A bilingual publication - HEALTH CARE ISSUE San

Vol. 2015
14 Num. 4
Latino Times
FREE | GRATIS - April 20151
A bilingual publication - HEALTH CARE ISSUE
San Joaquin General Hospital is On a Secure Path
By Rhashad R. Pittman
Whether it’s helping deliver new
babies into the world, or performing
life-saving surgery on patients, San
Joaquin General Hospital is in a position to do more than ever for residents
of San Joaquin County. The Hospital
is positioning itself to address the future healthcare of the growing Spanish
language population in San Joaquin
In past years, the county hospital
was struggling to support itself. with
the addition and management under
David Culberson C.E.O., the hospital
has been able to significantly increase
its ability to supply the needs of local
residents on a strong path for future
medical stability.
Having stronger financial stability has
allowed the general acute care facility to
treat far more patients, including those
who are among the lowest of income
earners. It also has led to an effort to hire
more Spanish-speaking doctors and other
staff, both necessities for the region.
“We’re making a huge difference
in the lives of people,” said David Culberson, Chief Executive Officer of San
Joaquin General Hospital. “And any
time you can do that, it’s a good day at
San Joaquin General provides a variety
of services, including general medical/
surgical care, high-risk obstetrics and
El Hospital General de San Joaquín
está en un Camino Seguro
Por Rhashad R. Pittman
Ya sea el asistir en los partos de nuevos bebés al mundo, o la realización de
cirugías para salvar la vida de sus pacientes, el Hospital General de San Joaquín
está en condiciones de hacer más para
los residentes del Condado de San
Joaquín. El Hospital está preparándose
para abordar el futuro de la salud de la
creciente población de habla hispana en
el condado de San Joaquín.
En los últimos años, el hospital del
condado estaba luchando para mantenerse. Con la incorporación y bajo la administración de CEO David Culberson,
el hospital ha sido capaz de aumentar
significativamente su capacidad para
atender las necesidades de los residentes
locales en una sólida trayectoria para la
futura estabilidad médica.
Tener la estabilidad financiera, ha
permitido que el centro de cuidados
agudos pueda tratar a muchos más
pacientes, incluyendo aquellos que se
encuentran entre los más bajos niveles
de ingresos. También ha dado lugar a un
esfuerzo para contratar a más médicos y
otro personal que hablan español, siendo
necesidades de la región.
“Estamos haciendo una gran diferencia en la vida de las personas,” dijo
David Culberson, Director General del
Hospital General de San Joaquín. “Y
cada vez que usted puede hacer eso, es un
buen día en el trabajo.”
San Joaquín General ofrece una variedad de servicios, incluyendo la atención
médica general/atención quirúrgica,
obstetricia de alto riesgo y de cuidados
intensivos neonatal y pediatría y cuidados
intensivos. También sirve como un centro
de trauma y ataques cerebrales designado
con médicos y cirujanos en su personal
las 24 horas del día, siete días a la semana.
Además de la instalación de 196
camas en 500 W. Hospital Rd., en
French Camp, San Joaquín General
también tiene clínicas especializadas de
atención primaria que proporcionan servicios de consulta a 134,000 pacientes
cada año, incluyendo la Clínica de San
Joaquín General por la calle California,
en 1414 N. California St., en Stockton. Aparte de proporcionar servicios de salud, San Joaquín General está
lanzando nuevas campañas para ayudar
a difundir la palabra acerca de las medidas preventivas que las personas pueden
tomar para asegurar que se mantengan
saludables y prevenir enfermedades
como la diabetes y ataques cerebrales, y
les informa acerca de las actividades de
seguridad para evitar traumas y lesiones.
Su campaña de primavera de 2015 cuenta con un testimonio del ex astronauta
de la NASA y empresario local José
Hernández, quien nació en el Hospital.
Antes de convertirse en el CEO
permanente en San Joaquín General en
mayo de 2011, Culberson sirvió en el
papel como director general interino.
Antes de eso, fue director general interino en Kern Medical Center en Bakersfield y también a lo largo de su carrera
sirvió en la administración principal en
tres hospitales adicionales en el Condado
Seguro en pág. 3
neonatal intensive care, and pediatrics
and intensive care. It also serves as a
designated trauma and stroke center
with physicians and surgeons on staff
24 hours per day, seven days a week.
Besides the 196-bed facility at 500
W. Hospital Rd., in French Camp,
San Joaquin General also has Primary
Care and Specialty clinics that provide
outpatient services to 134,000 patients
each year, including the San Joaquin
General’s California Street Clinic, at
1414 N. California St., in Stockton.
In addition to providing health care,
San Joaquin general is launching new
campaigns to help spread the word
about preventative measures people can
take to ensure they stay healthy and
prevent illnesses such as diabetes and
strokes, and informing them about safe
activities to avoid trauma and injuries.
Their Spring 2015 campaign features a
testimonial from former NASA astronaut and local businessman Jose Hernandez, who was born at the Hospital.
Before becoming the permanent CEO
at San Joaquin General in May 2011,
Culberson served in the role as interim
CEO. Prior to that, he was interim
CEO at Kern Medical Center in Bakersfield and also throughout his career
served in top management at three additional hospitals in Orange County.
Financial Turnaround
Soon after arriving at San Joaquin
General, Culberson began to put his
MBA from Southern Methodist University at work to guide the hospital
out of the red as it struggled financially.
David Culberson C.E.O
His first priority was to guide the hospital in operations and provide strategic
options to maximize productivity.
After some time, he was able to prevent
the hospital from losing money each
year as it has in the past. Doing so allowed the hospital to hire additional
physicians and open more clinical sites
throughout San Joaquin County to
ensure more patients are able to receive
quality care.
Culberson attributed some of the
financial turnaround of the hospital
to funding provided by the new Affordable Health Care Act. Because of
the new Federal funding, the hospital
was able to add 50% more doctors, allowing more patients to be served. In
Eye Surgery part of Family Business
at Zeiter Eye Medical Group
By Rhashad R. Pittman
The cataracts that clouded his eyes
were so bad that when he held his fingers in front of him, he could not see
them. He hadn’t seen his dear wife in
six years and never saw his grandchildren.
