Carbury Parish Newsletter Sunday 15 June, 2014

Carbury Parish Newsletter
Sunday 15thJune, 2014
Fr. John Fitzpatrick P.P. Tel: 046 955335
Fr. Alphonsus Murphy P.E. Tel: 046 9553020
Parish Website:
Email: [email protected]
Kildare & Leighlin Website:
Parish Office Opening Hours: 9.30am to 2pm Monday to Friday
For all bookings, newsletter items and general queries please call 046 9553355
Derrinturn Church
Kilshanroe Church
10am & 7.30pm
Mon - Fri
th. **REMINDER Sunday June 15 No 11am mass in Derrinturn Church.**
11am Mass will be at Trinity Well.
Next Week’s Gospel: John 6:51-58
We extend a very warm welcome to Bishop Nulty who returns to
Carbury to officiate Mass at Trinity Well on Trinity Sunday at 11am.
Please note there is no 11am Mass in Derrinturn Church.
Parish Pattern Field Day
Sunday 15th June, 2014
Parade Leaves Community Centre at 1:30pm - Field Activities Start at 2pm
Events include: Children’s Races, Dog Show, Baby Show, Local Talent
performance: Irish Dancing, Music, Speech & Drama. Side-shows include: Putting
Green, Penalty Shoot, Wheel of Fortune, Cake Stall, Book Stall, Toy Stall, Face
Painting, Guess the Weight of the Lamb, Guess the Weight of the Cake, Bouncing
Castles, Darts, Baseball Game, Mouse Bingo, Ice Cream Van, Guess the Name of
The Doll, Raffle, Guess the Sweets in the Jar, Tea Tent, Sweet Stall, Burger Bar.
Come Along for a Great Days Fun!
(Items are still being accepted for the Wheel of Fortune, Bric-A-Brac and Book Stall. Cakes
will be gratefully accepted on the morning. Electrical Items cannot be accepted. We would like
to thank everyone who has offered to help and to all who have donated items to our Parish).
Safeguarding Information Session: The Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin has arranged a
Safeguarding Awareness Information Session in Carbury GAA Club on Wednesday 18th June,
from 7-9pm. This is for all parish staff and volunteers who have a role in working with and the
supervision of children, young people and vulnerable adults engaged in church related activities
on behalf of the parish e.g. sacristans, choir leaders , parish staff etc. All are welcome to attend.
Corpus Christi: There will be a Blessed Sacrament Procession on Sunday 22nd June, Corpus
Christi at both Churches after 11am Mass. All at mass are invited to join in. Children from the
First Communion Classes are invited to come, dressed in their Communion clothes, with their
families to walk in the procession and to give honour to Jesus’ presence in the Sacred Host.
Silence is observed by all during the procession with due respect and the Rosary will be recited.
Please bring your Rosary Beads.
Anniversary Mass List
June 2014
Sat 14 June
10:00am John Judge, Ticknevin, his parents James
St Methodius &
& Alicia Judge, also his sister Brigid, Ticknevin.
St Davnet
7:30pm William Smyth, Killina. Jim & Kate
Connolly, Ticknevin. John Thornton, Ardkill.
Walter Lewis, Birthday remembrance. Timothy
(Tim) Ennis, Ballyhagen. James O’Connor,
Sun 15th June
Most Holy Trinity 11am (Trinity Well) Paul Dowdall, Collinstown.
John (John-Joe) Garry, 70th Birthday and Fathers
Day remembrance. John McKenna, Ballyhegan,
Father’s Day remembrance.
Mon 16 June
St Aurelian
Tues 17th June
Ss Teresa &
Weds 18th June
St Elizabeth
Thurs 19th June
St Romuald
Fri 20th June
The Irish Martyrs
Sat 21st June
St Aloysius
Sun 22nd June
Corpus Christi
7:30pm Elizabeth (Betty)
McDonnell, Longridge.
John & Patrick Ryan,
Cadamstown also their
nephew Pat Carton.
9:30am William Ennis, Fairview.
9:30am John McKeon, Ticknevin.
10:00am Dan O’Neill, Clonkeen.
7:30pm James and Julia Barry, Mary Gill,
7.30pm Christopher &
Mary Langan also
Richard, David, Betty,
Anne and Gavin Langan.
