Volume 58 • Number 14 April 6, 2015 Announcing the Mission and Ministries of Ardmore Baptist Church, Inc., Winston-Salem, NC Worship Connection April 12 Morning: “Encounters with Christ: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” Luke 24:13-35 Ellen Price KidNection (10:45) “Nehemiah” Bring a Friend! T GA Lock-In he GA Lock-In is Friday, April 24, 6:00 p.m. - Saturday, April 25, 8:00 a.m. at the church. All GAs (1st 6th grade girls) are invited to this free overnight event of fun and service. Please e-mail Lee ([email protected]) to reserve your spot. T he annual “Food Roundup” has successfully united churches, businesses, and other friends to collect much needed food, supplies, and gift cards for Baptist Children’s Homes’ boys and girls. When you are feeding cottages that can have as many as 12 to 16 residents, it takes a lot of food to fill hungry bellies. BCH serves as many as 700,000 meals and snacks throughout the year in 19 North Carolina communities. You can imagine how much it would cost to feed so many. The Food Roundup makes it all possible! Throughout April, Ardmore will collect canned goods (preferably #10 cans) and non-perishable food items. Collection boxes will be in the stairwells at the covered drive entrance and the area between the main lobby and the Educational Building. A full list of needs may be accessed via our Web site under the Give tab. Copies are available at the Welcome Desks. T Help! The Internet is Attached to My Kids! he Internet is ubiquitous. Seemingly, every gadget, appliance, and electronic device connects to the Internet in some way. There is no escaping it. So, if there is no escaping it, how can we keep our kids safe and educated about the inherent risks and help them, and us, make smarter decisions for our constantly connected lives? Join us Wednesday, April 8 and 22, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. in F226 as we talk about topics such as basic Internet safety, social networking and sharing information, gaming (yes, even the “harmless” ones), online attitudes, bullying, offline consequences, apps and gadgets, digital privacy, and what the near future holds. You will be provided with materials and resources to help you better understand these and other topics and assist you in navigating these topics with your children and teens. Caregivers Support Group T hursday, April 9; 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in the Ardmore Room. Contact Sandra Bovender (768-7116) or Paul Mullen (725-8767, ext. 107; pmullen@ ardmorebaptist.org) for more information. Missions Extravaganza WMU of NC’s Annual Meeting and Training Conference April 17 - 18 Ardmore Baptist Church Page 2 April 6, 2015 Our Pastor Writes ... Building Community eople sing better together when they are together. It almost seems unnecessary to say doesn’t it? Imagine a choir that had space for 60 voices, but there were only 15 members in the choir. Do you think the choir master would have those 15 people spread out so that none could touch, hear, or see the others? What kind of blending of voices could be created if the voices were dispersed to the four corners of the choir rather than grouping them together in a cluster? People sing better together when they are together. Similarly, people worship together better when they are together. Corporate worship is enhanced if we can speak to our neighbor, pass the communion tray to them, hand them a hymnbook opened to the correct page if they have forgotten their bulletin. Corporate worship is different from private worship. Private worship is when we spend time alone with God, perhaps by a quiet lake, or walking an isolated trail, or gazing into the starry expanse. Worship at Ardmore Baptist Church on Sunday mornings is corporate. P For those reasons, we are roping off part of the sanctuary in the 8:15 corporate worship service. A sanctuary that seats 650 has to be tailored to accommodate a congregation of 125-150 people. We know this means some people may not have access to a pew they have sat in for years. We thank you for making personal adjustments for the sake of the larger congregation. The community worship experience will be enhanced if we’re closer together and can hear each other sing, read Scripture, and touch one another in Christian fellowship. It may take some getting used to. We made the transition from the Brown Auditorium to the new sanctuary, so we can certainly make this transition. The most important thing about corporate worship is that we bring a humble, penitent heart to the Lord and a soul ready to blend with others to praise the God of all creation. Come and rejoice with us in the early or later service as we worship our Lord together. We worship better together when we are together. - Don Gordon H Grace Notes oly Week is always a special time of music and worship at Ardmore. I want to thank all of our musicians and worship leaders who made our services so beautiful with the offerings of their talents. The majestic sounds