence o One on one o Two on one o Communication o Working as a unit Shooting Circle – Attack o Demonstrate the ability to apply and understand unit skills Shooter/Goal Attack leads Exploring variations of rotations in the circle Holds Screens Shooter to shooter passes Rebounding Shooting Circle – Defence o One on one o Two on one o Split circle o Communication skills o Change of body position as ball approaches o Defence of shot Lean Jump Box out o Rebound o Outlet pass SELECTION CRITERIA – ACTAS/NACTA BLACK Skills in italics are in addition to the NACTA Pink criteria. Movement Skills Take-Off o Demonstrate efficient technique from a stationary and moving start Straight movement forward and backward Diagonal movement to the left and right Footwork o Demonstrate efficient running technique o Able to sprint and change direction o Side step o Speed of footwork o Recovery footwork o Working a number of combinations Jumping o Demonstrate efficient technique Able to jump off left or right foot Able to jump from both feet simultaneously Able to turn in the air Landing o Demonstrate safe and balanced technique Able to land on left or right foot Able to land on both feet simultaneously Able to pivot in all directions with outside turn Safe technique after a sprint Ball Skills Catching o Demonstrate correct technique and accurate execution Strong catch and snatch Two hands One hand control – both hands Able to catch a high and low ball one hand Hooking ball into catch with either right or left hand Throwing o Demonstrate correct technique and accurate execution Able to throw from either side of the body Shoulder pass Chest pass Hip Pass Bounce pass Lob pass Two hand overhead pass Fake pass Step around to pass o Variation on timing of release of pass o o Placement of pass Using a variety of options under pressure Attacking Skills Straight leads Diagonal leads Dodge Double dodge Change of Direction Front cut Back cut Holds Lunges Drive, stop and lunge back Change of pace Double play Up and back o Straight o Diagonal Two Leads Creating Space o Clearing leads o Clearing leads and drives o Clearing leads and re-offers Half roll and full roll Screens Vision Decision Making Space Awareness Communication skills Defending Skills Defensive footwork o Shadowing Body control and re-positioning o Recovery step One on one defending o Front position o Side position o Back position Two on one defending Adjusting body position as ball approaches Intercepting o Attack on the first ball Hands over the ball o Adjusting body position to force ball wide Delay and deny space Sagging Communication skills Working together in and out of circle Split circle Shooting Demonstrate correct and accurate technique o Stationary Short Medium Long o Step forward o Step back o Side step o Jump shot o Shuffle Shot Variation on timing on release of shot Screens Rebounding Working together in and out of the circle Work rate and shot Communication skills Strategies Centre Pass – Attack o Greater variety on initial set up One on one Two on one Screens o Delivery of centre pass Centre Pass – Defence o One on one o Two on one o Working as a unit o Communication skills o Wall o Forcing the attack wide Base Line Throw-in – Attack o Greater variety in start positions and movement o Ability to read the play Vision Space Awareness Decision Making Base Line Throw-in – Defence o One on one o Two on one o Dictating space o Area/Zone o Communication o Working as a unit Shooting Circle – Attack o Demonstrate the ability to apply and understand unit skills Shooter/Goal Attack leads Exploring variations of rotations in the circle Holds Shooter to shooter passes Screens Shooting Circle – Defence o One on one o Two on one o Split circle o Area/Zone defence o Communication o Change of body position as ball approaches o Defence of shot Lean Same arm and leg Opposite arm and leg Two arms and both feet Jump Same arm and leg Opposite arm and leg Two arms and both feet Crouch From a lean to a jump Box out o Rebound o Outlet pass SELECTION CRITERIA – ACTAS/NACTA GOLD Skills in italics are in addition to the ACTAS/NACTA BLACK criteria. Movement Skills Take-Off o Demonstrate efficient technique from a stationary and moving start Straight movement forward and backward Diagonal movement to the left and right Footwork o Demonstrate efficient running technique o Able to sprint and change direction o Side step o Speed of footwork o Recovery footwork o Working a number of combinations o Turning from a sprint movement Jumping o Demonstrate efficient technique Able to jump off left or right foot Able to jump from both feet simultaneously Able to turn in the air Landing o Demonstrate safe and balanced technique Able to land on left or right foot Able to land on both feet simultaneously Able to pivot in all directions with outside turn Safe technique after a sprint Ball Skills Catching o Demonstrate correct technique and accurate execution Strong catch and snatch Two hands One hand control – both hands Able to catch a high and low ball one hand Hooking ball into catch with either right or left hand Throwing o Demonstrate correct technique and accurate execution Able to throw from either side of the body Shoulder pass Chest pass Hip Pass Bounce pass Lob pass Two hand overhead pass Fake pass Step around to pass o o o Variation on timing of release of pass Placement of pass Using a variety of options under pressure Attacking Skills Straight leads Diagonal leads Dodge Double dodge Change of Direction Front cut Back cut Holds Lunges Drive, stop and lunge back Change of pace Double play Up and back o Straight o Diagonal Two Leads Creating Space o Clearing leads o Clearing leads and drives o Clearing leads and re-offers Half roll and full roll Screens Vision Decision Making Space Awareness Communication skills Defending Skills Defensive footwork o Shadowing Body control and re-positioning o Recovery step One on one defending o Front position o Side position o Back position Two on one defending Adjusting body