Patrick McGovern
8am Dennis Gorman, Birthday Remembrance also 11am
Catherine Ellis-Glynn Anniversary
11:00am John Molloy Drehid, 1st Anniversary.
Vincent Hanley, Derrinturn. John & Thomas
Cummins also Breda Cummins and Michael
&Teresa Cummins. Ava Flynn, Dreenane. Lily &
Olivia Cox, Ticknevin.
Please remember in your prayers James (Jim) Walsh, Dunfierth, who passed away recently.
May he Rest in Peace.
Derrinturn Readers & Eucharistic Ministers for Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd June 2014
Eucharistic Ministers
Mass Time
Sat 7.30pm
Donal Hanley
Paul Fogarty & Peg Hughes
Sun 8:00am
Sheamus Farrell
Samantha Feely Lenehan
Sun 11:00am
Gary Mooney & Sharon Mooney
Marie Cully & Muriel Skelly
Kilshanroe Readers & Eucharistic Ministers for Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd June 2014
Mass Time
Eucharistic Ministers
Saturday 7.30pm
Sunday 11am
Sharon Ryan
Catherine McKeon
Owen Smith
Tommy Holton
Collections – Saturday 7th June & Sunday 8th June 2014
Mass Cards
Easter Collection
Trinity Collection
€ 10
Easter Station
Parish Field Day Tickets
Thomas Fox – Bergin’s Foodstore Multi-Sports Summer Camp will be held in Carbury GAA
from 14th July to 18th July, 10am to 2:30pm. Young people, ages 5 to 12 are welcome. Games
will include; Gaelic, Treasure Hunt, Kickboxing and Hip-Hop Dancing. There will be a
Mystery Tour on last day. Prices: 1 child, €55. Family of 2 €100. 3 children €145. 4 children
€190. For more details or to book please call Thomas on 085 7284795.
Hamlet Court Dancing: Music this Sunday, 15th June at 9:30pm is by Jimmy Hynes & the
Crusaders. Admission €10 and proceeds go to Balyna Area Active Retirement Association.
Carbury GAA Lotto draw took place during the week. The following numbers were drawn 16,
18, 20, 23 and the bonus number was 7. There were 2 match 3 winners who received €100
each. Next week’s prizes: Match 4 plus bonus to win/share €13,750. Match 4 numbers drawn to
win/share €7,400. Enter the draw online at – Search Carbury GAA.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in September 2015: If anyone is interested in going on this trip,
please contact either Conor on 086-3738460 or Mollie on 089-2069317 to register. The
proposed Pilgrimage with JWT is subject to enough people wanting to go. The planned trip
would leave from Carlow. They look forward to hearing from you.
Lough Derg: God’s healing grace is experienced on Lough Derg; in an intensity seldom
encountered elsewhere; through spiritual exercise, companionship of fellow pilgrims and the
sheer holiness of the place. Daily boats to the Island depart from 10.30am until 3:00pm, seven
days per week until 13thAugust. No booking is necessary. For further information contact
Maureen or Sharon on 071 9861518, or email: [email protected]
Kildare Lough Derg Pilgrimage will take place from the 4th to the 6th of July. Contact Michael
Sammon on 087 6697902 for further information.
Reminder – Please respect our cemeteries. Dogs are not permitted on Cemetery grounds.
People are offended by dogs urinating on graves. Dogs are not allowed in School Fields
because of the dangers to Health and Safety and the risks for our children. Cemeteries are the
same – Health and Safety is a priority. The Cemetery is a sacred place and families who visit to
pay respect to their deceased loved ones should not have to contend with such an issue,
especially when it is preventable. Dogs may be tied to the gate of the cemetery. We thank you
for your understanding of this sensitive issue.
Embrace FARM Inaugural National Remembrance Ecumenical Service to honour all those
that have been killed and injured in Farming Accidents, will be held on the 29th June in The
Most Holy Rosary Church, Abbeyleix, Co. Laois. For more details please call Embrace FARM
on 085-7709966, [email protected] or through their Facebook and Twitter pages.
Stingrays Youth Competitive Swim Team is looking for young people to join their Swim Club.