A Mexican immigrant who settled
in the Stockton area with his family,
the man was one of 20 to 30 patients
Dr. Joseph Zeiter, Jr. treats every day
at the Zeiter Eye Medical Group. To
remove the cataracts, Joseph performed
surgery on the lens of the man’s eyes to
remove the clouding. Joseph recalled that when it came
Dr. Joseph Zeiter, Jr.
See SURGERY Page 4
April 2015
Latino Times
continued from Front Page
addition, the Affordable Health Care
Act also provides reimbursements to
the hospital for services to patients who
cannot afford to pay for them.
The Health Plan of San Joaquin
County and Medi-Cal programs also
were vital in the hospital becoming
financially stable due to a significant
increase in enrollment, Culberson said.
As a result, San Joaquin General treats
as many as 350 patients in their outpatient clinics every day.
Due to the increase in financial performance, the hospital will also move
forward with plans to build on their
trauma center to a level 2 status and
expand its orthopedics and gastroenterology services.
Latino Physicians
San Joaquin General has a growing
number of Latino physicians on board
and is striving to get more, particularly
those who are Spanish speaking. The
hospital actively recruits Latino medical students to join their post-graduate
residency programs in general surgery,
internal medicine, and family practice.
“We are constantly trying to make sure
we get Latinos to fill those spots,” Culberson said.
Culberson said the hospital has put
aside marketing dollars for bilingual
marketing and signage efforts to improve communication with Spanishspeaking patients. Hospital administrators have also placed an emphasis on
hiring more local, Latino physicians
and bilingual staff in general, particularly in the call center.
“We want to make sure we meet
patients’ expectations with quality,
timeliness, and customer service, with
medical staff members that our patients
can communicate with, and identify
with ” Culberson said. “Healthcare is a
people business.
Publisher & Founder
Andrew Ysiano
[email protected]
Vice President
Judy Quintana
[email protected]
Contributing Writers
New America Media
Anna Challet
Rhashad R. Pittman
Marco Rodriguez
Hallie Levine
Design & Layout
James M. Oliver
Andrew Ysiano
Monica Andeola
Andrew Ysiano
Judy Quintana
Betty Ramirez
(209) 469-2407
[email protected]
Lorena Becerra
Bill Repinski
Richard Ysiano
Judy Quintana
Vice President
“Tener a mi bebé en el Hospital General de San Joaquín fue una experiencia
maravillosa. Desde mi primera prueba de embarazo hasta el parto final, los
médicos y las enfermeras del Hospital General de San Joaquín estaban
allí para mí cada paso del camino. Mi personal médico me escuchó y
verdaderamente se preocupaban por mis mejores intereses. Es ese
tipo de cuidado especial que me convence regresar a San Joaquín
General y sus Clínicas mientras crece mi nueva familia.”
Rosa González
Mamá por segunda vez, parto en San Joaquín General
¡Estamos aquí para usted!
Comience su familia con
San Joaquín General que proporciona:
Cuidado | Educación | Apoyo
Antes, durante y después de que nazca su bebé
Nuestra línea de citas: (209) 468.6820
500 W. Hospital Rd., French Camp, CA 95231
1414 N. California St., Stockton, CA 95202
April 2015
The Hospital’s Main Lobby makes an impressive statement.
de Orange.
Recuperación financiera
Poco después de llegar a San Joaquín
General, Culberson comenzó a poner
su MBA de la Universidad Southern
Methodist a trabajar para guiar el hospital fuera de la ruina, ya que luchaba
financieramente. Su primera prioridad
era de guiar el hospital en las operaciones y ofrecer opciones estratégicas para
maximizar la productividad.
Después de algún tiempo, él logró
prevenir que el hospital perdiera dinero
cada año como lo había hecho en el
pasado. Consiguiéndolo, le permitió al
hospital contratar a médicos adicionales
y abrir más sitios clínicos en todo el
Condado de San Joaquín para asegurar
que más pacientes pudieran recibir atención de calidad.
Culberson atribuyó parte del cambio
financiero del hospital a la financiación
proporcionada por la nueva Ley de Atención Médica Asequible. Debido a la
nueva financiación federal, el hospital
pudo agregar 50% más médicos, lo que
permite servir a más pacientes. Además,
la Ley de Atención Médica Asequible
también ofrece reembolsos al hospital
para los servicios dados a pacientes que
no alcanzan a pagar por ellos.
Los programas del Plan de Salud del
Condado de San Joaquín y Medi-Cal
también fueron vitales en que el hospital llegara a ser financieramente estable
debido a un aumento significativo de
inscripciones, dijo Culberson. Como
resultado, San Joaquín General trata más
continúa en pág.1
de 350 pacientes en sus clínicas cada día.
Debido al aumento de los resultados
financieros, el hospital también seguirá
adelante con sus planes de construirle a
su centro de trauma un estado de nivel
2 y ampliar sus servicios de ortopedia y
Los médicos latinos
San Joaquín General tiene un
número creciente de médicos latinos a
bordo y se esfuerza por conseguir más,
especialmente aquellos que son de habla
hispana. El hospital recluta activamente
a los estudiantes de medicina latinos a
unirse a sus programas de residencia de
postgrado en cirugía general, medicina
interna y medicina familiar. “Estamos
constantemente tratando de asegurarnos
de que obtengamos a latinos para llenar
esos puestos,” dijo Culberson.
Culberson dijo que el hospital ha
dedicado dólares de comercialización
para los esfuerzos de marketing y
anuncios bilingües para mejorar la
comunicación con los pacientes de
habla hispana. Los administradores del
hospital también han puesto énfasis en
la contratación de más médicos latinos
locales y personal bilingüe en general,
sobre todo en el centro de llamadas.
“Queremos asegurarnos de que
cumplimos con lo que esperan los pacientes tocante la calidad, puntualidad
y servicio al cliente, con un personal
médico con quienes nuestros pacientes
pueden comunicarse, e identificarse,”
dijo Culberson. “La atención médica es
un negocio de personas.”
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April 2015
Cirugía Ocular parte de la Empresa Familiar en Zeiter Eye Medical Group
Por Rhashad R. Pittman
Las cataratas que nublaban sus ojos
estaban tan mal que cuando él alzaba
sus dedos frente a él, no podía verlos.
No había visto a su querida esposa en
seis años y nunca había visto a sus nietos.