position as ball approaches Intercepting o Attack on the first ball Hands over the ball o Adjusting body position to force ball wide Delay and deny space Sagging Communication skills Working together in and out of circle Split circle Shooting Demonstrate correct and accurate technique o Stationary Short Medium Long o Step forward o Step back o Side step o Jump shot o Shuffle Shot Variation on timing on release of shot Screens Rebounding Working together in and out of the circle Work rate and shot Communication skills Strategies Centre Pass – Attack o Greater variety on initial set up exploring all options One on one Two on one Screens o Accurate and consistent delivery of centre pass Centre Pass – Defence o One on one o Two on one o Working as a unit o Communication skills o Wall o Forcing the attack wide o Keeping attackers off the circle edge Base Line Throw-in – Attack o Greater variety in start positions and movement o Ability to read the play Vision Space Awareness Decision Making Base Line Throw-in – Defence o One on one o Two on one o Dictating and restricting space o Area/Zone o Communication o Working as a unit Shooting Circle – Attack o Demonstrate the ability to apply and understand unit skills Shooter/Goal Attack leads Exploring variations of rotations in the circle Holds Shooter to shooter passes Screens Shooting Circle – Defence o One on one o Two on one o Split circle o Area/Zone defence o Communication o Working together as a unit o Change of body position as ball approaches o Defence of shot Lean Same arm and leg Opposite arm and leg Two arms and both feet Jump Same arm and leg Opposite arm and leg Two arms and both feet Crouch From a lean to a jump o Box out o Rebound o Outlet pass APPENDIX 3 – 2015 KEY DATES The key dates for the 2015 ACTAS/NACTA Programs are as follows: ACTAS/NACTA Programs Athlete nominations open Athlete nominations close ACTAS pre scholarship process Athlete Screenings and Induction ACTAS/NACTA Squad Announcements Program Starts Program Concludes 08 May 2015 18 May 2015 25 May 2015 Week beginning 01 June 2015 01 June 2015 Week beginning 01 June 2015 31 May 2016 APPENDIX 4 – NOMINATION FORM Southwell Park, Northbourne Ave Lyneham ACT 2602 ACTAS/NACTA PROGRAMS 2015 ATHLETE NOMINATION FORM PO Box 423 Dickson ACT 2602 Tel: 02 6241 4088 Fax: 02 6241 2434 Nominations are being sought for athletes wishing to be considered for the 2015 ACTAS/NACTA Programs. Athlete selections will be conducted in accordance with the ACTAS/NACTA Programs Selection Policy. Nominating athletes are required to complete the following nomination form and return to Netball ACT before the close of nominations, late nominations will not be accepted. 1. PERSONAL DETAILS Name and Surname Address Street or PO Suburb Contact Details Home Ph. Mobile Email Date of Birth Height 2. NEXT OF KIN Name Relationship Emergency Contact No. Mobile Email Postcode 3. NETBALL DETAILS District Club District Coach Coach Contact No. Mobile Preferred Playing Position Highest Level Playing in 2015 4. IMPORTANT INFORMATION All nominating athletes must fulfil the selection requirements identified in the Selection Requirements section of the ACTAS/NACTA Programs Selection policy. The dates for selection are identified in the Key Dates section of the ACTAS/NACTA Programs Selection Policy. An athlete financial contribution will be charged for participation in the 2015 Academy Program, athletes will be notified of this amount at selections. Nominations close by close of business Monday, 18 May 2015 and are to be returned by post, email or fax to: Kim Clarke, Programs Administrator PO Box 423 Dickson ACT 2602 Email: [email protected] Fax: 02 6241 2434 5. Declaration I hereby nominate for consideration in the 2015 ACTAS/NACTA Program and I accept the above conditions and agree to be bound by the selection law and directions of the Board of Netball ACT, ACTAS and Netball Australia (Parent/Guardian signature required for players under the age of 18) Name Parent or Guardian Sign Sign Date Date APPENDIX 5 – APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION Southwell Park, Northbourne Ave Lyneham ACT 2602 2015 ACTAS/NACTA PROGRAMS APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION PO Box 423 Dickson ACT 2602 Tel: 02 6241 4088 Fax: 02 6241 2434 The following form is to be completed by nominating athletes wishing to apply for an exemption from a selection, training or competition commitment with the ACTAS/NACTA Program. The form must be completed in whole and supporting documentation must be provided where appropriate. Where required, please attach an additional page to support your application. Name and Surname Address Street or PO Suburb Contact Details Postcode Home Ph. Mobile Email I am applying for the following exemption (please complete the corresponding section): Injury or illness Sessions Missed: Employment or education Bereavement Selection From: To: Training From: To: Competition From: To: Other Injury or illness Illness Injury Type of Injury: New Old / Recurrent Cause of Injury: Competition Nature of Report: Diagnosis: Training Cross Training Other (specify): Status: Modified Training / Competition No Training / Competition Expected Return Date: Yes Medical Certificate Provided: No Employment or Education Employer/Institution: Status: Full-time Part-time Casual Please provide the circumstances resulting in the required absences: Supporting documentation provided: Yes No Bereavement Please provide the circumstances resulting in the required absences: Supporting documentation provided: Yes No Other Please provide the circumstances resulting in the required absences: Supporting documentation provided: Yes No Declaration I, ______________________________ declare that the information provided is true and correct and acknowledge that any misleading information may result in me being ineligible for selection. Signed: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________
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