Swimming is a great form of exercise and has many benefits. The team train in Edenderry Pool
and the club is suitable for young people who can swim, from the age of 7 plus. For those who
may feel their swimming is not yet strong enough, there are options available to improve your
swimming. Call Emma 086 3996306 or Deirdre 087 2319688 for details.
Acting on Camera workshop for teens will be held at the Edenderry Youth Cafe on Saturday
June 21st from 11am to 3pm. Well known film and television actor Pat Nolan will be leading the
workshop. Pat is best known as Fair City's Barry O'Hanlon and is an accomplished film and
stage actor. This is a great opportunity for teens, aged 13 to 17 who are interested in getting an
introduction to acting on camera and to those who may be interested in the role of a director.
Please phone or text 087 852 2082 for more information.
Please note that First Friday 7:30pm Mass for August will take place in Derrinturn instead of
Kilshanroe on Friday 1st of August at 7:30pm.
Free Six Week Running Club: Carbury GAA are planning their annual 5k Walk/Run and 10k
Race for Saturday 19th of July. In preparation, they are organising a six week Running for
Beginners Programme. The next sessions take place at 8pm on Monday 16th and Thursday 19th
of June in Carbury GAA training pitch. The programme is suitable for people with little or no
previous running experience. Come along for some fun and helpful tips to get you going. Check
out Carbury GAA Facebook for updates or call 085 2011126 for more details. All are welcome.
Trocaire helps to protect people in war torn countries, providing shelter medicine, food and
water. By donating to Trocaire you help families stand up against the injustice of hunger. €20
enables Trocaire to buy 30kg of seeds (Soybeans/Maize/Wheat) for a family. This will provide
the family with food and a source of income from the crops they grow. €30 will enable a family
to create an artificial bag garden. This alternative method of growing vegetables means they
have the opportunity to feed themselves and generate an income. €40 will provide a goat for a
family, ensuring they have a source of food and income all year round. €100 will enable a
farming cooperative of over 50 members to buy a moisture control machine. This will help
farmers to track their crops moisture, ensuring a better yield to sell at market. €250 will provide
a loan opportunity for 3 poor families. This will enable them to set up their own businesses and
provide them with a source of income. You can make a difference today. Make an instant or
regular donation – Callsave 1850 408408 or see
The Iona Institute: Ireland is undergoing a far-reaching and radical moral revolution. The
challenges faced are; the right to life of the unborn and of the old and infirm is being attacked in
the name of ‘choice’. The right of a child to a mother and father is being attacked by those who
want to radically redefine marriage, the family and parenthood. Church-run schools are being
condemned as ‘sectarian’ and demands are growing that public funding of them be ended. A
strong attempt is underway to drive religion from public life and to place restrictions on the
rights of religious believers to live by convictions. Catholic hospitals have been told they must
perform abortions. The Iona Institute is the leading organisation in the country standing up to
these challenges and provides a counter argument through conferences, talks, research,
education and advocacy. For more information see
K&M Plants Direct, Ballyhagen, stock a wide selection of bedding plants suitable for pots
hanging baskets, planters and grave bowls. You can drop us in your old planters at the nursery
or at our stall at the Parish Field Day and we will fill them for you or you can select from our
wide range of ready filled planters. Don't forget Cemetery Sunday is on the 6th July.
St. Brigids National School, Ticknevin Hook a Duck – fun day for all will take place on
Sunday 22nd June in the school, commencing at 2pm. Events on the day include, Hook a Duck,
Mouse Bingo, Ball in the Barrel, Horse Shoe Throwing, Toystall, Sweet Shop, Athletics, Bottle
Stall, Book Stall, Cake Stall and BBQ. All are welcome to a great family day out.
Cake Sale: A Cake Sale will be held outside Derrinturn Church on Saturday 21 st June and
Sunday 22nd June. Proceeds are in aid of the Senior Irish Orienteering Team who will be
travelling to the European Championships in Italy later this year. Your support is appreciated.
Trinity Sunday Prayer
Father, You sent your Word to bring us truth and your Spirit to make us holy.
Through them we come to know the mystery of your life.
Help us to worship you, one God in three persons, You reveal yourself in the
depths of our being, by proclaiming and living our faith in you. Grant this
through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the
Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.