Un inmigrante mexicano que se
estableció en el área de Stockton con
su familia, este hombre es uno de 20 a
30 pacientes que el Dr. Joseph Zeiter,
Jr. trata cada día en el Zeiter Eye Medical Group. Para eliminar las cataratas,
Joseph realizó la cirugía en la lente de
los ojos del hombre para quitar la opacidad.
Joseph recordó que cuando llegó el
momento de quitarle la venda de los
ojos, toda la familia del señor esperó
a su lado, de su esposa a sus nietos,
pequeños en edad. Mientras los ojos del
hombre se acostumbraron a la luz de la
habitación, las imágenes ante él se hicieron más y más claras. Vio a su amada
esposa, sus nietos, y todos los demás de
sus seres queridos.
Entonces las lágrimas comenzaron a
caer de sus ojos.
Durante más de 50 años, la familia
continued from Front Page
time to take off the bandage across his
eyes, the man’s entire family waited by
his side, from his wife to his grandchildren, who were toddlers. As the man’s
eyes adjusted to the light in the room,
the images before him became clearer
and clearer. He saw his beloved wife,
his grandchildren, and everyone else he
held dear to his heart.
Then tears began to fall from his
For more than 50 years, the Zeiter family has been giving residents of San
Joaquin County the gift of sight. It all
started with Henry Zeiter, who founded Zeiter Eye Medical Group, Inc.
in 1962 after completing a residency
in ophthalmology at the prestigious
Kresge Eye Institute.
Since then, three other Zeiters have
joined the practice: Joseph Zeiter, John
Zeiter, and Joseph’s son, Joseph Zeiter,
Jr. Treating eye disease is the family
“We’re glad to be able to do what
we do,” Joseph Jr. said. “We love our
practice. We love our patients.”
Joseph Jr. can still recall as a boy
being out at dinner with his family, and
patients of his father and great uncle
would walk over to their table to tell
them thank you again for treating their
eye conditions. Often times, they had
tears in their eyes.
“Seeing how grateful people were to my
father and uncle for restoring their vision had a profound effect,” Joseph Jr.
said. “It was something I wanted to be
able to do also.”
In addition to its seven eye sur-
Zeiter ha estado dando a los residentes
del Condado de San Joaquín el don
de la vista. Todo comenzó con Henry
Zeiter, que fundó Zeiter Eye Medical
Group, Inc. en 1962 después de completar una residencia en oftalmología en
el prestigioso instituto llamado Kresge
Eye Institute.
Desde entonces, otros tres Zeiters se
han unido a la práctica: Joseph Zeiter,
John Zeiter, y el hijo de Joseph, Joseph
Zeiter, Jr. El tratamiento de enfermedades de los ojos es la empresa de la
“Estamos encantados de poder
hacer lo que hacemos,” dijo Joseph Jr.
“Nos encanta nuestra práctica. Queremos mucho a nuestros pacientes.”
Joseph Jr. todavía puede recordar de
niño en una cena con su familia fuera
de casa cuando los pacientes de su padre o de su tío abuelo se acercaban a su
mesa para decirles gracias de nuevo por
el tratamiento de sus enfermedades de
los ojos. Muchas veces, tenían lágrimas
en los ojos.
“Al ver cómo la gente estaba tan
agradecida con mi padre y mi tío por
haber restaurado su visión me hizo un
geons, the Zeiter Eye also has six optometrists and support staff while offering a number of services, which include
cataracts, glaucoma and retina issues at
its various locations in Stockton, Lodi,
Manteca and Tracy.
Each year they treat thousands of
patients, many of whom are Latino and
Spanish speaking. Because of this, most
of the staff at Zeiter Eye is bilingual,
including Joseph Zeiter, Jr.
Joseph Jr. earned his bachelor’s degree from University of California, San
Diego before attending medical school
for four years at Wayne State University
in Detroit, Michigan. After completing
an internship at University of Arizona
in Tucson, he attended the Kresge Eye
Institute in Detroit in 2012.
In addition to attending medical
school, Joseph Jr. studied Spanish. He
can still recall his father and great uncle
Henry telling him he needed to learn
Spanish if he was going to practice
in this area. His father was born and
raised in Venezuela until he was 16.
Speaking Spanish to his patients came
To sharpen his own Spanish skills,
Joseph Jr. completed a six-week externship in Medellin, Colombia before
joining Zeiter Eye in 2012. Those skills
have come in handy, he says, noting
that half of his patients are Latino and
many of them are Spanish-speaking.
In addition his regular patients,
Joseph Jr. and staff also volunteer their
time and services to treat local, uninsured residents who have severe eye
conditions as part of a community service program Zeiter Eye has been offering for decades.
“The best lesson that I’ve learned is
to be humble,” Joseph Jr. said. “People
appreciate a humble, honest doctor
more than anything else.”
Ocular en pág. 5
April 2015
What to Do If You Have a Cancer Scare
By Hallie Levine
Late last month, Angelina Jolie announced that she had surgery to remove
her ovaries and fallopian tubes with the
aim of reducing her cancer risk. In her
New York Times op-ed, she noted that
she had recently had a cancer scare: Her
doctor was concerned about some unusual blood test results, and sent her for
further scans.
“I went through what I imagine
thousands of other women have felt,” she
wrote. “I told myself to stay calm, to be
strong, and that I had no reason to think
I wouldn’t live to see my children grow
up and to meet my grandchildren.” Fortunately, the follow-up tests showed no
signs of cancer.
Chances are at least once in your life
you’ll have some sort of cancer scare—a
strange mole that needs to be biopsied,
efecto profundo,” dijo Joseph Jr. “Era
algo que quería poder hacer también.”
Además de sus siete cirujanos del
ojo, Zeiter Eye también tiene seis optometristas y personal de apoyo a la vez
y ofrece una serie de servicios, que incluyen cataratas, glaucoma y problemas
de retina en sus diversas ubicaciones en
Stockton, Lodi, Manteca y Tracy.
Cada año tratan a miles de pacientes, muchos de los cuales son latinos
e hispano hablantes. Debido a esto, la
a repeat mammogram, an abnormal Pap
smear. In most cases, it’s nothing to worry
about: “This happens every day in doctors’ offices all across America,” says Richard Wender, MD, chief cancer control
officer at the American Cancer Society.