of the trumpet on Palm Sunday with the procession of the purple cloth, cross, palm branches, and balloons carried by our youth and children set the tone for our “Palm Sunday Parade!” The liturgy and sermon challenged us to ponder our place in the parade as we entered Holy Week. The Maundy Thursday service was very emotional as we found ourselves praying at the foot of the cross through narrations, scriptures, and beautiful prayers sung by the Adult Choir. The cello and violin music added so much to the beauty of the service. Prayers at the Cross helped us all to reflect upon the unparalleled love of God shown to us through Jesus and His death on the cross. Then on Good Friday, the Stations of the Cross allowed for a very personal time of devotion through scripture and prayer as we traveled the steps of Jesus (continued on page 4) W Courtyard Bricks ith the upcoming Let’s Finish Campaign on the horizon, some folks have asked about adding memorial bricks to the front courtyard. Many who have joined our church family since the original construction want to add their name to this “Walk of Faith.” Bricks may be added upon request. Simply submit a brick order form with $40 per brick and we will order them. Order forms are available in the office and at the Welcome Desk. Y Wright Stuff outh Week begins with a kick-off event on Friday night, April 10, and culminates with Youth Sunday on April 19. Our theme is “Who Am I?” based on John 15:1-5. Throughout the week we will attempt to illustrate the great things about being a follower of Christ. We will focus on the victory Christ gives us, the strength that is ours, and the inheritance that we are given as a gift from God … not as something we have earned. Please be in prayer for our young people and youth leadership team as they prepare to lead us during this time. - Betty Wright T he YAH Club will meet Tuesday, April 14, at 10:15 a.m. and enjoy a beautiful program by our Senior Adult Choir, “I Will Glory in the Cross.” Join us and let your hearts be uplifted and inspired! Then stay for lunch (oven-roasted turkey) and enjoy great fellowship around the table. Don’t forget to invite your friends. Page 3 April 6, 2015 Ardmore ABCs ... Deacon of the Week Our sympathy and Christian concern are expressed to the following in the loss of loved ones: John Stevens in the death of his sister-in-law, Carolyn Stevens; Lisa Nuckolls in the death of her grandmother, Dorothy Stroud; great grandmother of Liam Nuckolls; Myra Mize in the death of her aunt, Betty Murphy April 6 - 12 Charlie Bumgarner Phone: (c) 608-7699 Gracious notes of appreciation have been received from the following and are posted on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall: Phyllis Current The Shepherd’s Center Congratulations to Jim and Laminda Willard who celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary on March 28th; also on the birth of a granddaughter, Hannah Grace Willard, born March 24th. T April 11 - 12 Lee Ritchie Phone: 706-247-0376 Love Languages Of Children he Five Love Languages of Children, by Dr. Gary Chapman of Calvary Baptist in Winston-Salem, provides a remarkably insightful and Christ-centered approach to parenting young children and adolescents. A four-week study of the book, led by Adam and Amanda Horton, along with Paul Mullen, will be held on Sunday, April 12, 19, 26 and May 3; 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. in F204. The cost is $15 for the book. A life-changing gift we can give to our children is to help them feel unconditionally loved in ways they uniquely understand. This foundation leads to inner security, more effective discipline, and growing maturity. Join us as we learn together through this study. Invite your colleagues and neighbors. Sign up by contacting Janet Hellard at the church office (725-8767) or Paul (pmullen@ ardmorebaptist.org). Ministry Area Emphasis Of The Month Community Impact and Global Connections Ministry Area he Missions Council has merged with the Community Impact and Global Connections Ministry Area. This area includes 24 Ministry Teams. They are listed here with their respective team leaders: Ardmore Transportation, Charlie & Nell Hege; Basketball/Softball, Nick McGalliard; Baptist Men, Mike Nuckolls; Billy Graham Counselor, Doc Holliday; Bright Christmas, Randy & Beth Steen; City with Dwellings, Rob Lemons; Disaster Relief, Jim Willard; Crisis Control, Glendora Epperson; Farmer’s Market, Emily Lemons; FaithHealthNC, Debra Norris; Global Women, Ann Canupp; Guest House, Peggy Neal; Habitat for Humanity, John Mullen; Handicrafters, Linda Cline/Wendy Cockerham; H2H, Chester David; Manicure Ministry, Brenda Rourk; Meals on Wheels, Joe & Dean Eller; Medical/ Dental Ministries, Steve Bissette/Robert Kelly/Dan Driscoll; Missionary House, Margaret Cogdill; Prayer Shawl Ministry, Jacque Spaugh; Red Cross Blood Drives, Rob Lemons; Scouting, Rick Jeffares; World Vision, Kaye Hunter; and WMU, Bea McRae. Is the Lord calling you to serve? If one of these