APodC Masterclass Clinical techniques and gait patterns used in the pelvic equilibrium theory, a Master Class led by Mr Clifton Bradeley. Mr. Bradeley is a specialist in biomechanics; podopaediatrics and electro-surgery, one of a tiny group of full time sports bio-mechanists in the UK. He is a practitioner of twenty-six years’ experience in clinical musculoskeletal podiatric biomechanics and has carried out more than 15,000 biomechanical assessments. Clifton has won several innovation awards for developing techniques and instruments used in clinical biomechanics including a digital pelvic inclinometer (DPI) used to quantify the effects of leg length asymmetry on pelvic dysfunction before and after treatment. Clifton and participants will explore the implications of a new theory based on pelvic adaption using a clinical protocol, which quantifies (using an innovative digital pelvic inclinometer) pelvic When: Saturday May 9, 2015, 8:30am – 12:00pm including an exclusive breakfast networking event. Where: This event will be held in Brisbane, At the Pavilion Allan Border Field 1 Greg Chappell Street Albion, Brisbane QLD Cost (inc. GST): Member $350 Non Member $425 adaption to natural symmetry using static and dynamic trails on a patient subject. See a range of new clinical protocols (both static and on the treadmill) demonstrated that show delegates adaptive motion patterns that occur in all upright ambulant populations. Practical clinical tips will allow delegates to implement changes in their own practices. These are repeatable and observable techniques. The Australasian Podiatry Council suggests that this activity is valued at four CPD hours under Podiatry Board of Australia Guidelines. To register go to www.apodc2015.com.au, or for more information contact Pauline by emailing [email protected] or calling (03) 9416 3111. Number of attendees at this Masterclass limited to 30. Thanks to Declam who made this Masterclass possible.
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