But it can be hard to stay calm when
it’s actually happening to you. Here are
five things to keep in mind:
Take a step back
Abnormal cancer screening results
happen all the time: As many as 35% of
women over the age of 40 report having
had an abnormal Pap smear or mammogram at some point. “The most common resolution of that abnormal test is
finding that you don’t have cancer,” Dr.
Wender says.
Remember, the reason these tests
have such high cancer-detection rates is
because they screen women for any small
thing—like calcification on a mammo-
continúa en pág. 4
mayoría del personal en Zeiter Eye es
bilingüe, incluyendo Joseph Zeiter, Jr.
Joseph Jr. obtuvo su licenciatura
de la Universidad de California en San
Diego antes de asistir a la escuela de
medicina por cuatro años en Wayne
State University en Detroit, Michigan.
Después de completar un internado en
la Universidad de Arizona en Tucson,
asistió al instituto Kresge Eye Institute
de Detroit en el 2012.
Además de asistir a la escuela de me-
gram—that could potentially indicate
Make sure you’re hearing your doctor
“Sometimes, when I explain a
screening test result to a patient, I can
sense that she’s so anxious she’s not
processing what I’m saying,” says Dr.
Wender. Research shows that almost half
of the details remembered from a doctor’s visit are incorrect.
Don’t rely on your memory, especially
at an emotional time like this. Either jot
down exactly what the doctor says (and
don’t be afraid to have them repeat it)
or make sure a friend or family member
is either in the office with you or on the
phone when you speak to your physician.
Try not to stress about additional
If suspicious mammogram findings
mean your doctor recommends a biopsy,
don’t worry if it’s several weeks away.
“Waiting three weeks will not change the
prognosis and outcome at all if it does
turn out to be cancer,” says Dr. Wender.
You also shouldn’t necessarily be
alarmed if your doctor doesn’t recommend more invasive testing—such as
a colposcopy or biopsy—and instead
suggests simply returning for follow-up
screening in six months.
“Oftentimes a doctor or technician
will see something that doesn’t look like
cancer, but they just want to double
check it in a few months to be safe,” explains Dr. Wender.
Ask lots of questions
If you’ve got fears, articulate them. “If
you ask your doctor what the likelihood
is that your test result indicates cancer,
they may not have exact numbers but
they should be able to respond to you in
a general way, which is usually reassuring,” says Dr. Wender.
dicina, Joseph Jr. estudió español. Él
todavía puede recordar a su padre y a su
tío abuelo Henry diciéndole que necesitaba aprender español si iba a practicar
en esta área. Su padre nació y fue criado
en Venezuela hasta que cumplió 16
años. Hablando español con sus pacientes era natural.
Para afilar sus habilidades en español, Joseph Jr. completó un curso de
seis semanas en Medellín, Colombia,
antes de unirse a Zeiter Eye en el 2012.
Esas habilidades le han servido muy
bien, dice, señalando que la mitad de
sus pacientes son latinos y muchos de
ellos hablan español.
Además de sus pacientes regulares, Joseph Jr. y el personal también
ofrecen su tiempo y servicios para el
tratamiento de los residentes locales sin
seguro que tienen condiciones severas
en los ojos como parte de un programa
de servicio comunitario que Zeiter Eye
ha estado ofreciendo durante décadas.
“La mejor lección que he aprendido
es de ser humilde,” dijo Joseph Jr. “La
gente aprecia un médico humilde y honesto más que cualquier otra cosa.”
April 2015
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Inscríbete o encuentra ayuda gratis, confidencial y en persona en
By Anna Challet - NAM
The safety net for uninsured Californians is full of holes – and those holes
are much bigger for the state’s undocumented people.
That’s one of the main findings of a
new study by the statewide health care
advocacy coalition Health Access. The
organization’s executive director Anthony Wright says the “uneven safety net”
puts the state’s remaining uninsured in a
position to “live sicker, die younger, and
be one emergency away from financial
“Counties should maintain strong
safety nets for the remaining uninsured,
through the county-led programs that
provide primary and preventative care,”
Wright said on a press call last week.
“Counties that do not serve the undocumented should reconsider this policy,
and focus their indigent care programs
on the remaining uninsured population
that actually has the most need for a
safety net.”
Over a year into the full implementation of the Affordable Care Act, some
3 million Californians still lack health
insurance. For many, that’s because coverage is still unaffordable. And almost
half of the 3 million are undocumented,
and thus shut out from federal health
By law, counties have to provide
care to low-income individuals who are
uninsured and don’t qualify for other
programs. But, says Wright, “Counties
interpret this responsibility widely and
wildly, in very different ways.”
For example, of the state’s 58 counties, only 10 “explicitly serve the undocumented in their programs for those
who meet other qualifications such as
income,” says Wright. “The rest do not
serve the undocumented outside of
emergency care.”
The study found that the number
of people enrolled in county-based
care programs for the uninsured varied
widely according to different counties’
eligibility requirements.
Counties that have more inclusive
eligibility requirements, in terms of income and immigration status, still have
thousands of people using their indigent
care programs – in Los Angeles, for example, over 80,000 people are enrolled
in the My Health LA program, which is
open to undocumented immigrants, and
assigns individuals to community clinics.
But counties that have more strin-
gent eligibility requirements have far
fewer people enrolled. Counties like
Merced, Placer, and Tulare report that
they now serve no one in their health
care programs for the poor and needy.
That’s not because there isn’t a need,
according to Wright, but because “those
programs aren’t geared to the remaining
uninsured that are left.”
Sacramento County is one of the
48 counties that don’t provide care to
undocumented immigrants. It used to,
but stopped in 2009 during the financial
Carlos Garcia, who spoke on the call
along with Wright, is undocumented
and recently moved to Sacramento from
San Mateo. He hurt his leg in an accident and now the leg is infected. He says
he was prescribed antibiotics instead of
more comprehensive treatment because
he doesn’t have health coverage, but he
can’t even afford the medication.
He’ll need to drive back to San Mateo for further treatment – San Mateo is
one of the 10 counties that provide care
to the undocumented – but he’s worried
about being able to pay for gas.
“I haven’t been able to work because
of this,” he said through a translator. “I
feel desperate.”