ministries ignites your passion, contact the Team Leader and get involved. If you see another need in our community, gather some like-minded folks and start a ministry. God calls us to serve! - Joyce Camp, CIGC MALT Leader T Weekend Call Kids Corner Easter Celebration Report he day before Palm Sunday the Fellowship Hall was buzzing with sounds of fun, togetherness, and learning. Our Ardmore children and their families gathered together to decorate a Holy Week Devotional with symbols of each day of the week. They made palm branches out of construction paper and angels out of doilies to fill their books with the story of Jesus in his last week before death and resurrection. Each person also made a resurrection roll so we could tell the story of Jesus on Easter. What is a resurrection roll, you ask? Take a large marshmallow, melted butter, a cinnamon and sugar mixture, and a crescent roll and you are ready to tell the resurrection story. Jesus is the marshmallow. Roll him in the butter (the burial oils) and the cinnamon and sugar (the burial spices). Then wrap him in the cloth (the crescent roll) and place him in the tomb (the oven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes). Once the roll has cooled, break it open and Jesus’ burial cloth is empty. These rolls amaze children and are a sweet treat for everyone! T (continued on page 4) Ardmore Announcer is published weekly by Ardmore Baptist Church, Inc., 501 Miller Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27103. Publication Number USPS 545780. Postmaster: Send address changes to Ardmore Announcer, 501 Miller Street, W-S, NC 27103-3610. Church Phone: 336-725-8767; Fax: 336-725-2487; E-mail: [email protected]; Web Site: www.ardmorebaptist.org Memorials and Honoraria Building Fund/Bold Faith In Memory of Nadine Gillenwaters Ann Canupp In Memory of Sharon Fanelli Sara Richardson In Memory of Joe Denny Skip & Linda Sink In Memory of Ann Hartley Martha & Marvin Taylor Building Maintenance In Honor of Reg Banner, Charlie Bumgarner, Richard Cain, Brooke Crist, Jerry Gilbert, and Joe Sugg Jan Ragsdale Memorial Fund In Memory of Richard Steve Alexander Richard & Megan Alexander and family In Memory of Nadine Gillenwaters George & Carole Moore In Honor of the Nuckolls’ family Patricia Nuckolls Sunday Bible Study Morning Worship 8:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 575 211 750 Stewardship T $ $ $ $ $ 33,425 64,911 467,957 475,971 8,014 Bold Faith Receipts 04/05/15 $ Receipts-To-Date $ 4,557 1,944,728 Samaritan Ministries here will be a tour of Samaritan’s new home at 414 E. Northwest Blvd. (behind the old Samaritan at 1243 Patterson Ave.) on Sunday, April 12; 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. If you’ve had an interest in volunteering in the Soup Kitchen or overnight in the Shelter, this is a great opportunity to learn more. T For the Record April 5, 2015 Weekly Budget Needs Budget Receipts 04/05/15 Needs-To-Date Receipts-To-Date Over/(Under)-To-Date Unified Budget In Honor of Jo West Tommy Wheeling WEE In Honor of Jo West Gene West Zambia Water Project In Honor of Global Women Mary Alice Warren Freedom he third “F” expresses the goal of a successful campaign effort. Once this loan becomes history for us, the monthly payment of $16,900 will be freed up. We will be freed from the tyranny of debt and no longer be as Scripture says, “the debtor is slave to the lender.” Finally marking our note as “paid-in-full” will allow us to engage in new missional opportunities. An earlier campaign theme, Ardmore Works, reminded us that this congregation is at its best when we are doing the work of the Kingdom together. Freedom from debt will empower us to do just that. Let’s Finish!! Reservations (via e-mail or phone) are needed for the lunch on May 3. KidsCorner (continued from page 3) Thank you to all the volunteers who came to provide a time for families to prepare for Holy Week. So many parents have shared with me their gratitude that you were there to allow them to have this time carved out together. I look forward to many more family events with our wonderful Ardmore church family! - Lee Ritchie Grace Notes (continued from page 2) during His last days before His resurrection. Easter services ushered in the glorious alleluias as we celebrated our risen Lord and Savior! Our majestic pipe organ, timpani, brass instruments, and combined youth and adult choirs filled the sanctuary with excitement, praise and adoration – all to the glory of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Let us continue now through this Easter season to “Lift high the cross and proclaim the love of Christ till all the world His sacred name adore!” Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! - David Fitzgerald H2H Golf Tournament Friday, May 15; 12:00 noon Reynolds Park Golf Course To register, contact Susan Denton in the church office or Jeff McIntyre ([email protected]). Brochures are at the Welcome Desk.
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