Stockton, CA) The San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber
of Commerce (SJCHCC) and the
Small Business Development Center (SBDC) will partner to host the
2015 Small Business & Entrepreneurial Expo on Tuesday, April 28,
2015 on the campus of San Joaquin
Delta College inside Danner Hall,
in Stockton, California. The event
will begin at 1:00pm with a Business to Business Expo, business
workshops and raffle prizes for attendees. The event presents a valuable opportunity for small business
owners and those considering starting a business to learn more about
how to access capital and financially
prepare their businesses for success.
“Providing information to our
members about the many local
economic incentive programs that
provide low-cost or free capital to
businesses in San Joaquin County
is a priority for our Chamber” said
Brenna Butler Garcia, CEO of the
SJCHCC, “The Small Business &
Entrepreneurial Expo will also focus
on grass roots marketing strategies
for small businesses and what aspiring entrepreneurs need to consider
when starting a business.”
Nate McBride, Director of the
SBDC said, “Hosting the event on
the campus of San Joaquin Delta
College was a fantastic way for us to
encourage young entrepreneurs who
may be graduating from college and
considering starting their own businesses here in Stockton”.
Workshop sessions will focus on
the buying power of the Hispanic
demographic and how to market
your business through Latino-based
media forums, a business regulatory
checklist session and funding sources for entrepreneurs. San Joaquin
Delta College is the premier sponsor for the event and attendees can
register for FREE online. Exhibit
booths and sponsorships are available by contacting the SJCHCC office. For more information contact
the Chamber offices at (209) 9436117 or visit our website at www.
Established in 1972, the San
Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber
of Commerce provides assistance
in opening businesses, accessing
capital, and links members-tomembers through its many events
held throughout the year. The
Small Business Development Center
provides a variety of services and
educational outreach to small businesses in northern California.
Study Shows Gaping Holes in Safety Net for California’s Uninsured
Tuesday, APRIL 28, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
San Joaquin Delta College, Danner Hall
Stockton, California
Platinum Sponsor $3,000.00
website & social media promotion, premium full
page program advertisement, event recognition,
exhibit table and opportunity to conduct a 10 minute
informational presentation.
Gold Sponsor $1,500.00
Premium full page program advertisement, website
& social media promotion, exhibit table, event
Silver Sponsor $500.00
Website & social media promotion, half page
program advertisement and exhibit table.
Exhibitor $150.00
Exhibit table with two chairs and name listed in
Small Business Exhibitor $75.00
(1-3 employees)
Exhibit table with two chairs and name listed in
SJC Hispanic
Chamber &
SBDC Partner
to Host
2015 Small
Business &
April 2015
(209) 943-6117 OR EMAIL:
[email protected]
April 2015
11-month Vocational Nursing program includes prerequisites.
Classes start January and June each year.
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April 2015
Mayor brings back 4th of July Fireworks
Mayor Anthony Silva is proud
to announce that there will be a
Fireworks Show in Stockton this
summer. In partnership with Stockton Ports Baseball and Velocity Nations Baseball, we will be hosting
the Mayor’s 4th of July Celebration
on Saturday July 4th in downtown
“I wanted to bring back something positive that builds community pride.” “I have great childhood
memories of attending the Fireworks show with my family.” “The
residents of Stockton deserve this
night.” – said Mayor Silva.
This event has been made possible by the following sponsors:
Calgary Flames/Stockton Heat,
University Waterfront Plaza Hotel,
The Port of Stockton, The Stockton
Professional Firefighters Association
and Mayor Anthony Silva.
The City of Stockton may be
making the Weber Point Events
Center open to the Public and the
venue may include children’s activities and local food vendors. The
Mayor is working with City staff to
iron out the details.
Private events will be held on the
roof @ French 25, the courtyard at
the University Waterfront Plaza Hotel, and Banner Island Park. These
venues will include entertainment.
Please contact them directly for
ticket information.
Residents will be able to watch
the “21” plus minute firework show
from nearly anywhere downtown
just shortly after 9:10 pm on the
“The Ports are proud to partner
with the City of Stockton to present
a City Wide 4th of July Fireworks
Show for the Citizens of Stockton”
Bryan Meadows, Assistant G.M.
For more information, please
contact Mayor Anthony Silva directly at (209) 470-5851
Environmental inspector by day.
Advocate by night.
At work, Steve Bender makes
sure activities at the Port of Stockton
don’t impact the Delta, its waterways
or the surrounding habitats. After work,
Steve coordinates and participates
in local environmental cleanup efforts.
Steve enjoys working with the Port
to improve life for his Stockton
friends and neighbors.
For more information call 888.548.2287 or visit portofstockton.com/proud2
Chair Gary Christopherson. Vice-Chair R. Jay Allen. Commissioners Sylvester Aguilar, Elizabeth Blanchard,
Michael Patrick Duffy, Stephen Griffen, Victor Mow and Port Director Richard Aschieris.
April 2015
Asegure su salud y evite multas
Marco Rodriguez - NAM
Por primera vez, las personas que no
tengan seguro médico podrían tener que
pagar una multa al presentar su declaración de impuestos.
La Ley de Salud Asequible requiere
que la mayoría de los ciudadanos estadounidenses y residentes legales tengan
cobertura de salud o paguen una multa.
El año pasado trabajamos para educar
a nuestras comunidades sobre el requisito
de tener cobertura. Este año queremos recordarle a la gente que si no tienen seguro
médico tendrán que pagar una multa
cuando declaren sus impuestos.
Para aquellos que no tenían en claro
los requisitos pero necesitan cobertura,
Covered California, el intercambio de seguros médicos del estado, está ofreciendo
una nueva oportunidad de inscripción.
Los que no se inscribieron en un plan
de salud durante el período de inscripción abierta que terminó el 15 de febrero,
ahora tienen tiempo hasta el 30 de abril
de 2015 para obtener cobertura y evitar
una multa cuando declaren sus impuestos
el año que viene.
La multa por no tener seguro se
conoce como “pago de responsabilidad
compartida”. El pago es 1% del ingreso
familiar en 2014 o $95 por cada adulto
y $47 por cada niño, la cantidad que sea
más alta. Para el 2015, la multa aumentará significativamente, y los que puedan
comprar cobertura pero decidan no
hacerlo tendrán que pagar $325 por cada
adulto en una familia y $162 por cada
niño, o 2% del ingreso familiar, la cantidad que sea más alta.
Un individuo que gane $40,000 al
año pagará una multa de $299 por no
haber obtenido seguro en el 2014, y una
familia de cuatro que gane $70,000 al
año pagará $497 por no haber tenido
seguro durante ese mismo año. Este año
esas multas serán de $594 por individuo
y $998 por una familia que no obtenga
cobertura durante el 2015.
El año pasado educamos a la comunidad y logramos que cientos de miles
de latinos se inscribieran en un plan de
salud, muchos de ellos por primera vez.
Este año, aliento a los líderes empresarios latinos y otros a seguir educando
a la comunidad para que más familias,
empleados y amigos obtengan cobertura
y sepan que no hacerlo puede ser muy
En lugar de pagar una multa por no
tener seguro médico, muchos en nuestra
comunidad pueden calificar para cobertura gratuita o a bajo costo a través de
Medi-Cal o para recibir subsidios por
medio de Covered California. Al obtener cobertura, la gente no sólo cumplirá
con la ley y evitará la multa, sino que
tendrá la tranquilidad de saber que ellos y sus familias tienen la cobertura de
salud que necesitan.
Para encontrar el plan más adecuado,
la gente debe visitar la página web www.
CoveredCA.com donde puede localizar
un agente certificado de seguros con
quien hablar sobre sus opciones.
No es demasiado tarde. Inscríbase
hoy y evite pagar una multa al realizar sus
impuestos. Se trata de la salud y seguridad
financiera que usted y su familia merecen.
Aviso de Audiencia Pública Para La Discusión del Programa de
Subsidios Globales para el Desarrollo Comunitario
CON LA PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que una audiencia pública se llevará a cabo el Miércoles, 06 de mayo
2015 a las 7:00 pm o tan pronto como el asunto podrá ser oído, en el Consejo de Cámaras de la ciudad de
Lodi, 305 West Pine Street, Lodi, CA 95241 a fin de considerar el proceso de desarrollo (CDBG) Plan de
Acción del Programa Anual de Community Development Block Grant y recibir aportaciones en relación con
las necesidades de la comunidad y las prioridades de financiación. La Ciudad recibirá $613,405 en fondos
CDBG para 2015/16.
El programa CDBG proporciona fondos para actividades que beneficien a las personas de bajos ingresos,
eliminan los barrios marginales o tizón, o sirven a una necesidad urgente. Las actividades elegibles incluyen
la adquisición de propiedades, mejoras públicas, rehabilitación de viviendas, el desarrollo económico, y los
servicios públicos.
Como beneficiario de fondos del Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG), la Ciudad ha desarrollado un plan de acción que describe las actividades propuestas para ser financiadas en 2015-16. El plan de acción en general
describe cómo el se va a utilizar los fondos del programa en actividades elegibles durante el año fiscal. El
plan de acción puede modificarse según sea necesario para reasignar fondos a las actividades de vivienda y
desarrollo comunitario.
Se pondrán a disposición los documentos de planificación al público durante al menos 30 días antes de su
aprobación por el Ayuntamiento. Se anticipa que los documentos serán disponibles el 6 de abril de 2015
para su revisión y comentarios. Una audiencia pública se conducirá el Miércoles, 6 de mayo del 2015 para
su revisión y aprobación del Plan de Acción Anual.
El propósito de esta audiencia pública será el de dar a los ciudadanos la oportunidad de hacer saber sus
comentarios respecto a las necesidades de la comunidad y las posibles actividades que se financiarán en el
marco del programa CDBG. Si usted no puede asistir a la audiencia pública, puede dirigir sus comentarios a
la Secretaría de la Ciudad, Ciudad de Lodi, PO Box 3006, Lodi, CA 95241 escrito, o usted puede llamar por
teléfono al (209) 333-6711. Además, la información está disponible para su revisión en Lodi City Hall (221
West Pine Street) entre las horas de 8:00 am y 5:00 pm de lunes a viernes.
Aviso de no discriminación por motivos de discapacidad y adaptación razonable
La Ciudad promueve la equidad de vivienda y hace que todos sus programas disponibles para familias de
bajos y moderados ingresos sin importar la edad, raza, color, religión, sexo, origen nacional, orientación
sexual, estado civil o discapacidad.
La ciudad de Lodi no discrimina en la admisión o acceso a, o tratamiento o empleo en sus programas y
actividades que reciben asistencia federal sobre la base de la discapacidad. Los ajustes razonables serán
puestos a disposición de las personas con discapacidad que lo soliciten. Traductores / Servicios de traducción están disponibles bajo petición. Todas las preguntas, inquietudes o solicitudes relacionadas con estos
avisos se deben dirigir a la siguiente persona:
Joseph Wood, (209) 333 a 6800 x2467.
Servicios a los Vecindarios Gerente
Joseph Wood
Fecha: 10 de abril 2015
April 2015
Mayra S. Cuevas, Owner
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Un cupón por compra.
EXPIRA: 04/30/2015
Red Wing Shoe Store
6032 Pacific Ave • Stockton
2221 McHenry Ave, Ste 1 • Modesto
April 2015
Women’s Center-Youth &
Family Services Lodi Office
Celebrates 25th Anniversary
Volunteers and staff mark a quarter century of service to the community
LODI - Twenty five years ago,
Women’s Center-Youth & Family Services’ Lodi Office was located in a small
classroom with a desk and one telephone
for domestic violence and sexual assault
crisis calls. Founded by three pioneering
women in the community – Doris McCaughna, Pat Robison and the late Lois
Borchardt – and initially funded by a
$4,000 grant from the American Association of University Women (AAUW) in
1990, Women’s Center-YFS’ Lodi Office
opened its doors. Twenty-two volunteers
were trained by Women’s Center-YFS’
staff to answer crisis calls and assist with
information and referrals.
In 1991, thanks to the generosity
of an anonymous donor, the Lodi City
Council and General Mills, a house at
29 S. Washington Street was purchased
by Women’s Center-YFS. At this new
permanent location, services grew. Volunteers were able to provide individual
counseling services, support groups, a
clothes closet, assistance with temporary
restraining orders, and court accompaniment for victims of domestic violence
and sexual assault. Now, each year more
than 750 survivors of domestic violence
and sexual assault receive critical services
through Women’s Center-YFS’ Lodi Office. In fiscal year 13/14, the Lodi volunteers contributed 733 hours of service.
Today the office is still supported by
dedicated volunteers who give much of
their time to Women’s Center-YFS Lodi
office. On March 17, 16 women who
have dedicated their time over the past
25 years, including two of the founding members (Doris McCaughna and
Pat Robison), came together to mark
the 25th anniversary of the office. The
volunteers and staff celebrated how the
Lodi Office, which started from humble
beginnings in a classroom, has become
an important resource for victims in the
community. The volunteers and staff enjoyed a celebratory lunch, while chatting
about memories over the past quarter
century and looking through old pictures
and articles. Women’s Center-Youth &
Family Services’ Lodi Office wouldn’t be
what it is today without each and every
one of these fantastic volunteers.
For more information about Women’s Center-YFS and its programs and
services, please visit www.womenscenteryfs.org or call 209-941-2611.
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April 2015
10 Reasons Your Belly Fat Isn’t Going Away
A little bit of belly fat is actually good
for you: it protects your stomach, intestines, and other delicate organs. But too
much fat is anything but healthy. Extra fat
cells deep in your abdomen (aka visceral
fat) generate adipose hormones and adipokines—chemical troublemakers that travel
to your blood vessels and organs, where
they cause inflammation that can contribute to problems like heart disease and diabetes. The good news? Every pound you
shed can help reduce your girth. “Once
women start losing weight, they typically
lose 30% more abdominal fat compared
with total fat,” says Rasa Kazlauskaite,
MD, an endocrinologist at the Rush
University Prevention Center in Chicago.
Even better, the choices you make every
day can supercharge your ability to burn
belly fat. Here are 10 common pitfalls—
and ways to undo each one.
You’re on a low-fat diet
To shed belly fat, it’s good to eat
fat—specifically monounsaturated fatty
acids (MUFAs). When researchers in
one study asked women to switch to a
1,600-calorie, high-MUFA diet, they
lost a third of their belly fat in a month.
“MUFAs are satiating, so they help you
eat fewer poor-quality foods,” says David
Katz, MD, director of the Yale Prevention
Research Center.
Belly blaster: Have a serving of MUFAs—like a handful of nuts, a tablespoon
of olive oil, or a quarter of an avocado—
with every meal and snack.
You’ve been feeling blue for a while
Women with depressive symptoms were
far more likely to have extra belly fat,
found a recent Rush University Medi-
cal Center study. That may be because
depression is linked to reduced physical
activity and poor eating habits.
Belly blaster: Exercise! “It improves
levels of brain chemicals that regulate
metabolism of fat, as well as your mood,”
Dr. Kazlauskaite says. This enhances your
motivation to do other things that help
ward off depression, like seeing friends.
But if you’re so bummed out that you
don’t want to do things you used to enjoy,
it’s time to seek the help of a therapist.
Your food comes from a box
Simple carbs (like chips) and added sugar
(in items like sweetened drinks) cause your
blood sugar to spike, which triggers a flood
of insulin—a hormone that encourages
your liver to store fat in your middle.
Belly blaster: Instead of focusing on
cutting out junk, center your efforts on
adding in healthy fare (think extra servings of vegetables at each meal). As Dr.
Katz says, “Filling your tank with highquality fuel thwarts hunger.”
You’re skimping on the miracle mineral
Magnesium regulates more than 300
functions in the body. No surprise, then,
that a 2013 study found that people who
consumed more of it had lower blood
sugar and insulin levels.
Belly blaster: At least twice a day,
reach for magnesium-rich foods such as
dark leafy greens, bananas, and soybeans.
You’re hooked on diet soda
A study in Obesity found that diet
soda drinkers were more likely to have a
high percentage of fat in their bellies. The
researchers think that diet drinkers may
overestimate the calories they’re “saving,”
and then overeat.
Belly blaster: If you’re not ready to
kick your habit, the researchers suggest
reducing the number of food calories in
your diet.
You love burgers
When Swedish researchers gave one
group of adults 750 extra daily calories,
mainly from saturated fat, and another
group the same amount of calories but
mostly from polyunsaturated fatty acids
(PUFAs) for seven weeks, the saturated
fat group accumulated two times as much
visceral fat.
Belly blaster: Dine on fatty fish like
salmon or trout once a week to get a
good dose of PUFAs. The rest of the
time, reduce your intake of red meat and
opt instead for protein low in saturated
fat, such as legumes and chicken.
You think girls don’t get beer guts
According to a 2013 Danish study,
beer may indeed be linked with abdominal obesity. And though beer appears to
have the greatest impact, wine won’t save
you from a spare tire: One study found
that the amount of alcohol of any type
that women drank contributed to weight
Belly blaster: Stick with seven or fewer
alcoholic beverages a week. Light to moderate drinkers are the least likely to carry
excess weight anywhere, shows a recent
Archives of Internal Medicine study.
You can’t recall when you last said
“om” Menopause-related hormonal
changes (which typically begin in your
40s) make it harder to shed stomach
pudge—but vigorous yoga can help offset
the effects. A 2012 study found that postmenopausal women who did an hour-
Lower your Energy Bill for
For more
please call
San Joaquin County
Weatherization Program
Revise la table de ingreso para ver si califica
para este servicio:
2015 Income Guidelines
2015 Income Guidelines
# People in
# Personas*
*For homes with more than 5 people, please call 209-468-0439.
San Joaquin County’s Weatherization Program provides
these services for FREE to qualified homes and individuals.
Items such as:
long yoga session three times a week for
16 weeks lost more than 1/2 inch around
their waists.
Belly blaster: Not a fan of Sun Salutations? “Take an hour to do something
nice for yourself,” which could help control your stress hormones, advises Sheila
Dugan, MD, a physical medicine and
rehabilitation specialist in Chicago
Your meals are beige
Brightly colored fruits and veggies are
loaded with vitamin C, which reduces
cortisol. What’s more, a recent study in
The Journal of Nutrition showed that
people who ate more of the nutrients
in red, orange, and yellow produce had
smaller waists as a result.
Belly blaster: Add color to your plate
by topping fish with a mango salsa, or
throw diced red pepper into your turkey
Your sweat sessions don’t involve sweat
Research has shown that high-intensity interval training, or HIIT—bursts of
vigorous activity followed by short periods
of gentle activity or rest—boasts bellyshrinking benefits. “High-intensity exercise
seems to be more effective at reducing
insulin, triglycerides, and cortisol, and
it burns more calories in less time, too,”
notes Shawn Talbot, PhD, a fellow of the
American College of Sports Medicine.
Belly blaster: If you enjoy biking or
running, for example, accelerate to a pace
that makes it hard to talk for two minutes; then slow down for a minute, and
repeat until you’re done. Like resistance
training? Try a series of moves like squats
or push-ups for two minutes each with a
60-second break between them.
Baje su cuenta de energía
Check the chart below to see if you qualify for
this free service:
Window (glass only) repair or replacement
Door repair or replacement
Free refrigerator, microwave, gas stoves
Heating/Air Conditioning repair or replacement
Water Heater repair or replacement
Ceiling fans
Shower heads
Smoke Detectors
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Digital Thermostat
Para mas
información, por
favor llame
*Para hogares con mas de 5 personals, llame al 209-468-0439.
El Programa de Climatización Provee estos servicios
gratis para hogares e individuales que califican. Puede incluir:
Reparación o reemplazo de ventana (vidrio solamente)
Reparación o reemplazo de la puerta
Refrigerador, micro-ondas, estufa de gas gratis
Reparación o reemplazo de Calefacción o Aire
Reparación o reemplazo del Calentador de Agua
Ventilador de techo
Detector de Humo
Detector de Monóxido de Carbono
Termóstato Digital
La cinta de aislamiento
La Weather-stripping
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April 2015
Monarcas Academy at the forefront of youth soccer in the Central Valley!
On Tuesday March 24th our older
age groups were at the University of the
Pacific playing in two matches vs the
National Team NorCal player pool.
Our top u14 to u17 players had a
chance to be seen by the national team
staff and both of our teams did a great
job this evening playing versus the best
of the best. Our u14 squad lost 3-0 and
our u17 squad tied 0-0 vs the select
teams made up of the top players in the
One of our own CV Monarcas
Academy members is part of the National Team
Player Pool and actually played
against one of our teams tonight. He
is Julio Torres and he represented our
Academy quite well playing well with
the NTC team. Thanks to University of
The Pacific for providing the facilities
tonight and to Coaches Jordan Ferrell,
Vince Meyer , Matt Gow and Gerardo
Celis for a job well done with our
teams this evening. This was a fantastic
opportunity for our players to be seen
by National Team staff and be evaluated. Several of them have been invited
to future training sessions with the
youth national team player pool after
tonight’s event.
Monarcas Academy at the forefront
of youth soccer in the Central Valley!
Visionary Home Builders offering Homebuyer Education Classes
(Stockton, CA) Visionary Home
Builders is offering Homebuyer Education Class at their Homeownership
Center on Saturday April 11th. This
one-day class reviews all aspects of
home purchase, including understanding credit scores and good faith estimates, budget analysis, housing payment affordability, and how to develop
your home buying team.
The Homebuyer Education Class
satisfies the Housing and Urban De-
velopment (HUD) requirement for
those interested in considering a home
through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Visionary Home Builders is a HUD Approved “Housing
Counseling Agency”.
A Class Registration Form is available at Visionary Home Builders’
Homeownership Center located in
downtown Stockton at 315 N. San
Joaquin Street, or can be downloaded
- www.visionaryhomebuilders.org.
“The 60’s – BEE There Or BEE
It’s time for the 24th Annual Trivia Bee - and we’ve
moved to the STOCKTON
ARENA. That means more
teams, more participants,
more fun!
The Library and Literacy
Foundation’s 24th Annual
Trivia Bee will be held Friday,
April 24, 2015 at the Stockton Arena. This years’ theme
is “The 60’s – BEE There Or
BEE Square”. A cherished
Stockton tradition, The Trivia
Bee is a fun and eventful evening filled with active participation from both teams and
audience members.
Trivia Bee teams are compiled of three people. There
will be a wide range of
questions separated into sections. The team with the
most points at the end will
be declared the winner and
receive the coveted Bee Bobble Head Award. The
entry fee per team is $600
and includes dinner for each
member. Sponsors are also
being sought to underwrite
the event, as well as cover the
entry fee for local high school
teams. Each team will have
the opportunity to complete
for the Best Team Name
award, while audience members will be able to compete
for the Best Costume award
and Best Decorated Table
This wonderful event raises
money for literacy programs
throughout San Joaquin
County. Get your team registered today. Individual
tickets are available to purchase at $25 per person and
includes a wonderful dinner.
To become a sponsor,
sign up a team, or purchase individual tickets, contact SASS! Public Relations, Inc. at 209-957-7277
or [email protected].
If you can read this, consider supporting the
Library & Literacy Foundation so others can, too!
Pre-registration is mandatory. Classes
are held from 8:30am to 5:30pm each
For further information about
classes, please contact Carlos Almanza
at 209-466-6811 or visit the website
at www.visionaryhomebuilders.org.
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City of Manteca (City), has established
a Proposed Race-Neutral Overall Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
(DBE) Goal of 8%, for Federal Fiscal Years 2015/17. The DBE Goal is
applicable to FTA assisted contracting opportunities scheduled to be
awarded during the period of October 1, 2014 through September 30,
2017. The City’s Proposed Overall Goal and its rationale (developed
in response to U.S. Department of Transportation’s DBE Program
Regulations published under Title 49 CFR Part 26) are available for
inspection for thirty (30) days following the date of this Notice, from 8:30
a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday at:
City of Manteca Finance Department
1001 W. Center Street
Manteca, CA 95337
Attn: Georgia Lantsberger
Phone: (209) 456-8775
Email: [email protected]
A public consultation meeting to solicit comments relative to the goal
calculation and rational will be held on April 14, 2015 from 4:30 p.m. – 6:00
p.m. at the Manteca Transit Center, 220 Moffat Blvd., Manteca, CA 95337.
Comments will be accepted on the Goal for thirty (30) days from the date
of this Notice. Forward comments to Georgia Lantsberger at the address
stated above, or to the Federal Transit Administration, Civil Rights Office,
201 Mission Street, Suite 1650, San Francisco, CA, 94105.
Dated at Manteca, California, this 27th day of March, 2015.
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Se habla español
Put away to-do list
Send out-of-office emails
Sun sinking behind waves
A good kind of tired
Snapping a ton of photos
Are we there already?
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April 2015